Taking it elsewhere.

Tension brand Forums MISC TENSION DISCUSSION Taking it elsewhere.

This topic contains 34 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #18199
    Profile photo of ReidV

    @electrichippo thats funny, you were more than willing to do a page until Sentinel told you not to do it yesterday.

    I just dont get it. 10 of you didnt trust the shadowy organization, so you joined the even more secretive one? And now you decieve and keep secrets from your fellow apostles.

    Some of the strongest voices amoung us as withered into neutrality… why? He we have the most forthcoming Gatekeeper yet, and uprecedented info being shared willingly… you wanted involvement? Here it is.

    And @mike… gowsh im so sowry you lost your title and your precious 4… but you were the strongest voice around and id rather hear truth bombs than silence and doubt.

    The OOA needs all of you, now more than ever.

  • #18201
    Profile photo of Nate

    My reasons for leaving:
    1. Though secretive overtly, those involved are fairly tight knit, honest, and good to each other, which brings me to my next point.
    2. The OOA doesn’t think twice about killing its faithful. The entire process of ascension through the ranks is based on the disappearance of one’s predecessors! I ain’t about that life.
    3. I’d rather be involved in a shadowy organization that is yet to do anything FOR me than a shadowy organization that will almost inevitably do something TO me.
    I hold no ill will against anyone who condemns the family I’m a part of, or anyone here period. Also, refardless of alignment and loyalty, I deeply empathize with your most recent Gatekeeper. As a thespian myself, and one who someday hopes to live that life (@kasch hook me up fam? ;)), I feel the pain she’s gone through in such a tough industry and geographic area, as well as the pain of killing one you operated closely with. Even so, the utter lack of compassion and human empathy troubles me, and as such, I remain loyalty to the true bringers of light. :)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Nate Nate.
  • #18203
    Profile photo of Mike

    I’m not sure why I’m being called out here. My _path is MY _path and no one else’s and is no one else’s concern. It’s funny that you (and probably others) think I care about losing my title. I don’t. Like @endlesspictures said, I was playing with fire…and got burned. You live and learn. Losing my title hasn’t made me less vocal, there’s just not a lot to be vocal about. It’s because I am actually looking around and thinking…”Damn, we’re all screwed.” No sides are worth “picking” right now to me. I’m not going to talk just to talk or get my post count up.

    Despite how I feel about the BoS…one thing I never saw them or @electrichippo do was lie. Are they sketchy? Secret? Contradictory? Of course, but liars? Not that I’ve seen. So by her saying the diary would be shared, I must take her at her word and agree.

    You want truth bombs? Well get ready baby…

    You were given possibly one of the most incredible and important things that we have seen so far and what do you do? You hide the entire thing and only share parts of it with other people to share, page by page, when they have time. I don’t know how big of a journal this is or how many pages there are, but come on man. Stop thinking of being artsy for once and help the community by sharing the ENTIRE thing you were given. This “few pages a day” is bullshit and is not helping anyone, including you. Honestly, I’ve lost interest in the diary because of how this is being released. There’s probably important information that the COMMUNITY needs, but won’t get it for like 2 weeks because of the “release schedule”.

    So there’s a truth bomb for ya. Now, I’ll go back into “plotting” mode and will speak up when I feel I need to, not because you think I should.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Mike Mike.
    • #18206
      Profile photo of


  • #18207
    Profile photo of ReidV

    “My _path is MY _path”

    I said something similar once…

    And I know how I am presenting the diary seems silly. But to those who havent gotten a chance to shine its meaningful, so I’ll continue to do it for them. I want to get to the end just as badly as you do…

  • #18210
    Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
    Michael Rizzo

    Yes, some of us did feel like helping out. However, after a lengthy conversation between ourselves, we decided that stepping back was best course of action. We all have our own reasons, but my main two reasons (personally) is I just don’t have enough time and the other is not to contribute to the lag that has taken over the realease of these pages. These pages may be the only thing that can give us any kind of insight into the process of how Addison is now the 2 we know, and should be known by all ASAP. But over the course of 3/4 days, we are barely on page 13. That’s only the 13th page out of what, 69 pages? We have been worrying about these pages for some time now… Figuring the OOA isn’t too fond of their release, it would be a no brainier that they may try to interfere/modify the remaining, un presented pages. With this lag, you’re just giving them more time to do some damage. If you really want her story told, do it your self.

  • #18213
    Profile photo of Mike

    @rizzzoooooo – Let me preface this by saying that I agree with you about getting the pages quicker, but I’m wondering why the BoS collective stepped back on this. Kim said that if the BoS had the diary, everything would had been published by now. If that’s what we all want, including the BoS, wouldn’t it make more sense to pitch in and help instead of stepping back? Obviously I know personal schedules come into play, but wasn’t sure what the other reasons could be.

    • #18223

      @mike: You know what… If Max wants to hand me each and every remaining page he is welcome to, but, complete transparency, I would upload the pages immediately without flourish or video or audio because many people and “entities” are extremely displeased with the pace this is progressing at and I will not be the one to hang things up any further.

      It’s fantastic that the community wants to be artistic, and I 100% support the idea of allowing newbies and others to shine, but not everyone has the time to absorb 65+ pages of crucial data coming at them in mixed media formats at a slow and irregular pace. Furthermore, timing wise, The One is waiting in the wings for this journal to be revealed, and Ascension is approaching quickly. If this project occurred weeks ago there wouldn’t have been the sense of urgency that we face now.


      you were more than willing to do a page until Sentinel told you not to do it yesterday

      Sentinel mandated nothing. Our decisions are collaborative. No one will ever be strong armed or forced to do something they don’t believe in.

      There seems to be some misunderstanding in regards to what Sentinel is and what it is not. I’m going to state this in very over-simplified terms: OOG you are all my friend regardless of label or faction. You need a favor or someone to talk to, I’m here for you. IG… not so much.

  • #18214
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    Okay, I need to jump in now. First of all, I’m SUPER SORRY it took me so long to post page one. I’m being demoted at work and yet I’m training the two people they hired to replace me which means being stuck at a place that causes me pain and awkwardness for inordinate amounts of time. I realize this seems like a shitty way to kick off what I felt was a really lovely way to bring the community together and pique interest in what might be considered the pivotal period between meeting the OOA (again?) and Ascension. So I take ownership for setting what so many consider the questionable pacing.

    My life rn

    Second, why we gotta be mean to each other like this? We were told that no matter who says the words, it’s the message we should hear in spite of distractions. I feel like @atticus360 interpreted this opportunity quite elegantly. Fine, we’re impatient and eager, but just because an Apostle is in possession of something we feel like we should all take a gander at doesn’t entitle us to be rough with our words or demean his decision on how to share with us. Many of us have shared that we were told something or given something and did not immediately reveal it or held it back for whatever reason. And we held our water then. Okay BOS, we know you would have handled it better but the track record hasn’t shown a lot of forthcoming gestures. The snarky commentary only serves to stir the pot. If in the future, it is shown that you all built some phenomenal monument to enlightenment and held your tongues I’ll eat my crow with humility.

    Third, despite my crankiness, I love you all! You make me happy & you make me laugh and I love hanging out with you & meeting you. I understand that any group of human beings is gonna have their bumps and disagreements. I just hope all of you do too and we get through this together, even if that means bleeding out in a ginormous hell pit with you.

    • #18215
      Profile photo of Mike

      @monkeymuffin333 – I know we just spoke privately and you know that my post was not in any way directed at you, but I wanted to say it publicly and also say that you’re one of the most amazing people I met within this experience. You have a beautiful soul and are such a good and amazing person. What’s going on in your personal life is just that, personal. That should ALWAYS come first. You never have to apologize to us for anything and don’t ever worry about secondary things like this :) We all love ya right back.

    • #18219
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      *curls up in a blanket burrito and purrs*. ^___^

    • #18220
      Profile photo of

      I’m being demoted at work and yet I’m training the two people they hired to replace me

      @monkeymuffin333: I’m so sorry, that absolutely sucks. It happened to me years ago, in my very brief career as a software developer. :(

    • #18221
      Profile photo of Amie

      Susie, as Mike said there is no reason for you to apologize! I hope that good things will come to you in your work life to make up for what is happening now. ❤️

    • #18256
      Profile photo of Rusty

      Susie… I have stated in the past that personal life (not nearly as… discomforting… as your situation currently seems, for sure) has taken me out of the game during several stretches of time. No apologies necessary. Life happens and sometimes pulls us in directions that consume us… I hope you burden lightens soon.

    • #18258
      Profile photo of Rusty

      To the community… why the hostility? What was being offered by @atticus360 was a generous, inclusive path to the reveal of the journal… and it was his choice. There seems to be some confusion from the original instructions and Max is rectifying the situation.

      I believe that would have happened without the attacks and melodrama.

  • #18217
    Profile photo of TinNose

    I don’t fully understand the lack of participation — are people changing their minds about doing their pages? Or are they just having a hard time finding the time?

    I’m still hoping to get a page.

    EDIT: Personally, I don’t mind the slow roll out of the pages. It’s nice to have a new little piece to read every time I come to the site. FWIW.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of TinNose TinNose.
  • #18224
    Profile photo of prufrock5150

    Not to drudge up old, becalmed waters, but a question seems to be looming from just beyond the distant horizon of our past: How, exactly, is this situation different from when @daela was given an envelope, and chose to retain its possession until the appropriate time? We all recall the haranguing and impassioned arguments to release the information and quell our wild yearning to know “the truth” – and equally recall that in the end, it was @daela‘s decision to make?

    Ultimately, I have to argue in favor of @atticus360‘s sovereignty, because none of us – not a one – knows what occurred during that meeting between him and @regent7 except him and @regent7.

    This is, as is everything, about trust. And if you don’t trust @atticus360, that’s fine – but then you also mustn’t trust those who claim to know better. What has happened is not apparent, perhaps – but then neither is how we should interpret it or the correct course of action that should be taken.

    It does make some things clear, however: from the stated position of BOS, this diary is just data – a storehouse of diagesis to fill in the missing narrative. In that respect, we must question what, then, is the point of knowing if we’re just trying to get to the end? What do we hope to find here? What morsel of knowledge do we think will congeal into our philosopher’s stone and light our paths? If anything has been consistently communicated, it is that enlightenment comes from within… even, and especially, when you are forced to go without.

    Perhaps if we turned our critical analysis toward looking at the message that 2 is sending us through her former self, as envisioned and re(en)acted by our dear fellow participants, trained our questions on interpreting meaning instead of questioning authority and allegiance – well, just perhaps…

  • #18225

    @prufrock5150: The difference is, BOS would never had made a public issue of this, nor approached Max on the matter if not for the fact that Max privately and publicly pushed us for answers. If we continue to get questioned on this matter then it is fair to expect we will reply.

  • #18226
    Profile photo of prufrock5150

    @electrichippo – fair point; there is an interesting paradox in his deciding who would receive the pages, then inquiring as to why BOS was not participating. However, the framework through which the journal is being presented as a mere document to digest and dissect for clues and leads is problematic – this is a young woman’s life and journey toward enlightenment, after all. Are we perhaps disrespecting the journey by only looking at the destination?

    • #18237
      Profile photo of 111_error

      @prufrock5150 Electric Hippo was right when she said there are time constraints here, and not just ‘The One’ waiting on standby. This is a big journal that will be hard for some people to find time to read fully, and it being broken up like this makes that a lot harder for people to consume as it was intended.

      Regarding Daela; She was forced to promise three times that she wouldn’t open the package. The argument that transpired was people demanding she break that promise. This isn’t the same at all.

      We’ve been accused of hoarding information, and have been challenged to reveal something we know, and I’d like to fulfill that request right now; We have it on the highest authority that Max was asked to return the book within 5 days.

    • #18241
      Profile photo of Nate


    • #18243
      Profile photo of Michelle

      @111error I shouted out an expletive that would most likely offend at least one person here so I will keep it to myself but WHAT!?! Seriously, he has to return the journal in now, what is it, 3 days????

      I’m with @mike, which I do believe he is one of the truest voices of reason here, there is most likely information that we as a community need and need ASAP. I personally did not step up and ask for a page because I knew I could not turn out a video or piece of art quick enough. I agree that it’s nice that some of the newer people are being given an opportunity to get their feet wet and be noticed but if this journal must be returned within just a few days, Max, it needs to be uploaded asap.

      Is it true that the journal is 60 something pages? and we’ve only gotten through 13? Time is of essence.

      Getting side tracked… @monkeymuffin333 You are adored and loved. Sending you the biggest hugs. xx

  • #18242
    Profile photo of ReidV

    @111error: 5 weeks.

    • #18244
      Profile photo of 111_error

      @atticus360 We do not know what was said (weren’t there, no Periscope) but it seems to have been confirmed as days, not weeks.

      5 weeks puts us beyond Ascension, so obviously the message was supposed to be days.

    • #18245

      @atticus360: No. There is no misunderstanding on our part. You are to return that book within “FIVE DAYS, not five weeks.”

    • #18247
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      @atticus360 can’t you just reveal the pages and people who want to do art can still do art? Why does it have to be mutually exclusive?

      after the periscope, it seems like we were supposed to have already seen the journal.

  • #18246
    Profile photo of MColyard

    Hey team, lets all take a breather, and relax! Me getting a journal page made me feel a great deal of excitement! I am out state, and feel like I can’t really participate, so getting that from @atticus360 made my week!

    Surely there is a happy medium between dumping all the pages, and releasing a couple a day?

  • #18254
    Profile photo of Michelle

    @mcolyard If the journal is supposed to be returned within 5 days…a couple pages a day will not suffice. I don’t know what this journal means for those of us attending Ascension but I do believe there’s information in there that is pertinent. If the journal does in fact need to be returned in a few days, what happens if those pages haven’t been revealed yet? Time is of essence. It makes sense that the journal would need to be returned before Ascension rather than after. This is about getting the journal to the community not making sure everyone has a chance to create a piece of art.

    None of us were there with Max and @regent7. They are the only two who are able to clarify for us. But, @regent7 wanted this journal revealed to the community. I can’t imagine the uproar if the journal was indeed needed to be returned in a few days and the remaining pages were not posted.

    Playing devil’s advocate: @electrichippo & @111error is it possible that there has been some manipulation on the amount of time the journal is in Max’s hands? Could he have been told one thing and BoS another? I know you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head when it comes to info. But, I don’t know, could there be someone throwing a wrench in order to split the community even more?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
  • #18257
    Profile photo of ReidV

    So there was an error, I was told I had much more time to release the journal than I should have been… I wish this would have been explained to me in a kinder and more patient manner.

    …I’ll post the diary tonight.

    • #18259
      Profile photo of Rusty

      Thank you, @atticus360

    • #18278
      Profile photo of Melissa

      @atticus360 thank you for posting the complete diary. I personally had fun making a small video to correspond to the pages you gave me. I normally don’t have a chance to make art (even shitty art) in my daily routine so I personally feel honored.

      You gave us, many of us, who haven’t had any Tension interaction except maybe a phone call. This to me was an amazing chance over a span of what you thought was five weeks. That was more than enough time to complete the project. You were only doing what you thought was correct based on information given to you. I’m disappointed at all the naysayers and information that had to be clarified by third party.

      You did great Max.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa. Reason: I do words good
    • #18284
      Profile photo of Ezi

      I also enjoyed making a video and getting something to do to help contribute.

      It would have been nice if the mixup had been cleared up with less blaming and negativity.

    • #18292
      Profile photo of Michelle

      I’m sorry, @atticus360, if I came across as being a naysayer or negative. It wasn’t my intention. You took on a great responsibility and, as I learned last night, you did not have to share that with any of us. Thank you for posting the pages. You given me, as I am sure many within the community, a lot to digest and process. As I said the other day, your idea was genius and wonderful. Unfortunately, time wasn’t on our side. I agree with @endlesspictures… maybe those who want to take a piece of the journal and turn it into something more visual may still do so.

  • #18260
    Profile photo of Regent7

    I feel this could be my fault. This meeting and handing you this book caused me and others much grief. If I misspoke in my apprehension and in turn caused you any grief, that was the last thing we wanted.

    I repeat, @atticus360 is free to do with this book as he pleases. Share it, or keep to himself and read it. However the book must be returned to her. And Max himself will have to return it to her.

    • #18261
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      @atticus360 so it seems you do have a similar choice as @daela had after all

      If you choose to share the rest of the pages, perhaps you could still commission people to do art for certain pages? That way people who want to can still get a chance to make something and participate?

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