
  • Michael Rizzo posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    In this time of pure hate, are we not just doing exactly what @gatekeeper3 wants us to do? I feel the best way to go about this is quiet ourselves and plan this out before jumping head deep into the shit. We know 4 is going to be bringing her best, all we’re doing to stirring the pot and potentially giving 3 a bit of laughter. He does not care that we know his plans for allesiter nor does he care that we are voting “mayhem”. We need to stay low, let this blow over, make him comfortable again. All so the stage will be set perfectly for @gatekeeper4

    • Low Energy post. Gatekeeper III is a mess.


    • I think a lot of the issue is we see a stop in progression and we all feel so helpless. We want to help and get our _paths straight again. We know III is potentially messing things up and yes we can await Four but in this case patience may lead us into a deeper hole then we need to be. As for the Mayhem vote I called it because well I love that show and that is sure what was sounding – I never expected this to get to where it is but hey… it’s today’s path I guess

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