I got a visit!

This topic contains 28 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Susie J Susie J 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #18365
    Profile photo of MColyard

    About an hour ago I received a phone call form a blocked number, since I haven’t had much interaction with Tension since I live out of town I wasn’t even thinking about it.

    I picked up, a man on the other end began reading me my address, and asked me to confirm it was indeed “my address”. I confirmed, and then asked me if I was home. I told him I was. He hung up.

    Literally 20 minutes later there is knock on my door, and a man (who I semi recognize… actor????), well dressed, had a briefcase introduced himself as Omega salvage something. The second I opened the door, he opened the briefcase, and pulled out a bag of sand. It was in a ziplock baggy. He cut a hole in the bag and let the sand start to pour out in my hand.

    I am sure I am messing up his next words but he said something like “We do not need an hour glass to measure time. Her time is running out.”

    He handed me the bag, and then turned and left, before I could ask him any questions.

    Inside the bag was a handwritten note that I couldn’t see until all the sand had run out.


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  • #18366
    Profile photo of Ezi

    That’s awesome!!! Can you make out what’s written on it, it seems to be another language?

  • #18367
    Profile photo of Mike

    Holy crap that rules! They’re still pulling tricks out of their hats this late in the game. Amazing.


  • #18368
    Profile photo of Rusty

    What a creepy way to send a message! (Creepy and awesome!)

  • #18369
    Profile photo of Mike

    Also @mcolyard – remember when you said this

    I’ve done ARG’s before, but never have people shown up at other peoples house.


    • #18371
      Profile photo of 111_error


      – This rules.

      [edit] I translated it. It says “Buy a fucking ticket” in Elvish.

  • #18370
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    So insanely jealous. This rules.

  • #18372
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch


    Just a thought: The Sentinel logo sure looks like an hour glass…

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
  • #18374
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    Possibly Cyrillic?

    *wonders if it’s awkward to strike up a convo with her boy crush in NY who was learning German and Russian just for translation purposes*

    • #18375
      Profile photo of

      Cyrillic = Russian? As in, someone who speaks Russian should be able to read this?

    • #18376
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      Just a guess. I’m not used to seeing handwritten Cyrillic.

    • #18379
      Profile photo of Nate

      I’m almost certain Cyrillic is more backwards than that. I think that’s just the regular old Latin alphabet.
      Also, Elvish looks like Arabic, if I’m not mistaken.

    • #18380
      Profile photo of Nate

      Upon further research, Susie, I think you’re absolutely right! My apologies! I can’t get words atm, but it’s apparently Cyrillic script, I guess like cursive.

    • #18382
      Profile photo of

      If it’s Cyrillic, and if Cyrillic = Russian, then I just emailed the photo to my Ukrainian friend who also speaks Russian. However, she lives in Paris and I don’t know what time it is there, so it may take a minute.

    • #18387
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      My husband and I had a short dispute about it being in Cyrillic. When @nate31464 confirmed I said, “See? I have an eye for languages!” And immediately poked myself in the eye. 0_<

  • #18377
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    This is so awesome! One of the more memorable in person visits for sure!! Does anybody know what the writing says?

  • #18384
    Profile photo of Melissa

    DUDE! That is so cool @mcolyard !!

    Can you do a favor a take a pic where the text is horizontal pretty please?

  • #18389
    Profile photo of Ezi

    I got it figured out!!! Do you guys still want to work on it, or should I post the answer?

    • #18390
      Profile photo of Melissa

      I only speak for myself here. Post the solution please.

  • #18391
    Profile photo of Ezi

    It’s Serbian немащ вище времена! which translates to: You’re out of time!

    • #18394
      Profile photo of 111_error

      You win. Good work, and thanks for sharing.

  • #18392
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Five point to Ravenclaw @lenize!

  • #18395
    Profile photo of Ezi

    If I had known it was Serbian in the beginning I would have just shown it to my housemate (who’s just happen to be Serbian), lol, and saved myself a lot of trouble! I have to give credit though to those that figured out it was Cyrillic. I used that as my starting point.

    • #18396
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      Thank you @lenize! 😁

      The current message is all urgency.

  • #18400
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Does this mean we are all going to
    wind up in A Serbian Film?

    • #18401
      Profile photo of Ezi

      Now that’s a scary thought!

  • #18404
    Profile photo of Blondie

    Soooo… why Serbian? Is it a sign to Addison that they know where she is? We know she fled Germany, so is she now hiding in Serbia?

    • #18407
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      Maybe the faction that is pursuing her a the Serbian arm of whatever the opposing force is. We still haven’t determined who is after her and/or the book. The clear implication is that this is not some quaint American cult. It’s an established….. Mythos? I guess is the best word I can come up with – that spans back to the Pan-European Motherland/Old Countries. As with many stories with ancient histories the American chapter which we all entered into is just the latest in the many escapades spanning the world. They came here, threw out roots and lo and behold it looks like the culmination of their prophecy just might occur on our Golden Shores. (Hysterical chanting of “USA! USA!” Begins in the background).

  • #18405
    Profile photo of

    Dang that’s cool! Now if only my caller would show up….
    Also I wonder why you’re out of time.

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