A Who's Who Might Be Of Order

Tension brand Forums NEW ASPIRANTS, Begin Here A Who's Who Might Be Of Order

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Cody Cody 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #13708
    Profile photo of Michel

    So many names, oh so many names.

    I mostly understand the whole OOA vs Seraphs thing and the dark nature of III but beside that so many people, with so many problems in this land of confusion (do do do do).

    Can someone give me a quick who’s who on the main protagonists and antagonists of this whole affair ?

  • #13712

    Hard question to answer. Also, I’ll be moving this topic to the New Aspirants forum, as it will fit better there and be beneficial to them.

    These are the current entities and their allegiance as I understand them. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and it’s likely I’ve missed some active players right now

    1. OOA, under III:
    Regent 7
    Gatekeeper III

    2. OOA, against III:
    Sam (May be deceased)
    Overseer (May be deceased)
    Aleister Gordon (May be deceased)

    3. OOA, under 4:
    Gatekeeper 4
    Addison Barrow

    4. Brothers of Seraph:
    Mr. and Mrs. Barrow
    Mark/Benny Samson (May be deceased)
    Investigator Bob (Status and whereabouts unknown)

    5. Unknown status/allegiance (Status of all people in this category is unknown)

    If I missed any, I’d invite other people to fill in the blanks I’ve left

  • #13713
    Profile photo of

    Ellis Gordon?

    • #13714

      During the BoS leak, Aleister and Ellis were released as one name. I took that to mean that one was an alias for another.

      But it’s possible I’m wrong there

  • #13715
    Profile photo of Mike

    Also this Reddit thread has a bunch of names since this has started

    @thegilded – You’re correct about the Aleister/Ellis thing. BoS did say “or should I call you Ellis?”

    • #13716
      Profile photo of

      Right, I do remember that. I guess I just don’t take it literally until one of them says “Hey, I’m Aleister! And also Ellis!”

    • #13719

      Ah yes, the Reddit thread is absolutely going to go into more detail about the individual people and who they are and why they’re important.

      Thanks for keeping that up by the way, @mike

  • #13721
    Profile photo of Cody

    When Rizzo detracted it was alluded that gatekeeper5 went over to the BOS as I recall. I never did hear much about it after that though.

    • #13722

      Was it? If anything I thought he became Overseer, but wasn’t sure

    • #13723
      Profile photo of Cody

      I dont remember what was said that made me think that. I could be wrong. That was the day Decker got the bannhammer and whatnot as well. The public enemy post and the hammer on fb and all that. Maybe it was something 4 said, I can not remember. I would have to sift through posts and pics.
      I did not think much of it at the time as I figured that would be an important point in the progressing narrative, but it wasn’t ever really touched on again except the overseer thing.

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