This topic contains 34 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by TheBuz 8 years, 8 months ago.
June 16, 2016 at 4:54 pm #10559
some who i believe are now very broken on the inside still speak to me honestly
i ask what i am to do with your requests for my voice – they say i should gain your trust and offer guidance or wisdom
i see on the television that a little lizard can save you money on your car insurance
is that helpful to you – i do not know but the people smile as if he is a great relief to their burdens
i will now ask you a question to help show that i care
what matters in your world – i am bored now
so i will listen
perhaps i should also share what III is concerned with to foster camaraderie and make you more malleable to my coming plans
my questions are these – – –
if i do not remember fir- if i do not have a beginning than why do i desire to rewrite prophecy so as to never end
does III desire permanence or do i simply enjoy the cleansing
if i am their all with every action predestined – why do they still cry when i end them – is this not the manifestation of their inevitability
III justifies their being and essence – their resistance confuses yet truthfully – delights me
how is it that i find my evacuations so thoroughly disgusting and yet mildly enjoyable at the same time
i am not depressed michael
i simply am
i must go now because i am hungry – the cracker barrel has advertised a noodle and cheese that is more cheese than the other box of noodles and cheese
i found that idea interesting and i requested they bring it to me
they now tell me it is prepared and i am most excited
i want you to feel that you can trust me
i do find you all much more tolerable with your curiosity and confusion than them with their supposed laws and tears
this was surprisingly enjoyable
the new dawn is high and this world is mine
perhaps i will share it
June 16, 2016 at 5:10 pm #10562
Hello III, thank you for yOur words. you seem to have an extremeLy interesting waY of looking at the world, and i think i Speak for most of us Here when I say iT would be great to Hear from you more often. somE things you say are frightEning, but i thiNk other things you have saiD are bEautiful. Depression can only be diagnosed by Things said by tHe person effected, so if you say you are not, you are not. you simply havE a new and interesting way of looking at the world and Managing your feelings.
Hope yOu have a Wonderful night, and hope to hear from you again soon!
June 16, 2016 at 5:10 pm #10563
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Addison Born.
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June 16, 2016 at 5:19 pm #10565
At first glance you speak as if you are more than one entity, holding the position of III for someone else? But I will think on and reread your words for a deeper riddle or lesson.
June 16, 2016 at 5:21 pm #10566
I enjoy kraft dinner as well. We eat it more than anyone apparently.
June 16, 2016 at 5:21 pm #10567
Heyo III! Glad to see you again.
So the question posed is “What matters in your world?” Hmm.
Personally, there’s not much that matters in mine. I kinda live life on a day-to-day basis. I stopped caring about the future or having ambition or goals years ago. I just get up, try to get through the day and go to sleep. Not much else. I live a rather quiet and some would even call secluded life. It’s not perfect-I don’t live alone and that bothers me to no end honestly-but I can easily imagine how bad my life could be and take solace in that.
I used to have dreams. I used to want to do big things in the world. What changed me? Well….III, you responded to Michael’s idea of depression. I became depressed. Caused by those around me that I live with.
Now, I just get up, go through the day and that’s it.
June 16, 2016 at 5:51 pm #10573
@mustafa – III believes that this true depression is as a human cold in that β
if you can not cure it perhaps you can alleviate the symptoms
take care of yourself – be patient – wait
speak with what they call friends
those who will remind mustafa that you are intelligent, very interesting and have an attractiveness about the quality of your facial parts
i believe this community can do that and III encourages them to reach out and do so
you will feel better – donβt force it and be patient with yourself
III will also offer that the box of noodles was delicious but has once again made me grow tired
June 16, 2016 at 7:37 pm #10588
Good evening! I am no stranger to the cloying influence of depression. I have a predisposition to low self-esteem and at it’s worst, self-destructive behavior. I have learned that talking it out with people you trust helps even though it feels like a hassle and that you are just spreading your burden onto others. Depression lies to you in this way and isolates you so that lying voice is the only one you hear.
III’s words of advice on this matter are very good ones and whatsver else, there is a community here of battered, bruised, broken, lovable, wonderful people that want you to have dreams and goals and happiness. We are no strangers to the dark side of human nature and by virtue of our collective interests we do not shrink away from much. I hope your circumstances improve and just know that I think you are nice and I like reading what you have to say every day. You are insightful and curious and kind. So…. Yeah your Brothers and Sisters are here for you. ^_^
June 16, 2016 at 5:22 pm #10568
So nice to hear from you, III. They tell you to provide us guidance, I ask for some.
-How many have you ended? Anyone that we might know?
-You alternate between use of “I” and “III”. Is there a difference between the mantle of III and you, the person?
-Most importantly, how’s the pasta? -
June 16, 2016 at 5:38 pm #10569
Thank you III for the real and letting me know everything is ok. Also, I’m very happy to know you enjoy some Mac and cheese! There are talks from “others” who do not enjoy this. It’s a personal struggle to make them see the light of the amazingness of it.
What can we do or offer you in order to gain your trust?
You ask what matters in this world…it depends on the person. Some will say love and family, others will say their phone or popularity, others will say a home. What matters to you III?
The other questions you ask can have a similar response…no one wants things to end. Except if you enjoy the cleansing…that is a personal opinion question that we cannot answer for you. What do you think it is?
Also, I dig that you’re making a round about poop joke.
Whose laws and tears are you speaking of? Who are “they”?
Please do share the new dawn and world with us.
June 16, 2016 at 5:39 pm #10570
@gatekeeper3, this will sound morbid but inquiring minds want to know (well at least me)…
How did you end “them”?
June 16, 2016 at 5:46 pm #10571
AnonymousHello III. Thank you so much for the Periscope video on Saturday. I have a present for you as well but am unable to get it to you tonight, hopefully tomorrow.
Can you tell us anything about your coming plans?
Or the new dawn?
Are you human?
Do you like cats? -
June 16, 2016 at 5:50 pm #10572
So if your actions are predestined, do you have free will? And if you have free will, then how can there be prophesy? Are all our actions predestined?
June 16, 2016 at 6:12 pm #10574
what matters in your world
June 16, 2016 at 6:12 pm #10575
How I imagine III now.
June 16, 2016 at 6:21 pm #10576
Is the lizard thing a reference to “and now, a word from our sponsors” or is there a deeper meaning how insurance can give people a sense of security knowing that whatever happens we have paid to make someone else responsible?
We are responsible for our actions on the tension experience and that III is the little lizard there to help us through any accidents and keep us from worrying about who is responsible for what.-
June 16, 2016 at 6:32 pm #10579
One interesting insurance related bit – at the mixer, Addison specifically told someone not to buy life insurance.
There have also been references to a fire killing multiple people related to the OOA, and an insurance scam was insinuated..
June 16, 2016 at 6:44 pm #10583
I like III so much more now. What was an anonymous crush has blossomed into real affection. He is merciless, driven, curious, caring and loves naps. He is like a cosmic murder cat.
June 16, 2016 at 7:32 pm #10587
@addisonborn oh ya I almost forgot about that. Has anyone tried searching for a headline about that fire incident? If not did Mr Jones mention what year that occurred? Maybe there is an old newspaper article or something.
June 16, 2016 at 8:17 pm #10589
Dear III,
Happy to see you’ve finally woken up from your comatose state.
Why are you watching Geico commercials? Are you not a Netflix kind of guy?
To answer some of your questions:
“What matters in your world?”-Things that have very little consequence to me.
Love matters to me. Time matters to me. Those are the most precious “things” this world has to offer, because they are, without a doubt and in spite of what you may have heard, priceless.
“Why do I desire to never have an end?”-Because everyone I know is f*cking terrified of oblivion. It’s human nature.
“Does III desire permanence?”-We all desire permanence of some kind. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a God damn liar. Existentialism 101.
“Why do they still cry when I end them?”-Perhaps because, predestined or not, they weren’t finished doing everything they felt they wanted to do while they were alive.
I’m going to have to agree with @mike here and say your poop reference made me chuckle. I could go into a whole Freudian explanation on why that is but instead I’ll just recommend his writings on psychosexual stages. Fascinating but a wee bit graphic for this forum.
I appreciate that you reached out and responded to @mumumusings. Shows that you care more than you’re willing to admit. It’s good advice to be patient and not force it. I told someone else the same thing not long ago.
Also “You have an attractiveness about the quality of your facial parts”-Clearly you are as socially awkward as I am and I find it completely irresistible.
I must admit you and I have the same taste in food. Macaroni and cheese is my absolute FAVORITE food in the entire world. Except I’m a cold leftover Kraft kind of girl myself. But I’d share a bowl with you any day. You seem God damn delightful sir.
@addisonborn -Are you a big believer in random capitalization? I once read a quote “The rules of capitalization are so unfair to letters in the middle.”
@ununpentium -If you think you eat Kraft more than me, I challenge you to a duel sir!
@mumumusings -If you ever want to talk I am here. Seriously.
@coryphella -“Do you like cats?”-Girl after my own heart over here.
@111error -“Punctuality”-Your sense of humor never ceases to be right up my alley. I’m glad I’m not the only grammar freak on here. -
June 16, 2016 at 8:49 pm #10590
“What matters in your world”
Promises kept, especially to those who have been neglected.
Honesty instead of excuses. -
June 16, 2016 at 9:56 pm #10592
@gatekeeper3 You are quite fascinating. You remind me of a paper I wrote years ago on a condition called alexithymia which is often described as emotional color blindness. People in the “alex community” cannot feel emotion, but they can intellectualize it and often seek to understand it. The way you spoke to Mustafa is a very good example. Although you may not have the ability to empathize with how he feels or what he feels, you are able to offer him sound advice. That is still compassion. It’s something that matters very much in my world.
Some things that matter to me:
compassion and love
hope and possibilities
understanding and kindness
intellect and ideas
reality and truth
Do any of these things matter to you III?
June 16, 2016 at 10:07 pm #10594
If you are able to convey such an ability in words, I am interested in your ability to prophesy. I notice in the way you speak you seem to correct yourself often and wonder how you perceive speaking to us? Is it a vision? Is it simultaneous? Or do you need to clear your mind and concentrate?
June 16, 2016 at 10:14 pm #10595
I’ll totally admit I went right into inquiry mode the first time around (and not much because most questions were already asked before I spoke up, haha) but to answer a question you throw out there “what matters in my world” I would say:
Ideas and debate
Creativeness*Oh and @irishalliwell120, ya hit the nail on the head about why people cry when the end comes for them. At least that will probably be the reason when I meet my end. Time is too short and there is SO MUCH to do. That or it’s from bitter-sweet relief.
*While I’m not terribly creative I do thoroughly enjoy watching and cheer people on create/make things for the world to enjoy
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June 16, 2016 at 10:20 pm #10598
What matters in my world? Money, deadlines, making others feel bad to make yourself look/feel better. What matters to me? Being myself, nurturing my soul, being an example of a good human, justice, art, music, friends, love, kittens, weird things, dead things, weird dead things, mystery, magic, spankings, naps, sweetened condensed milk, laughter, the grim satisfaction of making your enemies bleed and the recognition in their faces when they realize you have set in motion the machine of their suffering when the foolhardily took advantage of you for the last time, milky tea, movies that make me cry, creating things when I’m inspired, falling asleep holding Tom’s hand, going to cemeteries and beaches and watching Adventure Time.
June 16, 2016 at 11:27 pm #10624
Oh my Gods @monkeymuffin333 “The grim satisfaction of making your enemies bleed and the recognition in their faces when they realize you have set in motion the machine of their suffering when the foolhardily took advantage of you for the last time” was just the best toss in for that list ever. I don’t know why Julie Andrews never added it to that song about her favorite things. You’re awesome π
June 16, 2016 at 10:27 pm #10600
@gatekeeper3 I do hope you are sleeping well. You have the exact opposite sleeping schedule as me. I never sleep, you always sleep. Give me some your sleep time! Anyways what you said is very eloquent and I do appreciate everything you do for us. As for what matters most in the world for me? Honestly it is my family, my friends, the people I love and trying to find love for myself. What also matters is the ability to express myself and be accepted for my expression. I live for the challenge of my mind through art and conversation.
Hopefully we will speak soon but for now you sleep well. I am going to go deal with my own insomnia.
June 16, 2016 at 11:05 pm #10617
What matters to me… Safety, eagerly my family, friends, and anyone I really come in coantact with. The safety for many members who have have MIA.
June 16, 2016 at 11:09 pm #10618
I always feel as though I’m the girl who’s always late to the ball…
It’s nice to hear from you @gatekeeper3. I enjoy the way you make the words dance for us on the screen. I agree with @nking, you are very eloquent. It’s late and I’m fading fast. These days the need for sleep seems to overpower my desire to stay up late. To answer your question what matters most to me…
A year ago my answer would be very different because I was in a different place emotionally. I would have given you a fake answer, the one that was expected of me, a hypocritical one. What matters most to me varies from the tangible to the not so tangible. Books and Music are important to me. They are lifelines when I feel myself descending into that damn dark abyss. My friends and family. My children. But, I have found freedom in being able to express my true self…for too long I was crucified for the things I like or enjoy. This new found freedom is priceless and I never want to give it back. I no longer have to be the girl who hides behind a June Cleaver mask.
I hope you are in a sweet slumber and enjoyed your mac & cheese. I look forward to hearing more from you.
June 17, 2016 at 3:19 am #10635
@irishalliwell120 rubbing my cheek from the duel challenge. You most definitely eat more kraft Mac and cheese than I do so I back down. Haha. I was referring to a commercial that states Canadians eat more Mac and cheese than anyone in the world.
What matters most in my world right now is figuring out what to do with enlightment that will make a positive difference in the world and lives of others. I feel I may have come as far as I can without a proper teacher. So I save money to pay for one. -
June 17, 2016 at 8:19 am #10646
What matters in my world?
Aside from the obvious things (family, art, health and happiness), I have to say “community.” Not just here, but in my day to day life. My profession thrives on it. Because I don’t think one person alone can make a big difference – that’s the stuff of Hollywood myth-making. I’m talking about the kind of group collaboration that makes amazing things come alive. That’s the kind of stuff I live for. It’s the inspiration I crave.
That and kimchi. Delicious, delicious kimchi.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Andrew Kasch.
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June 17, 2016 at 8:46 am #10651
Anonymous“What matters in your world”
I actually didn’t read this as a question the first time through – I thought III was saying he would show us he cared what matters…or something.
But everyone else is answering it, and apparently if everyone else here jumped off a bridge, I would too.I would say that what matters most to me is living every moment with as much strength, integrity, honesty, love, and passion as I can. And I want to allow or enbale others to do the same. I don’t want to bog down everyone with my own world view but it’s not a good one and it’s unlikely to change. There is a reason why I chose to not have children. In spite of all of that I want to create as much beauty as the world will allow, with whatever time I’m given. I want adventure because this is the only life I get and I’ll be damned if I don’t take advantage of it. I want to spent all of my time creating art because I’ve spent enough time just making ends meet and I don’t want to waste any more time doing that. I spent the last 12 years working to get to a point where I could live this life and I am so incredibly close now. And I want to never lose sight of the fact that I am in an incredible position of privilege to have had access to these opportunities at all. I work to be grateful every day.
That, also cats, and David Bowie. Those things matter to me.
June 17, 2016 at 9:00 am #10653
I also didn’t read “what matters in your world” as a question, but since everyone is answering, I’ll throw in mine as well.
What matters to me is to be the best person I am able to be. I’m not always as good at that, but it is a lifelong goal. My family and relationships are also very important. When I consider someone a friend I take that very seriously.
I also adore and fiercely miss my cats as they were for a few hard years my closest companions. I strive to be honest, reliable and just in general a nice person. If I fail at this it hits me hard.
Lastly, experiences matter to me. If I had to choose between having money, possessions or an interesting experience I would choose the experience hands down.
June 17, 2016 at 9:42 am #10660
The things that matter to me are expanding my mind and consciousness, expressing myself through art and thing of that nature, friendship/companionship, love, memories, experiences, helping in whatever way I can, my dogs, and films.
June 17, 2016 at 2:05 pm #10696
What matters to me?
Freedom and liberty from oppressors. I wish to do my thing on my own terms. And I wish the same for everyone else, as long as it doesn’t infringe on my own freedom and liberty.
That, as a core belief, is what is most important to me.
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