
This topic contains 11 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Crystal Marie Gropp Crystal Marie Gropp 8 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #16639
    Profile photo of JonathanScareLA

    Hey guys, new here, trying to do some research, curious who here will be attending the Tension Experience?

  • #16640
    Profile photo of Mike

    I’ll be attending Ascension. Hopefully the Scare LA panel as well once the lottery results are published :)

  • #16642
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    Me too, what @mike said. 😁

  • #16643
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Hey Jonathan. Do you mean the actual event or the one being held at ScareLA?

    I’m on two panels that weekend (“We Are Indie Horror” and “Tales of Halloween”). Hope to see some of my fellow initiates there!

  • #16644

    Welcome @jonathanscarela, we’ve been expecting you.

    I’ll be attending Ascension and had entered into the lotto for the Tension Panel but had to cancel due to my inability to attend the convention. As of right now I don’t think that anyone actually knows whether or not they won the drawing, only whether or not they entered

  • #16657
    Profile photo of JonathanScareLA

    Wow, this is dense. I have no idea where to start. My head hurts. Could you fine folks point me in the direction of what you suggest to be the best article encapsulating what TENSION is?

    Really appreciate the guidance

    • #16658

      That’s a rough question to answer…

      For articles, I’d say you should start with My Haunt Life’s take or the LAist’s

      For other resources, I’d recommend our subreddit, the official timeline, or the stickies and posts on the New Aspirants forum that you’re currently on.

      Due to the complicated nature of The Experience as well as the users’ fervor and dedication, we normally jump to answer any question posted. So if the previous links don’t do it for you, let us know and we can fill in the blanks

  • #16679
    Profile photo of Ezi

    I’ll be going to ScareLA, entered the lottery but don’t know results yet, but hoping I can attend panel. Won’t be able to do the Ascension though :-(

  • #16800
    Profile photo of Gabzilla

    Hello everyone! I’m brand new! Thanks for making it so easy to catch up so far.

    I will be attending Ascension. Though I’m going to Scare LA on Sunday, a day too late to participate in the meeting.

    Can’t wait to see what happens next! (And if anyone has any other advice on what to do from here, it’s much appreciated.)

  • #17545
    Profile photo of Crystal Marie Gropp
    Crystal Marie Gropp

    Hello All! I’m a newbie, and can’t wait to raise my vibrations, and learn EVERYTHING! I’ll be at ScareLA on Saturday, and am REALLY hoping to be able to get in to the panel. Not sure what’s next, but I’ll do as much homework as possible, and I’m excited to find out!

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