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This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Cody Cody 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #13856
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    As many of the other participants, I am lost. Catching up seems like an impossible task to achieve. I do not know what anything means!
    However, I still have faith…thanks to those who guide fresh newbie meat like myself; I hope to be caught up soon…

    Regards from Arizona

  • #13857
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    don’t sweat it! I know it seems like everyone has a clear picture of what’s going on, but everyone is still working to understand the story we’re a part of.

    Some of us have a larger foundation of knowledge just by navigating the experience for the last few months, but nobody has a perfectly clear picture of what’s going on.

    Just jump in and stick with it for awhile!

    • #13858
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Thanks, Jake O!

  • #13864
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Highly recommend checking out the TimeLine Thread here: http://thetensionexperience.com/forums/topic/tension-timeline/

    As well as the weekly chronicle that has updates and what have you.

    Also the tension subreddit has a sticky thread with a list of things thats constantly updated that helps immensely.

    • #13865
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Ohh! So excited now to dig in! Thank you!

  • #13877
    Profile photo of 111_error


    – They act like a cult, talk like a cult, and (probably) hold people against their will like a cult.
    – They have apparently been in existence for many, many years. It is possible that they use Hollywood and various entertainment industry connections, to appear to be a game / Haunt / ARG, when they actually have much more nefarious plans.

    – There is a girl called Addison Barrow who got involved with them while trying to make it as an actress in Hollywood. Her father, Tom Barrow, is trying to reconnect with his daughter. Addison has commented she is not sure the person we see calling himself Tom is actually her father.
    – There are ‘Gatekeepers’ who appear to be temporarily calling the shots while they are around. We first met Gatekeeper 5, then ~Four, and now III. We don’t know their true purpose, nor why their names are written like they are. Addison is currently under the protection / guidance / enslavement of ~Four.
    – There are also ‘Regents’ and ‘Oracles’, and we don’t yet know their purpose.
    – There was a ‘Scribe’ chosen from amongst our own – @mike – who was removed from this post for being disrespectful to Gatekeeper III. III seems to have ‘a bit of a temper’, and tends to act out by cutting out people’s tongues or making them disappear.
    – Other people from the OOA who have appeared at various points include ‘Aleister Gordon’ who spoke to some players. There is also ‘Ellis Gordon’ who seemed to carry a lot of weight in the OOA, but has not been heard from or seen in some time.
    – The OOA seems to have internal strife, most recently seen in the actions of the ‘Plan B’ takeover, and emergence of Tension 2.0, that might now have ended, we don’t know for sure.

    – Some of us have been involved in trying to help Addison. Some of us have been involved in trying to help Addison’s parents.
    – Addison’s ex, “Benny” or “Mark” (both names have been used) may recently have injured himself after receiving a poor reception on this forum. There are some people questioning whether he actually hurt himself, or whether that was merely a ploy to lure Addison back out into the open.
    – Other people have interacted with lesser seen characters, but all of whom are involved in some way with the above points.

    – There is a separate, rival faction to the OOA, called BoS, or Brotherhood of Seraph – or “Sentinel”.
    – On a few occasions, people who thought they were meeting someone from the OOA had their plans changed without their knowledge, and met people from Sentinel instead. Tom Barrow met some participants on one of those occasions.
    – One amongst us, @electrichippo is the only person to have had consistent ongoing contact with Sentinel. No one currently knows if, when, or where Sentinel may reappear, show their hand, or become more involved in what is happening.

    There are a lot of concurrent stories that you may read of and choose to follow, but these are the main strands I am paying attention to.

    If you haven’t done so already, it is worth creating a Periscope account and following the_tension_exp

    • #13879
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      This is the most amazing post I’ve read so far…thank you so much

  • #13883

    @aleocotillo BOO!!!! I mean… Oh hi, and welcome. I’m your friendly neighborhood traitor, or as OOA likes to refer to my kind: Detractor. If you have any questions regarding the wonderful world of BoS consider me your concierge, although I would suggest first following up on the other major strands of OOA storyline that Morgan/111error listed above, as they will provide you the strongest initial foundation of understanding. Good luck!

    • #13889
      Profile photo of AH-lay


    • #13890
      Profile photo of Cody

      On that note Kimberly, I would like to state openly that I am always ready to hear any side of ANY story.
      There is to much confusion all around.
      Invitation to contact me openly or privately.

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