Tension brand › Forums › MISC TENSION DISCUSSION › If we shape tension, then let's create!
Tagged: consequence, control, shaping, Tensionen
This topic contains 33 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by Yes The S 8 years, 7 months ago.
May 13, 2016 at 1:49 pm #7097
This here being the inspiration for the post.
So if what we say and do and the relationships we form affect Tension then lets hear some ideas from the community on what types of things they would like to see manifest.
I myself personally, would like to see a more interactive experience for those from afar like myself. I would also like to see more in the way of drops or physicaly tangable items to be integrated into the experience. If any of you are familliar with the Year Zero Project featured by the NIN Trent Reznor you will know what I mean. Usb’S,cd’s letters etc. @mike and I were discussing this the other day.
There was a post about someone receiving a cellphone.. was there any data on the device? numbers?photos?files?This by no means is me asking for anything… merely testing the waters.
This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
May 13, 2016 at 2:58 pm #7101
Are we shaping Tension? Or are we given that illusion?
I do think that our actions will have consequence. I suppose that means WE are controlling the experience. Does this reveal that maybe they aren’t as in control as they say they are…?-
May 13, 2016 at 3:18 pm #7102
I believe you are looking at it wrong, @lyndsiesue. We are not “controlling” the Experience, we ARE the Experience. Hunting for truths, our communities, our suspicions, our contributions. That is the Experience. Mike’s anointment to Scribe, Kim’s team change, false accusations towards me. These were shaped by the actions of we Disciples. We shape it because we are it.
May 13, 2016 at 3:20 pm #7103
Pretty sure Sean nailed iiit.
May 13, 2016 at 6:49 pm #7104
That is a really helpful explanation. Thanks Sean :))
May 16, 2016 at 9:36 pm #7463
hehehe. ๐
July 5, 2016 at 8:52 am #13577
A massive update coming to this thread near you. Very soon. Damn work and responsibilies!! lol
July 7, 2016 at 11:11 am #13913
PLEASE.I would like to propose an experiment, but it will require the participation of a majority of the active community.ย
Look out another long ass post! lol
Coincidence… If there is such a thing.
I know at times my theories and whatnot can be on the extreme side, (if you only knew the theories I do not talk about, Hah)but I would like for you all to please hear this one out.I have , many times, compared Tension to a little mock up of the world and life.
Suggesting that we are perhaps being tested as individuals and as a community when it comes to light and darkness.
I have noted many times that speculation and imagination of participants has been amalgamated into the narrative. Almost as though our very thoughts and Ideas affect the nature of the experience.
So many instances in fact, they are to great in number to list. Coincidence?
Anyone whom has been around since the early days and has actively followed the forums and the narrative could easily come to the same conclusions.
Many of tensions agents andย Tensions slogans have supported this theory. “you are the experience” , “You only get out what you put in”, “defend that which you created”, “you are the experience”,and on and on.In life, our combined consiousness’s createย the world we live in. Every action, thought and expressed emotion, the things we say and do, the decisions we make, the relationships we forge, the ones we don’t, every interaction and the ripples they create. All of these things affect miniscule aspects of life as well as things of paramount importance.
So many of the world’s problems could be solved if there were unity and shared intent towards a common goal.If one were to apply this line of thinking to Tension..
Think about when 4 left, everyone in the community was openly disappointed about herย leaving, we were all outspoken with our desires to see her return. This is one of the points in the forums where all of our voices cried out in unison ,except maybe save a few. She did return in many ways. Letter drops etc.Now lets think about when 5 left, while people were sad to see him go.. it was no comparison to the outcry at the loss of 4. It seems he just vanished and is somewhat forgotten for now.
I am not trying to convince anyone of anything but rather am trying to convey a perspective that is hard to put to words in order to describe why I wish to attempt this experiment.
I would like to ask everyone to PLEASE participate as It cannot be truly tested without a combined effort. Unity.
So, I propose that we use a topic on which we all share common ground. One we have all expressed agreement on… well most of us,*cough* haaa haaa haaa
The return of 4.Perhaps a statement from each of us pertaining to the same things, same time frame. I would ask that no negativityย or maliciousness be added into your statements. No wishing harm to anyone, and keep the topic on gk4’s return, please.
I will start it off.
๐I think that gatekeeper4 will return within the next 3 days and will set things straight within the OOA and our paths to enlightenment. ๐
I would like to tag everyone in this but I am extremely exhausted and require some rest.
I will tag my heart out tomorrow.. tonight I guess. Whenever I wake up lol. Damn night shifts messing with my clock hah.Let’s see what happens!
gooddaynight guys!-
July 18, 2016 at 5:33 am #15654
๐I think that gatekeeper4 will return within the next 3 days and will set things straight within the OOA and our paths to enlightenment. ๐
Soooooo…like Jesus? ๐๐โช brought to you by the Church of Tension Christ.
July 7, 2016 at 11:22 am #13914
We shape the experience in how we react to the game, but I don’t think it’s respectful to start passive aggressively demanding what we want. This isn’t about getting what we want, but what Tension wants us to experience …..
July 7, 2016 at 11:37 am #13915
Getting a Chaos Magic vibe from this post
July 7, 2016 at 12:31 pm #13920
AnonymousSo, I do think that GK4 will return, BUT –
I’m kind of secretly hoping for a sort of longer descent into madness of GKIII for a bit…maybe I’m a bad amoral person, maybe I’m changing my mind, I honestly have no idea. I’m curious. I want to see more. I think that it’s the fact that I want the *darker* and the arrival of Tension 2.0 seemed to threaten that, so I was pretty damn psyched that III returned, even if he killed my BFF. I miss Aleister, btw.
So, yeah, me applying to meet GKIII the other day had me thinking some interesting things about myself last night.
July 7, 2016 at 1:44 pm #13941
@jeromy unless you had a different letter sent to you from elis I thought he was anything but condescending.
I’ve only been active for a few weeks (outside of the lurking I did), but every post of yours seems to be about complaining.
Maybe I am just misreading your tone, but you appear to be a grown man. There is a lot of struggle in the world right now a lot to get upset about. For me, this doesn’t fall into that category, I’m here personally because this is fun.
Again, only me talking, but I have never expected they owed me anything, including explanations.
Peace to your mother, off to work! blargh….
July 7, 2016 at 6:54 pm #14025
I just want to add that it seems to me like they are making there way through the questionnaire slowly implementing our answers to the questions into the narrative and gauging our reaction to the changes in the storyline. Recent events have me thinking about the question about “interdimensional beings”.
I’ve been busy with work lately and have not dedicated as much time as usual and some other ARG games have been circulating all occupying my attention. I have a strange feeling they are connected.
This idea kind of sounds like that power of prayer and group meditation stuff I’ve read/heard about.-
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
July 7, 2016 at 7:09 pm #14029
Thank you @ununpentium. That discription more accurately describes the intent of the experiment.
There was no wish to demand @111error.
Hence the “I think” instead of, I want or, 4 will return.
I was trying to pic a point that the community agrees upon as a whole. That’s why I chose 4 for the experiment.
This is something we already all agreed upon.
The intent was to see if there is power in our voices working in unison, as one , with positive intent.
Wish for your fancy cars all you like. I was trying to make positive change and had no selfish motive other than to see my idea tested. But alas, it seems no one will rally to my request for help. Meh.
No chaos magic here @mike. lol.
Well not of my doing anyway. Hah.So did @jeromy opt out? was he banned? How much of this thread was removed/changed?
July 7, 2016 at 7:53 pm #14039
I just noticed that @jeromy isn’t here too. @sovereignskies Whoa. Did he defect or was he banned? I can’t imagine he was banned for anything he said. He was expressing an opinion. My guess is that he left. This whole thing doesn’t seem to be a good fit for him, IMO.
July 7, 2016 at 7:55 pm #14041
Anonymous@jeromy left by choice.
July 7, 2016 at 10:34 pm #14055
You try to make us be your wishing army, and now you have a new kid on the way. JOKE’S ON YOU BUDDY.
(Congratulations, freak) -
July 7, 2016 at 11:27 pm #14057
A wishing army… bahaha.
I dont remember making a wish nor wanting others to make wishes either
Having others do my bidding was never the intent. Rather, joining voices and expressing a common desire as a community. A test to see if our combined
voices with a pure intent, could shape the reality of the experience.
I think the point of the experiment may be lost on you error. Seems so by your comments so far anyway. Communities can work towards common goals. This seemed to be a shared desire by the community.(thanks…I guess)
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
July 25, 2016 at 10:36 pm #16380
I’ve only been a part of Tension for a few days and I’m already balancing what I thought it was with what it actually is. I’ll admit, I thought a few hours after I signed up I’d start getting creepy phone calls and disconcertingly specific emails about my life. What I’ve come to appreciate about the whole experience is that it’s more like a Mark Z. Danielwiski book rather than an action movie. We have to work to see the complete picture and get the whole story, and I think we’re all the better for it in the long run.
July 7, 2016 at 12:51 pm #13921
@jeromy – I’m concerned that you’re fixated on a part of Tension that you disagree with, which is only a part of the experience. Tension has, since moment one, repeated variations of the idea that you only get what you put in. To some, that means recruiting. People have gotten increased amount of interaction with Tension solely by recruiting and spreading the word. That’s okay, that’s certainly one way to be noticed, but it is NOT the only way to do so.
Others, like myself, have done essentially nothing other than just post on the forums. You do NOT need blind faith in the OOA or anything in order to be noticed here. Kim (@electric_hippo) has been noticed repeatedly and she certainly has no allegiance to the OOA. All that The Powers That Be ask is activity. Talking about things that have happened, theorizing about stuff that will happen, even just talking about what you do and do not like about Tension, these are all ways to get noticed.
However, many people will not view this necessarily as fair. This isn’t a trade. You don’t get a phone call after X number of posts or recruiting Y number of people. The Experience has a whole lot to talk about. Those that talk about it sometimes get pieces that further the story. Those that recruit others to talk about it sometimes get pieces that further the story. Those that help others get started after joining sometimes… you get it. If all you want is to do the minimum amount of work to get a phone call or a face to face meeting then you’re going to be sorely disappointed because it doesn’t work that way.
July 7, 2016 at 12:56 pm #13922
@jeromy I have found that to a large degree Tension is what you make it. Yes, “they” provide us with a fascinating framework that I appreciate deeply, but there is more to it by means of our own creativity, ingenuity, and willingness to explore and make connections. Connections not only within the stories presented but also with each other.
Maybe this Experience just isn’t for you.
July 7, 2016 at 1:01 pm #13925
@thegilded beat me to most of those points, but I’m responding anyway.
@jeromy, I thought Tension were really upfront and honest with you, publicly, about what this is and isn’t, and that if you didn’t like the way they run this experience, you are free to leave. You responded in kind, acknowledging the points made.
You’ve made clear that you don’t want to make the same leaps of faith people here have, and I might be misunderstanding your tone, but the way you just mentioned Mike almost seems disparaging. This doesn’t ingratiate you further into the community.
You don’t seem to enjoy this, and you don’t want to engage without moaning about it, so why stay? There are many other experiences opening up that might be more to your taste.
July 7, 2016 at 1:08 pm #13927
@jeromy I’m still trying to wrap my head around what you’re looking for? In order to be included, you have to participate. There are participants that have been here since the beginning that have never even had a personal interaction. You’ve already gotten a direct response from one of the higher ups in the organization/experience directly addressing your qualms, and you’re still complaining about.. something? about not wanting to trust or be devoted?
You’ve been told time after time that you have to give to get. You don’t go to a movie and expect to pay for your ticket at the credits and only if you liked it. Just like you need to pay Tension with your participation, your trust, your time. Tension is what we make it because without participants, there’s no experience.
We’ve been given a beach and some sand, and if you’re not building the castle, you don’t get to tell someone they’re using the wrong shovel and that you don’t even like sandcastles.
July 7, 2016 at 1:41 pm #13940
You triggered @gatekeeper3. Don’t listen to him. He is but the buzzing of flies to us.
July 7, 2016 at 12:57 pm #13923
@jeromy you do a lot of complaining! geezz, for someone who doesn’t seem to like this thing much you sure spend a lot of time here.
maybe they don’t engage you because your idea of engagement is complaining about how you aren’t engaged.
I don’t know, maybe I am just rambling. I’m in ATL – odds of them picking me is slim to none, but I love reading all the insane nonsense they do.
July 7, 2016 at 1:00 pm #13924
Anonymous@jeromy – dude you’re an Ellis magnet. Your very presence seems to summon him out of the ether.
I agree with Sean and I’ll add that, like you, I’m not even in California, and have had a TON of interaction and participation. AND I’m not a kool-aid drinker. I profess no faith in the OOA and have gone on record saying that I don’t trust its motives. They’ve been very generous with me.
July 7, 2016 at 1:11 pm #13928
AnonymousOFFS Jeromy.
The Tension Experience and the OOA are two separate things. Which one are you complaining about?
July 7, 2016 at 1:11 pm #13929
@jeromy – Ah, now that is an absolutely fair concern over the OOA and one that many others shares as well. To that I would argue that a huge if not the primary goal of The Tension Experience is not to recruit for the OOA but rather for the whole experience.
Even if you think that the OOA is lying to you and deliberating misleading all of us, there’s a lot going on here. Just helping with puzzles, with theories, and with just talking about what’s going on with Addison, III, the OSDM etc is more than enough to get you noticed and do not require allegiance to any entity at all.
Some do ally themselves with one faction or another around here, and the factions themselves may ask that of you but you don’t have to in order to get anything out of the Experience. The Tension Experience and the OOA are not precisely the same thing, it is possible to be part of Tension without being a part of the OOA yet
July 7, 2016 at 1:16 pm #13930
Bye Felicia!
July 7, 2016 at 1:26 pm #13933
July 7, 2016 at 1:36 pm #13937
AnonymousHere’s my attempt at a metaphor.
Tension is like Portal.
The OOA is like Aperture Labs.
Portal is NOT a marketing tool for Aperture Labs.
July 7, 2016 at 1:38 pm #13938
AnonymousMay GK3 strike me down otherwise, but it is wrong.
July 7, 2016 at 1:44 pm #13942
Do you, boo
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