PuppetGirl posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
Sean (@TheGilded) posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
I have nothing to hide, no matter how many of you think I do. I welcome scrutiny, no matter how misplaced all of your suspicions are in me. I fear no consequence
Amie posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
May we all soon writhe in Glory.
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
Watching Ru Paul’s Drag Race. (Do not even judge or I’ll hunt you down and faux-murder you in your sleep). The cast keeps asking each other “‘Who are you??” And, of course, I have flashbacks of the OOA. RIP my sanity.
Oh man! I love this!
@amieexists Horror. Drag queens. My two addictions 😉
I think we should blend those two things together and see what happens. It sounds awesome to me!
It’s really not much of a stretch. Drag queens, having a natural flare for the dramatic, would come up with the most creative ways for her victims to die. I’d buy a ticket.
I’ll be right next to you!
yay, fellow RPDR fan! no shame. who’re you rooting for?
@patternlessmilk The final three girls are so talented in their own unique ways, but I have to go with Bob The Drag Queen because she’s damned funny, seasoned and good to her community. Kim Chi though… one of a kind creations, and Naomi… fiercely gorgeous. Who’s your #1?
Purse Purse! haha but seriously though I feel the very same– I’ve been all about the NY girls since the first episode, but it’s such a great top 3. Chi Chi really grew on me too though, I was sad to see her go.
Totally agree. Chi Chi was so likable and real. I usually am pretty set on who I want to win. This season has been a unique experience in that regard. RPDR just makes me happy and makes want to adopt at least 4 of them every season.