This topic contains 58 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Cody Cody 8 years, 4 months ago.

  • Author
  • #8666
    Profile photo of GATEKEEPER4

    Well, well, well… aren’t you all a bunch of clever kittens.

    How long were you back in the house before you CRAPPED the rug and FREAKED everyone out KIDDO, DIZZO? 5 – 10 minutes? Wild card? You’re not even in the same deck… same house… same planet. You’re burning, aflame in another solar system wondering why this keeps happening to YOU. Alright, I’ll admit it… your natural destructive chaos does have a certain… sumpin’ sumpin’.

    But real talk?

    If one singular NAME was enough to shut down your back alleys and private whispers? So be it.

    Fair enough.

    Comme ci, come ça?

    Ma-ma se, ma-ma sa, ma-ma coo sa. HEEEE HEEEE.

    We DESPISED those private channels. Your voices hidden as if in SHAME. As if ANY talk about US could be SHAMEFUL? All is permitted! So… We infiltrated a bit… LOL, gosh, shucks, me and the misses is probably going to go get us some all you can eat riblets, watch some Big Bang and go F— I digress, again.

    We tried to remind you that your WORDS only become GOSPEL if they are in the LIGHT. See, then that little light draws others to the LIGHT and then their LIGHTS join your LIGHTS and then all these LIGHTS are a big ol’ LIGHT that LIGHTS up our little corner of the world and draws others to the fold… ensnaring them. Changing THEM, causing the great ORACLES to ACHE for YOU and THEM… The Apostles of The New Begging…. that’s your one job dumb-dumb. That’s it… This was never FREE! Thi$ i$ about #commmmmunity. Your time, your words, your actions are all the do reh mi THEY wanted (still do, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). Your voices behind walls unseen make the outside think you DON’T EXIST! And you DO EXIST. You are here. You are there. Soon you will be EVERYWHERE.

    But back to this “D’oh” from earlier that caused a real “grab your umbrella’s a shit storms a comin'” panic… it’s a NAME, one of many. It’s a puddle in the ocean, a drop in the bucket, a metaphor in the simile in the it just doesn’t matter as much as a JJ Abrams look alike you think it does. There’s a whole bigger fish to fry in the kitchen fish don’t fry in the pan took a whole lot of blah blah blah blaaaaaaah 3, 4 and 5 Here’s the shocking truth you’ve uncovered in the grand scheme of our mysterious and ever changing universe that you can’t possibly grasp: http://instantfart.com

    NOW, we’ve cleared the air. A very small piece in a very large puzzle, CAN YOU SEE THE FULL PICTURE? no?

    GO back to your holes if you WANT. Don’t let momma keep baby from her bwankie… Have YER’SELVES a Grand REOPENING!!!! Suspension lifted if that be your will. But reenter those dark places with the understanding YOU are all ONE. One unit together. Separation fractures what you have. You have this, THEY have that, and soon, pieces get lost, fall through the great big CRACKS of a divide, and things that fall in cracks get LOOSST.

    Just know that if THEY can’t hear you then the TENSION isn’t as TENSE as it could be because we look smaller than we are and we need a BIG OL’ BANG for the real stuff we gots-a-comin’.

    In summation, wanna hear a hint from your old friend ~four? It started in these forums, and it will end here as well.

    Now, instead of wasting any more brain cells on DRAMA – mama has a very special event to plan, one that will cause much more excitement and discomfort than today’s misadventures.


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of GATEKEEPER4 GATEKEEPER4.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of GATEKEEPER4 GATEKEEPER4.
  • #8667
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    Hi four. Always lovely to hear from you. ❤️

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of creepsociety creepsociety.
  • #8671
    Profile photo of Mike

    A very special event to plan?? Ooooo rreaaalllyyyy??

  • #8672
    Profile photo of Amie

    Thanks Four! I would hope everyone knows if they aren’t participating here then they aren’t really participating. I’d also like to echo @ephorrorsociety, it is always lovely to hear from you!

  • #8674
    Profile photo of Chris424

    Hello gatekeeper 4.
    Nice to finally talk to u.
    I hope i have done nothing wrong to disrupt me on my_path or that i have upset others and that im doing the right steps on my _path to enlightenment

    • #8678

      @cmhughes424 – Note that the following is not said with any sort of authority, I tell you this as a fellow disciple and nothing more:

      Your future is bright, as long as you remain resolute in path. 4 was referring to an event that happened today that I am quite certain you were not a part of, and have nothing to fear.

  • #8675
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend Four. Thanks for posting. Enjoy your event planning.

  • #8677
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    Thanks 4. Looking forward to whatever comes next.

  • #8681
    Profile photo of Daela

    Words can’t express how giddy I am now that you have unveiled yourself as Mr. Ohio. Hats off, Four, truly. This only makes me love you more.

    • #8683
      Profile photo of PuppetGirl

      Mr. Ohio was my friend and then he vanished. 😳 Does that mean 4 is my friend? 🤔

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of PuppetGirl PuppetGirl.
    • #8686
      Profile photo of creepsociety

      That awkward moment when you call omega on Ohio but it just turns out to be 4? 😂 Welp. @daela

    • #8687
      Profile photo of Melissa

      That really awkward moment when you ban someone from OOA off slack by channeling Gandalf….

      ….this lovely desk looks great to hide under for a few hours. (head in hands)

    • #8688
      Profile photo of Amie

      Not everyone can say they banned a Gatekeeper or called Omega on them! 😉 Some might think it’s wrong but I think it’s hilarious and really, why in the Sam Hill not?!

    • #8696
      Profile photo of Daela

      @amieexists *favorited*

    • #8699
      Profile photo of Amie


  • #8682
    Profile photo of Chris424

    Thank u @thegilded and @puppetgirl.
    Glory be

  • #8685
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Great message @gatekeeper4. This experience thus far has been nothing but positive for me. Getting me involved in a community that I love and I trust and has introduced me to some of the sick and twisted souls like myself. I hope as a group we have all learned our lesson for private discussions. From here on out we talk in the light and bring forth the truth.

    Thanks for the reminder and the kick in the ass and great job on shutting it down before it got too out of control.

    Glory Be!

  • #8689
    Profile photo of 111_error

    Hi 4. I was allegedly in the same building as you. Next time, let’s get that drink, yeah?

  • #8690
    Profile photo of

    Not a great message, Four. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to kiss your ass like others.

    I lost something of value today, and while it has been pointed out to me by OOA associates that I didn’t completely “lose it,” I did, for various reasons. Maybe, like faith, it was too weak to begin with and wasn’t going to weather any serious storm that eventually came along, but today you were the storm.

    Yes, we were having private, off-forum conversations. About tacos. And dicks. And Blackout. And cats being better than dogs. And escape rooms. You wanted community? You got it – just not entirely in the location you wanted. But 90% of the discussion related to Tension? It occurred HERE. The only thing you missed was a group of people getting closer, the way we might have if we met regularly in person instead of online.

    But, you know, you’re right of course. You’re in charge. You despised our channels and called us shameful.

    You inspired me to create a 16-tile painting and ship each tile individually off to a separate person. The entire painting is Tension-inspired, Tension-related. Those who get those tiles have to piece them together to see the whole picture. It’s a freaking PUZZLE. Get it?? And that’s just me.

    But you’re right. It’s shameful, what we did, conspiring in our back rooms. Forming a community. Never mind that some of those people were the most active in welcoming new members.

    I LOVED Tension. I fucking loved it. I got others involved, I talked about it non stop, my STUDENTS (I’m a college professor) were more interested in my Tension involvement than in what I was supposed to be teaching, you were the coolest thing they’d EVER heard about and I was hoping to continue using you in future work. But, you started a chain of events today and my heart is broken. I don’t know that I will be back. I’m flying to LA next week, and was really hoping and looking forward to a Tension-related real-life experience. At the very least, I’m meeting up to discuss Tension with another theatre related podcast. Now, I just don’t know. Tonight, I’m going to drink, and hang out with my cats, watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and wish Aleister was here.


    • #8692
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      Honestly, I’m in the same boat. This morning really broke the great vibes I was feeling from the weekend.

      I had a big response ready to go on the other thread, but killed it after double checking activity and seeing this thread. So I sat on it. And per advice I was given this weekend, I didn’t want to rock the boat, but now that the ice has been broken –

      Here’s what I was thinking about, I have a few questions about the forums and their uses that need answers if Slack is to stay dead.

      Keep in mind, this was a private Slack that began as a place to have a casual, off the record discussion about The Tension Experience, but had since turned into a pretty tight-knit group friends shooting the shit while and also using it as a way to focus thoughts before bringing them here to the forums.

      Are we now encouraged to post about non-Tension related content on the forums? Non-Tension talk was the majority of the discussion than anything directly related to The Tension Experience. Is “Off Topic” the place to discuss other horror related experiences such as Blackout, Alone, Screenshot Productions, VES, Taco Bell, Heretic, and various escape rooms? Do we bring private discussions on cyberbullying, feeling unsafe online, and dealing with other online threats to personal safety to Off Topic?

      Where is a safe space to have these discussions that can also be moderated as to not dig too deep in to the “meta” and make sure we’re not having thoughts and discussions about things we’re not supposed to think about? Do we need to have a moderator present for any in-person discussions to make sure we don’t talk about Tension outside of these forums?

      If these are going to be directed to the Off-Topic section, then I think we all need to be ready for the activity feed to be moving a lot quicker than it has been, have a lot more non-Tension related subject matter to sift through to find Tension-related info, and a lot of people need to be ok with having otherwise private discussions made public, because we have been told many times that all of our PMs have been and are being read.

      And above all else, Tension as an “experience” needs to accept this additional content on the forums. I’m cool talking about other experiences here, but I doubt Pepsi wants people talking about how much they love Rum and Cokes on their forums.

      This weekend was great, it was cool meeting everyone, but it’s also very trying to commit to a “community” when it sometimes seems like the community that was formed around something is being disavowed by the very thing the community was formed around. I was having a private discussion on the now closed Slack, talking about how awesome this weekend was, how cool it was to be involved and interacting with this in real life, and then mid-message, I was signed out, lost contacts and notes and now have no way to get back to them.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of Addison Born Addison Born.
    • #8693
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      somehow double posted. sorry.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of Addison Born Addison Born. Reason: cleaning up a double post
  • #8697

    Any anger felt towards Slack’s suspension is justified, certainly. But let’s not look at its existence with rose tinted glasses. It was rife with in fighting and mistrust. It was an amazing place for community, yes, but it was an exclusionary community. In shifting the majority of our conversation to Slack, we began to exclude the other users. It became a place for us and only us to speak, and new users were left out in the cold.

    As Slack use increased, forum use decreased. We can claim that it was solely a place for off the record banter, but a significant portion of our theorizing, analysis and information dissemination moved from the public to our gated community. We damaged Tension by doing this.

    I agree, we need a place less formal than the forums to be irreverent and to shoot the shit. I’m speaking with Them to see if we can get something set up. But we have lingered too long in places that, by their very nature, exclude those that we should be welcoming

    • #8698
      Profile photo of Amie

      Do you think there is a chat possibility? It was so much easier to go back and forth in real time.

    • #8700
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      Is it bad that I still don’t know what slack is?

      Seems like I missed a lot 😫

      It’s already hard enough for me to keep up with all the info here on the forums, I don’t know how you guys and gals do it sometimes!

    • #8702
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      Funnily enough, slack is the lack of tension. HAHAHAHAHA!

    • #8705
      Profile photo of debzies

      ermagherd susie hahahhaha

    • #8706
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      amazing @monkeymuffin333 that just made my day! Hahaha

    • #8717
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      I guess we need to agree to disagree on this. I personally used the forums more after participating in the Slack group, but it was an island. However, after the Ohio incident, I think it was difficult for all of us to embrace newcomers to the group.

      I’m not so sure what infighting you’re talking about, but I guess let’s leave the dirt in the garden.

    • #8718
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      But if there is a Tension-sanctioned real time chat that will be made available, where conversations not appropriate for the forums can happen, and discussions can be had “out of game,” I’m all in.

  • #8701
    Profile photo of prufrock5150

    And, with that, GK4 turns the hose on full blast, extinguishing self-doubt. Holy shit.
    me right now

  • #8703
    Profile photo of Mike

    @coryphella and @addisonborn – VERY well said and very good points. Scribe approved haha The thing is, just Slack was banned, not us from each other ya know? We can all still chat, just not in the same place. I know that doesn’t make what happened any better, but that’s the silver lining I guess

    What @thegilded says makes a lot of sense too. I mean, if you look at the thread about Sunday, look at how everyone is jumping in with what they remembered, talked about their personal experiences, clues they may have found, etc. I don’t remember a thread like that after the last event.

  • #8710
    Profile photo of Amie

    On a side note, I just want everyone I chatted with anywhere to know that I’m weird and I don’t like going out on Facebook and sending friend requests because maybe someone doesn’t want to be friends with me. (My own issue!) But I would be very happy to be friends with any of you! If you feel so inclined hit me up and I won’t turn you down. 😉

  • #8720
    Profile photo of Cody

    Ok, So Id just like to start off by saying that this has been a profound experience for me that has changed the very fabric of my mind.
    I have… many times questioned my sanity since I signed up for this experience. I question it even now.
    I have learned a great deal about myself as a result of looking inward and letting my senses and intuition lead me on my _path. I have learned that I am a little crazy. Perhaps , even have sociopathic tendencies, have a slight God complex(kinda fitting as God IS in us WE, all) The ONE! THE ONE WE US, Humanity ALL HAVE LOST. In truth we ALL are slightly crazy in our Own/ONE little ways. WE built these diseases as a natural defense mechanism to cope with the societies in which we are forced to exist. ADAPTATION. Bear no shame for your imperfections. THEY MAKE YOU WHOLE.
    I wish to convey a message.. I will be Unleashing my truth very soon.
    This is a message that Has been described by many… in many different ways.. many times throughout history, But I believe that we are all stumbling upon a simplification of a truth so profound, that it AAAAALLLMOST alludes conveyance/tranzit/description/Definition/commonsense. It exists within All of us. In our dark corners, in the parts of ourselves that we hide from, IGNORE and MASK from ourselves for false comfort and security.
    This is where truth hides and the INFINITE answers to the unfathomable QUESTIONs we seek TO answer.
    What If I were to tell you that I have been engaging in my own little Events that cascaded into a main EVENT for me today… half way across the continent.
    A test that I failed.. NO A LESSON that was LEARNED. An EXPERT in any field has made the mistakes enough to know better.
    We must excel!
    Time is a factor!

    There was talk about someone laying eyes upon 4…. What If I said that someone was me?
    would you all believe me?

    Am I just crazy?
    I cannot say. Because the answer is YES and the answer is NO.
    You see the creative inspiration is at its finest between the two… knowing and not knowing. EVEN WHEN I KNOW IT TO BE TRUTH.. there is an equal amount of doubt. This is the perfect balance you see.
    I hope that I will not be attacked. I AM only speaking my CHAOTIC TRUTH, Some will understand.. others only a fleeting glimpse that will resound at a later date. Please be patient with me.. My truths will be lain bare to you ALL.SOON! AS SOON AS I CAN POSSIBLY TYPE THAT MUCH. HAHA.
    FOR Those of you that cannot stand my intolerable drivel.. I UNDERSTAND.. and soon YOU will too.
    I am not claiming to UNDERSTAND the OOA, ONLY MYSELF. This is a thread in the grand tapestry.
    I can Play this game anywhere.. it is everywhere it is EVERYTHING. The patterns of the universe are at our fingertips. We are going to heal The world with art.
    I know this is just drivel. JUST WAIT!
    WE going to be dropping TRUTH BOMBS.
    The ripples start small… then they build… soon it will be a mighty psunami that spreads this simple truth across the very fabric of consciousness… bringing with it a mighty perspective/s that will rock this ENTIRE WORLD.
    I thank the OOA for showing me the mirror.
    Do not waiver in your faith!!
    Hold true fellow apostles of the beginning. This fucking party is JUST getting started. AGAIN!

    • #9187
      Profile photo of Cody

      I put this here so I do not have to post in 3 separate threads.
      I believe I have seen 4. I believe that I may have been the one that got to see her… I asked if you would believe me.. you ALL ignored me. After I read her letter I feel that perhaps I should have pushed harder perhaps. To gain all of your attentions.
      Also, When the new insight began on symbology and I posted some druid symbol charts.. and then replied to the lost clue you guys kept to yourself.. the triangle and circle, (ethos pathos logos) I received a PM from 4.. it was titled; “ANOCH SPIRT?” And the message was a simple “consider me impressed”. There is was a link I found within the search of this content. that seemed to be a webpage built for me.. with clues that seemingly only I was able to interpret. A page built to reflect the code of my mind I believe. There was “scope” and other aspects of this that convinced me %100 that I was not reading to far into it. As well as the messages I was able to decode within the context of the page. Would you all believe this?

    • #9193
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      I would.

    • #9195
      Profile photo of

      Can you link the page?

    • #9196
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Please list the webpage, would love to see it @sovereignskies.

    • #9198
      Profile photo of Cody

      im afraid it will not make sence to you guys. It is built upon my triggers.
      Thus is it. there is valuable information either way. Good advice and whatnot. Like I said though. Idoubt any of you will see even 1/2 the information i do in it.

    • #9200
      Profile photo of Cody

      much like the messages we can tune into from the universe.. It is decieving to any onlooker. they will not see all that I see. there is aspects of my password on tension and much more tied into my translation of the page and pdf’s etc…
      I could just be crazy though. hahaha.
      you guys wanna see a pic of 4? or who I think is 4?

    • #9599
      Profile photo of Cody

      This section of the linkhad stuck out.


  • #8721
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Hey everybody,

    So I have spent like two hours trying to type up some sort of response and it just winds up horribly worded. So I’ll just keep it brief:

    First I’m really overwhelmed by the amount of Slackers that thought Slack was a positive thing. Holy crap, thank you.

    Second what I’m about to say is being said out of love and I’m trying to be constructive. I’m not mad while writing this. I had a lot of hours today to cool off and I appreciate @thegilded stepping in and helping me out being my tact because earlier I was FURIOUS at the totality of the situation.

    I thought Slack would have been a nice little community to have to exchange ideas and hash out the more insane theories before we clog them up on the Tension forum. For the most part Slack was great, until someone screwed up and crossed line that shouldn’t have been crossed. To boot, I totally missed it because it was in a channel I was not even part of and I was having fun with my out of town friend.

    Sorry ~four that you despise closed door conversations but they happen even with Slack now history (all accounts were suspended at 1pm today). That can’t be stopped, or helped. I can’t speak on behalf of everybody here but I for one am not afraid of having the more nutty ideas here on the forum. You have to be prepared to hear it ALL including the more wild accusations of who is a fake, who is Anoch, what’s going to happen next weekend, etc. etc. Slack did serve on occasion a pretty good way of weeding out the more insane ideas. Also Slack had a ton of kitty photos, more than I desired, I took that cat pic bullet for you @gatekeeper4. :)

    And considering the emphasis time and time again about community, the notion of shutting down one seems like a contradiction. BUT I get it that you want our ideas to come here to the forum so that all members can get a better sense of what the hell is going on here with Tension.

    I get that, 100%.

    While I tried my best to have ideas in Slack migrate over to the forum, I can’t hold everybody’s hand. I well strive to be a better advocate in the future to have ideas go to forum, if I happen to hear one that’s not here on the forum.

    So in closing the way I see it is that it’s a disservice for Tension community to have closed door conversations. If there’s an idea then it should go here right on the forum for all to see. On the flip side it’s also a disservice to us to be told what we initiates/apostles can’t use as a means of communication. We are a community and I for one miss my Slacker friends and our discussions of taco bell (which is terrible), dick jokes, @111error completely off the wall humor (love) and yes all the pet photos. I’m hearing “Friends Will Be Friends”* right now in my head. <3

    Will I have an avenue that basically says “all Tension conversations, come here”? Noooooope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

    Instafart btw, hilarious. pptt pttt pttttttf ha ha ha, my sense of humor ceased at the age of six.

    I’m going to bed, I had enough of drama too. Tomorrow is yet another day to find ways to WIND THE CLOCK.

    *oh, and for you youngin’ that have no idea about that song, it’s by one of the best freakin’ bands. Ever.

    • #8726
      Profile photo of PuppetGirl

      I feel the need to post a Bagheera photo now. She really should be shared with as many people as possible at all times, not just the handful of slackers.

      #grumpyvegas #cat

      A photo posted by Christine Barger (@actresschristinebarger) on

    • #8734
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      Dat face! 😸

    • #8749
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      counteracting with dog

      She's a star #honeypig

      A photo posted by Jake Odenberg (@endlesspix) on

    • #8847
      Profile photo of PuppetGirl

      So cute!!!

  • #8722
    Profile photo of GATEKEEPER4

    @mkarrett, I’m glad I amuse you.

    And YOUUUUU amuse me! SO, reopen your doors, and celebrate! I’ll SEND the Taco Belllll.

    • #8723
      Profile photo of Melissa

      ….wait what you don’t amuse me, you scare the shit out of me sometimes to be frank. But hey if I amuse you, I do what I can. :)

  • #8724
    Profile photo of 111_error

    This has been an unusual 4 days. Okay, unusual is definitely too quaint a word, but I’m minding my manners at such a serious time. I think we can all agree that what has happened here today is disturbing, upsetting, perhaps even nightmarish.

    I’m referring to ~4 condoning the consumption of Taco Bell.

    This news will take time to absorb and digest – just like the new Catmeat Tacolupa Grossarito.

  • #8725
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Oh @111error, you slay me every time sir. I miss you man.

    Also, @gatekeeper4, duh NOW I get wait you meant.

    Instafart. XD

    • #8727
      Profile photo of 111_error


    • #8728
      Profile photo of PuppetGirl


    • #8731
      Profile photo of Amie

      @111error this is perfect!!💚 Made me hahaha this morning!

    • #8735
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      I see a new ceremony on the horizon. The Ringing of the Taco Bell. *poot*

    • #8741
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      now I’m beginning to see what I was missing on this slack thing! this is amazing. haha

    • #8752
      Profile photo of Melissa

      bwahahahaha Susie!!!

  • #8737
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

  • #8812
    Profile photo of JoeKaye

    Proof that I know so much less than I thought, and I thought I knew nothing. >_<;

  • #9199
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @jkonigsberg We are sailing in the same boat my friend 😉

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