Is OOA's logo evolving?

Tension brand Forums MISC TENSION DISCUSSION Is OOA's logo evolving?

This topic contains 18 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Nate Nate 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #9588
    Profile photo of Melissa

    I’m serious. Look at the old 1988 video

    Look at the logo on the jacket

    Or did Rosemary really go through some sort of ceremony that was not OOA affiliated, rather, someone that wanted to appear at as OOA but missed a minor detail?

  • #9590
    Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
    Michael Rizzo

    I feel like it’s evolving… Just like any other big company, times change and they need to stay up to date. Maybe just a little tweak here and there?

  • #9591
    Profile photo of ReidV

    Its missing the L shaped tag on the tail in that vid

  • #9592
    Profile photo of Melissa

    I call it a “2” on the big hump of the logo.

  • #9593
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    Based on the newsletter covers and stuff we found at the VFW meeting, the logo was already established prior to the date of this video

  • #9594
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Good point, so either this was an oversight or my other theory, this is a video NOT from the OOA.

  • #9595
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    Maybe they just outsourced the lab coat from a sperm bank?

  • #9596
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Maybe. I feel bad pointing this minor detail out but no stone unturned?

  • #9597
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    That’s a really good catch Melissa!! Your theory has some considerable dicussion to be had.

  • #9598
    Profile photo of Cody

    Maybe its because the video came from another dimension. Hahaha.
    I blame it on CERN and the Mandela effect. lol.
    Seriously though, I remember it as the Bearnstein bears. How about you guys? I checked my old childhood books and they somehow changed… Most people I know remember it as Bearnstein not Bearenstain.
    Pretty messed up.

  • #10541
    Profile photo of

    It could be different symbols fro different people.

  • #12685
    Profile photo of Melissa

    So I want to readdress this video again based on something @jeromy posted a few hours ago.

    Based on a great observation by @endlesspictures that the OOA symbol has been around for quite some time I want to entertain the idea that the Rosemary Luther video is not actually genuine OOA. I mean, think about it, the OOA screwing up their own symbol? Nobody is perfect but I can not imagine that the OOA would have the symbol WRONG for Rosemary’s ceremony.

    According to the source of the video, it’s OOA approved. Approval is one thing, authenticity is whole different ball of wax. I think whoever created this video did so to scare off the faint of heart. If it really is a genuine OOA video then we may be following an organization that is sloppier than I thought.

  • #12686
    Profile photo of Ezi

    I figured maybe there are slightly different logos that the different branches of OOA have used like maybe the Church of Anoch, the OOA and the Omega Council have different logo’s?

    • #12702
      Profile photo of Melissa

      It’s possible I guess.

    • #12827
      Profile photo of Daela

      @lenize I like this idea! In the document that was left for @coryphella, the OOA Institute was described as an “offshoot” of the Church of Anoch. It could be that they appropriated the Church of Anoch’s logo and added the “2”-shaped symbol to symbolize their status in relationship to the larger church.

  • #13009
    Profile photo of Ezi

    @daela those were my thoughts exactly when the logo was pointed out as being different, it fit all the facts I knew at that moment. I’m not ruling out other explanations since there has not been any confirmation on this, it could just as well have been a mistake for all I know.

  • #14093
    Profile photo of cdawg

    New, just lurking around- thought I’d throw in that the symbol pictured resembles the astrological symbol for Leo (the fifth sign), not sure if that bears any significance, though.

    • #14105
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      I guess if it bears any meaning, we could find something here…or maybe we won’t:

      I’ve been trying to check exactly what the elements of the symbol represent and have had no luck, I’ll keep searching.

    • #14107
      Profile photo of Nate

      Well, your resource refers to the a.) near impenetrability of the Nemean lion(sounds about like OOA) and b.) the nursing of the lion, which could refer to our nursing and gaining maturity spiritually. Idk.

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