Just another puppet / a third-act twist

Tension brand Forums MISC TENSION DISCUSSION Just another puppet / a third-act twist

This topic contains 100 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch 7 years, 12 months ago.

  • Author
  • #20522
    Profile photo of Bryan

    I’m sure most of you have seen the post from Darren Lynn Bousman describing the creation of The Tension Experience. It’s a good read, covering the creative inspiration that led him to create this project in the first place. But something at the end stood out:

    The CULT of Tension is real. Its message and teachings are real. Please help and support this in the next few weeks because ultimately, I too, am just another puppet of the Institute…

    Going back through the forums, it seems that given the Ellis Gordon fake-out there was some early discussion that perhaps Bousman and Clint Sears were also just fronts designed to draw attention to The OOA to help them recruit. Is this him saying as much, hidden inside a message designed to promote the “immersive theater experience” that is Ascension?

    Granted, I know there are much simpler ways to read that text, and I may just be looking for things that aren’t there in the hopes that us latecomers will still be able to be part of some Indocrination-like experience. But I couldn’t help but notice that just around the same time that the blog post was promoted, The Tension Experience Facebook page posted its own update:

    This story isn’t over yet… get ready for a third act twist.

    Glory be, indeed.

    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by Profile photo of Bryan Bryan.
    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by Profile photo of Bryan Bryan.
    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by Profile photo of Bryan Bryan.
  • #20526
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    It easily could be some sort of confirmation that Bousman and Sears are simply tools used to advance the mission of the OOA.

    As to the third act, guessing that’s related to what could happen at Ascension this week. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.

  • #20527
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    It easily could be some sort of confirmation that Bousman and Sears are simply tools used to advance the mission of the OOA.

    This fits into what Jenna recently told me. Smoke and mirrors, people.

  • #20528
    Profile photo of Mike

    When I read the article yesterday, I’m almost positive that that line wasn’t included. So, perhaps Darren was given the helmet and then told to edit his post? That would fit based on his addition and what @kasch said about Jenna’s warnings

  • #20529

    This all fits with what we’ve been told repeatedly, especially towards the end of Indoctrination. Sears, Bousman, even Ascension itself are all meant to be distractions and tools from what’s really going on.

    With any luck, we’ll catch a better glimpse in the third act

  • #20531
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Addison’s sudden alliance with top BOS members is something that deeply concerns me. Something is very amiss here and I plan on asking a lot of questions tonight.

    • #20532
      Profile photo of Michelle

      Andrew… Please press for answers. I am so trouble by this. I believed in The Overseer. I pledged myself to the OOA. I made a sacrifice for the OOA. I’ve kept this off the boards, yet given the situation I feel it is time I came forward and shared. I sacrificed my daughter for Anoch and for the OOA. That was a choice that was not made in haste or taken lightly. I stood in the interview room and said goodbye to her. I was there as she filmed a video to her siblings telling them goodbye and that she loved them.

      I feel extremely betrayed by the BOS infiltration into the OOA. I am now rethinking the choice I made and whether or not The Overseer truly has the OOAs best interests at heart. Why would she allow this? I don’t believe there’s been a change of heart by @electrichippo and she intends to dismantle the OOA. I just have no idea if The Overseeer is being blindly led or has the same intentions.

      @kasch… You have a friend on the inside. I’ve sent word to someone close to you. You will be made aware of who this friend is.

      Has the time come to stand with @mike and Fuck Everybody?

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
    • #20535
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      As a parent of two girls, I am completely shocked and saddened by this news. :(
      But as someone who shares your feelings about the current state of the OOA, I will do everything I can to get to the bottom of this. Rest assured, I have received word and plan on having a serious discussion with a certain someone tonight.

      Team Fuck Everybody is looking better and better, I agree
      But as for now, I think I’ll stay on “Team J” 😉

    • #20537
      Profile photo of

      *raises hand*

      Team Fuck Everybody, member #2, right here.

    • #20539
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      I killed for Addison. I broke my soul for her. I can never go back to being what I was before.

      And now she aligns with the other side. Sickening.

    • #20540
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      I would not be so foolish as to doubt our Gatekeeper, @thebuz.

      If she was prepared to make a deal with the BOS, she must have had a reason to do it. Have some faith in her.

      Like I’ve been saying, I believe the ODSM is the problem. Removing them from the picture may not be something she can do alone. And let’s be honest-if you were going to try to remove such a problem, would you really disregard the possibility of utilizing a organization already dedicated to tearing down as much of the OOA as possible?

      Think of this like a controlled burn, like the ones farmers perform on their farms to “remove plants that are already growing and to help the plants that are about to come up.” this could be our Gatekeeper’s way of trying to eliminate a problem while trying to make sure the fire doesn’t spread and harm others.

      Hopefully, we’ll find out more of what she’s planning tonight.

    • #20538
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      I believe, @halfbloodfangirl, it’s important to remember something vital. The Overseer is NOT the person we’ve seen throughout Indoctrination. The woman we came to know as Addison and, above all else, as @gatekeeper2 is possibly gone. She was taken by the ODSM and converted….transformed and manipulated into someone else.

      Her intentions…at this point, I’m not sure what she’s up to. I wish to hell I had a way to find out myself. I can only ask of you this much: don’t waver. Do not lose faith. The OOA…..many have called it corrupt. Personally I believe the corruption can be much deeper specified.

      The ODSM…they are corrupted. They took @gatekeeper2 and converted her in order to maintain their power. They chased her relentlessly to re-obtain the Book of Anoch. They feared her because she possessed the ability to see and feel what they couldn’t because their hearts, minds, ears and eyes were sealed by their desire to prolong their status quo. They were afraid of her because she was a ‘true believer’.

      To them, Addison might just be nothing more than a loose end they are trying to restrain before Ascension ends. Once the doors close, what need could there be of her?

      @kasch…I hope you get answers tonight.

    • #20542
      Profile photo of Blondie

      @kasch As someone who also wants answers, I wish you luck tonight

  • #20543

    @amieexists: Thank you for believing in me. You are a true friend.

    @mumumusings: I very much respect your beliefs and your theories. For me, you are very close to the perfect mix of heart and mind.

    The other concerns will sort themselves out in time. Those of us who remain here through thick and thin tend to be a determined lot, with opinions, beliefs, and positions that could look frightening to outsiders as well as to the newly indoctrinated. Some of us hold fast and dig our heels in. Others change their mind on a dime. I’m neither of those things. I believe being adaptable is the best way to thrive.

    I don’t mind what you say about me. Truly, it bothers me very little.

    She might care what you say about her, but I have witnessed that she possesses an uncommon strength in the face of all that has happened. Thankfully she has also maintained her ability to forgive. Let’s just hope for her sake and ours that she is never pushed beyond her limit.

    Almost forget, @kasch, good luck tonight. I hope you get the answers you seek.

    • #20544
      Profile photo of Dan

      @electrichippo You were the first to welcome me. Meant a lot. I trust you are doing the right thing. I’ll go in knowing that.

    • #20545

      Thank you @shinobi. I’ve never lied to you and I don’t foresee a day that this will change. I understand your unique perspective on things such as The OOA Institute, and those considered to be zealots. Your knowledge is valuable. I’m sure you’ll find a productive way to use it to the advantage of many.

    • #20546
      Profile photo of Dan

      I thank you, @electrichippo. I value your friendship and I always hope to be of service. One way or another.

    • #20547
      Profile photo of Michelle

      @mumumusings Thank you. I know what I experienced within the OOA. My faith has not faltered. I am not one to turn on a dime. It took me a very long time to make a decision. My decision is with the OOA. I was brought into their arms by The Overseer. I don’t know what she’s up to as well. I wish I knew. I suppose if my frustrations still run high and questions have gone unanswered, I will broach the subject when I return for a third time.

      @electrichippo Yes, you’ve made it clear to many people that you truly don’t care what others say about you and that it bothers you very little. I don’t believe there is one person here who would question that. I’m curious if you are denouncing the BoS now? I would assume that any of your BoS brothers and sisters who have been welcomed into the arms of the OOA would certainly denounce them now. Unless this is all about the infiltration of the OOA. Because I gave myself to the OOA. My daughter gave her life to them. If you’re now The Overseer’s right hand person and protector than, yes, there are questions that need to be answered. I didn’t give my devotion to the BoS. I don’t trust the BoS. I don’t believe that for one minute you are the only one who has been given the opportunity to see The Overseer’s strength. There have been others who she has shared herself with. I’m curious too why you call her “My Overseer.” Do you believe she belongs to you and no one else? That she only leads you and no one else? That you were/have been the only one who’s bonded with her? I’m just curious and not picking a fight with you. Your posts today, and maybe I’m reading them wrong, come across a bit arrogant to me and the rest of us are just lowly minions who are beneath you and aren’t worthy of having any authentic time with her.

    • #20549
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      @halfbloodfangirl, if there is one thing about @electrichippo I can attest to it is that she isn’t someone who showcases arrogance. I would be careful in making such an statement.

      Like I said, if The Overseer chose to work with her it was for a reason. Likewise, Kimberly chose her words deliberately. She called Addison “My Overseer” for a reason.

      Time and patience will show us what those reasons are.

    • #20553
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      @halfbloodfangirl, if there is one thing about @electrichippo I can attest to it is that she isn’t someone who showcases arrogance. I would be careful in making such an statement.

      Ain't dat some bullshit

  • #20548

    @halfbloodfangirl: “My Overseer” is a phrase I am using as endearment and respect. Anything else you read into it is your business, not mine. When you begin speaking to me in a tone that suggests an open mind, I will consider answering the rest of your questions. Regardless, of any differences we have, I am very sorry for the pain and sacrifice you and your daughter have experienced. I have a daughter, too. She is probably around the same age as yours, shy a few years perhaps. I honestly do understand.

    • #20552
      Profile photo of Michelle

      @electrichippo I am truly confused by what you mean come to you with an open mind and then you will consider answering my questions. I think being honest and actually admitting that I may have been reading your posts incorrectly is coming with an open mind to discuss with you what you meant. And, right now, I feel like you’re chastising me. I’m not a child. I (along with many other people) have questions. By your postings, I would think you’ve opened the door for discussions. And, like adults, we can discuss them. We’ve never been on the same side. I don’t know if we’ve ever even agreed on anything. The unfortunate thing about a platform such as this is that you nor I have the ability to read and interpret with 100% confidence what the other is saying. It is why I’ve posted and asked you these questions. I believe I even had said directly to you that I wasn’t picking a fight with you.

      @aleocotillo I’ve never questioned @electrichippo‘s integrity. I believe my question regarding the BoS is a valid one and I know that I am not the only person who’s wondering. I am confused. I’m not confused in regards to Addison though. My time with The Overseer was just that, time with the Overseer not Addison. I don’t have faith in Addison. I have faith in The Overseer. My conversations with her and my time with her may have been very different than Kim spent with her as I was not there. Who knows, maybe I was being played by her. But, I will be clear in that I do not believe I was.

      @mumumusings… Why do I have to be careful when I said to her I may have been misinterpreting her postings? When I read them, that was the impression I received. I am not the only one who feels that way. It is also why I quoted and referenced a few things she had said today. I was hoping to receive clarification for why she called her My Overseer. Is it wrong of me to ask that? I didn’t make a factual statement regarding Kim. I even prefaced my statement with “Maybe I’m reading them wrong…” Please explain to me why I should be careful expressing how I feel? It’s subjective. I’m not trying to spread gossip as fact.

  • #20550
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    As I read little bits of events that have recently unfolded, I agree that it can be confusing to anyone from all sides how @electrichippo has been called by Addison (who now calls herself the “overseer”) to stand by her side, I admit that I am also confused. It leaves me with a lot of questions about the future of BoS, who I have plead allegiance to and still stand with, however I cannot stand against either Addison or Kim who we all know has a very practical point of view, I trust her judgement, I trust she still has Addison’s best interest at heart. However I am concerned that there seems to be a little lack of faith in Addison for taking Kim in? Have either proven to be untrustworthy? I know time will make things clear, hopefully sooner than later.

    • #20554
      Profile photo of Blondie

      There is no need to question the future of BOS @aleocotillo. While we have to play the waiting game, it is only temporary. The reasons to stand against the OOA still exist, nothing has changed in that regard. That our former brother and sisters are now complicit in a dangerous and abusive organisation that feeds on the weak is beyond comprehension, but power is the ultimate temptress…

      BOS doesn’t die because people turn away from our cause. There will be new brothers and sisters who see through the OOA’s smoke and mirrors and will not stand for their corruption and lies. Not all going through Ascension are blinded by the “glory”, there are posts on forum that attest to this. BOS will continue to grow. There are only 3 reasons for BOS to disband:
      1) we accomplish our goal
      2) there is a huge change in the OOA whereupon they cease all nefarious behaviour and move forward in light and truth
      3) we give up

      I won’t give up. But I will wait. Something is coming.

      And I wish @electrichippo well on her _path. While her decision baffles me, I know it was not made lightly and she has done what she believes is right based on the information that she was provided with. Until I and others are privy to this information, we watch. We wait. But we continue.

  • #20551
    Profile photo of

    Hang on, gotta get vodka. I know this drinking game.

    • #20555
      Profile photo of Sadako

      @blondiecamps – In the land of the dark, the blind man is king.

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Profile photo of Sadako Sadako.
      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Profile photo of Sadako Sadako.
  • #20558
    Profile photo of Mike

    Wow…what a weekend to catch up on.

    The last time we were all shocked by such a sudden “switch”, a Gatekeeper was murdered by one of our own….and it was also Addison who was behind it. So what’s the REAL plan for @electrichippo? Sorry, I just don’t buy that the switch was on it’s own, specially with comments like this one:

    I’m not sure which recent events you are thinking of, but the ones that most readily come to my mind do nothing but make my bond with BOS stronger. Vengeance has become a word that fascinates me.

    We’ve seen this before. We’ve seen the change. We’ve seen the friends play along with the “how could you”s and “wtf”s. It’s just a matter of time now.

    Also kind of funny that the usual shit talking isn’t happening about this swtich. Maybe those people know something we don’t? It’s all about who you know.

    • #20559
      Profile photo of

      Nice catch on that quote, @mike.

    • #20560
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Funny how there are zero cries of favortism or any of the stuff that was thrown my way when Tension would so much as coughed in my direction.

      But hippo becomes an actor at this point and there isn’t a peep. The hypocracy is deafening.

    • #20561
      Profile photo of

      @halfbloodfangirl just made a peep and was tone policed and told to speak with more respect.
      The last time I made a peep I was accused of doxxing.
      What’s the incentive for making a peep anymore?

    • #20562
      Profile photo of Michelle

      @coryphella I believe I’ve used the tone she tried to put me in my place with only with my own kids or when I’ve been in the classroom teaching certainly not when attempting to have an honest conversation with another adult. I am absolutely flabbergasted.

    • #20563
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      @mike To be fair my “WTF/How could you” is in earnest. My relationship with @electrichippo has been one of honesty and openness – she had tried to recruit me to BOS earlier in the summer, pre-Journal, but I was unable to commit myself at that point, but the offer was there and she defended her stance. At one point, I was forced to cut all ties with her for the safety of us both. Eventually, we were united as BOS, we were family. Now, she’s aligned with the OOA, and I’m flabbergasted.

      Yes, to @mumumusings point there are good people in the OOA. And it is the OOA that brought us all together in the first place. But the actions being taken in the name of the OOA are horrendous.

      How many people have “gone missing” after interacting with the OOA? We saw Addison get kidnapped as she stood before us, not once, but twice. That doesn’t sound like an organization using their power for the benefit of its members.

      How many people have you seen die in the name of the institute? My hands have been stained with the blood of a brother, a moment I wish not to relive.

    • #20633

      Yes @mike, vengeance. For example, if someone bludgeons my friend to an inch of his life before my eyes and I saw the perpetrator’s face, you can be sure I won’t turn a blind eye if I see them again. I believe you would likely feel similar if it was your friend? In my example, my friend happened to be a member of The BOS and I was then also a member of The BOS. If someone did this to Aleister or Overseer or various other OOA, I would feel similarly vengeful, even when I stood with Sentinel. An atrocity is an atrocity. It matters very little which faction or group it is committed against. It is never correct. Do you remember when Four was murdered? Remember how I contacted you and what I said. I meant those words. Regardless of what you think of me, I am your friend.

      I will await your response that rebukes everything I’ve said, because that has been the dance we do, but I’d prefer to be pleasantly surprised and find you conceding to at least a couple of my points. Please?

    • #20639
      Profile photo of Mike

      @electrichippo – I’m not trying to rebuke everything you said. The point I was trying to make with quoting you was not about a death, but the fact that the event left your bond with BoS stronger. So, to me, it’s a head scratcher that you had such a strong bond a couple weeks ago and now that bond seems to be gone as you are now the Overseer’s right hand woman and even said “Glory Be”…a phrase which you have questioned why people would say in the past.

      Also – “If someone did this to Aleister” – I don’t remember you being vengeful when III said he had put Alesiter on ice


    • #20640
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      After “Ascension Part Deux,” I can say that I understand the why but not the how behind Overseer taking @electrichippo under her wing. But like most of you (and certain members within the OOA) it’s still a giant head scratcher for me.

      I supposedly have a meeting with a certain someone in my future. I’m curious what information will be gleaned from that.

    • #20642
      Profile photo of Lukas L
      Lukas L

      @electrichippo in my head, (I may be completely wrong) I believe I understand where you are coming from, and even without knowing what happened to you in there, my mind can find scenarios in which I would make the exact same choices as you. I don’t believe either side is good or evil. Like everyone, we are all shades of grey. Thats why it was so hard to pick a side for me when we were asked to. Thats why I said Wyld Stallions “Be excellent to each other.” But I digress. @mike we have seen a flip like this but not exactly like this. I am talking out my arse and not knowing what im really talking about, but if what is in my thoughts is correct. The last flip was done out of hate. I think this flip may be a polar opposite. All actions are intended to have a specific reaction. One acts one way to obtain a specific goal. And while I have no clue if my thoughts are correct, if they are, @electrichippo its not much but you have my full support.

    • #20643

      @mike: Thank you. I appreciate the more gentle tone very much. I have no problem responding to your questions especially because I know this is a very peculiar looking situation.

      @masterlock never asked me to rebuke my BOS friends. I tend to feel she is more reasonable and understanding than that. She might even understand the pain and anger I experienced over the harm that came to my friend. The subject was broached between us, but I feel I’d need to talk more with her about that to truly understand her position.

      This BOS vs. OOA thing doesn’t clearly resonates with me and hasn’t for awhile now because I don’t see this “war” as black and white. I’ve always hung out in the shades of gray with my beliefs. Maybe I haven’t presented that clearly enough on the forum, but those I speak to one to one can attest to this i’m sure.

      I’ve never believed Aleister was truly gone. @gatekeeper3 was a bit of a mystery to me, and this confusion in my thoughts led me to doubt III was as scary as he made himself out to be, especially after meeting him face to face. Aleister was always pleasant to me and I readily admit to having a soft spot for him, especially after the things I learned about him from Sentinel. If someone harmed AG I would definitely, at minimum, need to understand why it happened, and go from there. If AG is into some shady business, and has lied to us, that might change our perspective. We shall see how that story might progress.

      Oh, and Glory Be… Overseer had some specific thoughts on this phrase that I can appreciate. A phrase gains meaning depending on who says it and why.

    • #20646
      Profile photo of Mike

      @electrichippo – Fair enough. Also, by mentioning “tone”, I hope you didn’t take anything I’ve said as an “attack”. It hasn’t been at all. Just questions from someone who doesn’t understand (many things) haha

      Also, I do have a question…for arguments/discussion sake. You said this “I tend to feel she is more reasonable and understanding than that. She might even understand the pain and anger I experienced over the harm that came to my friend.” and I will preface my question by saying I do not know what was said between you or if more was said, but, Overseer is in charge and calls the shots correct? Then to me, your friends beating seems to be under her watch and possibly even a directive given by her. If not by her, then someone in the organization that reports to her. If this is true, why align yourself with someone who has done this to one of your friends (mostly a rhetorical question).

      Things like this are why I wonder and question changes :)

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Profile photo of Mike Mike.
  • #20564
    Profile photo of Nosnevets

    I’ve always been in the middle, so maybe my opinion matters less to most of you. I’ve always strove to find and share information so everyone can be well equipped to make their own decision whether the OOA or BOS wanted to share their information, I still tried. I try to see people for their intentions, strengths, and their abilities rather than blanket terming someone as evil for being on the opposite (notice I didn’t say wrong?) side. There were many motivations being thrown around, BOS completely against OOA, BOS for play, BOS but on the side of Addison, OOA can do no wrong, OOA but getting Addy away from MK Ultra or whatever… point being it was never as black and white as people made it seem. I think we need to step back from this cronyism a little bit and look at the situation at hand.

    I for one have always been interested in Addison’s plight.Ever since I met her at the mixer and asked: “are you the Addison that has been sending emails?” We all followed her through her “kidnapping” and her “realization?” that she was 2. Our hearts broke when she received the stuffed animal from @reaton. I’m sure the thought that she was young, impressionable, and lost has crossed all of our minds, probably the idea that she had been brainwashed as well. I know I followed her wherever she’d go until she killed 4. That shook me and I only wanted information from then on of what is going on in her mind, what state is she in, and from that maybe a decision about sides depending how I myself may take things.

    We still don’t have that. We have no idea where her mind is. Is she… her? Is she brainwashed? Is she in a fragile state behind a new personality… or entity controlling her… This new found persona the “Overseer”… What is it? Could she possibly be D.I.D., is she the new Sybil? Or is this really a new evolution for her? Can I add this entry into my Pokedex? Is this even her final form, or is she basically Eevee where every season she gets 5 more evolutions? The people who have been close enough and spent quite some time with her aren’t sharing that info. They are not spreading her words so others may know and make decisions that may save their lives. So I must find out. Maybe I need to go back through Ascension myself and get a read of her, grill her ask my own questions.

    Until then though, I am actually happy @electrichippo is so close to the Overseer. My image of her being brainwashed and vulnerable helps me appreciate that there needs to be someone at her side who is assertive and protective. And the most assertive person on this forum, in my opinion, is Kim. She is very protective of her own and is able to keep her information close when it needs to be.

    • #20565
      Profile photo of Mike

      My image of her being brainwashed and vulnerable helps me appreciate that there need to be someone at her side who is assertive and protective.

      I’m glad Overseer is there for her as well

  • #20566
    Profile photo of Lukas L
    Lukas L

    IMHO no matter what side of the wall someone falls on or transitions to, all statements made should effect you the way it does when you read it. There is no reason to hold back. If someone insults you, take insult. If you feel talked down to, then feel that way, even if it wasn’t ment the way you took it. We are all players on this stage and we must remember that. Feel the way you feel, express how you feel, but dont take it to heart. Remember that we are all just playing our part. I believe if someone is “tone policed” then just as @halfbloodfangirl did, push your point further. I feel/hope the context of these conversations both @halfbloodfangirl and @electrichippo were in the right to say/feel the way they did. But in this world of masks, remember its ok to have an emotion towards a mask. But just remember that its the mask we like/dislike, and not the person beneath.

    That is why we should peep @coryphella That is why we should push. To learn, to feel. Silence is boring. We will have enough “Silence” when this play/our play is over and the stage goes dark.

    • #20567
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      But in this world of masks, remember it’s ok to have an emotion towards a mask. But just remember that it’s the mask we like/dislike, and not the person beneath.

      Why didn’t you say this weeks ago so I could use it as the tagline for my decompression party? The point of it was so we could realize exactly this and all be friends again.

    • #20568
      Profile photo of Lukas L
      Lukas L

      Wish I would have. Didn’t know tensions were flying that strong at that point in time. Plus this scenario just brought out those thoughts.

    • #20577
      Profile photo of Michelle

      @lukasrl I appreciate everything you’ve said. You’ve said it wisely. Many of us are entwined within this narrative so deeply and it’s consumed or played a part in many of our lives for months and months. Some longer than others and some to deeper degrees than others. @electrichippo posted something she knew would get a strong reaction yet doesn’t seem to want to have a discussion about it for some reason or another. As far as I can assess, until I am course corrected towards a proper and acceptable behavior, this conversation will not happen and even then and only then will she consider answering my questions. My intention was never to be rude or disrespectful. I asked questions and I know I am not the only one who was wondering these things… and I even admitted that I may be reading into her posts incorrectly. I think you touched on something that is at the crux of it all. There are people who aren’t wearing masks here. They treat people poorly because that’s who they are. Frankly, it’s sad. I come here and I am the same person IG as I am OOG. I may play devil’s advocate with you but I’m not doing it to be a bitch or wave my bitch flag. I like to debate. I like to discuss. I love to banter back and forth. And, if we were on opposing sides before or you were in a group I didn’t trust at all and now are on the same side as me, I’m going to ask how the fuck that happened. It’s not being rude but apparently according to some it is.

      The lines clearly get blurred between reality and in game. To be honest, I have no idea which is happening because of my post.

    • #20599
      Profile photo of

      Look. Here’s my “peep.”

      There are two kinds of conflict going on. There’s an “in game” conflict that involves BOS vs OOA, alliances forming, switching, etc. I honestly don’t give a crap about that one. I’m in Minnesota and you can’t see me rolling my eyes from over there.

      And there’s an “out of game” conflict. That’s the one that bothers me. It boils down to how we are treating each other and the language we are using and how it’s perceived and whether we care about that or not.

      We have lost A LOT of voices that used to be here frequently. We had people speak up a few weeks ago and admit that they had lessened their own participation due to not wanting to deal with the reactions to their posts. That wasn’t addressed. Currently I am really concerned about one person in particular who is on the verge of quitting over the issue of whether we are capable of being kind to one another.

      I am more deeply engaged with Tension than just about anything that I actually HAVE to spend time doing right now, and I would really like to be able to come on to the forums without steeling myself for conflict. I would like to post without fear that I can’t go to bed at night not tearing myself to pieces for being unable to keep my emotions in check here.

      That is all.

    • #20604
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      I’m no stranger to this out of game conflict. I was viewed as a plant, an aggressor, a manipulator. It even felt like a lot of people hated me because of my actions. Distrust and accusations were leveled at me all the way up to Ascension. As someone who always tries to be accepted, that was a tough pill to swallow.

      But I came out the other side not caring about that. And I feel that the majority of the community has the same mentality. The bottom line is we’re one giant dysfunctional religious family. And like any family, we fight like fucking bastards. There’s gonna be more of that no doubt. We’re an excitable bunch and Tension wouldn’t be Tension if it didn’t stir the hornet’s nest. But it all comes from a place of mutual passion.

    • #20607
      Profile photo of

      I don’t think that families look around and say “the majority of us feel this way so it’s fine.” If that’s what we really are – family, community – where is the empathy for the people who are hurting and trying to express it, and have been doing so off and on for the past couple of months?

      @kasch, I’m sorry that that happened to you. I went to bat for you, for whatever value that matters.

  • #20569

    Conflict is inevitable, here especially. Many people, myself included (possibly myself more than others) are guilty of “tone-policing” others’ opinions. Some do it as an attempt to stymie aggressiveness before it snowballs into the shit shows we’ve seen before. Some do it because they don’t agree with someone, and this is how they deal with it. Others still think that offenders are out of line and need to be corrected. I argue that all of this, both “offending” statements and those that attempt to correct it are good. Conflict creates tension, no pun intended, and tension makes us stronger. Tone, content, and presentation should all be tested and disputed by those that do not agree, and any point that cannot be defended should be retracted.

    With that out of the way, @mike hits on a very large point here. First time we saw a switch like this, we had a choking. Then we had sides decided and lines drawn, and a man took a baseball bat across the brow. Perhaps this time it will be a rope?

    Alliance declaration and side-switching seems to be a death knell around here, I doubt very much that this is an issue of IF this turn of events will lead to someone’s death, but rather who, when, and how.

  • #20570
    Profile photo of ReidV

    So the OoA’s in real danger of being dismantled by BoS, just like they promised.

    Question is can anyone loyal to the OoA do anything about it? If anyone has an ace it’d be a good time to play it.

    And will the OoA be worth saving? How is ODSM involved? And what will become of Addison?

    • #20582
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      To me the OOA is worth saving. It is my home. It’s somewhat indescribable to me….but I cannot stand by and let this happen. If the OOA is going to fall I’m going to do whatever it takes to keep it standing.

      The ODSM…The Clockmakers….they’ve shown in action, not just words, that they represent something that cannot coexist alongside the words of Anoch. They have proven themselves to be willing to sink as low as possible to do what they want.

      Granted, if I had any ace to play I might have played it. Or not-I’d probably wait to see where things are heading instead of firing off something too early. I’m no poker player but showing my hand before the proper time could spell endgame.

  • #20571
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    I made a point of bringing this up to the OOA during my second Ascension last night. And boy, was I ever confronted about my concerns. Some there are more happy about it than others, but there seems to be a general trust towards the Overseer. I completely understand her thinking…even if I am deathly worried about where her idealism might lead.

    I will say this: What happened last night has changed me. And no matter what comes next, whether we are torn back to different sides or united together, I want you all to know how appreciative I am to have shared this with each and every one of you.

    That said, I would implore every single one of you to go back to Ascension. For God’s sake, go back.

    • #20574
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      Is there anything you can tell us? I’m sure we’re all curious @kasch.

      I too think everyone needs to go back. I haven’t had a second time but I’m itching to not only for myself but spread the word to as many as possible to have their first, second, ninth, or last visits… It would be amazing…yet probably incredibly impossible to have an OG indoctrination members only Ascension where all of us could go. Sweet though, if not incredibly distracting and joke-filled.

    • #20579
      Profile photo of Michelle

      Now wouldn’t that be interesting. I’m planning my third trip and think it would be amazing to go through with others who are on their third go around, maybe even thir second. I have a feeling the shit would really hit the fan.

    • #20581
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      It would be wouldn’t it @halfbloodfangirl? It would be super awesome if as a last hurrah they did this. But I can imagine how insane it would be to coordinate. Either way I have to go again for a second. I’ll gather some resources, put some stuff on layaway and get a ticket no matter what. But if you pay my wayyyyyy Michelle… then ummm i’ll go a thirrrrdddd timeee *blinks eyes*

    • #20589
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      I can’t say much right now. When Ascension is over, I will share what happened with anyone who wants to hear it.

      I will say this: Ascension II made Ascension I feel like a leisurely stroll in the park.

      There are several things that haunt me and it’s all I can think about today. One of them, involving someone else, has made me want to cry all morning.

      I will also say that I believe Addison is more in control and more self aware then we realize. I believe our image of her as that scared, lost little girl that needs rescuing is somewhat wrong. But that doesn’t mean I’m not afraid for her.

    • #20592
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      I will also say that I believe Addison is more in control and more self aware then we realize. I believe our image of her as that scared, lost little girl that needs rescuing is somewhat wrong. But that doesn’t mean I’m not afraid for her.

      These words.

      These words exactly.

      That’s the bit I want to know @kasch. We all have our ideas of where her head may be, but I want to hear about it, I want to know. At the same time though I’m realizing if the people I’ve heard say that exact phrase were to speak up… I probably wouldn’t believe them still… I’m starting to realize this is something I need to experience and gauge for myself to find where I lie. I know I’ve questioned @halfbloodfangirl the day after her second, and even more recently tried @electrichippo, and it does make sense that this knowledge would help change some minds and turn some heads, but yes I’m realizing that I probably wouldn’t believe you. this is a go back for yourself and find out type of personal moment here.

    • #20597
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      The only person who truly knows the Overseer is the Overseer herself. But I feel like I know more about her in the few hours we spent together than the last 9 months combined.

      That said, I’ve learned some things that I won’t be afraid to use should things go South. We will see what happens. I’ve learned to stop trying to predict what Tension has in store for us and just go with whatever happens…

      Even if I have to live with those consequences.

    • #20598
      Profile photo of Nosnevets


    • #20583
      Profile photo of

      If – and this is a very, very, very big if, I do realize – Ascension were to extend all the way to the weekend of December 2 I will be flying back for both my 2nd AND 3rd visits. Given how completely irresponsible I am with money, @halfbloodfangirl if you’ve already gone 3x by then I’ll buy you a ticket so you can go with me again, and I’ll probably be talked into buying others’ tickets as well if I have the money. But again, that’s a very large IF and I do realize that.

    • #20584
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      Did I say @halfbloodfangirl? I meant @coryphella

    • #20593
      Profile photo of

      That’s a dog.
      Come on.

    • #20596
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      It’s mah face….mah cute cute face that you want to buy tickets for…

    • #20600
      Profile photo of

      Really? I mean, how long have we known each other and you can’t post a picture of a freaking KITTEN?

    • #20601
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      well we’ve talked some.
      Then you gave me a car ride.
      Then beer at the bar.

      but I don’t think I was privy to the kitten knowledge.


    • #20602
      Profile photo of

      I’m a crazy cat lady. :)

    • #20603
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      Well if you want to buy people tickets


      I’m not opposed…

  • #20580
    Profile photo of Tim

    I am not BOS and and I declined to join OOA, but I did see @electrichippo stand with them. She clearly had a different agenda when the night began and I don’t know what changed. We both saws things and made choices which were unexpected. To me, the mechanics of the OOA are unsound. Bad choices are being made everywhere. The machine cannot keep running this way. Whether Overseer is aware or capable of being aware, I don’t know. She has my sympathy, but not my soul.

    • #20594
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      Uh….are you the Overseer who was around during the reign of Gatekeeper 3? Or are you the new Overseer that was made after the rise of the One…

      Might wanna either change the profile pic or maybe create a new Overseer account to reflect the change. Just my two cents.

      As far as what you’re up to, all I can do is leave it in your hands. I’d love to meet you in person and learn from you…but I’m beyond needing to explain myself. Doing so would just be foolish.

      You or the OOA have contact methods to reach me if you ever wanna talk.

    • #20631
      Profile photo of Tim

      I simply shared a journey and thought I’d report it on the forum.

    • #20632

      @timsmyname: It was a pleasure to meet you at our second Ascensions, and it was a true shock to see you led away when you refused Overseer’s offer. At first chance I asked @masterlock where you were taken. I was assured no harm would come to you, and I am very happy to see this was indeed true. I respect the choices you made that night, but I do want to clarify one thing. I understand why you might think I walked in that evening with “an agenda.” I very honestly did not though. The only commitment I made to myself or anyone else prior to re-Ascension was to maintain an open mind and make choices in the moment, as they were presented.

      I think you might believe I was an ally to Addison Barrow when I walked through those doors that night, and I was. I have always wanted peace for her, regardless of what name she goes by. As far as my past and current affiliations go, this is a painful topic for me. I can not denounce BOS as a wholly evil enterprise, the same as I never could denounce OOA as one. Good people have always existed in both organizations and I’ve never claimed otherwise.

      I wish you well on this journey, Tim.

    • #20634
      Profile photo of Tim

      While we sat in the white room, you referred to a quest that did not involve Overseer. Agenda may have been a poor choice of words. I’ll leave that for you to share here if you wish. I also could have misheard. Simon was distracting. Best to you.

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Profile photo of Tim Tim.
    • #20636

      @timsmyname: I do recall talking with you on that bench and explaining to you in broad brush strokes what my experience was for Indoctrination. I don’t recall speaking of a quest. No offense intended, but if I had a quest I wouldn’t tell someone I met 5 minutes prior. I do agree, it’s hard to focus while Simon is calling everyone a c*nt once every 20.5 seconds and we’re trying to speak low enough as to not anger him further.

  • #20586
    Profile photo of Overseer

    What transpired between @electrichippo and myself is for her, I, and the RED ROOM.

    Those who are so quick to judge, point fingers, and throw stones I invite you back inside my halls, and we can discuss this personally. (Some of you already have.)

    Let this bring you comfort – – this is far from over. You have seen nothing yet.

    • #20587
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      @masterlock Bring me comfort. I wish to learn! I give myself over to fully learn and experience, both last time and the next.

    • #20591
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      @masterlock I look forward to discussing this with you on Saturday. You already know how I feel about your “organization.” I will enter with an open mind, and I look forward to hearing about whatever this new perspective is… and to hear how you will justify the actions your group has taken.

      See you soon.

    • #20595
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      Thank you for welcoming us in, @masterlock. Thank you for challenging and teaching me. And I’m truly sorry about what happened.

    • #20606
      Profile photo of Blondie

      @masterlock I look forward to finally meeting you, I know it will be an unforgettable experience. I hope we have the opportunity to talk.

    • #20610

      @masterlock: It’s good to see you’ve made your way back to the forum, if only briefly. I think of you and the others often. I hope you’re as well as can be expected considering all you must endure. I hope the girls find comfort in the bonds they’ve built and in the knowledge that you are there for them. I even hope Simon can stop yelling for a little bit. It must be very rough on one’s throat to be so shouty 😉 All of you… be well.

    • #20612
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      I’ve come to like Simon quite a lot.

      Samson on the other hand… The one who I suspect is OSDM… He scares me.

    • #20637
      Profile photo of Michelle

      @kasch Ditto. My time spent with Simon on my second visit was enlightening. It’s a shame we’re unable to experience his colorful personality more frequently. I’m not sure he’s a gentleman but he can be quite flirtatious.

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
    • #20654

      @kasch: Samson (OSDM?)… Benny O. Sampson (aka Mark of BOS?)… Misheard name, unfortunate coincidence, or something more, ummmm, troublesome.

      There once was a man named “Samson” who seemed to have assisted Sentinel in getting me reinstated on the forum… I had always thought Sentinel meant Benny Sampson and just typo’d the name, and maybe he did? I don’t even know right now.

      These are my uncensored and not highly considered thoughts. I could be on the completely wrong track.

    • #20657
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      @electrichippo If my memory serves me correct – and I could be mistaken because I was trying to absorb every piece of information I could that night – the OSDM man with the briefcase introduced himself as Samson. He seems to be the most powerful figure we’ve encountered thus far.

      He intimidates the ever-living fuck out of me (and this is coming from someone who got along with Simon).

    • #20663
      Profile photo of Bryan

      @kasch: Interesting. When The Overseer allowed me to bring a camera inside the Institute, The Briefcase Man introduced himself under a different name. It’s a bit muffled on the recording, but in the room it sounded like he said his name was Stephen Cassiday (sp?).

      Potential SPOILER ALERT for those that haven’t already met him, but the introduction happens around 16:45 into the recording.

      Does anyone else hear the same / does that name have further significance to anyone?

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Profile photo of Bryan Bryan.
  • #20588
    Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
    Michael Rizzo

    I’m not entirely sure what went down at the OOA with @electrichippo but all I know is she’s capable of making her own decisions and staying true. I don’t believe she has ever wanted harm to anyone, I mean her whole point of joining BOS was to help us all along with BOS’s main target at the time, Addy. I do find it hard to believe she has left us other BOS… left her brothers and sisters for the institute. But I know she wants addy safe and I can only hope that she stays true to her self on that. I just hope she stays safe.

    I’ll be back in the mad house the 22nd… We’ll see what goes down in there that’s making so many brothers turn their back on what they believe.

    • #20605
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Rizzo, as a member of BoS (Who unfortunately could not make it to Ascension), I will say that on the 22nd to remember what we stand for and stay strong for us; however as your friend, I will say to have an open mind,and make the most out of this experience regardless of where it takes you. We are after all on our own separate paths, whatever twists and turns they take is due to our choices. Lots of luck, bb.

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Profile photo of AH-lay AH-lay.
  • #20609
    Profile photo of Michelle

    This is my last posting for today. I have to walk away and take a breath. Forgive me if this blurs IG and OOG.

    @kasch. I too went to bat for you at one time. I took a lot of heat off the boards for “defending a situation I knew nothing about” even though I was there. I still stand my ground on that incident and my opinion hasn’t changed. And, during that time, I felt there were some who took what they were saying about you too far. I wish I had your titanium extrior because these last 24 hours have been hard AF for me and I’ve become a wreck.

    @masterlock I was welcomed into your hallowed halls and shared a moment with you I felt was honest and true. I am not judging @electrichippo. I was stunned by her 180 turn. What I said to you in the mirror room still holds true. I believe in you and I came back to follow you. I made a sacrifice for you, the OOA, and Anoch. I only hope that sacrifice wasn’t made in vain. And, I do plan on returning again.

    We’ve been told this is a place where we can come be honest and open. I fear it’s become the opposite if you don’t share a favored opinion. There are few I trust now.

  • #20611
    Profile photo of Sadako

    I trust @electrichippo is sincere in her motives. As I learned during my time with the OOA, what is revealed within those walls is our true nature regardless of our prior actions. Actions lie. We don’t always do what is in our best interest. I am grateful @masterlock has enlightened me to the lies I’ve lived. I eagerly await my return for @masterlock and the OOA to take the blank canvas I have become and rebuild me under Anoch’s guidance.

  • #20641
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    I’m in a terrible position. I’m returning Saturday night. I couldn’t care less about internal power struggles.
    There are young women in there being held against their will. That’s my priority. Thoughts?

    • #20645
      Profile photo of Sadako

      No one within the walls of the OOA is there against their will. There are only those in the process of shedding their weakness on the path to enlightenment.

    • #20648

      @lmsmedley – We have no reason to believe that anyone in the OOA is physically being kept there against their will. Several people seem genuinely excited to be there, emphatically so. I have no doubt that a number of people in there would give their lives up for their cause and would do so entirely of their own will.

      However, we know that some are being kept there as a matter of extortion or coercion. As I know @thebuz can attest to, there was at least one person begging us to take them with us when we left. We tried, but we were fought.

      Best that you go in without preconceived notions and you see what goes on there for yourself. When it comes to the OOA, the idea of what is for or against someone’s will is not so cut and dry as you may think.

    • #20668
      Profile photo of Blondie

      This all seems to be a matter of semantics…

      I don’t doubt that many of the people within the walls have committed their lives to the OOA and are happy to be there. Some may even have cut all ties with their families, a common practice amongst cults. Whatever, my issue is not with the choices those people have made.

      @thegilded: you say that someone begged you to take them with you, but you were prevented from doing so… So they are desperate to leave, but are not allowed to? That sounds to me like being held against their will. If they are free to come and go as they choose, they would not have needed to beg for your help. And you are not the only one to report attendants begging for help in escaping. Those who support the OOA may argue that this is merely part of the process these young women have to go through in their journey towards enlightenment. There was a time when one Addison Barrow was confused and afraid and look at her now. From wannabe actress to admin assistant to attendant to murderer to gatekeeper to overseer. It all comes down to whether you believe the ends justify the means. And that is for us each to decide as we experience Ascension.

      @lmsmedley: Do whatever you believe is right. That is all anyone can do.

    • #20669

      @blondiecamps – In fairness, this was during a rather manic point in the night. I am not certain whether she legitimately wanted to leave the OOA or just needed to be away from the scenario that we were in at that moment, and thought that we were the fastest way to get her out of the room. Those fighting us may well have had her best interests at heart, as at that point she was acting near deranged. The closer freedom got the more she seemed to almost fight us. I don’t fault her for that, we had all seen something traumatic moments before.

      I’m not trying to be an apologist for the OOA here, it’s extremely likely that she was being brainwashed, wanted out, and simply didn’t know how to process it. But it is not out of the realm of possibility that this woman was just scared, and that fear manifested in a way that seems like she wanted out of the organization when she really just wanted out of the buidling.

    • #20659
      Profile photo of Michelle

      @lmsmedley You know your _path and convictions, no one else. You know what you saw within the walls of the OOA upon your first visit. I wish you luck in your journey. I will say this. I stand with the OOA but, before I returned home, some of my daughter’s possessions made their way into my hands. I found a note, hidden, that was handed to her. She had been handed a couple of notes apparently. One of which has no bearing in regards this subject. However, one of the notes she received was a plea for help, asking for her to come back for this person if she made it out. I don’t know who this note came from because my daughter and I were separated from that night on. Good luck and Glory Be.

  • #20661
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    Normally, I’d be in a position to deploy external assets, but I have no client to service,
    and the risk for collateral damage is high given incomplete information.
    I’m off-reservation as it is, hence the dilemma.

    • #20666
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      If I was you I’d consider standing down until you’ve got more intel on your hands. As for external assets, what connections do you have?

  • #20671
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    Suffice to say, all that’s needed.

  • #20673

    @lukasrl: Even without an in depth explanation on your part, I would wager to guess that you really do understand where I’m coming from. To paraphrase your words: “last flip was done out of hate, recent flip polar opposite.” This very much resonates with me. I have absolutely not made my choice to stand by @masterlock with malice or hate as my motivator. Thank you for taking the time to consider my position and for your support.

    @kasch: You said that after your re-Ascension chat with Overseer you “understand the why but not the how” of my new position. I’m interested in this. Can you elaborate?

    @timsmyname: It was very nice getting to chat with you this afternoon. I now completely understand how you might have thought I walked into the OOA with a quest or motive that was counter to how the night ended. I take the blame for not explaining myself well in the big white interview room. It was a bit of a stressful situation and I was admittedly rattled by something I had seen a few minutes prior. Our conversation felt rushed and watched and as a result I did not effectively communicate with you. I’m just happy we now get each other, and we can carry forward. You have a lot of really interesting insights. I hope you choose to continue participating on the forum.

    @mike: No worries, I’ve never felt attacked by you. Perhaps I’ve felt not heard properly or understood. Similar as the case with Tim, I will gladly take some blame if I haven’t explained myself well. As far as the idea of @masterlock being complicit in OOA abuses, whether by her own hand or otherwise. Yes, I hear you. It’s somethings I hope to discuss with Overseer more in the coming weeks, but my gut and my hopefully informed perspective tells me she is not the true big-bad in this equation.

    @lmsmedley: have I missed something?! What the heck are you talking about?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • #20676
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      @electrichippo To clarify, I understand the Overseer’s reasoning for bringing you in. I just don’t know how she convinced you or what was said.

  • #20675
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    @michelle I experienced something even more direct, and our experiences have been corroborated by multiple sources,
    thus my initial query.

    @electrichippo I must be circumspect. My work involves women (and men) in severe distress, and
    an advisory position with third-parties regarding extraction from those circumstances.

  • #20677

    @kasch: Thank you for rewording it for me! Personally, I find the “why” is more complicated, than the “how.” You’d think it might be crystal clear to me, but this is Tension so of course it’s not 😉 There are many ways people could look at this, for example: Overseer is playing me, or I am playing Overseer, or we both realized we make most sense for each other, and etc, and etc. I don’t have all the answers, but I’m willing to go along for the ride.

    This black briefcase guy is still hovering in the back of my mind. I’ve talked to several people who met him and they all felt he did say “Samson” but @bcbishop says it was a different name entirely which I can agree with per his video. I’ve also heard that briefcase man introduced himself with a serious of 4 initials that very well could have been OSDM.

    OSDM has always looked to me like a dangerous sub-organization. I’m not too comfortable suspecting they are lurking around questioning people and intimidating some to the point of “do not even look at me when I enter the room” status.

    And, the Samson name… Did Sentinel misspeak when he used the name ‘Samson’ as the person that confirmed for him that I was reinstated to OOA turf? Seems doubtful. I have always been aware BOS has an insider/informant within the OOA, but never was given a name or even much of a clue. And the coincidence of Mark as Benny O.Sampson… I don’t know. There are a lot of Gordons. Maybe we have various Samsons as well. I’d like to write it all off as name coincidences such as Robert Kirkman is famous, but it seems there is more to this.

    • #20678
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      Whatever his name is, he seems to hold power over the entire OOA. And is someone you don’t want to cross.

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