Beware The Imposter

This topic contains 31 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of  Anonymous 8 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #5103
    Profile photo of GATEKEEPER5

    WE see talk amongst you that there are imposters.  The truth is that ALL uninitiated are IMPOSTERS until awoken in the light… each and everyone one of YOU!

    Listen to all, but trust only yourself and remember WE will always be where YOU are. 

    Rest assured that we will destroy dangerous threads, but only YOU can decide who will light your path.  

    Some of those accused we know of, yet there are others…

    We have been given information that a meeting is to transpire in Los Angeles and heed our warning, one in attendance is not who they seem.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of GATEKEEPER5 GATEKEEPER5.
  • #6506
    Profile photo of Killer

    I seek to no longer impose. Look forward to the light.

  • #6510
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    @killershorts I don’t think you imposed, you didn’t really say much. Do you feel like an imposter by lurking, or were you a lurking imposter?

  • #6517
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    @killershorts well if you need help with anything, or want to ask about anything, we’ll try to help. the OOA encourages activity, so passively waiting for the light may not be the way to go, just saying

  • #7142
    Profile photo of Bobglob

    How do we know who is an imposter and who is not?

    • #7166
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      that’s for you to decide and report to the omega council. some have already been called out and “terminated with extreme prejudice” there are likely still others.

  • #7357
    Profile photo of Cody

    I wonder if anyone reported me after my line of questioning and statements the other day.. you too @endlesspictures. bahaha.

    • #7363
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      Well, I don’t think there’s anything to report as we were speaking out in the open on the forum and neither of us, at least to my knowledge, is an actual detractor.

  • #7641
    Profile photo of Michelle

    I received an email from a now deleted user. It was sent early this morning and I’ve only just seen it. I was told not to reach them here but directly through email. She would tell me more about herself, assuming it really is a female, when she heard from me. Hmmm. Perhaps an imposter?

    • #7643
      Profile photo of Cody

      If the letter you are refe3ring to is sent from “Love” then yes I would beware.
      Phishing scam much like the ones people often recieve through emails ect. they were dealt with swiftly.
      Their account was deleted before I had the chance to even review the message from them

    • #7644
      Profile photo of Michelle

      Same here. And, yes, the email was from exactly that. And, looking into it further, this person is a phishing scam. That email address is all over the internet with people asking who it is.

    • #7648
      Profile photo of ReidV

      The phish pretends to be someone called Esther as well.

  • #7652
    Profile photo of Cody

    reminds me of ishtar the goddess of “love” Esther kind of sounds like easter and Easter is right at the same time as the ancient holiday surrounding Ishtar.
    totally tension unrelated I believe but very neat, all those little connections.

  • #7653
    Profile photo of Cody

    Esther aslo queen of persia. wiki link

  • #7654
    Profile photo of Iris Halliwell
    Iris Halliwell

    I received an e-mail this morning from LOVE as well telling me I seemed like “such an honest person” and asking to “get to know me better”. I’m glad they’ve been properly dealt with.

  • #7790
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    It appears that they spammed everyone on the site. I had a friend that doesn’t use the forum much ask me if it was the way the OOA always communicates and I explained no it was spam. I am glad it seems to have stopped.

  • #7793
    Profile photo of Lucus

    So does anyone know what happens if you reply to this email?

  • #7794
    Profile photo of Lucus

    More Easter references? Now I wonder if it was a scam or a lesson?

  • #7795
    Profile photo of ReidV

    Phish is phish. No lesson there 😂

  • #7799
    Profile photo of Lucus

    If it is a phish it seems like a strange one. It does not redirect me anywhere or ask me to enter any information. When I sent an email to the address given nothing happened. Also when I searched the name I found an actress. This is a stretch and I know I can find meaning in anything but it seems a little coincidental. What was this account phishing for? My tension password? My email password? Neither would lead them anywhere. My theory is that the experiment was to see how far we would stretch honesty. Who searched for the account to see who it was? Who thought it was part of the experience? Who immediately posted the email on the forums? Who sent the address a message thinking it was their part in the narrative? The reason I think this could mean something is because I sent an email from two different email accounts and had a different outcome with the account not associated with The Tension Experience. Again I dont understand the technical art of how this works but “nothing is random”, right.

    • #7804
      Profile photo of PuppetGirl

      To get your email address.

  • #7808
    Profile photo of Lucus

    So I should expect some mail then.

  • #7902
    Profile photo of Juliet R
    Juliet R

    I too received this email. I would assume we all did. So far, the only official correspondence I’ve received seems to emails, a Tweet and a single phone call.

  • #8296
    Profile photo of CharlieD

    Received the message from Esther too but didn’t notice it until now.

  • #10515
    Profile photo of Dietcokekitty

    esther continued to contact me….
    wanting things, avoiding questions…

    • #10517

      I wouldn’t worry. Esther was a spam bot. Ignore those messages

  • #12126
    Profile photo of Cody

    You know what I find quite interesting, I never replied to this obvious spam message from “LOVE”. Never replied to “esther” either. Yet somehow, it seems they aquired my email address anyway.
    This I find quite curious.
    This is who sent the letter.
    How the hell did they get my address?

  • #12127
    Profile photo of Cody

    You know what I find quite interesting, I never replied to this obvious spam message from “LOVE”. Never replied to “esther” either. Yet somehow, it seems they aquired my email address anyway.
    This I find quite curious.
    This is who sent the letter.
    How the hell did they get my address?
    They asked me to replt to this address
    This spam account seems to be targeting tension individuals. just sayin.

  • #12131
    Profile photo of Cody

    @gilded, is it possible that our private information has in some way been compormised by involvement on here?

    • #12132

      It is extremely easy to get email addresses like this from forums and sites that you’ve signed up for. I’d say that it’s less that your private information has been compromised, and more that any information that you used to sign up with wasn’t really private to begin with.

  • #12135
    Profile photo of

    I never got that email, I did get a message though.

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