Forum reorganization

Tension brand Forums OFF TOPIC Forum reorganization

This topic contains 14 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #8373

    As our first official task as Sentries, @mkarrett and I will be reorganizing the forums into what will hopefully end up being something more accessible to people both new and old.

    For now, please refrain from posting in the old forums. If you have a new topic to post, please feel free to do so in the forums that are in ALL CAPS. We’ll be posting stickies on each forum to describe their purpose, but you’re smart people. I’m sure you can figure them out for now.

    As a second note, we’re going through all posts right now and filtering them into where we believe they belong on the new forums. Please feel free to go through your old topics and if you disagree with where they end up, you can contact us directly through PM or by replying here

  • #8374
    Profile photo of Mike

    Thank you for this! This was something that was definitely needed.

  • #8375
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    @thegilded @mkarrett thank you, I think this will really help people who are lurking to become more involved. It’s probably been pretty daunting for people to wade through all this info.

    I hope they’re paying you handsomely for your efforts!

  • #8376
    Profile photo of

    Thank you both!! I can never remember where things were posted.

  • #8378
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    From the chaos will emerge…. A lovlier chaos. Thank you both for all you do!

  • #8380
    Profile photo of Cody

    This is a very good and needed move. I may have posted on one that was “old”, if so it may need to be re-archived. Not my intention to bring it back up. Sory if im causing more work Sean.
    Was peculiar and thought it worth mentioning.

    • #8388

      More work? Ugh, time to borrow 4’s banhammar.

      Seriously though, you replied to a topic which won’t cause any extra work on our parts. You only need to be mindful of where you create new topics until this process is complete

  • #8400
    Profile photo of Amie

    I want to throw in a thank you as well. It’s quite a task to sort through all of our thoughts! I’m excited though, I haven’t been as active on the forums recently so hopefully this will make it a little easier to keep up as well. You guys are the best Sentries ever!

  • #8409
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    This is huge, and what one can only imagine is a gigantic undertaking. Thank you!!

  • #8446

    I’ve also just been informed that I may have accidentally triggered some update emails to some of you during this move. So many of you probably got a bunch of topic reply emails that are no longer applicable.

    Sorry about that

  • #8477
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    Thanks for all your hard work

  • #8490
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    I’d like to suggest a “block” feature for those people that love the community but maybe don’t want certain users posts popping up in the wonderfully helpful activity log. Just a suggestion. Or is that available already and I just don’t know it?

  • #8679
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    I’ve noticed that occasionally I cannot see names, only the profile pic, of comments and posts in the forum through the activity button. Not sure if it’s a bug in the computer program, but it would be especially helpful if EVERYONE posted a photo so when that happens it is still possible to identify who wrote the message.

  • #10632
    Profile photo of thecatnipper

    Excellent reorganization, it is much appreciated!!!!
    Thanks so much

  • #10644
    Profile photo of Michelle

    You two are awesome. Thank you for all the work you do! @thegilded @mkarrett

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