This topic contains 37 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by LordofDecay 8 years, 6 months ago.
August 1, 2016 at 8:12 pm #17046
We are building the WALLS… the walls are for Us. You, Me, and eventually… Them. They are for all of us. We are building your home, a shelter from the pain, the distractions and the noise. A place to let the LIGHT flourish and build.
Unlike the misguided one, I know that I am but a vessel for the final counted.
We must all prepare.
August 1, 2016 at 8:16 pm #17048
Thank you for all that you are doing and thank you for building a home. Tell me how I can assist you and I would be glad to help you, @gatekeeper2.
August 1, 2016 at 8:42 pm #17051
Final counted, scope and mirror, misguided one, home, path, shelter… Perhaps what would let the light flourish the most would be to explain what the hell some of these terms mean, hmm? Open the door, stop forcing us to look through the damn keyhole
August 1, 2016 at 8:55 pm #17053
Addison: I strongly second the sentiment of @thegilded. If what you mean is you are building literal walls where those inside can be safe and sound, that would have held no appeal to me. I have my own walls and they are quite nice as is. If you mean metaphorical walls… well, the same holds true, no thank you.
August 1, 2016 at 8:56 pm #17054
@thegilded, they opened the door for III too quickly. He slaughtered most of our leaders. Four kicked down my door, I still feel her hot blood on my hands. The keyhole is all that you can handle, the rest will come. It always does.
August 1, 2016 at 9:05 pm #17055
@gatekeeper2 – god I want to believe you. I wanted to believe your predecessor so badly I was willing to sell my soul in her honor. I deified her more than I ever should have, so I tell you this as someone who sincerely appreciates you showing me that you, all of you, are no more than flesh and blood and lies and hallow promises.
It’s not enough any more to be told to fear what’s coming next without being told anything else about what your flock has already seen. We were told to fear you, that you were Her very best, that we needed to prepare for your coming and within the first few messages we are already told to fear and prepare the coming of the next, for this Final Counted? You give us no lesson beyond to fear the next stage, but that’s a lesson we grew bored of long ago.
You tell me that the rest will come? That it always does? I tell you that it hasn’t yet.
August 1, 2016 at 9:16 pm #17056
I would like to know @gatekeeper2 how you FELT inside as you were sliting ~four’s neck?
Did you feel remorse? Pleasure? Something else?
Inquiring minds would like to know.
This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by
Melissa. Reason: I spell English good
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August 2, 2016 at 11:19 am #17082
This answer is weak. The community all just want some kind of answer. I can’t speak for myself, but this response has and will send people to the other side of the fence. Everyone’s intention was to save Addison, and here you are saying we can’t handle it and to just stick with you (after killing their leader). You keep saying you’re nothing but a vessel, but what we all want to know: Is there any bit of addy left in there?
August 2, 2016 at 12:42 pm #17102
Answer: No. Addison is as dead as Four is. Mentally/emotionally/spiritually that is.
August 1, 2016 at 9:21 pm #17058
Excellent question @mkarrett.
And furthermore ” @gatekeeper2 ” … **WHY** did you slit her throat? If you owe that answer to anyone here, I say it’s me. I’m the one who sat not two feet from FOUR and bore witness to this act of violence. Explain yourself. It might be the only way you regain some of your lost little lambs.
August 1, 2016 at 9:49 pm #17061
I have no doubt that @gatekeeper2 speaks from experience. She has had a long path and we have only been privy to a tiny molecule of it.
Hell, for all we know 4 planned her own death with 2 (Yes, Dumbledore/Snape style).Walls may seem scary. But as long as III and the BOS are outside those walls, then I’m totally game.
August 1, 2016 at 9:50 pm #17062
Perhaps you will allow me this, my true story has not yet been told. In time you may find that my path is far truer than any that have come before but ultimately, your choice is YOURS to make. I will never force you. We have had far too much of that.
Going forward my steps are wholly focused on making a path for the Final. We are manifesting the physical representation of our faith, of your story and of the Light.
Worry not, before the Ascension, One will arrive. I truly hope that all of you will be at my side.
August 1, 2016 at 10:03 pm #17064
I truly hope that all of you will be at my side
Best of luck. At last count only 7 had publicly stated allegiance to @gatekeeper2
August 1, 2016 at 10:05 pm #17065
Hi @gatekeeper2 – May I ask, who are you?
Are you the same person that reached out to Russell and I? Have you become someone else, like you once warned me might happen?
Russell has faith you meant it when you said you will lead me through the darkness. Right now, we seem to be surrounded by that darkness; Where is the light?
August 1, 2016 at 10:08 pm #17066
I’m interested to hear more from you @gatekeeper2. Keep talking, we’re listening.
August 2, 2016 at 5:24 am #17073
Who better to lead us than @gatekeeper2 ? She has witnessed and been privy to things we have no idea about. Who better to put us on the right path than one that has been forced (by those corrupt on the inside?) to walk an alternate path? Only someone that has truly experienced the evil inside of the old can see the path to the new…the light.
The light shines brightest and is most noticeable when you are looking to it from the opening of a dark cave.
Give 2 a chance.
August 2, 2016 at 8:55 am #17078
@gatekeeper2 You say your true story is yet to be told – this is the only thing you’ve said so far that I am on board with… I am waiting for One, but not by your side. I wait for One with such hope in my heart. We may desire the same outcome, but will certainly take different _paths. Your _path seems to me to promise yet more emotional manipulation, the destruction of relationships, more cryptic bullcrap. No thank you. I will continue to serve this community in the only way I know how, through genuine affection and concern and a desire to record our stories for those who will follow.
August 2, 2016 at 11:39 am #17083
I basically second everything you say @blondiecamps, except I only have a finite amount of patience for the Second to tell her side of the story.
August 2, 2016 at 11:49 am #17086
@mkarrett *high five*
@gatekeeper2 Tick tock tick tock… The longer you stall, the more Apostles you lose to BoS.
August 2, 2016 at 11:15 am #17081
@gatekeeper2 May I ask why you hope us to be on YOUR side when one arrives? What exactly will ONE bring forth and how are you supposed to pave a way for him?
August 2, 2016 at 7:33 pm #17223
I just wanted to tell you @gatekeeper2 that I am listening.
August 1, 2016 at 9:59 pm #17063
@gatekeeper2 is it possible we will see you this weekend?
August 1, 2016 at 10:33 pm #17067
@gatekeeper2 I really would like to follow you, I was invested in your journey since I first came to know you. I thank you for never forcing us, I truly believe you mean that, but I must ask when your true story will be told? I must admit that recent events have shaken me as well as many others I’ve noticed and a little insight would be much appreciated. After all even the greatest leaders led not just by actions but by stories and reputation before them. That garnered the trust people had in them and that small bit allowed people to make their leaps of faith.
August 1, 2016 at 11:27 pm #17071
First of all, I have to extend my apologies to the community for my absence from the forums. I have been going through a whirlwind of emotions of where I am and where I stand since @gatekeeper2 “Addison”, slit the throat of my bringer of light into this chaos that we call “Tension”. Since then, I have been swallowed by the rip tide of social media, something that ~4 preached against. I have been pulled away from what our community is and has been… I am lost in this ocean of Chaos, floating on the outside of our reality, hoping for something to reel me back in. I can’t trust anyone or anything at this point, and feel like we’ve all been played like puppets. Only time will tell what our _paths will hold before us, but I for one feel just as lost as the day when I first joined Tension. I hope that I can find that assurance in the OOA as I once felt, but now… I only hope for destruction and chaos.
August 2, 2016 at 11:40 am #17084
This. All of this. I’ve felt the same way. @kingkill33 I’ve felt myself detaching from this whole experience as of late. I think this is the first time I’ve logged since we got our Ascension tickets and that was just to post when my time slot is. Plus, life has just been emotionally draining lately.
August 2, 2016 at 11:46 am #17085
@halfbloodfangirl MICHELLE! *tackle hugs*
August 3, 2016 at 8:33 am #17272
@blondiecamps You and your email are the reasons I logged back in… Fierce hugs back!
August 2, 2016 at 6:19 am #17074
Anonymous@gatekeeper2 – At this point I’m pretty sure that we don’t want walls, or keyholes. We want answers. We want the full view. You say that our choices are ours to make and you wouldn’t force us, but you *are* trying to manipulate those choices by what you (and the OOA) allow us to see through the keyholes you provide. Let us decide what we can handle.
August 2, 2016 at 7:50 am #17076
You ask for trust when you don’t even trust us enough to give us the whole picture, I get the feeling we will never know just how this “enlightenment” is supposed to come. Rosemary Luther got hers by blinding herself, no one “made her” do it, but I believe she was quite manipulated. If you are who you say you are, can’t you see you are also being manipulated and that you are trying to do the same to us? Manipulate relationships within the community? Have you forgotten that day when you were going to be disrobed in front of everyone? Do you remember that feeling? Do you believe you deserved it at the time? Have you forgotten the headaches, the confusion? Is your mission to continue with these practices and apply them to us? If so, I cannot stand by you, I cannot stand by the OOA, you made your choice when you slit Four’s throat that day, the innocent girl that knows what pain is, disappeared that Friday, you enjoyed your murderous act. If you were to shape the OOA without lies and manipulation, I would be willing to at least listen, but you sound just like the propaganda we have read, eaten, and swallowed all through these months, your words are no different than the ones before you. You are not light, you are pure and deep darkness.
August 2, 2016 at 11:55 am #17087
@gatekeeper2 – When you went by Addison, I stood by your side. The last time I saw you at the mixer, you were terrified, and told me to not appear to involved, to not be influenced, to avoid getting too close to the OOA. You’d been through their ringer and shared knowledge for us to get through as well.
We all watched as you were dragged out, against your will. A man we still assume was your father screamed about uncovering what the OOA has been doing to his Addi, and how we were all at fault.
We heard what happened to Mark, or Benny, or however he wishes to be called, and it was a result of the OOA’s influence. He was desperate for answers and now he’s dead.
Weeks later, we watch you murder @gatekeeper4 in broad daylight, as an apparent oath to the OOA.
What changed for you? The longer you wait to share some sort of knowledge, the stronger BoS’s following becomes. They may exist in a grey area, but they at least seem to be providing clarity for their members. Enlightenment may come later, but with no answers, the number of members here willing to continue to pledge blindly to the OOA are reducing.
August 2, 2016 at 12:06 pm #17088
It pains me greatly to hear your allegiances fall to others. However I do not blame you, or hold any ill-will to those who step away from my side.
In time, you will understand, the “keyhole” is small and only allows you to view a fraction of a much bigger room. Soon, the door will open, and as with everything thus far, the choices you are making now will lead you in a different direction, one away from me, and this…
If I could open this door for you, I would, but I do not have the key.
View me as a murderer, follow me a leader, or allow yourself to become passive and do nothing.
I do not threaten, nor will I make you false promises. At the same time, I will not justify or educate just because it is demanded.
My teachings will come… I only hope some of you are still here to listen.
August 2, 2016 at 12:21 pm #17089
@gatekeeper2 I understand what’s going on and the difficult position you’re in. However, it’s difficult to follow someone with the OOA without any reason. Exactly what’s behind the door aside, for what reason should we trust you to even lead us to someone that can open the door? The last Gatekeeper turned out to be a fraud. The Gatekeeper before him is dead. The Gatekeeper before her has been silent.
The OOA’s track record over the past few months has been spotty. And with you, many of us have history. You’re not one of the faceless Gatekeepers, we know you used to be one of us.
In the past, you trusted us and we trusted you. But I think before we can follow you (or at least before I can follow you), you need to show us why we can trust you.
August 2, 2016 at 12:23 pm #17091
I believe your path to be the wrong one, but I can still be appreciative that you are more responsive than your predecessors. As someone wiser than me recently said, I sincerely hope that each of us gets what we deserve out of this.
August 2, 2016 at 12:24 pm #17092
Fine Addison… You do you… I won’t *demand* anything more from you
August 2, 2016 at 12:48 pm #17104
August 2, 2016 at 12:37 pm #17101
@thegilded Hahaha, that someone wiser is a fool, hoping we get out what we deserve from this experience. I for one am long gone in the thinking that anyone gets what they deserve here in Tension. Its always been a select few that have gotten what they deserve, for the rest of us, we get to sit back with our popcorn and enjoy the show. It’s almost as comedic as people expecting answers to their questions haha.
August 2, 2016 at 1:12 pm #17118
@gatekeeper2 I have remained quite silent since the events of your coming to. Only to watch and see what happens within the community of people built here. That same night you killed Four, my life changed as well. I am holding true to change and I believe what you have done was within your own right. I stand with you and await what comes next from your side. I feel you have our best interest in mind over any other leader we have come across. You were the one who gave us warnings and did your best to keep us safe. I feel as a person in power and now as a Gatekeeper the same compassion and moral standards will follow.
Glory Be.
August 5, 2016 at 5:42 am #17587
@gatekeeper2 You talk about how GK4 was too rash and that “they opened 3’s door too soon”. Were the other improperly summoned or their avatars/hosts poor selected? Do you feel that you and 5 were some of the only properly “setup” Gatekeepers? and should we be worried about GK1 potential corruption?
All this talk about keys, doors, and gatekeepers makes me think of H.P. Lovecraft’s Yog-Sothoth which is described as such in The Dunwich Horror: Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate.
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