active 8 years, 1 month ago-
GATEKEEPER3 posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Nothing is random. The Tension Experience does NOT condone violence towards anyone, ever. RIP III
GATEKEEPER3 posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Buz, let us break bread.
GATEKEEPER3 posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Is this a butterfly in my stomach? I haven’t had a sensation like this in forever.
I’m pleased for you. 😃
Got a butterfly for four?
@gatekeeper3: Harness those butterfly nerves. Use them to your advantage. I’m hopeful, come tomorrow, our world will be witness to a productive turn of events.
I hope it goes well for you III. My advice, avoid drinks at all costs. Unless of course you bring it yourself in a sealed bottle. If you happen to need to take a shit… I wouldn’t leave your drink unattended.
I hope that’s not the only thing you get in the stomach.
As long as you don’t ingest anything, you will be fine! Good luck sir!
GATEKEEPER3 posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
III no longer destroys for pleasure
I have now seen this world…
III destroys for mercy-
You destroy too much, why not try to build something?
I mean…you could just…not destroy. Isn’t that an option?
Destruction and mercy are 2 concepts that doesn’t really go together.
So, III feels like this world is a bad one and those destroyed have received your mercy. Are Apostles going to be destroyed as well? Does III feel those that were destroyed did something wrong?
Have you tried sitting down, hanging out, playing cards? Maybe a movie night with snacks and some friends?
Mac and Cheese perhaps?
This in no way sounds like the orrigional mandate of the OOA.
GATEKEEPER3 posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
three out of four stars: this season of house of cards
this season was disappointing
i really thought claire was going to come in on her own-
I don’t thinknyou should be spending your time watching Netflix when the whole house is falling down around you @gatekeeper3
I fell off after Season III – thought it was unfocused and boring.
The Gatekeeper 3
House of Cards while the world burns
I like this damn kid
GATEKEEPER3 posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
no more fires for chubby bunny
I imagine we are to take this as confirmation that Benny is dead? A roundabout reference to his “marshmallow roasting” comment?
Well, chubby bunny is a hilarious game involving marshmallows. Benny did keep threatening that he’d burn this place down and did make that marshmallow comment….
However that doesn’t say Benny is dead, he could be in hospital recovering. In Cancun have a fruit drink. Anything is possible.
I’m also not clear on if this statement is III claiming responsibility for Benny’s incapacitation? Or if he’s just chiming in because he’s aware of it. Cryptic.
More like….tension. 😉
Is this a taunt or an admission that III had a hand in this?
GATEKEEPER3 posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
ag i know what you are
it will be more fun-
Interesting that you used “what” instead of “who”. I’m listening III
I don’t like this one bit
I agree with @mike. What do you mean what you are? And how fast does he truly run, I’m sure we can get him.
Aleister, Watch your back! @Gatekeeper3 has already taken out a few of the OOA. Hope you aren’t in serious danger.
Running excites the predatory reflexes. May I suggest calmly backing away?
GATEKEEPER3 posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
answers have been given
Thank you. Can’t wait to receive them!
Thank you III!
Thank you @gatekeeper3
Thank you III
GATEKEEPER3 posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
tomorrow you will see just how little he and they matter
GATEKEEPER3 posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
my numbers will prove that prophecy can be broken
III is two and one
III is all and final-
This sounds like there is not a Gatekeeper 2 or Gatekeeper 1 and you are final Gatekeeper. Interesting. III is a powerful number.
If there is a Gatekeeper 2 and 1 they sure will not be happy with that sentiment. Or what if Gatekeeper III is actually Gatekeeper 2 and 1 together, two Gatekeepers acting as one.
||| is a lovely number. I’m not surprised you love it so.
Choice is always there. I like it.
By saying “all and final”, I ask How does Anoch feel about that?
Thank you for this.
Thank you, Gatekeeper management, and RIP III.
We very much appreciate this, RIP
Good riddance III