New Facebook Image – 6/6/16

Tension brand Forums THEORIES, PUZZLES, DECODING THEIR MESSAGE New Facebook Image – 6/6/16

This topic contains 11 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Cody Cody 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #9620
    Profile photo of

    Today’s image has a few hidden things in it, one of which is the phrase “she is still amongst…” I can’t see “you” or “us.” Maybe this is 4? Or Addison?

  • #9621
    Profile photo of Mike

    Also, there’s a “5” in there. Is 5 still here? Did GK4 become the new GK5? So many questions!

    • #9628

      I had previously held the belief that 5 became the Overseer once his Gatekeeper mantle was lifted, but that’s solely based off the profile picture.

      Could be that this is a final memorial for him, with 3 having recently… made him go away?

  • #9623
    Profile photo of Amie

    she is still amongst you. The you is at the bottom right corner.

  • #9624
    Profile photo of Amie

    Also interesting that the ear is now crossed out too. What will be next..

    • #9630
      Profile photo of Ezi

      Maybe there could be a connection to the 5 gatekeepers and 5 senses, with 2 gatekeepers gone 2 senses have been crossed off.

    • #12001
      Profile photo of

      I am currently thinking through this idea.

      It feels like III is sight to me because of all the TV he watches and because he sleeps (shutting his eyes) and he complimented megan for her nice hair.

    • #9633
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      I am thinking next will be the mouth. III is certainly causing a TON of discussion among all of us. Non stop forum chat. Non stop theorizing and non stop messages to spread the word. It all has to do with our ability to speak.

    • #9638
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      That’s exactly it.

      5 was sight. 4 was Hearing (auditory metaphors!). 3 is taste (or speech rather) which is funny since 3 is most definitely the most soft spoken of the Gatekeepers.

      2 will be smell… and 1 will most definitely be touch… close enough to touch light.

    • #12104
      Profile photo of Cody

      One must go beyond the 5 senses to interpret the light.

  • #9625
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    I believe it to be a confirmation on Addison. We knew 4 would still be around – she said we would see her again soon in her farewell letter. There has been speculation that Addison died that night at the bon fire so maybe this is a note to us saying that Addison is still here.

    • #9626
      Profile photo of Amie

      That’s interesting to hear, I never got the impression she died that night. I think the Periscope last night let us know as well she was still around as she is unnumbered.

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