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This topic contains 85 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Hazel Cloud Hazel Cloud 8 years, 4 months ago.

  • Author
  • #15023
    Profile photo of Melissa

    What the ever fuck happened?!

  • #15025
    Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
    Michael Rizzo

    @electrichippo not giving a single fuck and burning this shit down lmfao

  • #15030
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    if that was four’s best, the OOA is in serious trouble

  • #15032
    Profile photo of prufrock5150

    @daela – Please clarify, if you can: 1) What exactly happened at your meeting with @electrichippo? 2) Are you in support of the action (or inaction, rather) on her part? 3) Why should anyone think that III is correct in his clear and hostile attempt to ignore the guidance of Anoch?

  • #15038

    Link to Periscope

    – Kim waiting in restaurant, food already ordered
    – III shows up, introduces himself. bald caucasian man, middle aged, wearing a masquerade mask. Requests knives from the waitress. Eats pancakes. Talks about how he’s a “do-er” and how he’s never met Anoch, and there’s no reason to follow a god no one can interact with
    – III leaves to use the restroom
    – Camera off tilt, Kim stirs something in III’s water glass
    – III starts choking, but reveals that he faked it
    – III announces an alliance between BoS and III
    – III invites Kim to show the pill that 4 gave, unused. Kim does so.

    – III is alive
    – Pill is unused
    – Alliance between III and BoS

  • #15041
    Profile photo of Mike

    @lukasrl – She had a confirmed meeting with III, she was the best bet to make this happen. Unfortunately, we saw Four’s plan backfire.

  • #15042
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    That was not Four’s best. As @kasch, @Buz, and myself all stated this was not for Kim to perform. This was for somebody else. If we wanted III gone we needed to make something happen. This is what happens when a community goes overwhelming passive and shuts out those who are trying to make a change and push things along. This was an exact theory stated at the party.

    Lukas, four did not choose Kim. It was III who choose Kim. The pill was up to us to @daela to decide and she choose Kim who we all know is BOS!

    • #21392
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Seems like she secretly defected.

  • #15043
    Profile photo of Amie

    I’m holding any thoughts until we hear a little more about what happened there and the night before.

  • #15044
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of TheBuz TheBuz.
  • #15045
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @endlesspictures … Right!?!

    Watch, Four is going to come back saying that package wasn’t for Kim at all. And, before anyone jumps all over me, that wasn’t a dig at @dalea’s decision to hand it over to Kim. There was always something strange about III choosing Kim to meet with him. He wanted his truth to be told. There is it. He’s not with the OOA. So now, BoS and III are aligned. Now it’s going to be time to choose sides.

  • #15046
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    I have a question for @daela … Did you know what was gonna happen with this pill and @electrichippo ?? Did you receive any instruction on what it was or what to tell Kim once you gave it to her?

  • #15048
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    I have a question for @daela … Did you know what was gonna happen with this pill and @electrichippo ?? Did you receive any instruction on what it was or what to tell Kim once you gave it to her?

  • #15050
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    Soooo if we are the sheep like he said…he’s gonna get rid of all of us or what? It’s confusing that sentinel would get associated with someone like III…

    • #15052
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Enemy of my enemy is my friend?

    • #15054
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Still though…I just kind of had a little more respect for sentinel, lol

    • #15138
      Profile photo of thecatnipper

      This is a great question to ask. I wonder why they would associate.

  • #15055
    Profile photo of Amie

    III said show the fake pill from four..

    • #15056
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      You’re right!!!!!!

    • #15060
      Profile photo of Amie

      Maybe he just got it backwards though…

    • #15068
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      Yeah I heard that too. I wonder if the pill was always never going to do anything.

    • #15073
      Profile photo of Cody

      The pill that went into III’s drink sure looked alot more like the pill from the addison gk4 video than the pink one that was displayed.
      Or is that just my bad memory? lol

  • #15058
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    This makes things more interesting I think 😂 Can’t wait to see it all play out

  • #15061
    Profile photo of Melissa

    I’m not sure if people are actually be serious about being mad at people making IG decisions but fucking hell that better not be the case.

    • #15117
      Profile photo of Rusty

      The woman is wise.

  • #15062
    Profile photo of Melissa

    I’m not sure if people are actually be serious about being mad at people making IG decisions but fucking hell that better not be the case.

  • #15066
    Profile photo of MColyard

    The dude said Anoch doesn’t talk anymore. What the hell does that mean? That was the most telling thing in that, not the poison, I never thought that would actually happen, but what with Anoch y’all?

    • #15118
      Profile photo of prufrock5150

      The implication is that in the past (who knows how long ago?) Anoch was more direct with communication. They feel abandoned and lonely, so they’ve decided to fight the abdication with a mutiny by allowing III to declare himself as the final Gatekeeper and war against Anoch (probably to provoke its wrath and thus confirm existence). It is the act of a child who does not see the larger picture.

  • #15071
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    I tried calling @gatekeeper3 on his phone number, but that bald little fucker still has his voicemail box full! OOH, I got so much to say to him! I knew it all along that he couldn’t be trusted and he had to be taken out. Goddamn it @electrichippo and @daela … Now I might have to do the job myself, If you want it done right…

  • #15072
    Profile photo of Blondie

    So we’re currently Gatekeeper-less?

    • #15075

      @blondiecamps – Quite the opposite actually, we now have 2. III and 4 are still active. They’re just on different sides

    • #15078
      Profile photo of Blondie

      So III is now on the side of BOS and four is still with the OOA? And we all have to pick a side?

    • #15080
      Profile photo of AH-lay


    • #15090
      Profile photo of Blondie

      I think this is exactly the moment we need II to appear and sort this petty squabble out…

  • #15076
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @jkonigsberg There is no way we ever could have known that @daela would change her allegiance. For all we know she could have always been with BoS too. She didn’t say that she stands with BoS now. She said in her status: I stand with BoS.

    Sunday night she said she trusted Kim and that she would make the right decision. She said the package was going to Kim. I think a lot of those there would have done the same thing she did.

    I can’t recall exactly but didn’t @daela also mentioned that Kim had said the BoS knew she would be chosen to meet with III? Perhaps it was Four that was outplayed.

    @mkarrett or @thegilded is there any way you can move this comment below Joe’s I have no idea why it posted so high. Apologies. :)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
  • #15081
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
    • #15089
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      @kasch I stand with you. I agreed with your theory and had my own. We called it. There are so many other options that could have been taken.

      @gatekeeper4 what do you need from us?!

    • #15141
      Profile photo of thecatnipper

      AGREED, how can we help! Tensionites UNITE

  • #15082
    Profile photo of prufrock5150

    Also, I think we need to consider the possibility that Lauren is no longer in control of the @daela account. How do we know she isn’t trapped in @electrichippo‘s basement right now? Or at the very least, posting under duress and without the capability of communicating it? Now may be a good time to look very deeply into her messages unless she can convince us her reasoning and that it is a legitimate switching of allegiance.

  • #15083
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    also who’s to say that whatever information @electrichippo is privy to wouldn’t also convince others here to alter their path and join BOS

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
    • #15096
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      Then I call on @electrichippo to make that information public. If it is so important and able to sway someone over why not risk putting that info out there to get more to join your army?

    • #15100
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      she’s not required to. she is playing by a different set of rules than us. she’s stated it multiple times

    • #15119
      Profile photo of Rusty

      Valid points, @endlesspictures

  • #15084
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    I want both sides, where’s four? At this moment I stand with no one.

  • #15087
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…

    I have never been so pissed to be right in my life. Every single thing I warned the community about came true. Every fear I expressed at the mixer happened over the course of a pancake.

    After the drama of the last few days, I had planned to go dark on these forums and keep my mouth shut. But now I just can’t.

    So many people have been suspicious of me from the beginning and all my calls for action have fallen on deaf ears. Now the OOA is completely taken over and the people the community trusted betrayed us. @gatekeeper4… I am ready to do whatever the fuck it takes. I want III taken DOWN!!!!

    • #15092
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      It would probably be best to do it in back alleys then. If you want to hatch a plot to kill someone, it’s probably best to not broadcast it to the entire world.

  • #15091
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    So the ones saying “told you so” attack the others instead of uniting…right

  • #15097
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    What makes anyone think this would have happened any differently? This is all setting up towards the big finale. This would have happened regardless.

    • #15099
      Profile photo of AH-lay


    • #15101
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      If someone else took the pill, what would they have even done with it? Kim was still going to meet 3, they still would’ve partnered up. If anyone else had the pill, how would they have stopped this?? Tension said themselves no one could go crash the lunch, how would they have poisoned him??

  • #15103
    Profile photo of Amie

    I do have to agree that this likely would have happened no matter who had that pill. We move forward and figure out where we stand.

  • #15105
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    So did @daela, @electrichippo and @gatekeeper3 go to Dinseyland afterwards?

  • #15120
    Profile photo of Michel

    Nonetheless, we can’t travel back in time. Action was made, reaction ensue. And is not by tearing each other throats than that will change. And beside, who else than Kim could have aproached III ?

    As of side taking, i freaking don’t know who the good guys are or if they are any.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Michel Michel.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Michel Michel.
    • #15124
      Profile photo of prufrock5150

      Well, technically, we don’t know that we can’t travel back in time, but we do know that if we can travel back in time, then we have already traveled back in time from the point where we unlocked that achievement. Either way, your logic is sound, and everything that has happened has to have happened, and we have only the present to work from.

  • #15126
    Profile photo of Ezi

    Whose to say that thos is not somehow part of Anoch’s plan? Maybe III is going to mess BoS up from inside. I don’t think BoS knows what they let themselves in for when they alligned with III.

    • #15128
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Those were my thoughts…wasn’t Sam Bickerson from the BoS? III just wants to be in control, he doesn’t care about the cause, they did bad by choosing III

    • #15129

      Sam was OSDM. I don’t believe we’ve confirmed any link between BoS and OSDM. In fact they’re likely opposite sides

    • #15130
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      I see! Thank you for clarifying.

    • #15137
      Profile photo of prufrock5150

      I figured that OSDM, being “Oracles Security and Data Management,” was the organization tasked with handling the (albeit sketch-af) stock-investment side of the OOA, and the nefarious dealings were being “whistle-blown” as a ruse to cause a coup, which was organized by III as his first attempt to undo them and establish control. That would make Sam just an unwilling pawn in the game, and yet another victim of III’s hubris.

  • #15134
    Profile photo of thecatnipper

    Does anyone else think III looks extremely rested.?

  • #15178
    Profile photo of Lukas L
    Lukas L

    The last couple days I have heard people arguing about what to do. How to do it. Who should do it. Who should help do it. Today after the periscope, we heard should we have done this, why didnt we do that, we could have done this. Doubt and disbelief and anger flooded these forums. But the little bit of light is that it seems that it was short lived. Id say within the last hour I have seen an amazing show of unity.

    This reminded me of something I had read on the timeline regarding Gatekeeper 5 “In Gatekeeper 5’s final address he explains that this chapter is over and encourages everyone to realize how simple it was to disrupt their community with fear and distrust for their fellow members. He suggests that perhaps our political parties, our hot topic cultural talking points and even the brands we buy are all designed to create the illusion of choice. He states he is off to receive his final reward, that the real enemy is fast approaching and finally, that Gatekeeper 4 is now awoken”

    Here we are again at the end of another chapter. The forum has been disrupted. But it seems we are coming back together and others have stated there is nothing we could have done different. Kinda how 5 stated the choice is an illusion. I believe 4 is smarter than that and that meeting was just what 5 stated. An illusion. I think 4 is pretty confident when she says “I AM IN FUCKING CONTROL” I still believe it, because the Kim plan, I hate to say it but that plan would be tough to sound that confident over. (No offense Kim :)) Now with Russell getting the Addison call and Four calling quite a few people, im even more convinced.

    I do love the fact it seems that the forum has come together and seems like it could possibly defeat a even tougher enemy than III. That enemy is ourselves. Our community. Instead of arguing and letting everything fall apart. This community is showing unity, and together this community is strong as hell.

    I have one thing to say to you Cali people. KICK SOME ASSSSSS. I will enjoy continuing on being an eye in the sky helping with what ever i can. I cant wait to see what happens next. Please keep us outside of the CA chapter informed!!!! GLORY BE!!!!

    • #15329
      Profile photo of Blondie

      *cheers very loudly and waves some pompoms* GOOOOO @lukasrl!!!!

  • #15289
    Profile photo of Aronsgirl

    Wow what a day to join this experience!!! I have ALOT of catching up to do…but yeah I just can’t believe what I’ve seen thus far!

  • #15021
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    I guess it’s now legit, now that III is aligned with them.

  • #15024
    Profile photo of Lukas L
    Lukas L

    Im still confused why 4 choose Kim to do this knowing she was against the OOA

  • #15028
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Four did not choose Kim. The package was meant for someone on the side of the OOA and it fell into the wrong hands as suspected. III choose Kim to meet with him knowing damn well what he was going to do.

  • #15035
    Profile photo of JoeKaye

  • #15051
    Profile photo of Mike

    @nking – disagree. Four knew going in what Kim was like and the point was whoever got the package was to change Kim’s mind. Based on @daela s post from last night “I can safely say her position is no longer neutral” that makes me wonder if @daela is now a part of BoS as well or if she was told a false hood

  • #15143
    Profile photo of thecatnipper


  • #15053
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    I think your last statement is correct. Regardless, if that package would have ended up in someone else’s hands, that could have changed a lot of things. Four did not want that package to Kim. There is no way she would think Kim would do what was asked. This was the exact reason we were not for giving this to Kim.

  • #15057
    Profile photo of Michelle

    It was a vague comment about her meeting last night. I was wondering why it was so vague. The plotline changes. Maybe @daela was convinced to switch sides? Maybe she was always on the side of BoS? She did say Sunday night she trusted Kim.

    Goodness @daela… it would be wonderful if you would share more about your meeting last night and where you stand with things. Are you BoS now? Where you always? Or were you duped by Kim?

  • #15059
    Profile photo of Mike

    So the letter, from Four, about changing Kim’s mind…meant nothing? The package was meant for Kim. It had the pill in it and the point of the letter was for Kim to end him, since she was confirmed with meeting him. Daela was supposed to convince Kim to do it. She didn’t.

  • #15063
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    Soooo who was going to get the opportunity to meet with III? There was only one shot at this @nking

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of AH-lay AH-lay.
  • #15070
    Profile photo of prufrock5150

    Logically, the decision to deliver the package to Kim was still a correct one. We did not have enough information, and having seen what was in the package, opening it would have given us nothing more (unless those two silver squares meant something that I cannot fathom). It was about trust, and patience. We trusted @daela would do her best to convince Kim, and we trusted that Kim would see the error of III’s ways. Now all we need to figure out is if @daela was actually convinced by Kim to align with BoS instead of the other way around. There was simply no other way it could have gone, because we couldn’t figure out who was 4’s “Absolute Best,” and if it was in someone else’s hands, we would likely have just opened it, confirmed there was a pill inside, and then argued over who should do what. And what if we had decided to try and take out III at the meeting? How would we have found out where it was? How would we have sneaked the pill into his food or drink? The only option was to follow until we knew more. Now we (presumably) have all the cards on the table, so we can make a more informed decision and plan accordingly. The proverbial feces has hit the rotational air distributor. Game on.

  • #15064
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    “@Daela posted an update
    14 seconds ago
    I stand with BoS”

    Please explain why and how

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Neil King Neil King.
  • #15067
    Profile photo of JoeKaye

    Then we failed and sent the wrong person on this mission. We sent @daela out to that car. The pathtaker was ours to choose and we chose incorrectly.

  • #15069
    Profile photo of JoeKaye

    We can’t blame @daela for the path she chose. We can only blame ourselves.

  • #15077
    Profile photo of prufrock5150

    Hindsight is 20/20. We did not fail. We acted according to our best conscience, and we aimed to be fair and reasonable. The only way they can win is by getting us to blame ourselves…

  • #15109
    Profile photo of Cody

    I like these deductions.

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