BOS Video from ScareLA

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA BOS Video from ScareLA


This topic contains 71 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Susie J Susie J 8 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #18609
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    The OOA does not want you to see this. The OOA came to ScareLA in the interest of spreading propaganda, but the BOS shut them down. Against the OOA’s wishes, this video has been made public, available for all to see. We have been unified with one of the OOA’s highest members.

    The Brotherhood of Seraph has more control than you think.

    See for yourself, the cowards behind “The Tension Experience” who refuse to come out of the shadows.

  • #18610
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    Where’s the final page listed, the one about Ellis?

  • #18613
    Profile photo of

    BOS00016.png – this one was taken in Marfa, TX!! I love that place.

  • #18614
    Profile photo of Mike

    Now we know why it took so long…BoS had to change the video. The original video had all of the faces/photos on one screen. Makes sense so they could take screenshots of each face to give us something to research better. Also, this isn’t a criticism, so calm down.

    So if we’re not BoS, we get called accomplices to crime, enablers, liars, and murderers? It must be nice to be able to throw stones in that glass house of theirs.

    Also, was the “higher up” OOA member supposed to be III? Or is it someone else? I know BoS can’t answer that, so I said that more for theorizing. Clockmakers? TheCreator? Ellis himself?

    • #18616
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      Guessing the higher-up was III. But then again he’s (supposedly) dead now, so idk. Depends on when the video was made-before or after III was ‘killed.’

  • #18617


    The original video had all of the faces/photos on one screen.

    If you mean the collage I posted, I made that, it was not part of the video presented at ScareLA.

    @mumumusings: No.

    • #18619
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      @electrichippo, so it’s someone else besides III?

      Just great.

    • #18620
      Profile photo of Mike

      @electrichippo – Apologies, my mistake (and good job on that collage!)

    • #18625

      @mike: No problem, and thank you.

      One more thing… My house is not glass. My conscience is clear.

    • #18626
      Profile photo of Mike

      Your house may not be, but your clubhouse sure is

    • #18638
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      You know, BOS is pretty transparent with our info, so the glass thing makes sense. Unlike a certain “organization” we’re all pretty familiar with, right?

    • #18643
      Profile photo of Mike

      Actually, I’d disagree with that. The OOA has given out way more information about themselves than Bos/Sentinel has.

      The OOA has given us their story on how they came to be, we know most of the people within it and their rank (also the org chart), they have tried to teach us with stories and lessons from their past, they have sit and talked with us in person, etc. Despite your feelings on the OOA or the points I just made, they are factual and true. All of these things have been done in public for all to see. If there was really something to hide, why would they do that?

      With Sentinel, we don’t know any of that. We don’t know who they are, we don’t know who is behind it, we don’t know where they came from or why (I’d love to know if they tried this with any other organizations in the past or if they have a list of who they’re going after or is it just the OOA), if it is, why? The whole “we want to expose the truth” is a cool reason, but is that it? Everything Sentinel has done has been in the shadows (the hack, the video, etc). Why wait to expose everything if they’re sick of the cat and mouse game? If the OOA is that bad, wouldn’t everything be exposed by now? Has anyone in BoS actually met Sentinel? Even BoS members have met the OOA’s Gatekeepers.

      So it sounds like Sentinel has more to hide than the OOA

    • #18644
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Despite your feelings on the OOA or the points I just made, they are factual and true.


      AHAHAHAHAHA… Good one!


    • #18645
      Profile photo of Mike

      Since you seemed to not read anything I wrote except what you quoted….what did I say, in that post, that had anything to do with Ellis?

    • #18648
      Profile photo of 111_error


      Since you seemed to not read anything I wrote except what you quoted….what did I say, in that post, that had anything to do with Ellis?


      The OOA has given us their story on how they came to be, we know most of the people within it and their rank

      No, you know what they have told you, you don’t know that it’s true.

      they have sit and talked with us in person

      You don’t know who is sitting and talking to you in person. You do now know that it is not who they say it is, thanks to BoS.

      Despite your feelings on the OOA or the points I just made, they are factual and true.

      No, you saying something is factual does not make it factual. Evidence suggests you are being lied to.

      Why wait to expose everything if they’re sick of the cat and mouse game?

      BoS has been trying to expose the OOA, they have not been waiting, they have been trying every since you joined this experience.

      If the OOA is that bad, wouldn’t everything be exposed by now?

      Some might say it has been – without taking into account anything BoS has said or done.

      Has anyone in BoS actually met Sentinel? Even BoS members have met the OOA’s Gatekeepers.

      Did you meet Ellis Gordon? Are you sure?

      Sentinel does not promise answers and then feed you lies. Sentinel promised to expose the OOA, and that seems to be what’s happening.

      There is – literally – blood in their hallways, whereas our house is clean.

    • #18649
      Profile photo of Mike

      @111error – thank you for that (I wish we could quote whole posts)

      All of your points though, the same could be said about your feelings with the BoS.

      You “know” what Sentinel/BoS has told you. That doesn’t make it true. The same way you told me I only know what they told me.
      I do not know the people I spoke to aren’t who they say. BoS has not shown me who the everyday, hardworking people are like Attendant 17 or the Doctor or the popcorn lady. We have had actual human interaction with various OOA members. They are real people and they spoke to us (as in, they weren’t robots or an online persona). They did those things with us and for us, that isn’t a lie. My point is, Sentinel has been a symbol behind a computer screen. Who’s to say Sentinel isn’t Ellis or a Gatekeeper or anyone typing away to you (or calling you, does Sentinel make calls?) in order to stir the pot? We don’t know…none of us know.
      Etc etc etc

      The point is, we’re going to believe what we want. We can argue all day and night about how (insert organization A) is evil and then counter argue how (insert organization B) are hypocrites because of this and that. They’re interchangeable and not just within this experience (look at the presidential race). We’re obviously going to stand up for what we believe in and what we think is right despite possible false accusations for and against us.

    • #18650
      Profile photo of 111_error

      @mike You referred to BoS as evil on your last My Haunt Life podcast, and this isn’t the first time you’ve done so. Why do you think BoS is evil? From my vantage point, they seem to be the good guys, as their warnings have come true, and you’ve now read the journal of someone they were trying to save, cataloguing their descent into pain, and madness.

      Also, to comment on something else you said in that podcast, you were surprised that Tom Barrow burst in, again, and was still emotional. Why are you surprised, and why do you so firmly criticize the actions of a distraught parent?

      If you had a child that had been warped by a cult, had possibly been tortured, or at least forced to endure extremely painful ‘procedures’ that had changed them, and had now reached a place where they could commit murder, would you not be out of your mind with rage and sadness? Would you be calmly speaking to people that still find this organization attractive, or would you struggle to remain calm when in their presence?

      I think it’s pretty easy to empathize with Tom’s actions, but you seem to make a conscious effort not to. Why is that?

    • #18653
      Profile photo of Mike

      @111error – I did say that. Like I said, we each believe what we want. I refer to them as “evil” because I have not seen them do anything good in my opinion. Hijacking a car with my co-host and others, disrupting a get together that BoS members were invited to, etc. The fact that BoS got invited to Scare LA, to me, shows some class on the OOA’s part. Like, we know you don’t like us, but come have fun with us. We don’t care which “side” you’re on. To my knowledge, Sentinel has never asked any of the OOA or it’s members to be a part of anything they’ve done. Of course, to those “fighting for the cause”, will not see these as evil at all. It’s just the way we look at things.

      Re: Tom, I made a joke about how he always seems to find out where the parties are at. He’s a party crasher. If he’s that good at finding invite only parties, then he has to be able to find where the OOA headquarters are. Obviously my opinion though. Maybe there’s more to Tom showing up. Maybe he’s supposed to play on our sympathies for a reason. Maybe he’s someone who got hired to test us and see how we think. That could make sense due to the unpopular opinion I hold that Tom isn’t really Addison’s dad.

      I understand why Tom is full of rage, but to come in like that and insult people that have tried to help, to me, doesn’t help your cause. A wise man (named @reaton) once said “No, Tom, this isn’t the way”. I agree with him, this isn’t the way. To me, his barging in does not bring up feelings of empathy up towards him and his cause, in brings up feelings of anger and frustration towards him. He’s done it at least twice at this point and what has happened? Nothing. He was escorted out.

      When Sentinel hijacked @reaton and a few others to hear his story, I feel that worked much better for them to understand the cause (despite the hijack). He spoke to them, emotionally, like a person, and told his story. He didn’t yell, he didn’t bust down any doors, he didn’t threaten…he just wanted help. If that meeting never happened, and all we saw was crazy Tom, I don’t think he’d have as much support as he does now.

      Also, I didn’t realize the podcast was in game.

    • #18655
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      I guess you’re really not in “FE” team after all then, huh? How can what the BoS has done be more “evil” than what the OOA has done? Explain because I really, really do not understand how hijacking is worse than murder.

    • #18656
      Profile photo of Mike

      The “evil” part was something @111error specifically pointed out for our specific conversation topic. He’s not pointing out the things I’ve said about Two and the OOA in other podcasts and the reason I became a rogue soldier in this war.

      Also, let’s not forget that when @thebuz murdered III, he was still BoS. He went to that meeting representing the BoS. What happened after with him and the BoS disavowing him and his actions does not change that.

    • #18657
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      He went with non-BoS intentions, I’m sorry, that doesn’t make him BoS. He lied his way through.

    • #18658
      Profile photo of Mike

      And yet he still made it through and became one of you. Sounds like there needs to be a better vetting process in place

    • #18660
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Huh, so just like how all of us BOS members made it into the OOA and became one of them? How many people have infiltrated BOS as an OOA member, 1? How about how many OOA members revealed they were BOS?

    • #18659
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Kasch made it very clear that it was their plan from the minute buz sided with BOS, to double cross us and commit murder. They faked a falling out and they faked arguments to trick everyone here, he came into our camp with lies and left us with a body. No Mike, he most definetly was not “still BoS”

    • #18661
      Profile photo of Mike

      Are you sure? I didn’t think Sentinel became friends with non BoS members. Whether this is a mistake, overlooked, or whatever, this is still proof that Buz was considered BoS at one point, even by your leader.

    • #18662
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Who said he wasn’t? Just because he was accepted at some point doesn’t mean that BoS condoned his actions or that we had an influence on them. You’re twisting facts here, I love you Mike but why is that hard to understand? Or is this just pot stirring for the sake of just pot stirring?

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of AH-lay AH-lay.
    • #18664
      Profile photo of Mike

      Umm…you did

      He went with non-BoS intentions, I’m sorry, that doesn’t make him BoS. He lied his way through.

    • #18665
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Read my updated reply. And yes, “lied” means he deceived us.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of AH-lay AH-lay.
    • #18668
      Profile photo of Mike

      Sorry, didn’t realize you edited your post :)

      This doesn’t have anything to do with condoning his actions. I posted that in reply to you saying “that doesn’t make him BoS”. I don’t see how I’m twisting facts at all. I’m not saying you all agreed with what he did or supported it. I’m just pointing it out to you because you said the OOA murdered and because of this situation, so did BoS.

      I’m not pot stirring, I’m just trying to have a discussion about things we’re all involved in <3

    • #18670
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Mike, if I went to the gun store as an atheist, bought a gun and then claimed I was now a believer in any religious group and killed a man. Would you say that makes Religous people murders? Or would you say that was an atheist man claiming to be Religous so he could kill a man, and he was never in fact Religous?

    • #18672
      Profile photo of Mike

      I don’t think that’s a fair comparison. To make a better and more fair comparison, the man that was murdered by you would have to be the leader of the opposite religion in which you claimed to be a part of.

      The point is, no matter who murders who, people will always lump it in to whatever the biggest thing about them. So because of what we’re involved in, that’s why I said that :)

    • #18667
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      I don’t think you understood what I meant, let me clarify: the second we learned Buz had lied to ALL of us and killed one of our own, he was not “still a BOS member” as you put it. And no Mike, buZ was not representing BOS for that meeting, Buz was representing Buz. He went to that meeting to make up for all the trash he talked to three and give him a gift. The gift was not from BoS, it was from Buz trying to get three to forgive him.

    • #18669
      Profile photo of Mike

      Totally get it, but let me clarify as to why I’m saying what I say. Once we all learned what he did, was after, so we found out from Sean’s periscope, which was later in the night, he was still BoS up until you saw what happened. See what I’m saying?

      Also, the way I look at it, Buz had affiliation. He claimed it in order to get III to trust him. So when you have an affiliated member, to me, that’s representation of that affiliation. You may not agree, and that’s fine, but that’s how I’m looking at.

    • #18671
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      The point I think we are all trying to make is this: We did not turn our backs on a BoS member, we turned our backs on a murderer and a liar. Yes we believed him to be one of our own at one point, but when he made that move on three, we knew he really never was. He was only BoS in the sense of the name, he did not stand for any of the same things we stand for.

    • #18699
      Profile photo of PuppetGirl

      I thought BOS and Sentinal were the same thing…are they different?

    • #18707

      @puppetgirl: A few points that might help:

      “BOS” and “Sentinel” can be used interchangeably.

      BOS is The Brotherhood (And Sisterhood!) of Seraph, an organization.

      Sometimes “Sentinel” is used to denote an individual who is a member of BOS.

      BOS’s Facebook account uses the name “Sentinel Being” which is an anagram hinting at a bit of what we do.

      The words sentinel and seraph have relevance to our cause.

      BOS’s logo is an hourglass which suggests the fleeting nature of time, as in: Time is running out.

  • #18618
    Profile photo of Ezi

    Do we know who any of them are yet?

  • #18621

    @mumumusings: We, BOS, have been *connected* for quite some time now.

    @lenize: Yes, we do. For starters, take a peek at the name tag on that military coat…

  • #18623
    Profile photo of Ezi

    @electrichippo Ahh, I see! The guy in number 20 looks slightly familiar, but I don’t know if it’s from remembering seeing it at ScareLA when the video was playing or somewhere else, or if he just has a cute face, lol.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Ezi Ezi.
    • #18629
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      @lenize: Agreed! Lol! Hard to deny this truth regarding Picture 20, although he is also Andrew Perez aka Ellis Gordon.

      Picture 21 looks a lot like the unnamed man who appeared in the III murder video with Buz and III.

    • #18630
      Profile photo of Ezi

      Yeah, @mike posted that right after I posted! Then I was like, duh, why didn’t I see that!

  • #18628
    Profile photo of Mike

    @electrichippo – Honest question here. Why does BoS want to expose these people? In my mind, exposing who is behind it will give the OOA even more exposure and have more people get involved. I mean, if I wasn’t a part of this and I heard that an event was going on that involved all of these horror writers/directors/etc, I’d join up in a second. This seems to go against the whole point of the end goal of BoS (unless they plan on taking over Ascension :P)

    • #18651

      @mike: Because of this…

      Take The Fall

      We don’t need “fall” guys, we need the ones who have truly done the damage.

    • #18654
      Profile photo of Mike

      @electrichippo – I’m confused. If you’re not after the “fall guys”, why are you exposing them?

      or am I reading that part of the diary wrong? I’m assuming the Hollywood people are the ones in the video and NOT the real creators?

  • #18631
    Profile photo of Amie

    I’m glad to see the video released but I have to say it doesn’t really answer any questions. I’m also wondering this…when the BoS hacked the Tension site they released a few names behind Tension, one of those being Ellis Gordon as the puppet master. If the BoS knew Ellis Gordon was actually Andrew Perez why didn’t they give us that information back then? Or did it actually take them 4 months to figure it out? What is the goal of the BoS, is it just to make people aware that the OOA isn’t what it seems to be? This just makes me think about that leaked email @kingkill33 received and I’m still left with too many questions.

    • #18632
      Profile photo of 111_error

      @amieexists The person announced as Ellis Gordon was just an actor, and the point of exposing this is to further illustrate that the OOA is full of shit, and lying to you at every opportunity.

    • #18633
      Profile photo of Amie

      Yes, I realize this. I’m not asking what their goal was with releasing his real name, I think that was obvious. I’m asking the goal overall. There are many shadows from both sides, you can say the OOA is lying all day long and I won’t even deny it. But I can’t look at someone blacked out with a hood on and believe they have my best interests at heart. Unless… Anyway all I’m saying is that from both sides I’m seeing things that give me pause on trusting them. Here’s what I know for sure, if @gatekeeper2 is trying to unleash some truth I’m more than willing to listen. I want to know what’s coming.

  • #18634
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    Simple questions: How can anyone at this point still give the OOA the benefit of the doubt? Why is it more important for some to attack BoS when we’ve never done anything other than try to expose dangerous practices of the OOA, which unlike them, we don’t do this through violence, at most we do it through a bit of chaos (hacking or hijacking a video). I think the OOA needs to be asked more questions and for them to give more answers, like: what are they *really* about?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of AH-lay AH-lay.
  • #18636
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    Also, after all of this, if you still support the OOA: how can it sit well with you what they’ve done to Addison? What if she was your sister, daughter, mother? Don’t you think she would have had a better and brighter future without them?

    • #18637
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      My reasons for remaining with the OOA, despite what’s happened, are…….personal at their core.

      On the surface, over the last couple of years(due to tons of ARG playing), I’ve been conditioned in a way to be patient and see how a situation turns out, to watch as the cards begin to fall and things begin to occur. It’s just who I’ve become and that’s why I’m fine with the odd metaphors and the lack of transparency: because I’m pretty much convinced that if they’ve kept my attention for this long then what the OOA has in store for me will be worth it.

      Digging deeper, however, is a bit different.

      My real reason for being with the OOA is a reason that I’d wager any diehard person who’s with them might say if you stopped them on the street and asked them: something generic and cliche as “my life was changed because of them.”

      For me, this really is the truth: The person I was before the OOA and the person I am now are not exactly the same and I credit the OOA with the difference caused in me.

      Now, I’ve made it public on here that I’ve been depressed-and in many respects, I still am fighting that fight. It’s not one that just ends suddenly-it takes time and effort to combat. But the OOA…..being introduced to this enigmatic society and being able to make friends out of all of you, regardless of your paths now….That caused a change in me. It gave me the tools to fight, day after day.

      For the first time in years, I actually am excited for what the future holds. I’m still the person on the outside. But the person on the inside is slightly happier and that happiness doesn’t dissipate after a couple of minutes. I can hold onto that good feeling and have it carry me though my day, no matter what happens.

      And when this “Tension Experience” ends, it won’t be the end for me. I’ll have so many good memories and so many wonderful friends and connections made as a result.

      I wouldn’t have gotten all this if I didn’t join the OOA. I wouldn’t be the person I am now-and I wouldn’t be excited for the person I will become if I didn’t join their ranks. And I’m determined as hell to continue down that _Path, no matter what happens. Because with every step I take, I get happier.

      And even though I won’t be there, I hope that I get to Ascend someday like the very few who remain here who are loyal to the OOA and to Anoch.

      I am an Apostle of the Beginning. If I get to be more than that, cool. If not, I’m fine with what I Have been given so far. But one thing is for certain:

      I will never waver.
      I will not change.
      I will not falter.

      I will remain, standing at the wall, with my fellow Apostles by my side.

      That is my _path.
      That is my ‘truth.’

    • #18639
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      @mumumusings, I understand what you shared about depression, and also thank you for being open to us about it. It is because I see the good people that are involved in this that I stand with BoS; I refuse to see anyone else get harmed by the OOA. Also, whatever good you are taking away from this does not come from the OOA, it comes from Tension and from the community…I am not one to dictate what you choose, but just think about what I said ❤️

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of AH-lay AH-lay.
    • #18685
      Profile photo of DimStyle

      @mumumusings wow, very well spoken. There are a few of us that will be standing next to you.

  • #18652
    Profile photo of ReidV

    Its easier to deconstruct than to actually believe in something. BoS embodies that deconstruction… and what has it amounted to?

    I don’t believe in endless suspicion and infighting… I believe in going to Ascension with my friends.

  • #18673

    @mike: You seem to be enjoying yourself. We’ve answered your questions. If you choose to accuse every word of ours a mistruth, so be it. We are moving on now. We have more important things to upload at the moment…

    • #18674
      Profile photo of Mike

      I look forward to see what you have coming :)

    • #18675
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      *whispers under her breath* That’s what she said.

    • #18679
      Profile photo of Nate

      Thank you. I didn’t want to say it.

    • #18686
      Profile photo of DimStyle

      @monkeymuffin333 HAHA! Bazinga!

  • #18676
    Profile photo of Nate

    perSonally, i joinEd the brothers of seraph because, despite beiNg iniTIally “iNdoctrinatEd” into this helLhole we call the ooa, I couldn’t Stand for such unnecessary injusTices and Heinous trEatment of one’s feLlow man. despIte my admiration and respect for every sinGle one of you, i Hesitate To believe a thing that comeS out Of the iNstitute.

    • #18677
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      I think that only worked for III. I could be wrong though.

  • #19057

    We’ve identified one more member of OOA-Hollywood.

    Picture 21 is Srđan Stakić: IMDB Srdan Stakic

    Full list of IDs to date –

    Picture 11 is ???
    Picture 12 is ???
    Picture 13 is Darren Lynn Bousman
    Picture 14 is Lynn Bousman
    Picture 15 is ???
    Picture 16 is Derrick Hinman
    Picture 17 is Brian Smith
    Picture 18 is Clint Sears
    Picture 19 is Gordon Bijelonic
    Picture 20 is Andrew Perez
    Picture 21 is Srđan Stakić

    Picture source: BOS ScareLA – Hollywood images

    • #19060
      Profile photo of Rusty

      Is it possible Srdjan Stakic is the person who briefly appeared in the video featuring the end of III? I think he looks very similar to that guy if it was not actually him.

    • #19062

      @reaton: Yes I think you’re correct. It did look like Stakic in the surveillance video with @thebuz and III. It looks like Stakic in the background of the LA Times video as well… From memory it is a scene near the start with DLB speaking and several others sitting behind him (I think, Stakic, Derek Hinman, Gordon Bijelonic and one other I can’t identify)

    • #19063
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      I might have spotted him last week as well. 👀

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