April 18 Facebook Video

This topic contains 14 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky Mary Pavlovsky 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #5575
    Profile photo of Daela

    In the top left and right corners, the following message flashes:

    Glory Be
    Apostles of the Beginning
    Your New Dawn is approaching
    Trust not in lies, continue our path
    Rewards Await

    Anyone else find hidden messages or significant imagery?

  • #5576

    Nothing hidden, but the two articles they post are the following:

    First article

    Second article, after flashing between individual words

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded). Reason: corrected links
  • #5577
    Profile photo of Mike

    There is a message to Sentinel in there as well!!

    • #5581
      Profile photo of Daela

      Interesting, why would they hide that message? You’d think they would want the world to know.

    • #5582
      Profile photo of

      @daela I would only imagine they wouldn’t want so much attention drawn to the fact that another group was actually able to get into their site? If I were them I would want to sweep that under the rug and not worry other members and put out a warning to the sentinels that only they could see?

    • #5584
      Profile photo of Mike

      That and it’s a threat. I mean, if you hacked someone and then they told you “Your days are numbered”, I’d be worried. doing it this way, it’s not obvious to the majority of people. Or maybe it’s letting us know that they’re on top of it and not to worry?

    • #5585
      Profile photo of

      @mike definitely sounds possible. I mean imagine being part of the sentinel crew and watching this video, then just realizing there’s a threat dead in the middle of a propaganda video? I would be terrified!

    • #5593
      Profile photo of Erin


  • #5579
    Profile photo of

    @mike dude it took me forever to get a good pause on the sentinel message haha there’s also a another frame a little later in the video where is just says in bold letters “SENTIEL”

  • #5583
    Profile photo of Mike

    @rizzzoooooo – There’s more after the bold letters. It’s the same message, just put differently. If you pause a little more after that one, you’ll see it

  • #5587

    I find the most interesting aspect of the video to be the news articles that are featured (see @thegilded‘s above links). The content theme of the two articles seems to be: Fear of surveillance leading to modification of behaviors (verbal and physical).

    Now I’m considering in which exact ways this theme is relevant to OOA and what OOA wants us to take from it.

    • #5589
      Profile photo of Daela

      I’ve definitely modified my behavior since I’ve started thinking the OOA might be surveilling me.

  • #5612
    Profile photo of Mike

    I just spent the last half hour or so going through the video frame by frame. There’s a lot of stuff hidden in there. It’s awesome!

  • #5616

    Additional articles referenced in the video:


    The Washington Post logo appeared several times amidst excerpts from the third article

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded). Reason: Corrected link
  • #5650
    Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky
    Mary Pavlovsky

    Thank you Sean. YOUARETHEBEST!!!

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