Ghost in the machine (code)?

Tension brand Forums THEORIES, PUZZLES, DECODING THEIR MESSAGE Ghost in the machine (code)?

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of  Anonymous 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #6123
    Profile photo of LordofDecay

    I’m not sure if this has been brought up before and if so then I apologize for the repost. I found these when you right click and select “Inspect” from the drop down menu on the home screen of this site. One picture is of some cloaked figure and the other is a demonic floating head. The cloaked figure says “Kangaroo” next to it. I’m not total sure how to post pictures in the forums, so here is an Imgur link:

    I don’t know if there is any clues about it, but it is kind of neat.

  • #6124
    Profile photo of Mike

    Good find :) A lot of people missed those. When this first started, there was something else to find in there that led some people to the first consultations. Those images don’t seem to lead to anything current, but maybe the future?

    • #6128
      Profile photo of LordofDecay

      @mike was there any conclusion as to what the cloaked figure is carrying? I kinda thought I looked like a trident…

    • #6129
      Profile photo of Mike

      @alexvansickle That’s what I thought as well. A devil and his pitchfork :)

  • #6125

    As an addon, the “signatures” under some of those ASCII art pieces are of well known ASCII artists who do a lot of letter-art like this. B’ger and Kangaroo are two of these artists

    • #6132
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      @thegilded I didn’t know there were artists doing their work in code. I will check out some of their other work. Thanks for pointing this out

  • #6131
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    @alexvansickle I’ve been wondering about these since the beginning. The imagery hasn’t really applied to anything else in terms of the OOA. But I’ve always wondered, as @mike said, if these are significant in pointing to where this experience is leading or what’s lurking underneath the surface

  • #6133

    @endlesspictures – I’m not sure we should look into it too much. It seems to me like it was made to draw attention to where the phone number used to be, at the top of the comments.

    The fact that they’re copy/pasted from known ASCII artists, including their signature combined with the fact that later code uses “spooky” variables (see examples copy/pasted below, pulled from site code) implies that it was mood setting done by someone who is trying to make the source sound “scary” in a way that isn’t consistent with the rest of the OOA’s media. Perhaps outsourced to a third party or some sort of OOA intern who didn’t understand the mood they were going for?

    “Spooky” code examples:

    <!– contain the evil –>
    <div class=”container” style=”z-index:800; “>

    <!– bondage cables: bar1, left –>
    img src=”/images/rope-long-piece.png” />

    //a glitchy wiggler for the underworld
    function glitchywiggler( target ) {

  • #6138
    Profile photo of LordofDecay

    I was able to also figure out that book ISBN code in the “About” tab at the top….It is very expensive though

    • #6139

      Agreed. And while it is important in some way, Gatekeeper5 has explicitly told us that “The book is not the way”.

      Perhaps implying that something about it is important (excerpts from the back portion were used in a hidden page) but the book itself is not important?

  • #11530
    Profile photo of

    This beauty is in the code.

    EDIT grrr

    devil in the code

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