New Video

This topic contains 73 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of prufrock5150 prufrock5150 8 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #9952
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Hey everyone there is a new video with messages through out I have screen shot them. Give me a few moments as I bring them forward.

  • #9953
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Neil King Neil King.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Neil King Neil King.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Neil King Neil King.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Neil King Neil King.
  • #9958
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    So the photos that have me intrigued are photo 5 with the guys face and the message. I do not recognize the face and I can not make out the message. The following photo with all of us after the last event that says “take comfort in your pack while you still can, soon you stumble alone” Four has reached out with “Are You Kidding Me?” in the next photo. Then we have a clue to Addison which says “Gone but never forgotten” the next one has a message I believe to us; “You Hear but you do not listen” and then the call out to @111error, Morgan.

    Interesting guys. Now converse!

    • #9964
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      Thanks Neil, this video was tricky. There were some i could not see the first time even going frame by frame off my recording.

      Also, the message from four is interesting (taco bell). I thought she left, but does this show she is still around?

      Lots of III all over the place

    • #9971

      @nking & @endlesspictures The fifth image is the man I sat across from and listened to as he spoke frustrated and angry with what had become of his daughter… Addy’s father, Tom Barrow. He looks rather beaten. He wasn’t this way when we met. The photo must be after that security guard handled him at the donut social.

      Tom Barrow

    • #9973
      Profile photo of Mike

      @electrichippo – Since you weren’t there and didn’t witness what we did, I don’t think it’s right to assume that the way he looks “must” be based on that. There were no punches thrown, just shoving, and he was shoved out the door in the back, while the security guard stayed in the hall with us. Also, the other OOA members went out the front with Addison.

      The OOA loves digging up old photos. They found one of @endlesspictures from four years ago and one of @reaton from a few years as well. We do not know this picture is current or how he got that way.

      I understand what you’re doing and your purpose here, but it’s not happening without a fight.


    • #9975

      @mike Point taken regarding Tom. More importantly, what exactly is my purpose here, hmmm Scribe? Careful now, we wouldn’t want to go making assumptions, right? <3

    • #9977
      Profile photo of Mike

      I don’t think I am

    • #9989

      Oh @mike if this were still the case, do you think Aleister would have so graciously invited me back to graze amongst the flock?

    • #9990
      Profile photo of Mike

      The unlocked gate in which a wolf enters the grazing field is also welcoming :)

    • #9982
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      maybe it’s just the close angles be distortion on the picture, but this doesn’t look like the Tom that got thrown out. @reaton you were at both meetings, is that Tom?

  • #9959
    Profile photo of 111_error

    Hey Neil, thank you for doing the dirty work of screen capping for us all, that’s very kind.

    And, fuck. Wow.

    Am just waking up, and now I’m slightly tense, and a little tongue tied.

  • #9960
    Profile photo of Daela

    A few more interesting shots:

    • #9967
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      Thank you for getting those. I am in a rush and could only do what I could! Appreciate the help.

    • #9987
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Oh man, first time being in a tension video… But it doesn’t look too good for me :/ it does clarify some of their feelings toward me that I had started to believe

    • #9998
      Profile photo of Daela

      @rizzzoooooo – you thinking they’re saying they’re done with you?

    • #10003
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Honesty not sure… But I have had a feeling the OOA have been iffy on me lately and this all but confirms their feeling towards me…

  • #9961
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    Here’s a few more. I think this video was a little trickier, their hidden images are flashing by quicker:

    More Tension images

    • #9965
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      sorry for the dupes, but there are a couple new ones in there

  • #9962
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @nking Thank you so much, Neil!

  • #9963
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    I thought the meaning of O.O.A. was a good one for new people. The fifth image I can’t tell who is in the picture, referring to my imgur pictures

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
    • #9969
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Tried inverting and clarifying but I can’t tell either ..

  • #9968
    Profile photo of Daela

    I can’t really make out what the image is in the “Goodnight Mister) Ohayo” pic – anyone else?

  • #9970
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Wait…is Addison dead??? Or did she escape the OOA?

    I Just know somEoNe out there kNows the Answer…

  • #9972
    Profile photo of 111_error

    Also, not meaning to be redundant, but we are un-cryptically asked to share this video. I bet anyone that found new / effective ways of sharing it to others would immediately find themselves under heavier Tension scrutiny, which is a what a lot of people want, so here’s another chance to ‘show them what you got’.

  • #9974
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    The photo that is hard to read #5 on my post:

    “Hey kids plug into the faithless
    Maybe they’re blinded
    But (THE TRAITOR) makes them ageless
    We Shall survive, let us take ourselves along
    Where we fight for our parents out in the streets
    To find out who is right and wrong”

    Anybody know what this could reference?

    • #9976
      Profile photo of Daela

      Bennie and the Jets – seems Benny the traitor is still an important part of the story

    • #9978
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      Who is Benny the traitor?

    • #9983

      My friend… Benny Sampson, aka Mark.

    • #9979
      Profile photo of Ezi

      I found this about the ‘poem’

      Pope Benedict de Spinoza (1672-1677) – widely hailed as one of the most brilliant Popes in history, he pioneered “rational Christianity” calling on the faithful to read and study, rather than simply accept what they were told. He might have gone down as one of the greatest Popes ever, until it was discovered late in his reign that he was actually Jewish.

      Pope Benedicit ed i Getti (1973) – although officially listed as an anti-Pope, he used “the theology of revolution” as a rallying cry for Catholic youth. Even today, left-wing Catholics still use his anthem as a rallying cry.

      Hey kids, plug into the faithless
      Maybe they’re blinded
      But Bennie makes them ageless
      We shall survive, let us take ourselves along
      Where we fight our parents out in the streets
      To find who’s right and who’s wrong
      B-B-B-Bennie ed i Getti

  • #9980

    An article directly referenced in the video:

    Spectre of Democracy

    Interesting choice OOA.

  • #9981
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    I saw a number 3 in there. Anyone else catch any other digits?

    • #9984
      Profile photo of Daela

      I counted “3” and “III” appearing six times. There are also numbers on the diagram that appears during the “111_error” frame.

      Anyone know what the diagram represents?

    • #9995
      Profile photo of 111_error

      @daela ; It’s part of one of the images I created, it’s currently only in the header of a fake Facebook of mine, I think to show they have linked my parachute accounts together.

    • #9996
      Profile photo of Daela

      Ahh, got it. That’s a clever touch.

    • #9985
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      there are threes all over the place in there! There is a four if you count the number spelled out. Oddly I don’t think I saw a 5 for the first time

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
    • #9988
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Yea I didn’t see a five, unless I missed it?

  • #9991
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Slept right through an earthquake and a new Tension video! Thank you guys for posting up the stills, glad to know pretty much all of us have been X’d out. Purely speculative but I’ll take the X-out = Tension is not pleased with that person?

    • #9997
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      On the positive side, maybe it means you’ve been noted, or contributed something that pleased them. Sort of like you are being checked off as having done your job?

      Cause otherwise it just seems like they’re unhappy with all of us

    • #9999
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      I think contributed being the most likely reason behind the X. I don’t know what I could have done to displease them.

    • #10000
      Profile photo of Mike

      @thebuz – I like that theory. Like once you’re “noted” you get an x. Similar to Xing the name tags at the event.

    • #10001
      Profile photo of Mike

      Woohoo! that was reply #10000!!!

    • #10005
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      @mike you get a double x, a circle, and a triangle in the next video for being number 10000

  • #9992
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    Hmm….possibly Melissa. If so that means a lot of people are on the OOA’s bad side. Wonder what could have caused that to happen.

    Also, I don’t think I’ve met you yet @electrichippo. Nice to meet you.

  • #9993
    Profile photo of Melissa

    It’s probably been already done but slowed down the frame speed by a lot and upload to Youtube. Standby.

  • #9994
    Profile photo of Melissa

    As promised:


  • #10002
    Profile photo of Daela

    Two thoughts:

    1) “False choice is the most palatable control.” Haven’t some of us been told that we have important choices to make? Is the OOA now saying those choices really mean nothing? That our path is set? This almost sounds like a BoS message as opposed to an OOA one.

    2) “Make her forget all that she knows.” Seems like confirmation that Addison’s memories have been tampered with, probably via helmet.

  • #10004
    Profile photo of Ezi

    Here is a list of words/phrases mentioned in the video that is not covered in above pictures:
    Might be helpful in some way

    – Opinion: Facial recognition will soon end your anonymity, A face in the crowd no more
    – video surveillance
    – massive databases of faces
    – stalkers and criminals
    – “faceprints”
    – data ownership
    – Higher smartphone use is linked to less independent thought (article here)
    – an extended mind
    – convenience of information
    – corrupting influence, obtain vital information
    – threatened the prevailing order
    – brainpower
    – adverse consequences
    – intuitive thinkers
    – JOIN THE OOA AND FIND YOUR TRUTH (Spread throughout this part of video)
    – mental abilities
    – evolution of the human brain
    – The Enlightenment
    – constraints
    – institutions
    – invited disorder
    – cognitive evolution
    – non-rational traditions
    – ambivalence
    – THE SPECTRE OF DEMOCRACY (linked by @electrichippo)
    – limited interrogation
    – exclusion
    – democratic freedoms
    – suspicious of the people
    – human development

    • #10007
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      nice work!

      I think another interesting thing with the words and phrases is how they are intercut. For example, exclusion is intercut with the word tension on either side

    • #10008
      Profile photo of Ezi

      Yes, I didn’t add all the tensions in between and that could also have meaning, as well as what photo’s followed certain words e.g. stalkers and criminals was before the first group photo, corrupting influence before the picture of two x’d out people etc.

  • #10006
    Profile photo of ReidV

    Bennys face is replaced with a skull shortly after…

  • #10009
    Profile photo of Ezi

    Can anyone point out who the different identified people in the pictures are. I don’t know what anyone looks like.

    • #10010
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Here are my best guesses, I’m referring to the youtube video I posted up earlier

      0 min 43 seconds: @halfbloodfangirl?
      1 min 49 seconds: @kingkill33, @nking, ? ? @thebuz, @vincentvega (from left to right)
      2 min 10 seconds: Jeff Heimbuch (don’t know his handle)
      2 min 54 seconds: @monkeymuffin333 *not crossed out*
      4 min 50 seconds: me (shit) and @daela

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
    • #10013
      Profile photo of Ezi

      @mkarrett Thanks so much!! Is the girl in the picture saying “Make her forget all that she knows” Addison?

    • #10014
      Profile photo of Melissa

      I believe so. :(

    • #10015
      Profile photo of Melissa

      I do want to add that I’m not super confident with all my IDs so if others want to correct me, please do!

  • #10016
    Profile photo of Elliot Smith
    Elliot Smith

    I think I have watched this video now 10000 times, what if anything is unsolved?

  • #10017
    Profile photo of Elliot Smith
    Elliot Smith

    What is the frame that says GOODBYE something???

    • #10018
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Can you reference the frame time?

  • #10022
    Profile photo of Elliot Smith
    Elliot Smith

    Opps, it says GOODNIGHT MR. OHAY GOZAIMASU with a guy wearing glasses, and what appears to be a Beanie. Who is that? And why goodnight?

  • #10025
    Profile photo of Melissa

    So I can’t completely see that @randomguy1979 HOWEVER it does kinda make sense. A few weeks ago the forum had a character named Mr. Ohio. He vanished. It’s a long story but later on we deduced that GateKeeper4 was Mr. Ohio in disguise. Clever girl. So combining the two phrases Goodnight Mr Ohio and Ohayou gozaimasu is actually VERY clever mash.

    I love it.

  • #10026
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Like, I really like that frame now.

  • #10046
    Profile photo of prufrock5150

    I find most interesting the construction of the word “ambivalence” as a progression of three words: valence -> bivalence -> ambivalence.

    Of course, we surely all remember our basic chemistry, and recall that the valence level of an atom is the number of electrons in its outer “shell,” with the trend being that atoms tend to “seek” a number of seven electrons in “orbit” (the Bohr model is a lie, but a useful metaphor). Quantum electrodynamics would go on to show that the framework of electrons as a stable state around a nucleus is inherently limited, and that it exists as more of a cloud-like state of probability. Sub-atomic particles, after all, only exist as observed when their wave function is collapsed, and perhaps the OOA would like to remind us that we, too, are made up of this stuff of impermanence. We are, in fact, a lie.

    Bivalence, however, is the law of the excluded middle. In logic and math, there can only be one of two possible states of being for a value, statement, or equation: true or false. This, too, raises problems, because it inevitably leads to a paradox when the system of information that expresses these truths runs loggerheads against itself, and we find the language impossible to use. Light can be both wave and particle. Things can be both true and false. You can be both right and wrong. I imagine, and I earnestly hope the OOA shares this vision, that our error is in treating bivalence as a constant throughout time. Time is, it would seem, the missing variable here, and if we treat the idea of true and false, of right and wrong – of identity itself, even – as a function of relativity to its position in the spacetime continuum, then we may come closer to breaking out of the paradox of bivalence.

    Ambivalence, then, is perhaps where we should be. It presumes no conclusion. It stakes no claims. It adapts, and it evolves with new information in a system of constant change. Maybe none of us are who we think we are. Maybe the crossing-out of faces is a reminder that the camera only records your image, and that we only exist when we face each other, collapsing each others’ wave functions through direct observation. Maybe I’m not even writing this right now – after all, I am alone.

    Maybe, as Gatekeeper 4 said, we are all one.

    • #10450
      Profile photo of Lucus

      Hold up @prufrock5150. So elements don’t seek 8 valence electrons? Does that mean the NOBLE gases are frauds? Lol. I’m learning basic chemistry and they still teach the bohr model. I have to ask do you study quantum grammar?

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Lucus Lucus.
    • #10924
      Profile photo of prufrock5150

      Good catch – that should surely read eight. Quantum Grammar is an interesting idea, but I sense that David Wynn Miller is… conflicted. Math is a language, it is true. Any equation or expression can be read as a sentence, and any language can be expressed as a series of propositions, symbolized and formalized into a logical system. Early work provided LSL, the Language of Sentential Logic (here’s an interesting start, and upon encountering paradox (specifically that of the Existential Statement ( further developed into LMPL, the language of Monadic Predicate Logic. Then came First-Order and Second-Order Logic, with which we code AI (to make a long story short). The idea of the quantum as applied to language would have to be the idea of doing away with the Law of the Excluded Middle (LEM) that forms the principle of bivalence. In English, we have the Anthropological-Semiotic history of Levi-Strauss, who (building on De Saussure and others) pointed out the binary opposition (up/down, left/right, good/bad) on which many concepts rely, not unrelated to the dialectical theories of Hegel and Confucian Taoism ( I think I’ve mentioned this, but one idea is to break out of the LEM by treating bivalence as a function of time, that is treating a proposition as true or false, but only insofar as it stands in terms of position along a temporal continuum, and therefore allow for the possibility of its being both true and false. This framework would reflect our understanding of a linear reality to a much more faithful degree, as evolutionary adaptation of cognitive structures will often yield reversals and changes of understanding throughout time. Extended into the framework of an Artificial Intelligence program, I imagine, would hopefully bring us closer to the goal of self-awareness.

  • #10067
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    I go offline for ONE DAY and this happens? Too much to catch up on here..

    Only thing I can think, that I think may have been talked about already:

    Goodnight Mister Ohayo Gozaimasu -> Goodnight MrOhio (an OOA run account) = no more fake accounts, no plants. Everyone that’s in here now is a real person.

  • #10452
    Profile photo of

    I wish the puzzles were a little more straight forward.

    • #10455
      Profile photo of Lucus

      @astro4545 pull out your Sherlock Holmes pipe and do some sleuthing. I struggle with the puzzles as well. But there is always a need for more detective work.

    • #10457

      Calling them puzzles may be a bit of a misnomer, as the only conventional puzzle that exists is the one on the front page. The “puzzles” that we are given aren’t straightforward at all, they are hunting through information given for hidden or obscured meanings. What we gather from pictures, videos, and events are normally only fragments: a stray number, a repeated phrase, someone acting a bit unusual… which are puzzle pieces to a bigger puzzle that we barely grasp in the first place.

      Look not at individual pieces for a “solution” to a video or a picture or anything, look at each of them as giving you a piece that takes you another step closer to the puzzle that is The Tension Experience as a whole

  • #10029
    Profile photo of Ezi

    It looks like one of the hooded photo’s that some of you have, but I checked all the ones I found on the site and couldn’t match it to that one.

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