
This topic contains 34 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded) 8 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #6961
    Profile photo of GATEKEEPER4

    Why do you think I am here? Why are YOU here? We offered ENLIGHTENMENT and some of you want to ask me about CATS and where BABIES ARE MADE like impetulant little children? We gave you a VOICE so that you could SING out with TRUTH and UNDERSTANDING of our knowledge, so that you could UPDATE people on your progress and your calling and some of YOU are BAAA BAAA BAAAAAA’ing your nonsense just like the rest of the SHEEP out there. LITERALLY THE DAY AFTER I mocked that EXISTENCE!!!

    “hahaha they made a typos!” I say it’s pretty DAMN GOOD for typing in the dark and without any appendages. Some of you are even posting HILARIOOOOUS anecdotes about pretending to be the OOA, some of you are PRETENDING TO BE OUR ENEMIES/1?! BLASPHEMY IS SOOOOO SOOOO SOOOOOOO FUNNY! That IS the sacrasm you unhearing little twats.

    This is NOT the path to enlightenment.

    IT’s 2 AM, MOMMY is home and she’s reaaaal drunk and reaaaaaaaL angry. Now what is tomorrow going to look like? If she finds you smearing your shit on our walls and not doing your CHORES than MOMMY isn’t gonna take anyone to to the LIGHT.

    I’m so sorry, this is my fault, maybe you don’t get it. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just want you to hear me. I am screaming because I LOVE YOU and some of you still can’t hear me. If you don’t start bringing others to light and start listening to the KNOWLEDGE than Mommy is gonna light your hair on fire, throw you out the window and never, ever speak to you again.

    There are ones who ARE true and we SEE YOU. You are marked and tallied. (your awards are coming)

    Everyone else needs to SHAPE UP or MOMMY will just start over and make more of you again.


    talk ‘atchya real soon loves.

    ~ four

  • #6962
    Profile photo of Mike

    Listen up, my girl drops truth bombs!

    Get out of the way or get blown up….or banhammered!

  • #6964
    Profile photo of Melissa

    I wanna see that banhammer so effing bad.

  • #6965

    I mean this respectfully and without sarcasm: Are the Gatekeepers “typing in the dark without appendages”? Is that a metaphor or does Ascension or the process one goes through to become a Gatekeeper involve physical changes to that extent?

    We’ve seen Rosemary’s ascension, are we to understand that finding the OOA’s light means that we no longer have need for any conventional light?

  • #6966
    Profile photo of Daela

    I say it’s pretty DAMN GOOD for typing in the dark and without any appendages.

    Holy. Shit. Are we going to talk about this?

  • #6967
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @mkarrett I think I am scared of the banhammer!!!

    Gatekeeper4 is here to keep us focused on our path. Good reminders in her words, a refreshing refresh of the organic computer screens that are our minds.

  • #6968
    Profile photo of Daela

    Also, “IT’s 2 AM”

    I now need to rethink everything I thought I knew about the OOA’s clock.

    Thanks for the clues GK4, <3 you.

    • #6970
      Profile photo of GATEKEEPER4
    • #6971
      Profile photo of Daela

      Welp, she giveth and she taketh away.

    • #6979
      Profile photo of Rusty

      That laugh made my morning brighter!!

    • #7011
      Profile photo of Killer

      Hahahaha What a deliciously dark mind.

  • #6969
    Profile photo of 111_error

    Gatekeeper4; We have been instructed to read OOA literature carefully and thoroughly. If we are more careful and more thorough than the creators, and spot errors we think might be clues, then we are honorable and devoted children – not heretics.

    Glory be.

    • #6973
      Profile photo of GATEKEEPER4

      Thank you for the clarification my child. Your pictures have given us such joy. We see great THINGS for you!

    • #6975

      @111error – Glory be, brother. Even if your post was exactly 1 hour too early

    • #6982
      Profile photo of GATEKEEPER4

      Richie Rich we are still not sure about… We know you love to TALK. We LOVE half of it and are figuring out the rest. Are you someone we need to put under a magnifying glass? (let’s not forget the insects). Wanna be a leader? Say less. Wanna flip sides… THERE is no other side for you, it all just. S – T – O – P – S.

      Might be time to prove your COMPLETE devotion.


    • #6983

      @gatekeeper4 – I apologize. I thought speaking more would please the OOA. I will tone it down from here on out.

      Make no mistake, though. There is only one side here, and I remain committed to staying with and supporting it. I will do whatever I must do to prove to both you and to Omega that I am dedicated in my Path.

    • #6989
      Profile photo of 111_error

  • #6972
    Profile photo of

    @gatekeeper4 – I’m sorry. I’m the crazy cat lady. I hope you know that I’m very dedicated to being here and occasionally have a bizarre sense of humor. But that cat thing specifically came because dude on Twitter who claims to be from the Brotherhood of Seraph specifically dissed cats. I wanted to make sure that the OOA was pro-cat as cats are a very important issue to me.

    • #6977
      Profile photo of GATEKEEPER4

      WE KNOW ALL OF OUR ENEMIES this is NOT one of them, this is white noise and an imposter. Heed him neither scorn or attention. It is an illusion.

    • #6978
      Profile photo of

      ok yes ma’am but I really want to be here pleasedon’thitmewiththebanhammer

  • #6974
    Profile photo of

    Gate keeper 4, I must say knowing what I know now, props to your typing πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  • #6976
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    GK4 😍😍😍😍😍

  • #6980
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    @gatekeeper4 you are the best. I’m really sorry for bringing up typos in the Newsletter thread, I was unaware of the conditions in which these newsletters were created, I meant no disrespect or snark. Only trying to approach the light.

    And also, thank you for the clarification about imposters on Twitter – dude trying to waste time with false promises of insight.

    Hope to meet you soon.

  • #6984
    Profile photo of

    @gatekeeper4, if it’s relevant at ALL to you or to the OOA, I missed your call because I was stuck in a 3 hour long budget meeting with no phone, and I apologize.
    If that wasn’t you that called then disregard this post.

  • #7024
    Profile photo of Cody

    Gotta love that fire.

    Report progress, bring others to the light.
    Word of mouth has much affect for me.
    Many a moth hath been brought to flame.
    Benifical would be a carrot that we might dangle.
    Reporting is much more fun and effective that way. ☻

  • #7028
    Profile photo of Cody

    Sooooooo…. This post by gatekeeper4,
    GATEKEEPER4 posted a new activity comment
    18 hours, 26 minutes ago

    “Really Midwest??? You of all people should LISTEN better when called. Now your piece of the puzzle dies with your IgnoraNCE. Learn a lesson, PEN – PAPER – NOTES.”

    Roll call! Who’s from the Midwest?
    What correspondences have you had?

    A shame it would be to let this piece die.

    • #7029
      Profile photo of creepsociety

      that message was for @mrohio so maybe he should clarify?

    • #7565
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      Well freaking shit. I’M FROM THE MIDWEST. Kansas, to be exact.

      I kinda don’t want my hair lit on fire and all that……

      Looks like I’d better shape up. I don’t think Gatekeeper4 was talking about me though.

    • #7566

      @mumumusings I wouldn’t worry about it, she was talking about someone from Ohio in this case. That person is gone now.

      Which is not to say you shouldn’t still worry, just this particular case isn’t you

  • #7030
    Profile photo of Cody

    Ah yeah, the twitter. I thought it was referencing something else perhaps.

    • #7031
      Profile photo of creepsociety

      It was on his status update about a phone call I believe. Check his activity

  • #7033
    Profile photo of Cody

    So off topic.. PUuuuuuuRRrrfect. <— this a catwoman reference?
    There sure seems to be alot of PUSSY talk around here lately!

  • #7119
    Profile photo of Melissa

    I picked up voice and sing and this is the output (along with some actual interaction with people). Never done this before, just for you 4.

  • #7121
    Profile photo of Echito

    I’m here Ma’am, and I hear you loud and clear. Time to roll up my sleeves and dig into the shithole that is the EAST. I expect GOOD THINGS to come.

  • #7125
    Profile photo of AndyM

    I love you to MOMMY

    I do my best
    I have a bald head but you’ll find a way to set alight
    Good luck everyone

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