Cody posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
Wow. hats off to you folks who drive these freeways every day.
Welcome to California, Cody. Good luck trying to make it out alive.
Ahhhh shit, I always make it out alive man.
Stay away from the 60 and the 91 and the 101 and the 5……
Yeah… the 5 was soo much fun. hah.
Good times! hahaha. A new appreciation for that day you weathered. haha
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Welcome to California, Cody. Good luck trying to make it out alive.
Ahhhh shit, I always make it out alive man.
Stay away from the 60 and the 91 and the 101 and the 5……
Yeah… the 5 was soo much fun. hah.
Good times! hahaha. A new appreciation for that day you weathered. haha