Facebook Video 9/4 "it's all ok"

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA Facebook Video 9/4 "it's all ok"

This topic contains 17 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of DimStyle DimStyle 8 years, 5 months ago.

  • Author
  • #19483
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Comments here, go.

  • #19484
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Something very bad is coming…

  • #19485
    Profile photo of Pandace88

    I don’t know what’s happening, but I can’t wait to find out Wednesday!

  • #19486
    Profile photo of Mike

    @reaton – remember when you got that call from Addy and it sounded almost like a club? You described her sounding almost…drunk. Very happy and bubbly. After hearing the way she sounded in this video, it made me wonder if this is what she sounded like to you.

    Also, what was my message from that call?!?!? :)

    • #19488
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @mike Yes, I believe there was a similar tone, I think, in the phone call you are referring to… that was also a time when she wanted to convey the message that “Everything was okay” and she was in a better place than she had been leading up to that call.

      And, yes, I was supposed to tell you at one point she had message for you… but that’s all I was given… just that there was a message.

  • #19487
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Was she in closet with a hat/coat hanger?

    • #19492
      Profile photo of Rusty

      Judging from the light above her, I don’t think it’s a hat or coat rack, I think it is a tall floor lamp. But, your are right, with the drapery-type material around her, it feels sort of like a dressing room or something… maybe? We don’t have much to go on! Haha!

  • #19489
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @kasch I don’t know… there is a positive message here, as far as I can see.

    She speaks of the words of the past… and how they are unimportant.
    She speaks of “missteps” but stresses how they should not over shadow the glory that we are seemingly hours away from…
    She points to recent media attention as an attempt to draw our focus away from what is truly our _path… and she states that what approaches will be “everything,” listing each faction of this somewhat fractured community NOT to criticize but to emphasize how we are ALL important.
    She states, “We love and need every single one of you.” Once again, I choose to believe her words are an attempt to lead us all forward… together.
    Personally, even if this message offers little detail (which, obviously, is for our own protection) I do not see this as foretelling something bad.
    For Gatekeeper2, I believe we should do our best to “stay strong” as more is revealed to us… soon.

    • #19498
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      To me, she seems unhinged. Like every external force (OSDM, BOS, GK4) has pushed her to the breaking point.

      That said, if the coming of The One ushers in the destruction of all these insufferable factions and sub factions and unites everyone under the true OOA, I am so down with that.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
    • #19521

      @reaton: I love your optimism as well as your wish to support your friend @gatekeeper2, but I’m concerned you may be trying too hard to look for a silver lining in a video that I view as downright disturbing. If this is what becomes of the true followers of Anoch, I will gladly pass. The young woman once known as Addison now appears manic and unstable. While I appreciate her declaration on the concept of unity, I don’t believe it should come at the price of anyone’s sanity. In regards to her statement that the past does not matter… I couldn’t disagree more. Yes, we should strive to progress in life, but we are best served when our forward movement takes history into account. Learn from the past. Don’t discard it as worthless.

  • #19490
    Profile photo of

    All I could think of when I saw that was that she had been brainwashed….. Or she was high.

  • #19491
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @astro4545, interesting you use the word “brainwashed.” In those exposed emails, there was mention of an attempt to “reprogram,” correct? She does seem in very different spirits than in other recent communications, but I feel the message is consistent. So… I see why you would get the vibe from this video, but what she is saying seems to line up with the recent Periscopes.

    • #19496
      Profile photo of

      @reaton That’s specifically why I said it.

  • #19493
    Profile photo of LadyJ

    I saw it, thought about how different in tone it was, and it was just unnerving. It certainly didn’t inspire confidence in me.

  • #19494
    Profile photo of MariaWC

    She felt erratic to me in this video, I found the initial smiling a bit unnerving.

    Am I the only one worried that Wednesday is going to be a little reminiscent of what happened with 4?
    That 1 will kill 2 in order to gain their spot as the final gatekeeper?
    And that 1 has been here the whole time, waiting for this…

    Wednesday can’t come soon enough but be careful @gatekeeper2.

    • #19495
      Profile photo of Pandace88

      And that 1 has been here the whole time, waiting for this…


    • #19562
      Profile photo of DimStyle

      I think you may be correct. I get the same feeling. I have a bad feeling for Wednesday night, with everyone as a witness.

  • #19503
    Profile photo of Blondie

    @gatekeeper2 I know people will focus on your behaviour, which I can’t deny is a little bizarre, but I wanted you to know that this is my favourite video you have ever made. Your words have really resonated with me and I feel closer to you than ever before. I look forward to Wednesday and hope that there is some way we can meet, even though it cannot be in person…

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