Gatekeeper 4 – Discuss

This topic contains 36 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Addison Born Addison Born 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #6584

    So far she’s pretty much nuts. I could easily be convinced to be the president of her fan club. If she’s into that sort of thing, of course.

    From FB:

    Down here at the farm we opened our hearts, our minds and our pretty little EARS to grant a RARE interview and the first inquiry, THE PRIMERA PREGUNTA from our very own.
    “The ol’ Omega Council and the gosh darn old INSTITUTE seem to have conflicting messages… blah blah blah”
    Well that SEEMS an awful lot like STATEMENT rather than a QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Maybe our attendants can explain how an interactive parable can ILLUMINATE the very real world he said, she said, us vs them nonsense we SEE every moment of ever… you know what? BORING.
    How about this little STATEMENT?
    Anyone else want to chat and have an ACTUAL QUESTION?

  • #6586

    What is the supposed conflicting message? My guess is it has to do with Omega instructing us to turn in detractors, and, subsequently, GK5 scolding us for turning on our own.

    What is the interview GK4 is referencing? As far as we are aware a formal interview with The Institute hasn’t taken place. Did anyone use their Saturday event time to pose their own questions to the OOA? Bottomline though, I feel GK4 is telling us in her own special way to stop asking dumb questions.

  • #6588
    Profile photo of Mike

    @electrichippo – you misspelled “amazing” in your post. I’ll fix it for you

    “So far she’s pretty much amazing”

  • #6589

    Michael Fontaine, or shall I call you SCRIBE, you are such a kiss up! hahaha <3

  • #6590
    Profile photo of Mike

    No way…I’m just a fan of that management style :)

  • #6591

    And I’m a fan (ie. product) of uggs and pumpkin spice lattes. mwahahahahaha!

    GK4, abuse me, ummmm, I mean… marry me?

  • #6592
    Profile photo of Mike

    Now who’s a kiss up?? You called her nuts and NOW you want to marry her? Pfft. They see all.

  • #6593

    Nuts and marry are not mutually exclusive. I stand by both!

  • #6594
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    I could have swore I read an article with horror or someone talking about getting an interview soon? Maybe that’s it…

  • #6595
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    It was dread central here’s the link via tension Twitter

  • #6597
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    Author of that article is on Twitter @unclecreepy… To snoop or not to snoop

    • #6598

      @ephorrorsociety I say snoop. That is what writers want you to do, I’d imagine. (btw, I’ve sent you a private message.)

    • #6601
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      @ephorrorsociety good find, what’s also interesting is seeing the press release posted in that article. Up until now, everything released has been in character, but this press release doesn’t seem written by the OOA, even though it has their letterhead at the top.
      While it doesn’t reveal any specifics, I think it does state in a clearer way what this experience is.

    • #6607

      That last bit in the letter that says “most unsettling discovery of all… their own reflection” turned out to be very prophetic. It is exactly what we experienced last Saturday.

    • #6599
      Profile photo of 111_error

      I arrived in snoop mode, and in snoop mode I shall stay.

  • #6600
    Profile photo of Amie

    I hope she joins us here in the forums soon! She’s a firecracker! :)

    • #6602
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      oh, I’m pretty sure she is already here

    • #6603
      Profile photo of Mike

      Yep! She’s definitely posted on the forums before

    • #6606
      Profile photo of Amie

      Yes, she has and that was quite memorable! Her profile shows she hasn’t been on for 5 days, though that doesn’t mean she hasn’t seen what’s been going on around here…

  • #6604
    Profile photo of 111_error

    “La Primera Pregunta” – From Gatekeeper 4’s message.

    Search for La Primera Pregunta and your main result is a document of plain Spanish text.

    ¿Cuál es la primera pregunta? La primera pregunta es: ¿cuál es la primera pregunta? La segunda podría ser: ¿cómo es posible que esté escribiendo esto? Contestarla abre miles de caminos: la existencia, qué es el pensamiento, cómo es posible la acción, qué ocurre para que la tinta se quede en el papel y que el papel haya salido de la madera de un árbol que vive gracias a la luz del sol, a los nutrientes de la tierra, a la lluvia que se condensa en las nubes que se forman por la evaporación del agua que forma átomos de hidrógeno y oxígeno que se formó en el interior de una estrella creada por la condensación gravitatoria del hidrógeno y del helio presentes en el origen del universo. En caída libre se ha recorrido el camino a cuyos lados se abrían miles de veredas secundarias a su vez madres de nuevos miles de senderos que se bifurcan, que amplían la complejidad sin límites de la vida. La respuesta a la segunda pregunta puede entonces que sea: un sinfín de circunstancias lo hacen posible… y único

    What is the first question? The first question is: what is the first question? The second might be: how you may be writing this? Answer opens thousands of paths: the existence, what is thought, how the action is possible, what happens to the ink to remain on paper and the paper has come out of the wood of a tree that lives by the light of sun, nutrients from the earth, rain condenses into clouds are formed by the evaporation of water to form hydrogen atoms and oxygen that is formed in the interior of a star created by the gravitational condensation of hydrogen and helium present in the origin of the universe. Freefall has traveled the road whose sides thousand secondary paths to new mothers turn thousands of forking paths that extend limitless complexity of life opened. The answer to the second question may then be: a myriad of circumstances make it possible … and only

    Glory be, Gatekeeper 4.

  • #6605
    Profile photo of Mike

    Solid find @111error

    • #6608
      Profile photo of Amie

      @111error Would you be able to post a link to where you found that? I really like that and would like to see it but I can’t find it myself!

    • #6609
      Profile photo of 111_error

      I searched for La Primera Pregunta on Google, and this is a top result;

    • #6610
      Profile photo of Amie

      @111error Thanks for the link, I tried with google but found nothing that matched. Still don’t for that matter.

    • #6611
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Weird, it went from being the first result, to the fifth, and now I can’t find it in a fresh search. o_0

      I’m sure this is just a weird anomaly, and it wasn’t removed by shadowy and powerful entities as soon as we discovered it. Almost certainly not.

    • #6612

      Note that Google orders search results by user search history and activity level. It’s possible that it was higher up on yours than ours due to your search history or Google’s profile of you. It’s also possible that a sudden wave of people searching for similar things, like we just did, was enough to reorder the pages

  • #6613
    Profile photo of Amie

    Google likes to exploit our interests…

  • #6663
    Profile photo of AndyM

    I kinda find her funny.
    Take a sort of ‘Hillbilly’ style in her role, pretty ‘darn gud’

  • #6665
    Profile photo of AndyM

    La primera pregunta is just ‘The First Question’

  • #6763
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    She seems rather excitable.

  • #6847
    Profile photo of Daela

    Sounds like she changed her name, according to Benny/Mark. Any guesses as to what her old name was?

  • #6857

    To anyone who missed the earlier conversation between GK4 and Benny/Mark – See here

    Thanks to @mkarrett and @electrichippo for grabbing screens

    • #6880
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Since your message hasn’t been deleted, can we assume talking about B // M is condoned?

    • #6881
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      “never fucking called”

      sounds about right?

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