PERISCOPE 11/10 far from over

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA PERISCOPE 11/10 far from over

This topic contains 102 replies, has 31 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Crystal Crystal 7 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author
  • #22126
    Profile photo of Melissa


  • #22127
    Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
    Hazel Cloud

    I’m so close, yet so far!!

  • #22128
    Profile photo of

    Did Joe say he was going? Also was it just really short or was that just me? And who was that at the end???

  • #22129
    Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
    Hazel Cloud

    No clue?!?! That’s what I was asking? Maybe the new Addison?

  • #22130

    I know Joe is en route.

    It was short, likely for a reason. That was an invitation. A “where” and a “who”.

    Hopefully we find out “what” and “why” shortly

  • #22134
    Profile photo of Graham

    I’m kinda close, driving over

    EDIT: Someone already got it

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Graham Graham.
  • #22137
    Profile photo of NotHenryGale

    I’m stuck at work. But yeah, that’s literally blocks from my apartment and I go back for my second visit to the OOA tomorrow night. Kinda freaking out right now.

    • #22138
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Why are you freaking out?! :)

    • #22142
      Profile photo of NotHenryGale

      I know it’s likely not intended for me, but I feel like Doc Brown when the van shows up right at his test site. “Oh my god. They found me. I don’t know how but they found me.”

    • #22144
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Hahahah! Relish that feeling 😉

  • #22140
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
  • #22141
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Ya who is that?!

  • #22143
    Profile photo of Crystal

    Ah, my old hood! If only I still lived on that side of town…

  • #22145
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    Buz will be posting scanned copies of this for all to read. The drop was a series of email correspondence.

    • #22148

      Sounds like more leaks pertaining to the OSDM…

      This close to end of Ascension I can’t imagine that they’re going to be good

    • #22150
      Profile photo of _Michael Gray
      _Michael Gray

      Nope, definitely not and it pertains to what may happen this Sunday as well.

    • #22151

      Oh. Well then… I may have been wrong about the OSDM thing but if it’s about this Sunday I get the feeling I’m right about it not being good.

      I look forward to seeing the scans

    • #22149
      Profile photo of

      Thank you guys. :)

  • #22147
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    So nice to see Joe and Buz at the drop. 😄

  • #22153
    Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
    Hazel Cloud

    I shiver with antici…

  • #22154
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Okay guys here they are.


    – A seperate faction we haven’t heard about yet that is working with OSDM?
    – Michelle is sassy as fuck.

    Unrest is happening within the OOA.

    • #22155
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      FINALLY. Geeez Buz… 😛 And the plot thickens!!!!!

      Is Michelle the woman we saw on the Periscope? Does that mean she’s leaking this to us?

      Samson seems far from in control…

    • #22157
      Profile photo of NotHenryGale

      Thank you for the scans! Fascinating news! I didn’t think it possible, but I’m even more excited for tomorrow night now.

    • #22156
      Profile photo of creepsociety

      Thanks buz!

    • #22160
      Profile photo of Crystal

      Thanks Buz! I’m digging on this Michelle…

    • #22161
      Profile photo of Liv

      I like Michelle, very feisty. So December is the deadline to get all of this under control?

    • #22173
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Also, print date—11/10/16 3:17pm….

      That’s odd, it’s 3:03 PST right now and this was dropped off in a Los Angeles park….

    • #22175

      Maybe the OSDM doesn’t observe Daylight Savings Time

    • #22186
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Oh ya, DST.

    • #22187
      Profile photo of Allison

      I speak a bunch of languages and i know that phrase to mean the time between dec-jan. not just december. just food for thought.

    • #22188

      It’s old English, yeah? Referring to the time after the Pagan Yule holiday and before the Solmonað, the Sun Month?

    • #22189
      Profile photo of Allison

      Sean! Someone knows their stuff! I’m glad I’m not the only super geek 😉

    • #22190

      I wish I could take more credit, but I’m really just parroting off research that Buz and Addison did, as well as a little Google-fu of my own.

      I’m still working on my grasp of English, much less Norman-era English

    • #22192
      Profile photo of Allison

      Lol well I know I’m not much on the forum, but if we don’t have a language dork designated, I’m happy to.

    • #22210
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      I designate you language dork, and I, your humble disciple.

    • #22211
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      This is so cute. I love it. Feelings are being felt…

    • #22223
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      I have a special place in my heart for language dorks. 😉

    • #22225
      Profile photo of Allison

      Aww thank you! And my own disciple! I feel so included!!! <3 #feelings

    • #22243
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      We all need someone to look up to. #devotion

  • #22158
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Ærra Gēola

    That’s a link to what Horace wrote AERRA GEOLA

    “Ærra Gēola, m.n: “First Yule” or “Before Yule”, i.e. December. (“ar-ruh yeh-o-luh”)”

  • #22159

    “Aerra geola” – We say similar breaks into Latin during Sam and the Tension 2 incursion during the III days. He often broke into Latin as well. Clockmakers certainly seem to have a tendency to fall back into ancient dead languages, as though they are more accustomed to speaking in them. Coupled with III’s implication that They have forgotten whether or not they can die, this is lending further credence to the theory that some of the higher ups are linked with things that are perhaps not natural.

    Michelle’s presence is confusing for me, though. Was she who we briefly saw at the end of Periscope? Presumably Samson was here as a sort of security the whole time, was Michelle as well? What, then, were her experiments?

    Were we the subjects…?

    • #22164
      Profile photo of Liv

      Does she look familiar to anyone? If that was her at the end of the periscope, why would she be leaking this to us? Another experiment?

    • #22166

      These emails were 3 days ago, and it didn’t seem like she and the Clockmakers were seeing eye to eye. Perhaps she was recalled since then, didn’t like the meeting, then leaked to us?

    • #22168
      Profile photo of Liv

      Could be, she doesn’t seem afraid of upsetting them, so maybe this is like the equivalent of giving them the finger?

    • #22167
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Horace is pulling everything from her. Last ditch effort to meet her goals? Or just a big FUCK YOU to the higher ups before she’s sent for reconditioning?

    • #22169
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Hmm… That’s an interesting thought. Has Michelle been looming in the wings, or is she a newer addition?

  • #22162
    Profile photo of Mike

    Thanks for the scans @thebuz

    Sounds like if Sunday doesn’t go “as planned”, @samson will have hell to pay. I really hope those plans don’t get messed up for you.

    Also, a Clockmaker??

    • #22213
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Thank you so so much for this gif. It was the first thought that shot in my head when I read the name haha

  • #22163

    Further, December is a bit curious as well… Ascension is about to be over. Sunday is listed as “The culmination”. What, then, is going to be continuing into December?

    Is this confirmation that this isn’t over?

    • #22165
      Profile photo of Liv

      Well he says it needs to be “rectified” by December. So maybe a deadline? But a deadline for what?

    • #22170

      That’s certainly a majorly interesting point. Everything up to this point was only talking about Ascension, nothing so far out as December.

      On a semi-related note, calling this the “Autumn of Sacrifice” certainly doesn’t bode well for Sunday, either…

    • #22174
      Profile photo of Liv

      Yeah I’m a little bit worried about, especially after Addison/Sabrina’s last periscope.

    • #22178
      Profile photo of Michelle

      Is it possible we will meet Michelle on Sunday? I think we are going to come into contact with the higher ups for sure. Doesn’t look good for Samson or Addison. Are we going to witness Addison being broken again instead of sacrificed? Samson is under Michelle? Michelle is under the clockmakers? Samson assures that everything will be taken care of… goodness what are we going to witness and be a part of on Sunday!?!

  • #22171
    Profile photo of Mike

    Another thing to think about is the Facebook post. This is the first time (that I remember) it being a command and having such urgency. Usually they just ask, but this time. Could Michelle be the one that posted that and knew she had limited time to get the info out? Even when Addison was on the run overseas and OSDM were hot on her heels, the posts were never like this.

  • #22172
    Profile photo of Graham

    I think Michelle just gave a big “go fuck yourself” to the OSDM before going on the run. As for December, Horace also mentions it is “the autumn of sacrifice,” and then asks “whose will it be?” That’s my question: who is getting sacrificed?

    Also it seems like whatever experiments Michelle was leading were indeed a part of this social experiment, and with Sabrina/Addison coming out of her hypnosis or whatever Horace is speeding up the timeline?

    Finally, I wonder: where does Sabrina/Addison fit into all of this? Was she Michelle’s puppet? Horace’s? Is she now a true wild card for both of these factions? And if so, what do the Clockmakers intend to do to her?

    • #22180
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Michelle = Casting Director and Show (Ascension) Runner?

      Hmmmm, but no… she reports back to the Clockmakers…

    • #22184
      Profile photo of Izryn

      We’ve had mention before of the whole Ascension show being just that, a show with directors and actors and producers. Maybe that’s what Michelle’s experiment is referring to.

      Regarding Sabrina/Addison, the clockmaker is upset that her real name was revealed. It seems that reveal was never intended to happen, lending support to the idea that it’s the Ascension show that’s going out of control.

    • #22185
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Yes! Good catch Iz!

    • #22198
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      Disregard that. almost positive she’s on the inside. I think she’s makeup.

      @thebuz and @kasch does she look familiar to you? I have a feeling you run in mutual circles.

      BOS uncovered I thiiiiink almost everyone running the show back in July or so, whenever Scare LA was, thanks to a leak from Sentinel – can’t remember anyone named Michelle.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Addison Born Addison Born.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Profile photo of Addison Born Addison Born.
  • #22176
    Profile photo of Izryn

    I’m curious not about the time stamps on the email exchange itself, but rather the timestamp on the top of the second page. It’s for today, but at 3:17 pm… which isn’t here yet.

    What does this say about the origin of the drop? Maybe made by someone in a different time zone…?

    • #22177
      Profile photo of Crystal

      Important: Did anyone see a DeLorean driving away from Tujunga Park?

    • #22182
      Profile photo of Liv

      Or a blue police box?

    • #22183
      Profile photo of Crystal

      *fingers crossed for Ten or maybe War Doctor*

    • #22212
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      “The universe is big, it’s vast and complicated, and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.”

  • #22181
    Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
    Hazel Cloud


  • #22191
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    I find it interesting that the OSDM alludes to things deep in its ranks that have been staples of the OOA (Clockmakers, oracles, etc)…

    Following the theory that the OOA was all a made-up religion that masks something deeper, their theology sure seems to extend into the ranks of the OSDM.

    So if none of this is “real,” as we’ve been led to believe, then even the OSDM is a front for something else… A cover within a cover within a cover…

    Gah! Brain go hurt!

  • #22193
    Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
    Hazel Cloud

    This almost positively is a move by Michelle of defiance. Who else would that woman be? What would someone other than Michelle’s motives be (unless they are her underling, on assignment)?

    According to the emails, she is responsible for things going off course, and Samson seems to be the enforcer. Maybe Michelle was the creative (mind) force behind ASCENSION (the production). The production that is being put on by members of the COA- a division of the Institute (a conglomerate).

    The corporate side of the Institute – OSDM – seems to have given Michelle (a non-believer) the task of managing the event: Ascension.

    (BUSINESS) OSDM needs (Spiritual) COA membership/commitment up so they tell (business) Michelle to come up with a gimmick, so they can mine our data- allowing them to easily identify and select their prey/victims.

    Maybe Michelle hired Sabrina (the actress) to be a part of the event: Ascension.

    The (spiritual) COA and the OOA collude to overtake the event: Ascension via gatekeeper 4, 3, and 2.

    Sabrina is brainwashed by the helmet and begins to lose her sense of self. She starts to become her character slowly, until she believes she is Addison- then the Overseer. She flees with the sacred text.

    The OSDM regain control of the event: Ascension by kidnapping (as seen on THE ONE periscope)- trying to bring it back to their original goal- probably something involving fraud/identity theft.

    Ascension, the event, begins under the OSDM control and with rebel groups consistently undermining them.

    Addison starts to glitch and reveals her true identity as Sabrina Kern, causing the lines to blur even further.

    The COA/OOA, OSDM, and Clockmakers can’t seem to agree on what is truth (about Anoch), and what was the lie.

    Which came first? Ancoh or the business of Anoch? Did the faith spur the business or was the religion the means of business?

    • #22194
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      We’ve been led to believe that the teachings of Anoch have been passed down for millenia.

    • #22195
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      We have been led to believe many things! :)

    • #22196
      Profile photo of Graham

      Personally, I think Anoch is 100% a real supernatural being that is older than any of this, and the Clockmakers are bringing him/her/it back in December. No wonder the OSDM is terrified. This is not what they bargained for.

    • #22197
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      I am with you on that @sweeneyskip! People definitely seem scared.

    • #22200
      Profile photo of Lia

      @sweeneyskip & @hazelcloud – yes yes yes yes. I can get 100% behind that. What started as a completely fictional experiment is now turning into an all-too-real nightmare. That is honestly the first thing I’ve read on here that’s helped me understand the role of the OSDM.

    • #22201
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      @lilmsfancpants I’m glad to help!

      The OSDM has been a tricky subject for me to grasp too. :) From what I understand the OSDM is synonymous with the OMEGA COUNCIL. This chart (given to us by 3) has helped me immensely.


    • #22202
      Profile photo of Crystal

      Yup, OSDM = Omega council Data and Security Management

    • #22203
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Ah, yes! Thanks for the confirmation! :)

    • #22224
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      Everybody has ignored me on my grand theory, as they should, because we all know there is no grand theory.

      OOA = Object Oriented Analysis
      OSDM = Oracle Directory Services Manager (or something)

    • #22278
      Profile photo of prufrock5150

      So, just a thought here – have we been falsely superimposing a hierarchy onto a diagram that is intended to merely show connections? Context defines meaning. We bring to this diagram the expectations of an order that may not actually exist, or at least not operate in a way we can imagine. The circle seems to represent a limit of some sort, and it is incontrovertible that Anoch is quite singular, but the linearity with which the names are presented may merely reflect a convention of style more than a series of ascending degrees of importance. Until we know the proper context of this diagram, it seems presumptuous to assume we can properly understand its significance…

  • #22199
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    I have a gut feeling that Michelle may be related to BOS. After Ascension began, the man we know as Sentinel went dark. We’re still not entirely sure (to my knowledge at least) what the structure is within the organization, as we were always on the same level.

    Myself and at least a few others have questioned the BOS relationship with the OOA and OSDM, and there’s always been a lingering theory that they’re directly related, possibly as two divisions of the same thing, or as a catcher for those who want to resist the OOA.

    Breaking down the rhetoric used when Horace references Michelle’s “division” we know it is a part of OSDM. Michelle has snark and is very obviously skeptical of what’s going on in regards to whatever Horace does as a Maker of the Clock.

    BOS has also been skeptical of what’s going on – Sentinel gave us advice going into The One event that there’s nothing mystical or magical or anything not directly grounded in reality inside those walls, that it’s all an illusion. I feel like the “precious few” is in regards to the dwindling numbers of those aligned with BOS.

  • #22204
    Profile photo of Zannah

    The scary part of these emails when reading this,for me, were two things

    1) how “yes sir” Samson is. If everyone had to turn their back when he walked in a room during Ascension, I can only imagine the kind of authority this Horace has. Someone like Samson, who has shown us the kind of power he has, to be metaphorically kneeling to this Clockmaker like this is concerning for what may happen if we are introduced to him on Sunday.
    2) Michelle speaks of threats. Is this BOS work? She speaks like how GK4 did with how she talks back, but she sounds like she’s more worried about some threats being made.

    Lastly, it’s odd that Samson has tried to shown people that this is all made up, yet this person who he is showing so much respect to clearly believes in Anoch. The language in his emails show this. If they are all working together he wouldn’t have to go on about scolding Michelle and “humble yourself under the watchful eye Anoch”, if they truly didn’t believe in the religious teachings. Horace and Michelle seem to be fighting about how they are executing some plan but also ideology.

    • #22208
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Yes, Zannah!! I am with you on that first one. Samson was top dog, ’til Horace showed up and put him in his place.

  • #22215
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    I put out queries to a friend who is an expert in arcana. Until then, a few quick Google thoughts:

    Dec 21-22, the night of the Winter Solstice, is an Illuminati Human Sacrifice night.

    The Mormons have High Councilors — a group of 12, like the Apostles of Christ — that are basically Presidents of each region.

    • #22238
      Profile photo of

      Oh no. You said the I-word that will summon @sovereignskies.

    • #22244
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      Ooooops. Is that a thing?

  • #22216
    Profile photo of Crystal

    Fun Fact: The Quorum of Twelve from Battlestar Galactica is based on the LDS High Councilors.

  • #22226
    Profile photo of Aaron

    This is craziness.

    Just trying to wrap my mind around everything right now, and I’m literally coming into this whole story today. Can someone help me out just a little bit with the history of OSDM and also Samson? I know that’s probably a lot to ask…

  • #22232
    Profile photo of Sadako

    Could Horace be the one we’ve referred to as “The Suit”?

    A few of us have been given the indication he’s higher in rank than Samson and Clockmaker is above OSDM.

    • #22233
      Profile photo of Izryn

      Has anyone ever heard Samson call The Suit “sir?”

    • #22240
      Profile photo of Bryan

      @izryn @sadako I don’t believe I heard Samson use the term “sir” when I saw them argue. And while The Suit had clearly come in to oversee (wah-wah) Samson, by no means did I see Samson display the kind of snap-to lapdog behavior we’re seeing in these emails.

      Horace seems to be someone with considerably more power — and the ability to intimidate.

    • #22245
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      I believe you mean “wah wah wah”

    • #22242
      Profile photo of skathic

      When I was in the interview room with Samson, the suit was standing behind him and to the side, and Samson turned to him and said “give me your phone” for me to make my phone call. It seemed more like the suit was Samson’s security/entourage than anything else.

  • #22234
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    Thanks for posting the scans @thebuz

  • #22236
    Profile photo of Max R.
    Max R.

    I don’t know if this means anything but Horus is known as a war god in certain Egyptian mythology and in Greek mythology there is a similar God type character known as Horus The Elder who is a God of light and “son of the truth”. The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and royal power. Could the appearance of “Horace” symbolize the beginning of a war or that the truth will be revealed to all? The Celebration of Horus also takes place during the Winter Solstice, so this must be related somehow. Any thoughts?

    • #22239
      Profile photo of Allison

      I considered that bc I have the eye of Horus/Son God Ra tattooed on my foot!

    • #22246
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      And thus we return again to Doctor Who in the Tom Baker era, “Pyramids of Mars”.

    • #22250
      Profile photo of Max R.
      Max R.

      Have a jelly baby.

    • #22253
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      Why thank you!

  • #22248
    Profile photo of Dan

    The more and more all of this goes down, it seems like the people we know are just the lower rungs on a much taller ladder than originally thought.

  • #22272
    Profile photo of Sadako

    Samson will be “rectifying his mistake” on Sunday? Is that a threat towards @masterlock?

    Oh @samson… you have no idea the power you’re dealing with…

  • #22616
    Profile photo of Josh Forbes
    Josh Forbes

    @zannah, is that why everyone got up and turned their back in the white interview room? Or was that something else.

  • #22618
    Profile photo of Crystal

    Basically, that’s what happens when someone higher than you on the org chart enters the room…

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