Alright..Who drank the punch! lol.

Tension brand Forums IN PERSON EVENT DISCUSSIONS Alright..Who drank the punch! lol.

This topic contains 22 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Lucus Lucus 8 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #13834
    Profile photo of Cody

    In light of recent events,(mostly my recent interactions with who claimed to be OSDM) I think it would be beneficial to complie a list of those who “drank the punch”. This should include all consumables offered at live events.
    Come on now guys, don’t be shy. Who all drank the punch? lol

  • #13835
    Profile photo of Mike

    I had a donut at the mixer, but didn’t drink anything :)

  • #13837
    Profile photo of

    See comment in other thread re: Warren’s tequila.

  • #13838
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    I had a cup of coffee at the mixer, from their Keruig machine.. and a beer that I ordered and kept in contact with while I met with Warren. At least until he kicked me out before I could even drink half of it.

  • #13840

    I had coffee and some fruit at the mixer. Depending on their reach, anyone at the bar before/after the hood event could be compromised as well. All of our food/drink could have been compromised, they knew we were there and possibly had an agent there

  • #13841
    Profile photo of Melissa

    I had black coffee and I believe some bottled water.

  • #13842
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    … We all drank the beer they gave us. :(

    • #13843
      Profile photo of Mike

      Not me! XXX

      Prayin 4 U

    • #13844
      Profile photo of Michelle

      Definitely drank the beer too. I mean, it was free beer!

    • #13849
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Rest assured that beer was from tap. So if it was idk drugged in someway to cause mind control then most of Wurstkusch was fucked that evening.

      Cute thread but uh…

      Mind control by having food or drink…. :-/

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
    • #13853
      Profile photo of Cody

      “Throughout the course of history, several accounts have been recorded describing rituals and practices resembling mind control. One of the earliest writings giving reference to the use of occultism to manipulate the mind can be found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. It is a compilation of rituals, heavily studied by today’s secret societies, which describes methods of torture and intimidation (to create trauma), the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the initiate. Other events ascribed to black magic, sorcery and demon possession (where the victim is animated by an outside force) are also ancestors of Monarch programming.”- The most solid source ever known by man. hah.

      Really though. Not to far of a reach to think that drugs utalized in mind control programs can be added to food and drink 😉 They have talked about hypnotic past regression therapy etc in questionnaire. There have been many things that could be applied to this.
      Hey, and after all… I didn’t write the narrative.
      Im just relaying a message.

    • #13854
      Profile photo of Melissa

      No I digs about passing on the narrative and I appreciate that for sure Cody.

    • #14184
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @debzikm and I stood with @mkarrett as the beers we being prepared. She speaks the truth that it was tapped.

      I mean… came from the tap.

  • #13845
    Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
    Michael Rizzo

    I had a sealed water at the mixer… But that’s about it!

  • #13846
    Profile photo of

    what happened that makes you think it’s a literal drink and not a “drink the kool aid metaphor” a la Jim Jones mass suicide?

    • #13847

      Question from Cody’s call: “Then I was asked if I knew of there being any food or drinks served at any live events.
      He then asked if I knew anyone within the community whom had consumed food or drink at any live events.”

      The implication being that something being eaten/drank at an event may have in some way have negative effects on us

  • #13848
    Profile photo of Cody

    Hahaha. Nah man. I was just making a cult joke bro! OSDMike never mentioned the punch specifically. He was concerned with ALL consumables in general.

  • #13851
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    I had a couple of donuts and some coffee when I attended the mixer. I participated in drinking the beer from Mr. Ohio, but since it’s from the tap, I don’t think that counts.

    • #13852
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      By any chance did they only pour the drinks when you requested them or where they already made ready for you guys by the time ou got to them?

  • #14169
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    I only had a donut. But then again, I’m more concerned about the helmet that was put on my head.

    • #14185
      Profile photo of Rusty

      I only had the sealed orange juice and I think I was in the same state of “what the hell–” @kasch has hinted at. That little encounter at the top of the meeting messed with me.

  • #14199
    Profile photo of Cody

    Meh. I say, eat the doughnuts while wearing the helmet and wash it all down with a nice cool glass of punch. hahaha.
    If one is going to dabble, you may as well go all out. lol

  • #14219
    Profile photo of Lucus

    When I use a pressure washer I have a “soap dispenser” tapped into the side to mix soap with water…

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