New Facebook video posted – 4/25

Tension brand Forums THEORIES, PUZZLES, DECODING THEIR MESSAGE New Facebook video posted – 4/25

This topic contains 37 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of CharlieD CharlieD 8 years, 10 months ago.

  • Author
  • #5868
    Profile photo of Mike

    In the same vein of the last one, there are hidden nuggets of information in there…such as when tickets will be made available and how many people will be chosen for Saturday!

  • #5869
    Profile photo of Mechanicus

    Without being able to really go through piece by piece, there was an interesting piece of writing in the video:
    “How marvelous man used to look into the infinite abyss and wrestle with how his very essence fit into the world but you’ve managed to turn your soul into actual, quantifiable bits of data… BEEP BOOP BEEP.”
    Along with the news headlines, it is thought-provoking, in my opinion, that messages of online addiction and data-indoctrination are demonstrably detrimental, and yet this Path of Light leads to dependence on technology to unfold before us by way of these puzzles…

    • #5892

      I read an article once about psychologists who helped battle video game addiction by creating character in the game worlds to be able to communicate with those who were addicted.

      I interpreted the OOA’s actions as being similar – That we are addicted to these devices, and they use those very same devices to show us as much.

      What better way to prove that we’re addicted than to provide a location that many of us are idling on, refreshing constantly throughout the day. We tear apart every piece of media that the OOA puts out as soon as they put it out, as though we’re starving for it.

      In this way they’re simultaneously spreading their message and proving their point

    • #5898
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      @thegilded really interesting analysis. Sort of like the snake that eats its own tail

  • #5870
    Profile photo of Diem

    Thus far found a total of four pictures and that nice new ticket nugget, makes me happy to have something to look forward too.

  • #5872
    Profile photo of

    I think I only recognized one photo in it – the one of (I think) Rusty (?) holding up the Tension cards with friends. Were there others that were of or referenced specific people?

  • #5873
    Profile photo of Diem

    Yes, I saw that one, two others are posted on FB and then the fourth of a familiar face. I haven’t gone frame by frame yet but there is some good info so far.

  • #5874
    Profile photo of

    Just went frame by frame and screenshotted 17 frames – ones that were up for either one or two frames. What’s the best way to share them?
    One includes a new phone number, however I called it and it’s out of service.

    • #5875
      Profile photo of Mike


      That will probably work the best and easiest

    • #5876
      Profile photo of

      Uploading now, will share soon.

  • #5877
    Profile photo of

    Does that work?

    • #5891
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      @coryphella thanks again! i’m at work so can’t go frame by frame, but there’s some awesome stuff in here!
      @mechanicus I have been contemplating that since the beginning. It seems like one of the main messages of the OOA is to leave technology behind and become more than our phones and online personas, yet we are encouraged to be active online. Seems like a bit of a catch 22. Perhaps to create tension?

    • #6008
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @coryphella Thanks for collecting the images that way! Helpful, for sure!

    • #6017
      Profile photo of

      I’m happy to do this for the 4/18 video as well if someone can send the file to me.

  • #5878
    Profile photo of Mike

    Yep! Awesome, thanks for doing that!

    • #5883
      Profile photo of Diem

      Thank you Megan

  • #5879
    Profile photo of

    I’d be happy to do it for the others too. I wasn’t able to download the last one though, don’t know what was different.

  • #5884
    Profile photo of

    The woman who is silhouetted – anyone recognize that image? Is that one of us, or just Random Woman?

    • #5886
      Profile photo of Diem

      I don’t recognize it , but could be clipart. Hard to disregard it as such due to the nothing is random theory.

    • #5889

      It’s going to be incredibly hard to identify. The stance looks like it was pulled from a stock photo image

    • #6009
      Profile photo of Rusty

      Does anyone think that the description with the woman who is silhouetted might be referring to a specific person… maybe Gatekeeper 4?

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Rusty Rusty.
  • #5888
    Profile photo of Diem

    Less than 12% of current members to receive a phone call. I wonder what the percentage is based on completed questionnaires.

  • #5897
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    Well done @coryphella, I was about to go through and attempt the same, looks like you got it all!

    @diem The selection process probably has a lot to do with that, along with many other things, as they said, we are supposed to spread the message.

  • #5902
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Oh man I see some faces I recognize and they’re crossed out? What in the hell does THAT mean?

  • #5912
    Profile photo of

    Can we pretend I know no one in these photos and identify who they are of?

  • #5914
    Profile photo of Mike

    @coryphella – that picture was from a meetup from a few weeks ago and all of them are forum members. Starting with the circled face and going clockwise – @kingkill33, @nking, @kasch, @reaton, @debzkim

  • #5916
    Profile photo of Mike

    dupe post

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Mike Mike.
  • #5930
    Profile photo of Mike

    Looking at the video again, I think there might be another puzzle, but I can’t confirm since what I “think” is the solution doesn’t lead to anything yet.

  • #5932
    Profile photo of thecatnipper

    Congrats to @kingkill33 for being chosen, may we all taken notice to the path you are taking and follow it ourselves well!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of thecatnipper thecatnipper.
  • #5952
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    @coryphella To answer your question about who is circled in that picture, it is I. For what reason, I do not know. I only assume that OOA has singled me out for a reason and I must trust that reason is for my betterment. I have not strayed from the _path and have helped others on their own _path. I haven’t done anything differently from most of us on these forums, so why I was cicled, I do not know. I can only wait patiently for OOA’s next message and continue my _path to Ascension. Glory Be.

  • #5972

    The articles that appear by name in the video:

    1) The Atlantic: People’s Deepest, Darkest Google Searches Are Being Used Against Them”

    2) HealthZette: Dangers of Electronic Health Records in 2016″

    3) Healthline: Is Technology Causing a Lifetime of Pain for Millennials?”

    The titles of the following articles don’t appear in the video but various words from these articles do appear. I should note, there are various articles that were released by numerous publications in January 2016, each of which represented the same sentiments of Dr. Hawking. I selected two articles that were very representative of the lot:

    The Guardian: Stephen Hawking – Most Threats to Humans Come from Science and Technology”

    The Telegraph: Stephen Hawking – disaster on Planet Earth is a Near Certainty

  • #5973
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    @electrichippo thank you! I think these articles are really helping to contextualize what this experience is becoming and also give us interesting ideas to think about and discuss.

    • #6011
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @electrichippo I echo @endlesspictures thanks to you!

      Jake O, I agree with you about the earlier comment… they do seem to be wanting us to contemplate the role technology plays in every waking moment of our lives.

      Looking closely at the video posted today, where the phrase “Who controls you” appears… in the background there seems to be a field of people – all using cell phones.

  • #5974

    @endlesspictures You’re welcome, and I completely agree. The articles add a solid, real world relevant backdrop to this experience. I have enjoyed each article immensely. Thank you OOA!

  • #6013
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    @reaton I had similar thoughts to that we might be hearing about Gatekeeper 4. It did mention about “her” and Gatekeeper 5 told us to expect “her” as well. I agree with you on this theory and can’t wait to find out. Glory Be.

  • #6052
    Profile photo of CharlieD


    • #6053

      Translation is through Base32 -> ASCII – “Does anyone discuss OOA on slack?”

      Yes, we do. I believe @mkarrett is in charge of it, contact her for an invite.

      If you’d like to practice your puzzles, go here

    • #6055
      Profile photo of CharlieD

      Thank you!

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