11/4 Re-Processing: Sabrina's Strength

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA 11/4 Re-Processing: Sabrina's Strength

This topic contains 29 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Blondie Blondie 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #21653
    Profile photo of Taylor


    I returned from my 2nd time through Ascension and I feel strength in my devotion to Addison. Strength in my trust in her ability. And strength in her power to overcome the obstacles in her path. After what I witnesses, I have no doubt in my mind that I put my faith in the right place tonight.

    If the first time through was about being present, the second time through is about feeling something. And feeling something powerfully. I felt for so many of the characters tonight: I almost cried as Simon told me his story, and my heart felt like it was going to burst as Addison screamed at the end. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning.

    I arrived in the parking lot to see everyone huddled together. I noticed that Terrance, the same plant I had last time, was our plant again. As a few friends had Terrance as well and his name stayed the same, I thought I would be safe using that name. I ran up to him and said “Terrance, it’s so good to see you again.” He looked shocked and replied with “uhh, my name is John. You must have me confused with someone else.” “Oh my bad, you really look like an old friend.” The group laughed and seemed to buy it. We chit-chatted idly until the van arrived and we entered. I was the first one out. Susan, the handler with the bobbed haircut and the dark eyes, looked overjoyed to see me. “Taylor, I’m glad you came back!” I said I was glad too and everyone lined up against the wall. A normal looking man walked up and down the line, inspected a few of our papers and then informed his mic that I was coming in first.

    I entered the compound and went right up to Mary Lynn and warmly greeted her. She seemed a little surprised but then settled into her warm, yet flirty ways. She gave me a big hug and put both hands onto my face and told me how good it was to see me again. She led me into the picture room where Miles took my picture. Following Hazel’s example, I asked Mary Lynn if I could get a picture with her, and she seemed estatic that I asked. We took a picture together and she asked if she could sign it for me. I agreed and she left the room. Miles and I spoke at length and he told me of how he loved his job and was glad I liked mine. He told me he was grateful for all the OOA has given him and he’d be hard pressed to say anything negative about them. “I was sad that I had no shoes, until I met the man that had no feet.” Always be thankful for what you have he said. Those words rung true even more now that it is the month of giving thanks.

    A new woman entered, and I asked her her name. Mrs. Waters she told me. She took me and lead me through a few hallways until we arrived at the processing room. Simon stood waiting for me, and he came up to me and asked why I had returned. I told him I wanted to make sure Sabrina was okay. He seemed to think on it and then told me to wait there. As I waited, the music changed, and Samson and The Suit (as Bryan calls him) entered the room, followed by Addison being dragged across the room by handlers. They set her in the seat at the the middle processor’s table. Then Josh Randall (of Blackout) was brought out from the door and placed across from her. The Suit asked Addison who she was. “Sabrina Kern” she responded with. The Suit slammed his hand against the table, angrily. “That is not the correct answer” He grabs her face “Who are you!!” “Addison Barrow” she says more meekly. They whisper a few more things and he speaks to Samson, but I can’t hear this over the music so I inch forward. “This is your fault.” The Suit points to Samson. “All of the data we’ve collected, all of it is corrupted now, unusable!! This is all because of them.” This time he points to Josh, and then glares at me. At this point Omar enters the room and stands next to me. Josh notices Omar and waves. Omar waves back. Samson says something that I couldn’t hear and The Suit responds with “Do you think I’m scared of you?! Do you think I’m scared of you!!!? I’m already DEAD.” and he walks off. Samson orders the handlers to take Addison out of there, and she begins to freak out. “Morior Invictus”. Addison collapses to the ground and they carry her out. Omar, another second timer named John, and I are left with Simon. He approaches us each again to ask why we are here and then orders us to strip down to nothing.

    After disrobing down to our boxers, he orders us one by one to a processing desk that he commands. All of the women surround the table. We stand in front of them as they inspect our bodies. He asks who processed me the first time, and I point out the woman and he asks me her name. Sadly, I did not remember, and the women seem very disappointed. I reintroduce myself to her, and her name is Gail. He then asks me to describe the red room last time. Then he asks me to explain my experience in one sentence. I tell him it taught me to be present. He makes a joke saying that I guess I wasn’t that present if I didn’t remember her name. I apologize to Gail directly and tell her that I was not present before processing and it took the experience to make me present. I am sorry. They seem pleased with my answer and all touch me. I am asked if there’s anything I want to say. And I tell Simon that Kim and Rizzo both send their regards. He looks irked and orders me to sit down.

    The other two men are processed and then Simon comes over to me. “Are you close with Kim?” “I would say we are good friends now.” “Oh.” “Hey Simon, what about Marigolds?” He looked a combination of despondent and betrayed. “Is there a story behind this” “Yes” he replies, but then Samson and The Suit returned to the room. They inspected us three, and inspected the two other applicants who were being processed as well. When they approached me, I stood and said “Hi Samson” and put out my hand to introduce myself to The Suit “what’s your name?” but no response. They seemed extremely disinterested in us and continued to inspect the room until they left.

    We were then hooded (still in boxers) and taken to the classroom. As this seemed similar to the accounts of others, I’ll gloss over it. We were instructed to find the heart of the room, in which we did, and the note informed us of a lesson in judgement. A first handler was instructed to tell us one thing she liked about us, while the other was instructed to tell us one thing she did not like (the first liked my hair, and the second thought my eyes were too close together). Then they whispered in our ears a rule they broke and we were to judge them. We were lead back into the processing room and Addison and two handlers were in the room.

    I walked over to her and said “It’s good to see you again, Sabrina”. She smiled and said “Oh, my name is Addison, I am the overseer.” “I’m Taylor, it’s nice to meet you again” “I know who you are.” She seemed very formal with me, so I decided to tell her one reason I was there: “I have a message from Michael Rizzo. When he was here last time you asked him a question and wanted him to think on the response. Well he thought on it, and he wanted me to give you his response. He does not stand by the practices of the OOA or the overseer, but he will stand by you Sabrina.” She looked confused as I was talking but when I said that he would stand by her, she looked as if she could cry. It was pure happiness and love. “Why… why would he do that?” “Because he cares about you, we all do, Sabrina.” “She looked genuinely happy and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight. The handlers looked concerned and grabbed her, leading her from the room.

    We were then instructed to put on jumpsuits. Afterwards, I approached Simon.
    “Simon, can you tell me the Marigold story?”
    “She was my wife. But she’s dead now.”
    “I’m sorry, Simon, what happe—”
    “I DID NOT KILL HER, if that’s what you were going to ask. I may be a cunt, but I’m not that much of a cunt. I have killed people, I was a marine, but I wouldn’t kill my wife. She was the victim of a home invasion. We kept a gun upstairs, but 70% of deaths during home invasions occur because the gun is turned on its owner. And that’s exactly what happened here”.
    “I’m so sorry Simon. That must be incredibly tough. Do you blame yourself because you weren’t there?”
    “Every fucking day. I wish I could have been there to save her. I love her.”

    I wanted to give him a hug, but he stopped and walked off. Terence/John/Plant pointed out that there was a box on the center table and pondered what was in it since it was the only thing not white in the room. I told him I’d open it. So I stood up and walked across the room and tried, but it was locked. Simon told me to sit down, and from here the event then continued in the normal fashion. We were told to line up, completed the red room, led into the clock room, completed that, but at the end of the clock room, the three repeats were removed by Susan. I also asked her if her name was still Susan and she said yes. We were led out and met Ernest. He asked us questions and I asked him questions of the OSDM and Samson. He seemed to not know anything or didn’t want to tell us. He gave us hoods and then led us to a new area and stood us in a corner. Susan the handler began to play with my hands, stroking them with her finger tips, until finally she gave me a big hug and said “goodbye Taylor.” Then we were led somewhere else and our hoods were removed.

    Addison/Overseer/Sabrina stood before us. She asked us each why were here. I informed her I wanted to let her know I stand by her. The other two said they were here to learn more. She then had us put hoods on again and said “Taylor first.” I was led into the red room again, and as it was removed, I realized THE ENTIRE CAST was standing before me. All handlers, all processors, Simon, Ellis, Samson, Addison… everyone was surrounding me. Addison spoke first “why are you here?” “Because I was worried about you, Sabrin–” “OVERSEER!!!” Everyone shouted in unison. It was so loud and abrupt, I was frightened. “Why are you here?” she asked again. “because I wanted to let you know I stand by your side, Sabrin–” “OVERSEER!!” They shouted again. And then Simon said “That’s it, I’ve had enough, and listed the hood. “Simon, let me talk to her, please” He didn’t care and threw the hood over my face. “Morior Invictis” I screamed… but I didn’t hear anything happen. Addison didn’t fall, no one gasped, nothing. I was left assuming that it had no power coming from my lips… but maybe there was more to I’d find out later?

    When Omar returned, I asked him of his experience. He told me he just spoke of him wanted to find out more and personal growth and then was rehooded and removed. He talked about how amazingly powerful that scene and how cool the whole cast was. After our third was brought back, we heard Simon behind me say “Really lovely conversation you two, seriously lovely” in the most sarcastic tone I have heard in a long time. We were then led into a room with a big desk that Addison sat at, and our clothes were on top. She began to sing in English and it slowly switched into French and then Swiss German. As she sung, she wrote in her journal “My name is Addison” over and over again. When we were dressed. I asked her who the man in the suit was and what control he had over everything? And she just looked at the journal and said “I remember when Michael had this.” And I agreed. Then she leaned forward and whispered “they’re always watching me.” She then started speaking in Swiss German, and we all look confused. She told us that they implanted so many languages in her head, she can’t remember how they got there. She also reads her journal and does not remember writing them.. or living them.

    Handlers came and led us from this room into the sage/ritual room. The ceremony began and after a few minutes, Addison interrupted it. “We know you are not the Oracles we seek, do you wish to continue this or would you rather see behind the curtain?” Obviously we chose the latter. “Then follow me, she said.” She led us to the area where people were getting their hands dunked in the wax. She instructed us to watch. I walked into the room, and she pulled me back to the doorway. She laughed and said “you’re just like Michael” referring to Rizzo. She asked us of what the goal of this was (to repeat the loss of senses of the first oracle). Then she began to excitably tell us that the truth is subjective. She began to rant that the truth is a search engine, but there is a bias. We always search for answers, they they are twisted. We are then taken to the security camera room where The Suit sat in a chair watching the monitors. She asked if there were any promising members and another man said these two–pointing at two people. Addison then leds us to a big area with chairs arranged in a circle. We are asked to pick a question to ask to determine. I decide the question and ask each member. We chose the correct one, and then we are led away.

    We are led to the area that the chosen ones go to. As we pass by, we see all of the processors sitting uniformly and we see a naked woman bathing in blood with handlers all around her. In the room, Terence/John is in there. Addison tells us she is strong and this room was her idea. She never got to say goodbye to her parents, and wants everyone else to have that chance. I tell her “they may never get a chance to say goodbye again” and she looks at me very sadly and then gives me a good two minute hug. She thanks me, gives hugs to the other two and then leaves. We then speak to Terence/John for some time. He speaks of how Sabrina is called Addison always (“some method acting this is!”) and how his friend tried to ask out a handler but they are all crazy. This is really nuts and even as a plant, he’s scared. The OOA had them all fill out life insurance policies and set Aleister Gordon as the beneficiary. He said he wouldn’t sign it, but got a call the next day saying his life insurance was approved. He told us not to speak of this, and he feared what was going to happen. “This is all just fake, right?” He’d laugh nervously.

    The rest played out rather similarly. The chosen one recorded his video, we were taken to the church, and the ascension failed. We ran from the compound and had our picture taken. But then Omar and I were called back. And this got interesting…

    It was Samson who had called us in. Someone who had given me zero notice the entire day.

    “Want to see something… funny?”

    We entered the area with the chairs in a circle and saw Addison pacing in a circle.
    “Who are you?” He said.
    “I am Addison, the overseer”
    He asked her of the oracles, of anoch, and of her devotion. And she responded each time.
    “She thinks this is real. Hahaha. How funny is that?”

    Addison became visibly upset and he continued to laugh. She yelled back at him and he looked at her like and yelled “twenty minutes in the hood!!”

    All of the handlers ran out, grabbed Addison and put her in a chair, put the helmet on and covered her in a red cloth. Addison screamed. And screamed. And screamed.

    It hurt me so much to hear that. To listen to her scream. And to be able to do nothing.

    “You came back for her, right? Well go to her then.” Samson said.

    I ran over to Addison. Removed the cloth and the helmet. I held her hand and as she regained composure, I asked her “who are you??”
    “Do you have any other names?”
    And as I said this, she leaned forward and whispered faintly in my ear, “just play along..” and she smiled.
    “Hi Addison, I’m Taylor, it’s nice to see the overseer.”

    Samson interrupted with “take her to processing.” I thought it was over, but Samson grabbed me by the arm and led me to processing right behind Addison. Addison was sat at the middle table and I was sat across from her, with Omar standing next to me. And as this scene played out it appeared to be an exact mirror of the scene that played out prior with Josh Randall sitting in my seat. But this time I could hear the conversation. The Suit entered the room and demanded who she was. She said “Sabrina Kern” and he slammed his hand into the table, blaming Samson and us for breaking her, for corrupting the data, making it unusable. He then asked, “what’s your name” And she said “Addison, the overseer”, but as she said this, she was staring at me. And I noticed she had a sly smile. She was lying. This was clear to me. The Suit exclaimed that he was not afraid of Samson and that he was already dead. And then Samson leaned forward to us, apologizing that she is broken. He then orders her to be removed from the room. The handlers grab Omar and I and start to drag us from the room.


    I notice Addison is fighting back this time. It’s not like the ending we saw with Josh Randall. Samson notices this too. “Morior Invictus”… but nothing happens. Addison looks a little surprised herself. “MORIOR INVICTUS” he yells. Again, nothing…

    “I am not your puppet” screams back Sabrina.
    “MORIOR INVICTUS” and still nothing. The words have no power over Sabrina.


    This is the last thing I hear as I am dragged out the door of the OOA.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Taylor Taylor.
  • #21655
    Profile photo of Sadako

    I told her yesterday she is stronger than Samson… How I believed in her and her power…

    My faith has not been misplaced…

    GLORY BE!!!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Sadako Sadako.
  • #21658
    Profile photo of Izryn

    I am very curious as to how Ascension will continue now that Sabrina is back in control. Will Samson take over as overseer?

    Also, why does The Suit readily repeat all his lines a second time in one night, in front of Taylor? Is Suit just an actor too? Ascension now appears to be a data mining scheme put on by the ODSM. And cataloging repeaters’ reactions to subjecting Addison/Sabrina to the helmet is part of it. But if that’s the case, why have Suit!actor say those lines about collecting data? That does nothing except clue us in on the fact that Ascension isn’t what it seems. Heck, even the ODSM might be a front for what Samson is really up to.

    But Ascension has to continue through next week, so I hope any returners between now and then ask Sabrina what she thinks of the one Ascension that succeeded. That is, if she’s even in the compound anymore.

    • #21707
      Profile photo of Taylor

      It definitely appeared that the effects of both the helmet and the words are not effective on Sabrina any longer. However, it does still seem that Samson and The Suit are in control and still have plans for her. I suspect this is building to something… something that we will see hit a climax at the end of next weekend. I eagerly await what will happen.

      As for the repetition of lines, there are multiple theories and interpretations. Some of the more popular ones that I’ve discussed with people are the time-lapse theory and the game vs reality theory:
      The time-lapse theory is that each show is partially in it’s own universe. Thus, if one character dies in a show, they may reappear as the show resets for the next night. This explains why Sadie died for Dan, but was alive again the next night as people came through again. Each of these is just a moment in time for us with larger plot points carrying across all timelines.
      The second theory is that each show is in fact that–a show. It is all a facade to gauge our reactions and our emotions. To what purpose? We don’t know what the OSDM is doing with that data? Maybe they are looking for others that are easily corruptible under the helmet. But no matter the reason, they set up this show to determine our reactions. So repeated lines, characters coming back to life, similar sequences all occur because they are scripted. When you go a second time, they allude to this pretty strongly. Samson telling me “isn’t it funny, she thinks this is real?” in regards to Addison. Addison showing us behind the curtain into the control room. They break the fourth wall heavily and acknowledge that it is a show. I’m leaning towards this theory being true.

    • #21720
      Profile photo of Blondie

      They knew exactly how to get to me, just as they did with Dan… I gave them the emotional reaction they were looking for. As a vocal member of BOS, my entire time there was merely an opportunity for OSDM to show me they were in control. I do not question the sincerity of the members of the OOA (actors?) I encountered. Their love and affection was genuine. As was that of the Overseer as she was at that point. But Samson gave me a glimpse into the bigger picture which is only becoming clear to me now the cloud of my grief and guilt is lifting… The emotions I felt were real. The cause was not.

  • #21659
    Profile photo of Bryan

    Thanks for this, @taysavestheday. The image of Sabrina – scared, lost, confused – has beeen haunting me since I last visited the Institute.


    The idea that she may have found new strength, a way to fight back against these monsters (due to your help or for reasons we don’t understand yet) fills me with so much hope.

    @masterlock / Sabrina, you are not alone. We are thinking of you. And we will do what it takes to help you.

    We will fight.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Bryan Bryan.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Bryan Bryan.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Bryan Bryan.
    • #21709
      Profile photo of Taylor

      Thank you for the kind comments, Bryan.

      I am glad I could provide some resolution, some closure to the thoughts that have haunted you. If my evening ended with Addison dawning the helmet once again, screaming out in pain, I would have been haunted as well. However, it ended on an empowered note and for that, I left so insanely happy, empowered, and excited for the future. I will say that I don’t think her strength came from me alone, but the fact that she is strong and she is backed by almost the entire group here. I told her Michael Rizzo’s choice and informed her that I would stand with her as well as many others. This strength in a community is a driving factor in what happened, I’m sure of it.

      The Suit even spoke of this in my final scene. He stated that “They came back for HER. Not the Overseer, not the OOA, but for her. They care about her.” He understands Sabrina’s importance. And I think they are going to be much more careful in the future, especially since they don’t have the control they once had.

  • #21670
    Profile photo of NotHenryGale

    Holy shit… I looked up Sabrina Kern on Facebook after reading this… we have a mutual friend from way back in my Ohio days… Now I’m REALLY regretting the event selling out last night!!!

  • #21673
    Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
    Michael Rizzo


    Thank you, so so much. I honestly have been thinking non stop about my decision since she asked me to make one on my last visit, and I’m so glad it has made its way back to her. I was questioning myself if I was doing the right thing or if I was making a mistake… I know for a fact now that I made the right choice 100%.
    I’ll be seeing you Sabrina 🙏

    • #21710
      Profile photo of Taylor

      You did the right thing, Rizzo. And thank you for trusting me with your message. I hope to stand by your side with Sabrina in the upcoming future!

    • #21712
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      This makes me so incredibly happy.

      Tension events always seem to end with everyone in a not so great position. I’m sure it won’t last long but it’s nice to have a night where things actually start looking good. Of course, she’s still in there along with however many other “actors” and OSDM is still using them to manipulate and gain power.

      Theres a lot I don’t know yet, but at least I know now who I stand for.


  • #21674

    @taysavestheday: This is fantastic! I’m so happy you had a rewarding evening and that you were able to witness the one thing I’ve been holding faith in as true… Our girl is in f*cking control. I don’t care what name she’s going by, I believe in her and I will see this to the end with her. So many of us will. We’re here for you, SK. ( @masterlock )

    Also, Mary Lynn is everything. She’s an oddball and a bit of a kook (which I enjoy so much!). In my experience, she’s also sincere and full of warmth. Thank you Mary Lynn for sitting with me and holding my hand through a very intense time. So much love for you!

  • #21675
    Profile photo of Shadow462

    I was at the 11/4 processing for the first time. I have so many questions. Sabrina/Addison/Overseer did not appear to have the power or intuition required to a bring forth a worthy ascendant. Could her temporary relapses back to her Sabrina persona be diluting her abilities? Is this why we are being prepared for a new One to say the Words and bring the Light that is so justly ours? Or were her choices last night merely another test to gauge our responses to a systematic numbing of what is to come? There was a marked BoS member in our group who was allowed to witness the reconditioning of Sabrina. Why would OOA allow this? Who is really pulling the strings?

    • #21680

      Welcome to the forum @klohse462. Can you please clarify what you mean by a “marked BOS member?” I’m not clear if you are suggesting it was a “cast” member or a ticketed participant. Any identifying info on this person would be useful and might help me be able to reply better to your inquiry. Thank you.

    • #21681
      Profile photo of Shadow462

      @electrichippo Thank you for welcoming me. He was a person in our processing group. I believe his name was “Josh”. Tall, thin, dark short hair with glasses. Someone had written “BOS” letters in black marker on the back of his jumpsuit. He did not seem to be aware of it. He was the only one from our group to be invited back in at the end, and when he came out, he claimed to have witnessed Sabrina undergoing reconditioning with the helmet. It is hard to say if he was really part of our group or a plant who was identified along the way. Does this help?

    • #21687
      Profile photo of Amie

      Per Taylor’s post it looks like you went through with Josh Randall one of the creators of Blackout. How very cool. I’m glad that didn’t happen to me, I would have been distracted by that. 😆

    • #21690

      @amieexists: I wonder if the B O S on his jumpsuit was actually an inside joke notating Josh’s affiliation to Blackout (BO+S) rather than The Brotherhood of Seraph. Not that I don’t think Josh Randall would make a fascinating and dynamic addition to BOS!

    • #21691
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud


    • #21692
      Profile photo of Amie

      I think that would be a hilarious joke, and I like it enough I’m going to assume that’s what it was for. 😉

    • #21693
      Profile photo of Taylor

      Yes, that was definitely Josh from Blackout. I can confirm that he had glasses on and writing on the back of his jumpsuit.

  • #21676
    Profile photo of Amie

    I’m so happy to hear how last night ended and the change that came. We are behind you @masterlock. Your strength brings strength to the rest of us.

    On a side note Mary Lynn is amazing. I wish I had a picture with her. Actually I wish I had a picture with everyone there. Or that I could go visit more often. 😉
    @taysavestheday I’m glad you had a great return trip. Thank you for sharing, I feel like we needed to hear this.

  • #21695
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    Hey! Did anybody else, on their first visit, get their hand marked with some black marker? I have no idea what it said but I only just now remembered it!

    • #21696
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Yes sir! I believe it was there way of keeping track of us? Haha I remember the number on my hand being the same one on the garbage bag we got at the end with our street clothes in it.

    • #21698
      Profile photo of Amie

      On my first go I never had anything written on me. I checked because I realized that’s what it was used for but I ended up having to open bags to find my stuff. 😉

    • #21700
      Profile photo of creepsociety

      Same Amie! Haha everyone else was marked but me so I had to snoop through bags😂

    • #21699
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Yes. The number 13 corresponded with the white bag.

    • #21706
      Profile photo of Dan

      A speechifier such as yourself could not have possibly missed that the number on your hand corresponds to the number on your bag of clothes…

    • #21713
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      xoxoxo :-)

  • #21708
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    I don’t know if it was intentional…but it must have been…on my first visit, one of our group received the clothes of the planted dead Oracle instead of his own. This included his phone. We spent 5 minutes trying to figure out the iPhone’s code then realized it may have actually been a mistake and stopped because we didn’t want to accidentally permanently lock his phone. The security guy called in on his walkie and the rest of us got into the van.

    Was anyone else taken back into the locker room after they’d already been in the white room?

    • #21711
      Profile photo of Taylor

      When I went the first time through (not the time in this post), I was taken back into the locker room while the rest were undergoing processing. An elder asked me of my interactions with Addison and if she mentioned her family at all and if she seemed forgetful at all. One attention to detail that I really enjoyed during this scene was that while the elder was talking, he was looking through pants pockets, removing phones and putting them in a jar of water. He then removed wallets and took out IDs and put them in his pocket. It was a very dedicated and cool way to show that your old life was over and your name was erased upon entering the compound.

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