New Facebook Picture 6/24

Tension brand Forums THEORIES, PUZZLES, DECODING THEIR MESSAGE New Facebook Picture 6/24

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Amie Amie 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #11932
    Profile photo of

    So with the new Facebook picture it appears to say “She is still amongst you”.

  • #11938
    Profile photo of

    I’m going to assume this has to do with Gatekeeper 5.

  • #11939
    Profile photo of Mike

    This is actually a repost of the photo from the 6th :) Check out this thread

    • #11940
      Profile photo of


  • #11966
    Profile photo of Amie

    I’m not sure it even matters but the picture posted on Facebook earlier today from the consultations, it looks like a face on the left side of the picture. I’ll have to go find the older posts when they’ve posted this picture before to see if that image is there as well. Maybe just something that has been there all along that I missed. Maybe I’ve gained new sight…as in my eyes are working correctly!

    • #11977
      Profile photo of Amie

      Well, I thought this image had been used on Facebook before like it was today, with Tension wording on it but I don’t see anything except the originals so I must be mixing the pictures up. I still see the face in this one though, so I’ll stand by that. 😉

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