MariaWC posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
excited for @monkeymuffin333‘s journey this evening!
Neil King posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
@coryphella, @kasch, @thebuz, @monkeymuffin333, @kingkill33, @mike, @reaton, @daela, and anyone else in the local area. Do you guys still want to have a meet up tomorrow to welcome Megan into Los Angeles?
I would love to @nking but unfortunately I am away for work in Utah. I hope you all have fun though!!
I have a few Fringe shows tomorrow, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get out there :/
Hola @nking, so I’m meeting up with Megan at SM Beach from 8-1030p. We’re just going to hang, eat stuff, etc. Feel free to come, anybody for that matter.
8 tomorrow, right? I’ll be there!
Indeed! Santa Monica Beach is kinda large and in charge so for meet point sake, meet me at Tower 15. For out of towners, this is Tower 15:
Yeah the beach thing at night does not work for me as I have plans for the evening. As for breakfast – that is a possibility. Anyone else down for breakfast?
Hey, I am mainly offline this weekend. I am in same position as Mike – tickets for several events in a row. And if a breakfast meeting happens, please let me know. I will have to play it by ear. Wish I could be more specific, it’s an insane weekend!
I will try my damndest to be wherever you guys want. Can someone hit me up on Facebook messenger once the group consensus has been reached.
And I hope you’ll share your recent finding with us, Megan. 😉
Chris424 posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
@monkeymuffin333 i have a question about something
Well 2 questions lol.
The protected page people have said the answer is right in front of u and ive tried lots of stuff?
And two the book barcode that os missing numbers i found the book and have no idea what to do next-
The protected page? Is that the one with the dials? (Haha mystical pro status: failed). And the barcode… Well, what is the book about? You should reflect on the information available about it.
The book is a training log book. Like for shooting and self defense sorta like what we had in the military when i was in
Ok so got this clever is the class
Well searched %light2dark-
Oh, okay. Something you should know is that this whole website seems to have built from a standard template. @gilded could explain it much better than I could. But there was a password protected page we found a while back and when the password was discovered the page it led to had a bizarre article that turned out to be a rando filler text. We…[Read more]
Yea i typed in random stuff and finally got the message from light2dark buts thats all it showed was there another page also that it leads to
Not to my knowledge. You might want to review the Reddit thread that has a comprehensive rundown of all known puzzles. Also you might want to review the videos and pictures they’ve posted on Facebook.
Does that book lead anywhere to a new puzzle or something
I’m excited and nervous and thirsty. I am many things simultaneously!
Yeaaa Susie!! I’m so excited for you! Have fun tonight!!