Mr. Ohio is watching. They need to know that we, as one, stand with them so they can make their move.
He threatened @kasch.
I don’t want a split with us.
I want us to stand together.
I understand your position though, and won’t fault you for any stance you choose!
I love A Bugs Life.
All I can say is that I won’t bend the knee to @gatekeeper3.
I dabbled in pacifism once… Not in ‘Nam of course.
If you’ve read the art of war, you’d chuckle at what you just wrote.
Symbol of standing alone against all odds.
This isn’t drama.
This is a revolution.
Nah, other way around. Though I’d make @nking or @kasch Snow. I know I’m a Tormund kind of guy.
Not for nothing, but @electrichippo has made her alliegance known… And she wants this place calm.
What does that say?
He’s had the chance plenty of times, instead he chose to act high and mighty, ban or destroy allies to us, and burn down the community we formed here. His sins are not to be forgiven from me.
I stand with Four.
Low Energy. Make Tension Great Again!
Use your mod powers and ban him?
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