This topic contains 121 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Cody Cody 8 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #4609
    Profile photo of

    Hey everyone! So I was just checking the forums again just to see what’s new and I noticed this new section… Thought maybe we could discuss @light2dark ? I know he/she would have seen this anyways so I just tagged them in it. They had posted a direct quote to me on their profile and yea, wondering if anyone has had any other communication with them. Or even if they themselves would want to shed some light on their presence?

  • #4611
    Profile photo of Mike

    I feel like he’s definitely giving us clues/guidance. I’m thinking there’s something he’s hinting at that happens in the early morning and a specific time

  • #4612
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    I agree he/she is definitely either giving us clues to an existing puzzle or giving us elements to a new puzzle/riddle

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
  • #4615
    Profile photo of

    @mike that would definitely fit the bill of clues he/she’s been throwing at us. More than happy to listen to their words and see if anything happens tonight/tomorrow morning

  • #4616
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    i thought the name was a clue to the About page, but I haven’t escaped the hamster wheel yet so I haven’t had a chance to examine it in depth. I just try to be ghostly and make amusing remarks. =P

  • #7433
    Profile photo of Light•2•Dark

    Scope & Mirror -%light2dark

    • #7439
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born


    • #7440
      Profile photo of 111_error

      [edit] Can’t see any relatable accounts under the obvious search terms.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of 111_error 111_error.
    • #7473
      Profile photo of

      Yes! It’s a periscope!

    • #7475
      Profile photo of PuppetGirl

      Does Tension or OOA have Periscope? I searched and didn’t find any accounts but I may have just missed it.

  • #7434
    Profile photo of

    I have a masters in light and everything.

  • #7435
    Profile photo of Mike

    So we need to smash the mirrors to see the true light, not a reflection of it? Hmmm

    Time for 14 years of bad luck!

  • #7436
    Profile photo of

    Or…we need to be in the right place at the right time to see it, like you said.
    Standing slightly to the left or right in that diagram means you miss the light. And if that light was from a moving object, like the sun, the hour of day matters too.

    • #7438
      Profile photo of Mike

      Holy crap…maybe we’ll have a Well of the Souls puzzle next!!

      Find the headpiece to the staff of Ra!!

    • #7443
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      could it be they want us to return to the puzzle button on he homepage? now that it’s a different time? I tried clicking on it and it no longer goes to the five senses puzzle. It’s a page not found message.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
    • #7445
      Profile photo of Daela

      The “About” page also appears to be down.

    • #7446
      Profile photo of Mike

      Actually, none of the links work anymore. I feel like a war is brewing.

    • #7448
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      looks like we are in for some kind of big change

    • #7449
      Profile photo of Amie

      Looks like I got finished up with all my stuff at a good time. Something is definitely brewing.

  • #7437
    Profile photo of 111_error

    Or, everything we’re currently seeing is reflected off other sources, and we’re not yet seeing a direct signal.

    Or, we’re supposed to be reflecting the source signals to other observers.

  • #7442
    Profile photo of ReidV

    So light2dark seems to be telling us to return to The Scope here:

    The scope

    But why? And is the rescued at sea bit relevant?

    • #7450
      Profile photo of Amie

      I actually missed this one so I don’t know if they rescued group bit was already there?

    • #7451
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      Yes, it was there. Initially, we thought it was left by accident, but it is what led to the whole “nothing is random” discussion awhile back.
      I’m not very knowledgeable when it comes to website design, but apparently it is a standard page that is probably used to help format a website. Maybe @thegilded can explain more about it

    • #7452
      Profile photo of Amie

      I remember all of that but I don’t remember this page. Maybe I just confused the Password Protected Page with this one, they may have been right around the same time.

    • #7453
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      Well, it’s even trickier cause, if I recall correctly, some of the pages were altered after we found them.

    • #7454
      Profile photo of Mike

      Most of those were standard blog pages that comes with a new blog as FPO. When we found them, they were changed in the way of “congrats, you found these”, not in a “we’re trying to hide things” sort of way

    • #7455

      @mike got it. The Tension Experience uses a standard WordPress Package to power it, which comes with a bunch of sample pages showing the admins what the site could be. This was the sample for articles, and was changed once it was found. The text refers to a comment a few of us made, along the lines of “I found this article, but I think it’s out of bounds” due to the initial default text

    • #7456
      Profile photo of Amie

      Ok, I do remember those conversations, thank you. Now…why are we still seeing it, forgotten or on purpose.

    • #7497
      Profile photo of Cody

      Rescued at sea means much to me @atticus360. My studdies into the fundamentals of law and individual sovereigntyhave taught me that we are all in fact considdered “Abandoned cargo” adrift upon the “holy see”. To me, it means emancipation.

  • #7458
    Profile photo of ReidV

    @thegilded light2dark is basically yelling at us to look at The Scope again, can you check it one more time? The “brought to light” img may be hiding something

  • #7460
    Profile photo of Mike

    @atticus360 – You can check too. There’s nothing private or hidden that @thegilded knows about that no one else does.

    If there are clues for something to be found, we all have them and can all try to find something new, not just one person :)

  • #7461
    Profile photo of ReidV

    Haha thanks @mike, im trying but im in a parking lot with just my cell phone :)

    So lemme rephrase, everyone check The Scope! And maybe the broken About page as well

    • #7464

      Scope article has not been changed since 4/5/16. Source analysis doesn’t turn anything up.

      About link is broken, analysis is not possible on it.

  • #7462
    Profile photo of Mike

    That sounds like the beginning of a movie that won’t end well 😉

  • #7466
    Profile photo of ReidV

    Very true, alas I’m safe and sound for now :)
    (btw if you havent watched It Follows do so!)

    • #7470
      Profile photo of ReidV

      Ok so clicking the period on “brought to light” sends us to 227-2 broken…

      @daela i saw that too. maybe it refers to the ability to see feeds by using source?

      I’m stumped for now :(

  • #7468
    Profile photo of Daela

    I’m not sure if this is related to Light 2 Dark’s clue, but…search the word “scope” and you’ll come up with a page I don’t remember, based on the preview. It’s called “Scope and Mirror” and was created on May 1. The preview text says:

    One may remain hidden One may look from an alterate viewpoint Somewhere out of sight, somewhere in the d a r k Yet see what you see…

    Does this page ring any bells for anyone?

    • #7472
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      @daela I get page not found. But whatever you found sounds new. It sounds related to the newest light2dark post

    • #7474

      I mistook it for a page we’d already seen earlier. I also get a page not found error. I can tell that there is an image on the page, but I’m not sure what it is.

    • #7476
      Profile photo of Daela

      I can’t find a cached version of the page online…

    • #7481
      Profile photo of Melissa

      @daela, sounds like the Twitter creeper.

      One may remain hidden (on Twitter as a private acct)
      One may look from an alternate viewpoint (from Twitter)
      Somewhere out of sight (again, cloaked in a private acct)
      somewhere in the d a r k
      Yet see what you see… (and see what we posted on say, Slack)


  • #7477
    Profile photo of ReidV
    • #7478

      I’ve had it downloaded and synced with my personal calendar for a few months. No events have shown up yet

  • #7485
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    So a shower-thought from this morning.

    Remember that image on the “about” page, that was a dotted line with a few right angle turns in it? And incorporated the OOA symbol or maybe went from the OOA symbol downward?

    Something about that reminds me of the periscope diagram. Might just be projecting and trying to make sense of it.. but does anyone else think that’s related? Trying to find if I have the image saved anywhere.

    Also.. @light2dark = Light to dark.. and a periscope brings light from above to the darkness below. And L2D always seems to pop up when there are some big changes about to happen.

    @light2dark is going to show us something in the light.

  • #7486
    Profile photo of Mike

    Good thought!

    • #7487
      Profile photo of PuppetGirl

      Isn’t that a diagram of how the eye “sees” things? Like I remember in science class something about how images are flipped in the eye/brain. It’s been a long time so that may be old science or I could be remembering it wrong.

    • #7489
      Profile photo of

      Yes, the first half of the diagram is of how an eye works. Also like:

      The second half, though, that has the actual drawing of an eye looking through a pinhole back at the diagram of the eye – I don’t know what that’s about.

    • #7492
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      Oh wow.. so this might be grasping for straws. But we’re looking an eye looking through a lens of some sort into another eye, one fully illustrated, one conceptual.

      The OOA symbol on the illustrated eye, looking through the lens, into another eye marked “subjected.”

      This could be a boring answer and oversimplified for the sake of looking for closure on it, but could it be symbolism for the OOA looking deeply into us? Or examining us? Are we too late on this since it’s been taken down now?

      Or I wonder if there’s something else?

    • #7488
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      Ooooh ok so the OOA symbol is below.. kinda kills the ascension symbolism in that, but if it’s flipped, then “The Light” is right side up?

      Could be tied together by L2D’s “The enigma most are in search of sits right beneath us.”

      Moving from the eye, or what we see, downward to the OOA, right beneath us.

      Also, I don’t think I’e ever noticed the background image below. A diagram for how a telescope works? Very similar to this image.

      Telescope diagram

    • #7490
      Profile photo of

      There is something really familiar about these that’s not about how the eye works but about how light works…it’s making me look through diagrams of how ellipsoidal reflector spotlights work (sorry I’m a nerd).

    • #7491
      Profile photo of

      Hang on – that image is of a Galilean telescope.

  • #7493
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Hey guys, I’m not sure this is telescope image.

    I think it’s a diagram for some sort of optometrist diagnostic patent?

    The eyes are a window to our soul…..

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
  • #7495
    Profile photo of Mike

    So remember the About page led us to the ISBN, which led us to the book? Then the video puzzle led us to the 227 page which had this on it.

    It’s interesting to look at again that now we’ve been through an event. “Pictures from each event recorded” and we had pictures on our phones.

  • #7496
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Good observation @mike!

  • #7498
    Profile photo of Cody

    So I noticed that the ticket button looked different somehow last night. I know ai have hit that button numerous times in the past.. and it never did anything. Now it says “TICKETS AVAILABE UPON ACCEPTANCE”. Did I just miss that before or is it new?

    • #7499
      Profile photo of 111_error

      That’s brand new.

    • #7500

      I’m not so sure about that. It’s been the same way for me for weeks now

    • #7501
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Actually I think I saw the “tickets available upon acceptance” a month or so ago….

    • #7502
      Profile photo of Jessica

      I agree with Melissa and Sean. The message you see when you hover over the “tickets” button has been there since i started. Definitely sure of that.

    • #7503
      Profile photo of

      We’re being culled (i.e. Rizzo), and those who remain = accepted?

    • #7504
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      definitely been there since whenever the button was added

  • #7505
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    So @light2dark observes us from below through a periscope and records the goings on as we progress nearer or farther towards blocked or open _paths. All of this is winding a clock and ….. Something about … Poop, lunch hour over!

  • #7506
    Profile photo of Mike

    Looks like the links are working again! Time to explore!

    • #7507

      Ooooh Scope and Mirror IS new.

      Looks like we were both wrong

    • #7508
      Profile photo of Daela

      *pats self on back*

    • #7509
      Profile photo of ReidV

      *high fives @daela*

  • #7510
    Profile photo of ReidV

    Check the _ out, *high fives self in the face*

    • #7512
      Profile photo of Daela

      Think there’s any significance to its being the 6th underscore? Or is it just a hint that our _path is shaped through forum activity?

    • #7513
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Or there are at least two people looking through all our private messages to each other.

    • #7515
      Profile photo of Daela

      Interesting, how do you extrapolate that? Did it mention a PM you sent/received?

    • #7518
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Hah, no, I am just adding to the paranoia, hypothesizing what the meaning is behind two hidden people able to see what the observer thinks only they are seeing.

    • #7516
      Profile photo of

      I doubt that any of the PMs we’ve sent on this site are “private.”

    • #7517
      Profile photo of Daela

      Agree! But it’s especially interesting if they’re openly acknowledging this somehow on the Scope and Mirror page.

    • #7519
      Profile photo of

      Careful what you ask for. :) An entire page will be built with the text of all our PMs next.

    • #7520
      Profile photo of 111_error

      That would be like exposing private details from questionnaires, would likely only cause people to lose trust or faith in this experiment, and participation would dry up, so I’d be surprised if that happened – but talking to us directly about our PM’s, well, we’re just giving them great ideas now.

    • #7521
      Profile photo of

      You lack imagination. 😉

    • #7526
      Profile photo of Daela

      I’m thinking perhaps this goes back to the idea of finding light within.

      Previously, we were told:

      “Only from within can the corruption you have acquired at birth be tamed.”

      “Only within ourselves can we find the true source of illumination.”

      Now the Scope and Mirror page says:

      “One may remain hidden

      One may look from an alterate viewpoint”

      The alternate viewpoint could be looking at ourselves…looking in the mirror.

      That said, I’m not sure how this type of introspection would translate to action on this forum. How would Tension know whether or not we’re searching within ourselves?

    • #7528
      Profile photo of Mike

      I feel like many things could be interchangeable with that.

      For example, could it mean a camera? Camera lens could be the scope and there are mirrors inside some cameras.

      One may remain hidden could be a camera we don’t see aka hidden – which happened on the 30th, alternate view could be the view finder or it could mean us looking at ourselves from a different viewpoint. None of the pictures I remember were straight on as how we would normally see ourselves.

    • #7529
      Profile photo of Daela

      Oh, interesting, do you think we should be examining the pictures from the 30th?

    • #7530
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      In keeping with the broad theme, the reflection could be how we portray ourselves via social media and technology. It is an aspect of ourselves but not who we are. We should not make the mistake that the two-dimensional construct of what we show people is actually anything like our true identities. Which is ironic because here we are, in our avatars mining the hell out of this site looking for answers. *back to work*

    • #7531
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      I’m starting to think it’s Periscope, the app?

      One may remain hidden
      One may look from an alterate viewpoint
      Somewhere out of sight, somewhere in the d a r k
      Yet see what you see

      Periscope lets the viewer see what you see, without sharing anything themselves. The viewer can stay in the dark while the broadcaster streams their view.

    • #7532
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Ya I’ve been looking around Periscope for an account that looks OOA but I haven’t seen anything that stands out. I like your theory though! :)

    • #7546
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      Update: Michael Rizzo broadcast on Periscope at four this morning (PST). The video consists of him whispering repeatedly in the dark “Glory be. Glory be to the OOA.” He ends by giggling, admitting he doesn’t know what else to say, stating he can’t be loud because it’s four in the morning and then bidding viewers good night.

    • #7547
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      interesting. So periscope theory is at least partially correct, if not fully correct.
      now, because we can’t see him in the video, are we sure that’s rizzo? I’ve never heard his voice

    • #7548
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      Well, to be perfectly accurate, there was a broadcast from his stated Periscope account.

    • #7549
      Profile photo of VincentVega

      @monkeymuffin333 is there anyway to see this periscope? Is there a link?

    • #7550
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      I’m not sure you can link to it, but if you go on periscope and search his name, it is still up. I think periscopes only last for a certain amount of time

    • #7551
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O
    • #7569
      Profile photo of PuppetGirl

      I was there live. 😀

    • #7552
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      His stated account looks fabricated, especially if you read his description

    • #7553
      Profile photo of Melissa

      @endlesspictures, pretty sure this is Rizzo. I met him while we bowled last Friday and he did kindly Periscope me with his account (after my phone died) while I attempted to serenade @gatekeeper4. :)

    • #7555
      Profile photo of Mike

      Oh there was no attempt…you DID serenade her :)

    • #7556
      Profile photo of VincentVega

      I keep reading about all these meet ups! What’s a girl got to do to get invited to one?

    • #7557
      Profile photo of Mike

      Just keep an eye on the forums. Everything has been a public invite so far :)

    • #7558
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      @mkarrett @amieexists lol. His description is pretty funny in that case.

    • #7554
      Profile photo of Amie

      I watched @mkarrett sing to Gatekeeper4 on this broadcast as well. I would agree it’s actually his account. I’ve been following him on Periscope since before he was banned too.

    • #7559
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      so does this mean we are supposed to bring @rizzzoooooo back to the light? the post was in darkness, and a periscope brings light to darkness.

      Or was this merely a way to show us that he has fallen into darkness.

      Did he receive orders to relate this post at 4am, “toiling in the dark”?
      Or did he create this of his own volition?

  • #7522
    Profile photo of Cody

    Haha. Ok I have to ask. Did anybody EVER believe that theor “PM’s were pivate? I never once assumed that it would be as far as the eyes of the OOA goes. Perhaps thought it was private from other initiates. That’s about it. I have talked about this in other threads before and it was dismissed quite quickly but since we are on the topic of privacy.. I would say it again.. perhaps agreeing to the experience, was an agreenment to an invasion of your privacy by the OOA. The privacy policy certainly leaves no question to me. I have, In the past, been engaged by another… game, that was Soooooo simmilar to this in many ways that it is chilling to my bones.
    This is NOT paranoia. I have seen the things that are capeable of being done with technology and I honestly have no doubt that our data is accessable remotely with the right technology and permissions.
    In this other… emersive experience I was a part of many things, and seen many things ,that i believed, at that time, were not possible. My computer (laptop and desktop and best friends laptop(, xbox and phone were being utalized to profile us openly, teach us how to… trigger things or hack thinks in a new way.. there were times my computer would speak instructions to us, other times windows would pop up and instructions would appear. Other times it would be through my phone(when instructed to turn off the computer and hard disconnect it for security reasons) where I was being contacted by people on my contacts list but it was not my contact with which I communicated with. We were lead to believe were were being groomed for the coming change and we learned many lessons… much like in tension. there were puzzles.. there were videos. the whole deal aside from the story element and the forum/community. When we tried to explain to others, they thought us mad as hatters. But I bore witness to these events, as did my best friend @ununpendium , and my misses as well. When the computers were talking and all that my girlfriend was freaking out. she hated that I woukdnt stop playing and was actually scared for her life. She was callig ne at work telling me bkacked out veichels were always on our street and taking pics of my house. She was not a participant. she is also not unstable or in any way into fringe or conspiracy. I questioned my own sanity.. which I believe to be healthy. Then one day, it all just stopped.. It all ended. No ending, no climax, no closure… It ALL just stopped. The things i witnessed will never let me even doubt for a second about that which can be done with modern technology. Huh… and strangely enough. this other exoerience… was also directed from LA. coincidence? I do not know. This is however, why I am so passionate about Tension.

    • #7523
      Profile photo of Mike

      I think I saw a relative of your computer in a movie once. Maybe they had the same mother(board)

    • #7525
      Profile photo of Cody

      Bahahahaha. Yes that must be it!

    • #7534
      Profile photo of

      Oh I’m gonna use that gif at some point.

  • #7524
    Profile photo of Cody

    Haha. Ok I have to ask. Did anybody EVER believe that theor “PM’s were pivate? I never once assumed that it would be as far as the eyes of the OOA goes. Perhaps thought it was private from other initiates. That’s about it. I have talked about this in other threads before and it was dismissed quite quickly but since we are on the topic of privacy.. I would say it again.. perhaps agreeing to the experience, was an agreenment to an invasion of your privacy by the OOA. The privacy policy certainly leaves no question to me. I have, In the past, been engaged by another… game, that was Soooooo simmilar to this in many ways that it is chilling to my bones.
    This is NOT paranoia. I have seen the things that are capeable of being done with technology and I honestly have no doubt that our data is accessable remotely with the right technology and permissions.
    In this other… emersive experience I was a part of many things, and seen many things ,that i believed, at that time, were not possible. My computer (laptop and desktop and best friends laptop(, xbox and phone were being utalized to profile us openly, teach us how to… trigger things or hack thinks in a new way.. there were times my computer would speak instructions to us, other times windows would pop up and instructions would appear. Other times it would be through my phone(when instructed to turn off the computer and hard disconnect it for security reasons) where I was being contacted by people on my contacts list but it was not my contact with which I communicated . We were lead to believe were were being groomed for the coming change and we learned many lessons. much like in tension. there were puzzles.. there were videos. the whole deal, aside from the story element and the forum/community. When we tried to explain to others, they thought us mad as hatters. But I bore witness to these events, as did my best friend @ununpentium , and my misses as well. When the computers were talking and all that my girlfriend was freaking out. she hated that I woukdnt stop playing and was actually scared for her life. She was callig ne at work telling me blacked out veichels were always on our street and taking pics of my house. She was not a participant. she is also not unstable or in any way into fringe or conspiracy. I questioned my own sanity.. which I believe to be healthy. Then one day, it all just stopped.. It all ended. No ending, no climax, no closure… It ALL just stopped. The things i witnessed will never let me even doubt for a second about that which can be done with modern technology. Huh… and strangely enough. this other experience… was also directed from LA. coincidence? I do not know. This is however, why I am so passionate about Tension.

  • #7527
    Profile photo of Cody

    I was just confirmed to me that that these games were unrelated.
    I was also left with this by L2D The measure shows that many speak of uncovering details about others questions.
    That is not the way, the details to seek are for the light of the group, not to divide the group with darkness. -%light2dark

    also :Advice from where I lurk in the d a r k
    Pieces and parts have been brought to the light, but much is left untouched.
    While some items have triggered due to seekers pulling them from the forward,
    Others are wound by time and *efforts* of those on the _path will set them in motion. -%light2dark

  • #7533
    Profile photo of

    My computer (laptop and desktop and best friends laptop(, xbox and phone were being utalized to profile us openly, teach us how to… trigger things or hack thinks in a new way.. there were times my computer would speak instructions to us, other times windows would pop up and instructions would appear. Other times it would be through my phone(when instructed to turn off the computer and hard disconnect it for security reasons) where I was being contacted by people on my contacts list but it was not my contact with which I communicated with.

    I want to be in THAT experience!!

    • #7535

      In order to have this experience, those running it would require the following technologies:

      1. Remote access to OS text-speech or VOIP programs
      2. Remote access to OS messaging software or a program installed on local computers to generate messages
      3. Remote access to phone OS or have an app installed (assuming instructions on the phone did not come through standard calls or texts)
      4. Contact spoofing, either on sender side, using phone number spoofing, or on receiver side through a malicious installed app
      5. Malicious monitoring applications on an Xbox, presumably a 1, or a 360 with Kinect. (I can’t go into further analysis here, as to my knowledge, this has never been done before without permission/assistance given by the end user)
      6. Highly intrusive applications and malware packages delivered to multiple clients, including multiple physical or network locations (in order to get to friend’s devices)

      Each additional device increases this near-impossibly task by an order of magnitude. I would ask that you please share the name of this experience, as I know several people in network security that would be extremely interested to know how this happened. Scratch that, I think that the NSA/Clandestine Services would like to hear details on this

    • #7536
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      Wondering if this was really an immersive experience? Or one of those “Windows Service Department” malware scams?

    • #7537
      Profile photo of

      So you’re saying you could run it, right Sean? Is that it?

    • #7538

      Yeah I could run it. If you gave me a year’s worth of prep time, a month’s worth of unimpeded physical access to all of your devices and networks and all of your passwords.

      Also, I’d have to replace your Xbox with a recording of my voice, because I have no idea how to recreate that one.

    • #7541
      Profile photo of

      I only have a PS3.
      But I’m buying a Kinect later this summer once I figure out how to use it with my Mac. It’s for interactive projection mapping. :)

    • #7539
      Profile photo of Cody

      Perhaps in another thread. i currently driving,hard to elaborte now. I wil post in tha App thread later in greater detail.

      I dont wanna wreck the mojo.

    • #7542
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      Don’t phone and drive!!

    • #7540
      Profile photo of 111_error

  • #7543
    Profile photo of Cody

    killed it. :( sorry guys. I seem to have that affect often….
    Wellsinc you mention NsA… we recieved A cease and desist order from them at one point during our venture.
    It appeared on the TV via The Xbox and on one o two of the computers that were on. All were connected to my WiFi.

    • #7544

      Clarification – The NSA sent you a C/D that appeared on all of your electronic devices?

      Like a PDF popup or what?

  • #7545
    Profile photo of Cody

    It just popped up on all devices. totally ovrode all system. only by turning off systems or by reading to the bottom of the page and clicking a button indicating the order was recieved. I thought pffft.. Im not even in their jurisdiction. It was saying we were deciphering algorithms and code and that we had to endure a government trained specialist to be engaging in those types of then went on farther to show a seven year reverse history of every single download I had made.. songs,movies,porn and software etc. Strange thing was.. I had,had 3 different Internet providers, 2 new laptops and a new desk top and yet they showed all the data from those as well,which had never been connected to my WiFi hub at the time. I was taught to open ports online to allow them accesses and whatnot. I don’t know technology that well so it was all new to me. As I type these words and think about my Tension philosophies (which have greatly evolved), I realize I’m sitting on an idea for a major motion picture or novel. so I will not be going into anymore detail. this is barely scratching the surface of what transpired.
    Our and Sean. the voices never came through the the game system, only the computers.
    the order came up on the Xbox though and it was the medium for their recruiting and also inital trials and a when we couldnt use the computers for security reasons we utalized the web browser on the xbox and phones to continue our work.

  • #7605
    Profile photo of Cody

    Advice from where I lurk in the d a r k
    Pieces and parts have been brought to the light, but much is left untouched.
    While some items have triggered due to seekers pulling them from the forward,
    Others are wound by time and *efforts* of those on the _path will set them in motion. -%light2dark

  • #8492
    Profile photo of Cody

    So I’ve been poking around on a bit and found something.. not sure if it means anything or not.
    I was looking at the underscores and remember someone mentioning how it was the sixth underscore. Well I was looking at it and decided to count the row of underscores on top and then count left to right on bottom row to the highlighted underscore. That equals 39 total. I punched in 39 after scope-and-mirror/ and was redirected to the page but the 39 remained in the URL bar. .
    Could this be a hint of another subdirectory that still alludes us?

    • #8493
      Profile photo of Mike

      I feel like there’s something there. Since the actual link sends you to the activity feed, if you type it redirects you to a reply by @endlesspictures about the first consultation and what was on the table. That link is

      If you remove the “00”, it just reverts back to 3900.

      Not sure what to make of it or if it’s anything, but it could go together based on the actual link of the underscore

    • #8495
      Profile photo of Cody

      I tried 27 after the 39 and It lead to nothing. 27 for the remaining underscores. Nothing. I the tried a variety of numbers and found that the result is the same no matter what number you enter. I fear that may have been a wayward thought.

    • #8531
      Profile photo of Melissa

      How interesting I had the same thought process a few days ago and tried This directed me to Arch Deacon, who hasn’t been active. I sent him a PM in hopes to get a reply, but alas, I haven’t.

  • #8532
    Profile photo of Cody

    Hmmm. On that note I tried, and It directed to a page that just says members.

  • #13537
    Profile photo of Cody

    I have heard from him quite recently. june 30. Just so everyone is aware that not all of the charachters are gone.

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