III, four, Addison – Relationship and Gatekeeper Theory

Tension brand Forums THEORIES, PUZZLES, DECODING THEIR MESSAGE III, four, Addison – Relationship and Gatekeeper Theory

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Amie Amie 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #11281
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    First off, apologies for the word salad below.

    So I’ve been thinking a lot about that Periscope from Sunday night, the letter contents, and the new relationship between Four and Addison, and I have a theory..

    Prior to this weekend, the last time we saw Addison was when she was burning that envelope and telling us (specifically @111_error and @rusty) that she was ready.

    From there, we’ve figured out that she has been “with” four.

    The Periscope titled “Still Sleeping???? 1,2,III…~four” insinuating that four was the one broadcasting, but the car had two people in it – a masked driver who we’ve assumed is male and therefore would not be four, and Addison. https://www.periscope.tv/w/1lDxLeqblZyKm

    After reading over to the contents of the letter for the millionth time, here are a few lines that stand out to me about the who or what Gatekeepers are, specifically III:

    “Premie baby.”

    “I knew you weren’t quite cooked when they rushed you out of the O(oa)ven…”

    “You cut down so many who believed in you, they loved you before you were you…”

    To me, these insinuate that Gatekeepers are not necessarily lined up and ready one after another, and aren’t Gatekeepers until they.. I guess ARE Gatekeepers? Almost like there’s a process to this, not just “pull up the next one in line.”

    And four has told us in the past that she’s not entirely human.
    “hahaha they made a typos!” I say it’s pretty DAMN GOOD for typing in the dark and without any appendages.

    SO this is a roundabout way of putting up some evidence for what I think has been talked about here in the past. I’m not certain that Gatekeepers are actual, physical beings, but instead inhabit bodies when they need to. Perhaps Addison burning those photos, that envelope, “I’m ready,” was in preparation for four to take over. “I AM IN CONTROL,” remember? That would also explain why she’s been so happy – communication with her is actually communication with four.

    Should we take four for her word, it looks like III was rushed into existence by the OOA – an entity not ready to run the show, and really not ready to be an entity in any capacity.

    And that’s also why the OOA has been hunting for Addison: With Addison, they also get four.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Addison Born Addison Born.
  • #11284
    Profile photo of Daela

    Not word salad at all, I find it highly plausible.

  • #11292
    Profile photo of Amie

    This is a really interesting line of thought. So would you say at the Mixer that GK4 was inhabiting someone other than Addison while she was downstairs looking unhappy?

    • #11296
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      That could very well be, I wasn’t even considering that.. but people were talking about speaking with GK4, a voice they had never heard prior to that encounter? Maybe GK4 fled and had to find a new body, and Addison was willing?

    • #11299
      Profile photo of Amie

      So then we also assume that GK4 used another “body/voice” for the video that was made and the phone calls she made before she grabbed onto Addison. Just trying to think this through with all the history we have!

  • #11294
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Hm, I like the theory. I mean, once the “spirit” is done with the host body and moves on to the next step via Ascension? Just looking at the org chart I would guess the Gatekeeper moves onto Anoch or to some other direction that is blocked out.

    • #11301
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      Spitballing, but that could actually be a step along the journey to enlightenment – Addison’s soul had to go somewhere, right? Maybe that was her next step to enlightenment, making room for four?

  • #11304
    Profile photo of Daela

    Further evidence for this theory: in the first letter that GK4 left behind, there’s an interlude that sounds like it’s coming from Addison.

    “IS this getting through??? I’m sorry, my head hurts… I’m rambling. I’m just so tired…I’m an actress, first and foremost.”

    At the time, we were confused and thought perhaps GK4 was an actress. I think it was @mike who suggested that perhaps GK4 and Addison were actually merging, and we were getting a glimpse of Addison in that paragraph.

  • #11305
    Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
    Michael Rizzo

    I believe it was Andrew Kasch who actually said that 4 has said something to him along the lines of “this will make you what I am” with the helmet (or something). I def dig this theory dude.

  • #11306
    Profile photo of Amie

    It may not matter but I’d like to know what happened to whomever she may have been using before, if this is true.

  • #11310
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    Theories on entity possession vary as to what happens to the host. In many cases they are left as they were before the possession with no memory of the period of entity control. This is typical in short term possessions (as found in Voudun, Taoist ritual, etc). In the case of mediumship, the host maintains an observation state and can recall the period of possession. In the cases of inhuman spirit (aka demonic) possession there is a drive to destroy the host vessel while causing as much psychic damage as possible. This can be curtailed by an intervention of exorcism. This can result in damage to the health, psyche, relationships and in the most extreme cases death of the host.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Susie J Susie J.
    • #11314
      Profile photo of Amie

      So many possibilities…

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