Echo Park – 6/11/2016

This topic contains 107 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Hazel Cloud Hazel Cloud 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #10096
    Profile photo of

    And I didn’t cause any car crashes.
    Hopefully this works. If these aren’t legible, I can type them out later. I got ambushed when I got back to where I’m staying here in LA, my friend somehow watched the Periscope thing and thought it was the coolest thing ever and we ended up talking about art for hours. I’m sorry they didn’t make it here sooner.

    echo Park 06/11/2016

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa. Reason: Megan don't hate me but that 6/16/16 was bugging me :)
  • #10098
    Profile photo of

    Also, @nking – here are the periscope videos:

    Since those are going to disappear, is there a way to download them for me?

  • #10099

    “Les Huit” = eight

    “The club hopping, flamboyant and charismatic guru of sorts who sounds as if he walked strait from an Anne Rice novel.”

    (I might be laughing.)

    • #10100
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      I am really hoping to meet this man, he sounds absolutely amazing and so far my favorite member of the OOA hahaha. I can picture him perfectly lmao

    • #10127
      Profile photo of Melissa

      What’s strange is that Les is plural. So, this man likes to refer himself in plural (like the royal We) or…multiples personalities?

  • #10101
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    Ok so first thoughts about this diagram, by the way is fucking badass, but they are numbered as if they came from a book. I want to see this book, and I imagine most of us would as well. What other teachings, prophecies, and structure resides within this book??

    • #10119
      Profile photo of Cody

      Hah. Yeah man. I’d like a gander into this book, as well as the other book copied from.

  • #10102
    Profile photo of Daela

    Based on this chart, I’m still confused about the Regents and their place in the order. Do they not have any direct oversight?

    Where do we think Light2Dark falls on this chart?

  • #10103
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    Ok, I now want the OOA structure chart as a phone wallpaper lol

    But seriously, so much information here to study.

  • #10104
    Profile photo of Daela

    Hmmm, Overseer once said he was present to make sure “she doesn’t burn the house down”. We assumed at the time that he was referring to Gatekeeper 4. But it seems like Gatekeeper 4 is multiple tiers higher than Overseer. Strange that someone so much lower on the hierarchy would be entrusted to monitoring a Gatekeeper, Anoch’s #2.

    • #21305
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      I think they were referencing Addison…

  • #10105
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    And we do see one of our questions answered, but did we receive another question answered? Seems like it’s all an explanation of who they are, which is a great read, but I still ask if 2 of our 3 questions were answered?

  • #10106
    Profile photo of ReidV

    @daela Light2Dark sounds like a Clockmaker to me. And maybe the one who was going to burn the house was Addison?

  • #10107
    Profile photo of 111_error

    @coryphella – Congratulations on an amazing mission, successfully completed.

    The letter with blacked-out text; Have you tried holding up to a light source and seeing if you can image the text beneath?

    • #10117
      Profile photo of Daela

      In the fourth blacked-out paragraph, I see the phrase “ignore misgivings”.

      In the second-to-last paragraph, I see something about people “buy[ing] into” something?

      I get the feeling that the blacked-out portions of the page might not be very complimentary toward the OOA.

    • #10120

      @daela I think you’re right, although I’d add that I don’t personally find anything on that page to be particularly complimentary.

      I’d also very much appreciate if @coryphella can take a closer look at that marked out text and report back.

    • #10123
      Profile photo of Cody

      I would Very much like to hear if you are able to make out the text as well @coryphella.
      I’m with @electrichippo on this one for sure.

  • #10109
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    Are the blacked out spaces, the one’s offshooting from the Gatekeepers, where the resigned or removed Gatekeepers go? Such as @gatekeeper5 and @gatekeeper4? Can you shed some light on this @gatekeeper3 ??

  • #10110
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    Reading and rereading and rereading.

    The third paragraph on the older page.. The birth of the Oracles via 242. Begat of flesh and bone, but does that mean they’re something else now?

    It’s always seemed that the oracles are some power that have always been there, but perhaps not.. But are the original Oracles still the Oracles of today?

    Anyone else feel like we’ve been given a couple answers along with fifteen more questions?

    • #10121
      Profile photo of Cody

      Haha. yeah.. kind of like life and the search for knowledge. Your always left with more questions. But questions arent a bad thing… I prefer to think of them as a fork in possibility, much like a fork in the road. Each question/fork introduces yet more variables for possibility. Then the result of learning more is feeling like you know less sometimes. Yet it also means more possibility! It’s a fantastic loop that repeats over and over again! Haha.

  • #10111

    That’s an incredibly unique way for III to answer our questions… We got an organizational chart, and we got the numbers explained to us.

    Hats off to III, I didn’t think the answers would be this… awesome

  • #10112
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    Ok so, we did get 2 of the questions answered. @thegilded I’ll take a 3rd read and see what I can see. Thank you for clarifying that.

  • #10113
    Profile photo of 111_error

    – If possible, people that have the means to do so should publicize today’s events on and in their social media circles, try and invite others to use this as a foothold to join us.

  • #10114
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    Also, isn’t @mkarrett a Sentry of the Council? I don’t see that title in the org structure.

    • #10116

      She and I both are, but I suspect that it’s a relatively new position, and one less formally recognized by the OOA.

      We act as moderators and go-betweens between the Disciples and the OOA, but we don’t (or at least haven’t) gotten formal recognition in events or anything like that.

      I like to think of us as bouncers. We don’t have a seat at the table, but we’re still employed by the same company. Make sense?

    • #10118
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      Ah, I see! Yes, I understand. Thanks for clarification!

  • #10115
    Profile photo of Daela

    Disappointed that Anoch is a “He” tbh

  • #10124
    Profile photo of Cody

    A thought came to mind… when the aged letter is placed directly over the other text letter or even diagram, does make anything stand out?

  • #10126
    Profile photo of Melissa

    JUST got back from a friend’s birthday party, I’ll play catch up in a bit. Hope you don’t mind but this Sentry is kinda neurotic so I changed the topic title to reflect the actual date to avoid confusion. <3

  • #10128
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    This is all incredible! The flow chart… The fact that the OOA is centuries old! And the AOL chat room thing slayed me.

    It was also cool to get confirmation that we are on a “countdown.” But leading to what… Anoch’s rage? *gulp*

    • #12269
      Profile photo of

      So…I just thought of this, looking at @gatekeeper3‘s recent post and looking back at the documents. Forgive me if this has already been discussed, I couldn’t find it if it has.

      Is it possible that 242 was the first gatekeeper that Anoch created per the yellow singed piece of paper, and ever since then we’ve been counting down through the gatekeepers? That’s the countdown?

    • #12275
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      hey @coryphella, I think there is a thread where we talk about it. Somewhere.

      I remember we used the Rosemary Luther video to creat a time line for getting to 242. But I can’t remember where it was

    • #12278
      Profile photo of

      Dammit. Looked for it, didn’t see it.
      Thanks @endlesspictures

  • #10129
    Profile photo of

    Hey everyone. So, that was insane today. And I’m exhausted and I still want to write about what happened before I pass out.

    I can’t read the words that are blacked out – they did a good job of it, using marker on front AND back. I’ll be seeing @mkarrett tomorrow night at the beach thing and she thinks she can use some tools at her work to try to see it, so I’ll hand it off to her then & she’ll get it back to me soon.

    The yellowed paper – it’s actually smaller than the other one, so what you see through the hole in it depends on how you line it up. I’ll have them with me tomorrow night for anyone who wants to see them. I don’t see anything on first glance.

    And I believed this answered two of our questions – organizational structure, and the numbers (242 etc.). Neither is the question I was really hoping for, but I had a fun adventure and didn’t cause any car accidents OR get eaten by III.

    • #10138
      Profile photo of Melissa

      *groan* marker on front and back of the document? 😭 Why you make my job so hard OOA? LOL

    • #10139
      Profile photo of Cody

      I wish you the best of luck! I hooe we can gain some clarity as a result of your efforts. πŸ˜€

  • #10130
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    @coryphella I’m exceptionally happy for you, you travel all this distance and The OOA doesn’t ignore that. Today was an another proclamation upon our foundation of Community. I’m sorry I can’t meet you on this go-around, hopefully next time. You were definitely the hero of the day and solved some questions but was our vessel for very many more. Glory Be Sister!!

  • #10131
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    These are awesome. Great job @coryphella. I think I got the basic idea of what is being said in these documents but you all keep saying answers to numbers, with an s. I see the answer to 242, I am not sure about the other numbers though. If anyone could help me with that, I’d incredibly appreciate it.

    Was the sheet with the redacted information on it just for a base of history of The Church of Anoch or do you think there is more?

    Very awesome and I cannot understand that organizational chart whatsoever haha – I will continue to stare at it some more.

    • #10140
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      3 references 8 on the page about the Anne rice character come to life (who sounds amazing tbh)

    • #10142
      Profile photo of Cody

      Sounds quite exciting indeed.

  • #10132
    Profile photo of

    Hey @nking – are you around the Eagle Rock or Glendale areas? I’d be happy to meet up somewhere if you need to look at them in person. I am back in the workshop at noon, at which point I don’t k is that I’ll have any internet/phone. It was a miracle yesterday’s call got through.

    • #10134
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      Unfortunately I am not. I got called into work this morning in Burbank. So I am at the studio in Burbank until approximately 11:30. I’d love to see them in person for sure. Are you able to meet up in North Hollywood or Burbank area around lunch time?

    • #10136
      Profile photo of

      Not today – the workshop is 12-8. Tomorrow? I have a bunch of loose plans tomorrow that aren’t quite firmed up yet.

    • #10137
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      Yea tomorrow is possible. I’ll PM you my number

  • #10135
    Profile photo of Cody

    It’s neat how Anoch is depicted as the SUN in the structure pic.
    Yet more Egyptian mythology ties?

    Many ancient tension theorists, say yes. lol.

    View post on

  • #10141
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Just chiming in after a weekend away (damn weddings).

    Very cool we got 2/3 questions answered. Not surprised III didn’t answer all three questions.

    I’m still on like 2 hours of sleep so I will have to dig into this when my brain is a little fresher.

    Thanks Megan for doing the dirty work!

  • #10143
    Profile photo of ReidV

    So as we know the Sentry title is missing on the organization chart. This could mean a couple things, in order of likelyhood:

    -simple error
    -the document is older, and Sentries were not needed before the OOA embraced tech
    -Sentries are an extension of the Omega Council (sentries of the council)
    -or sentries are not even an OOA title (remember what regent 7 said about one light and one dark?)

    • #10144
      Profile photo of ReidV

      Side note: the Sentry promotion was not mentioned at The Ringing of the Bell either until Mike brought it up. Coincidence or planned?

    • #10145
      Profile photo of Melissa

      ~four brought up the promotion here.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa. Reason: linking
    • #10147
      Profile photo of ReidV

      Shoot youre right πŸ˜ƒ

      Waiiiiit we dont know if 4 is rogue or not…

    • #10148
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Also, I’m not sure if this will help anybody but Aleister told me as I accepted my position as Sentry that @masterlock (Overseer) would be watching over Sean and I.

    • #10149
      Profile photo of ReidV

      Just playing devils advocate πŸ˜‰

      Overseer, who was eliminated by 3 shortly after?

      And the Regent 7 comment still bothers me. We do know Sentinel has infiltrated OOA, why not claim a promoted rank?

  • #10150
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    OK, yay! I can finally can say stuff!(Primarily after reading the various pages of stuff).

    So I’ve been mostly spending my time with the structure chart. Much like @atticus360, I’ve already noted that the “Sentry” position isn’t on the list. (@TheGuilded has provided a rather excellent reason as to why this may be.) If I was the one writing that structure chart, I would put the “Sentry” probably near “The Omega Council” considering that the full title is “Sentry of the Council”.

    It is also rather interesting to note that the Church of Anoch is simply another element of the OOA hierarchy. (also reminds me, I noticed on Facebook while browsing the Tension Experience page that some people recorded themselves kinda declaring that they were members of the Church. Just something I noticed…and want to do someday.) Having read the page with the heavy redaction marks, it seems that the OOA has existed for quite a long time under various aliases. I personally wonder just how deep the rabbit hole falls with the OOA and how…vast their connections are.

    Finally, there’s the page that looks like it was torn out of the OOA’s holy book. Tells what I’m interpreting as the creation myth of the Oracles and it also explains the meaning behind the number 242. Much like @addisonborn, I too wonder whether the Oracles of our time are the same as the ones in the myth. If so, I think it means they’ve been around for a seriously long time.

    Welp, those are my thoughts as of now. :)

  • #10152
    Profile photo of Cody

    Yeah, good points Mustafa. Some good insight into the OOA and the history surrounding it. I am also not suprised at the information that has unfolded.
    A group that sought to bathe mankind in the sacred knowledge hidden from the masses by the controlling “Elite”. They were progressing it seems.. until they darkened. Began to misuse the knowledge or at least succumbed to corruption, Greed, Murder, Fraud etc.
    They became the opposite of the intent.
    Sad really.
    But then again, if not for their mistakes there may never have been the evolution or adaptation that was needed for tension to form.
    In a way. We owe our _paths to the or mistakes and I believe we should learn from them lest history repeat itself.
    There’s my thoughts.

  • #10155
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    anyone else find it interesting that the gatekeepers and clockmakers exist above the OOA? In theory, this would mean they have power over the OOA, not the other way around.
    Very interesting.

    The way I read the chart is that the entities on the same horizontal line would have equal power within the organization.
    Therefore, church of anoch=OOA=Omega Council

    Finally, as @kingkill33 pointed out, what are the boxes connected to the lines coming from the gatekeepers that we cannot see? Oracles? Whoever they are, they exist outside the circle, with Anoch.

    • #21310
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      I had similar thoughts, Jake.

  • #10156
    Profile photo of Muthiloced


  • #10157
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    And what happens on the 16th? @muthiloced

  • #10158
    Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
    Michael Rizzo

    Also, wanted to point out that the OOA and the church of anoch are two seperate entities in this chart (but with equal power)… What exactly is the difference? The OOA just broke off from the church and did their own thing but are now using technology (social media, forums, website, etc)? But they both work together? Why not just integrate tech into the original church instead of creating an entirely new entity that’s the exact same but with tech?

    Also! If someone can clarify, I know bob jones had spoke of the fire that was referenced in the article found… I don’t know if I’m remembering wrong or Mis read it but it seemed that bob jones thought the OOA was partly to blame for the fire? But the article seems to say otherwise and the fire actually freaked the church out and made them dip? If someone who got the email could clarify that was be awesome!

  • #10159
    Profile photo of

    Hey there was a small thing that I left out which may not be important at all, but in the interest of full disclosure…

    I went out to a fringe show last night (“The Truth”). When I got home, I received the following messages from Aleister:

    “You should have never gone. They know where you are now Megan.”
    “They follow Megan”
    “This isn’t what you think this is Megan. I can’t say anymore.”
    “Stay safe.”

    Those are all the things he said. I’m not sure if the place I never should have gone to was the fringe show or Echo Park. And at first I thought he was just joking because I thought “They Follow” was a horror movie but I’ve been informed that it’s something else. If the place I shouldn’t have gone to was Echo Park…well, we all know who followed me there. πŸ˜›

    • #10160
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      I worry very much for Gordon, I truly hope he stays safe

    • #10169
      Profile photo of

      Thanks dude, glad you’re worried about *my* safety and all. πŸ˜‰

    • #10168
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      So the gatekeepers leave us these physical missives in order to ID and follow us?

    • #10170
      Profile photo of

      The “They” who supposedly followed me was never identified. I don’t know if he meant the OOA or someone else and he basically stopped answering my questions after that. I think I lost my BFF.

    • #10180
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      Interesting, @Megan. I received similar warnings after we found the Griffith Park letter. But who are “THEY?”

  • #10161

    Been a crazy weekend that’s stopped me from interacting for the most part, but these letters are extremely curious. First and foremost, I’ll re-address the Sentry issue. We’ve never received solid confirmation, but my understanding is that it’s a newer role that wasn’t needed until forums, social media, etc were utilized. @mkarrett and I aren’t officially recognized members of the OOA, or honored the way that @mike is, but we are a newer role that protects Aspirants and Disciples in the forums, and provide support to them. Especially since I believe that this document is a bit older, I’m not surprised that Sentry is not included on the structure.

    I’d like to further comment on @mumumusings, you should be aware that, while the OOA does deserve our loyalty for showing us the Light, those that went on video claiming that they were “A part of the Church of Anoch” and such didn’t actually claim that directly, they were video-taped saying the opposite, that they were NOT members. They had their videos edited so that it would seem as though they were saying the opposite. Mike soon after saw the Light and rose to Scribe, while Sean the Fallen… well, we know how he’s turned away from it.

    I’m particularly curious about the organizational structure, as others have commented on. I’m extremely curious as to who else, outside of the Tension Circle, is connected to the Gatekeepers. They seem to have at least 8 other roles connected to them. Further, there seem to be several roles that we have not been either introduced to, or at least we’ve been interacting with members of these roles without knowing it. For example, many have spoken with Aleister. We know he is not a Gatekeeper, is he a Chaperone? A Guide? In my conversations with him, he’s spoken of the Clockmakers, so I’m certain enough that he’s not in that group, but I’m not certain what his role is.

    • #10162
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      This is something he said to me of his role in the OOA:
      “My job here is as of a witness. I sit on the sidelines and watch and make sure things run as intended. Yesterday, I was called to intervene and did not. This experience is about making choices. There are no wrong choices here, just ramifications. You yesterday made a choice. I neither condemn or judge. As I mentioned, I witness. Do you stand by your decisions?”

      This is a message he had sent to me after the FB incident and I feel like it’s something I could share especially with this map in place now. With that said, I feel pretty confidant in assuming he is in a chaperone role, as chaperones in general usually stay to the sidelines and watch, while making sure things run smoothly.

    • #10163
      Profile photo of

      Yeah I think he called himself a “watcher” to me, and that’s how we started with the Buffy the Vampire Slayer stuff.

    • #10164
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Lmao ily Gordon for blessing us with the knowledge of your love for Buffy

    • #10165
      Profile photo of ReidV

      “Sorry to barge in. I’m afraid we have a slight apocalypse”

    • #10200
      Profile photo of Anna

      @coreyphella Buffy references are the best references.

  • #10175
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    After looking at it again it really intrigues me that Clockmakers are above the separated OOA, Church of Anoch, and Omega Council. I find it fascinating that they are on the same level and not one in the same.

    Now how do people move up on this chart? The next step for Apostles of the beginning is either a scribe or a leader. Once there they can move up to Elder or over to chaperone. Then the elder becomes part of the Church of Anoch while the chaperone can move up into Guide then overseer than the OOA. But as an overseer you can move over to elder or regent. Once a regent you have to go back to overseer to become part of the OOA.

    There are so many paths and most of us here are all the way down at the bottom. We have a long road ahead of us.

  • #10177
    Profile photo of Mike

    What a crazy Saturday. I was out at Fringe events but thanks to the community here, I was updated via texts about what was transpiring. I was able to catch the Periscope treasure hunt live, so that was awesome!

    Looking at the org chart…it makes me think that this is a small part of it. To the right and left are more positions that are connected. Also, at the bottom is a 42 and 43. Is this the 42nd and 43rd page? 42 could mean something based on 242 being important.

    • #10178

      The slight misalignment in the word “Anoch” at the top makes me think that this is an EXCEPTIONALLY well copied section from an open book, or a recreation of one. I’m certainly reading it as page 42/43.

      But you’re right on the 242, now that we know that there were 242 originally anointed, it’s highly possible we’ll continue seeing that as a holy number.

  • #10181
    Profile photo of Mike

    @coryphella – is there any significance to the “dots” besides some of the positions? It looks like some are blurred and some are more clear. Does it look like anything in person?

    • #10196
      Profile photo of

      @xfedupx – I’m going to direct this question to @mkarrett because I’m out all day and she has the documents.

  • #10185
    Profile photo of Mike

    Knowing about 242 now and relooking at the logo, I think that number is part of it. Check it out

    • #10187
      Profile photo of Daela

      Oh, interesting. Think the “8” is also intended to be part of the logo?

    • #10188
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      That is incredibly fascinating! Great find.

    • #10189
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      Yooooooooo….. 😡

    • #10192
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch


      It’s like the show LOST, except the clues pay off!

    • #10193
      Profile photo of 111_error

      We’re all dead, and Tension is the limbo-island.. This sort of makes sense.

  • #10190
    Profile photo of Cody

    ……. πŸ˜₯😲ok… winds of change.

    So I can actually draw a 3 and 5 as well as 7and 9 on the logo as well.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Cody Cody.
  • #10197
    Profile photo of

    Hey everyone – I’m sorry I’ve been a little unhelpful in terms of reading and interpreting these documents, I’ve been running around seeing theater and friends and doing the workshop, and it’s been kind of non-stop. Last night at the beach I handed the envelopes to @mkarrett, she is going to try some forensics and also scan them for us before mailing them back to me. Any questions about them should probably go to her right now because I don’t have them to reference.

    I just got an article accepted into a journal (woo hoo!) with a deadline of August 1 (fuuuuuuck) so I’m already pre-tense for whatever Tension has planned for tonight.

    • #10201
      Profile photo of PuppetGirl

      So great hanging out today! Congrats on the article acceptance!

    • #21312
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud


      How did this turn out?

      Glory Be.

  • #10205
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Hey guys,

    Yes I’m doing the forensic testing on the redacted document but it’s in progress.

    As for the documents I scanned them today, here they are:

    The last image (the org chart) had a distorted look.

  • #10210
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    I didn’t realize OOA, Church of Anoch and Omega Council were not the same thing

  • #10212
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    I wonder the significance of 242

  • #10249
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Did they not answer our other question about what clues we’re missing?

    Because that’s kind of horse shitty.

  • #10256
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    they said 2 out of 3, that’s the way the cards fell. We could’ve asked the same question three times, but I feel like we got some pretty good answers. And they kept their word

    • #10258
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Ah that’s righr! My bad.

    • #10259
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      haha, no worries!

  • #10359
    Profile photo of Daela

    Something I just noticed. On the newsletter draft that Andrew and Buz found, there was a handwritten note: β€œThis must be given to controler[sic]! Left hand must know what right hand is doing!”

    I don’t see “Controler” on this organizational chart.

    • #21316
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      I also noticed that. Did anything come from this realization?

  • #11412
    Profile photo of

    @coryphella have you tried rubbing alcohol to remove the redacted parts? Probably nothing, but worth a shot.

    • #11413
      Profile photo of

      There’s another thread somewhere on here that shows the redacted text, @mkarrett used SCIENCE to discover it.

    • #11427
      Profile photo of

      found it. Thanks!

  • #11589
    Profile photo of

    This is going up in my office at school. Hopefully it doesn’t cause concern. :)

    View post on

    • #11600
      Profile photo of

      No ones gonna care……. probably.

    • #21317
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud


  • #11599
    Profile photo of

    So I would assume were all Apostles of the Beginning?

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