The Fate of the Package

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA The Fate of the Package

This topic contains 72 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O 8 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #14454
    Profile photo of Daela

    (Sentries, if this doesn’t merit its own topic, please feel free to move this post wherever you see fit!)

    I believe that Four wants me to give the package to Kim, if Kim will use it against III.

    Here is the evidence:

    1) In the Periscope on June 23rd, Four told III, “We are locking and loading. And III, you wanted my worst? Well I really hate to disappoint you, but you are going to get my absolute fucking best. And she will end you.”

    2) In the Periscope on July 7th, we saw Four prepare a package labeled “FOUR MY ABSOLUTE BEST”. We all saw what the package contained, and speculated that the contents were the method by which III would be “ended”.

    3) When I was given the package, I was also given the letter. This letter specifically mentioned “ending” III. “Ending III will not be taking a life so much as Saving countless more in the future….DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE. Our Kimberly feels she must maintain a, ‘neutral position’. Horse cocka. YOU WILL CHANGE HER MIND. This is your path.”

    To me it seems evident that Four wants me to convince Kim to use the package to end III.

    This is admittedly not airtight. For example, Four’s promise that “she will end you” seems unlikely to refer to Kim, because at the time, III had not chosen Kim for a special one-on-one meeting. There is a small chance that if I give the package to Kim, I will be berated for not giving it to some *other* “she” who was supposed to end III. (Unless Four somehow knew that III would choose Kim, which is also possible. [Although if she has insiders close enough to manipulate that decision, one wonders why she doesn’t simply use them as her preferred method of assassination.])

    What isn’t clear to me is 1) if I am to hold onto the package for some future recipient, if Kim is disinclined to accept this mission, and 2) whether I should be taking instructions from Four and Addison in the first place. While I think most of us take issue with III, I’m not sure Four is being entirely transparent about her desired outcome. She has her own motives for taking out III: she stands to gain something. I don’t see this gameplan as entirely altruistic on her part.

    Thoughts are welcome as I mull this over.

  • #14455
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    @daela that’s so awesome you have this big decision! I for one am excited to see what you choose. Thanks for recapping in such an awesome way.

    Anyways I believe the package is not meant for Kim but for someone else. The package was made before Kim was chosen. For all the reasons we discussed today, I think this falls more as the backup. There are most likely specific instructions for whoever it’s for within the package. Until that package is opened we will never find out what in it.

    I’m cool with handing the package off to Kim but I’d love it if we saw what was inside as well. I don’t want this to be kept a secret. I feel like something really important lies inside that package and it’s more than just what we assume.

    Those are my two cents.

    PS today’s conversation was awesome. I did not believe to see any disrespect coming from either side. It was exciting and tense and we all left still being friends.

    Best of luck Lauren! Whatever decision you make changes the _path for all.

    Glory Be!

  • #14458
    Profile photo of

    I followed last night’s events on the forums and via Periscope as best I could last night, so wishing I could be there with y’all. I’m so incredibly excited that things have taken this turn and am fascinated at the decision that lies in @daela‘s (and @electrichippo‘s) hands. I can’t wait to see how this plays out this week.

  • #14460
    Profile photo of Blondie

    Ok, so here’s something that just occurred to me. Up until now, I haven’t been sure that four was acting on behalf of the OOA. But the letter in the black envelope with the seal that we originally saw in the picture was from four and was directly linked with the OOA in the picture by the use of the poster behind it. So it is implied that four is acting on behalf of the OOA and that the iradication of III is OOA approved. But I’m still not sure, because obviously four could get her hands on a poster if she wanted to. It all seems really petty and childish for an institution…

    Also, I don’t consider the photos showed to @daela to be evidence of III’s crimes. We kinda asked for evidence in a round-about way, but photos of his supposed victims when they were alive doesn’t count in my book. The humanising details given about what they left behind speak volumes. No reasons as to why they might have been killed by III. Just “look at these poor people, isn’t III the bad guy?” III may be the bad guy… Doesn’t make four good tho…

    I am seriously wondering if this really has anything to do with III and four or if they’re sitting back in their wingbacks chairs together, drinking tea, and watching and waiting for our community to turn on itself and fall apart. We are stronger together. And maybe that’s a problem…

    Let’s just send @daela all the respect and love she deserves and play nice :-)

  • #14467
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    So in trying to be Devil’s advocate here and in thought randomness…is not following Four’s orders even an option?

    • #14473
      Profile photo of Blondie

      It seems obvious to those of us who have joined during III’s “reign”. But for those who have been present since four and before, it seems a bit harder to resist her will… Which is interesting in itself.

    • #14475
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Like you said a few moments ago, III more than likely knows what is going on. Not only could @daela and @electrichippo be in danger, but also Four and Addison…that is, if III is in fact a ruthless killer.

  • #14468
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    It’s really about who you trust, @daela. We could second guess motivations until the end of time…but my view comes from what is directly in front of us – that GK3 is a psychotic murderer that should be stopped at all cost. And that the contents of this package should be given to someone trustworthy (still think the package was meant for @mike).

    I have no doubt Kim has her role to play with the contents of that package. The big question is: Is there information in that package that was also meant for someone else and is it worth forking all that information over to her sight unseen.

    Regardless, like I said last night, I don’t think there are “right or wrong” solutions here. It’s like choose-your-own adventure. What do you think will make for the most exciting – and TENSE – experience?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
  • #14470
    Profile photo of Blondie

    Hang on, hang on, hang on. Surely III is expecting this now? I know he said he wasn’t going to be online until after his meeting with Kim, but didn’t someone say he had been active very recently? By giving the package to @electrichippo, isn’t that putting her in danger? Obviously, it’s up to you Kim whether you even accept the package and then what you do with it once it is in your possession. But it seems kinda pointless as III must be aware of the situation and will take precautions…

    • #14472
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      Like I told the group last night, I expect this assassination to totally backfire horribly on all of us.

    • #14474
      Profile photo of Blondie

      Both if it succeeds and if it doesn’t…

  • #14476
    Profile photo of Michelle

    I’m agreeing with @kasch all over the place today.

    I too think this whole thing is going to backfire. Too many what ifs. I’m sure a lot of them, if not all of them, are on repeat for you @daela. Goodness, what a way to be thrown into the storyline for you! I don’t think it’s going to backfire though because of you. I think that is the way the powers that be will want it to play out.

    You could hand the package over to @electrichippo and she could choose to not do a damn thing with it and keep it for herself, throw it in the trash, use it for her own purposes rather than Four’s… this list could go on and on. And, I’m only playing devil’s advocate. Because, the package could get into her hands, she could go to meet III and carry out what we think may be an assassination and it backfires on her. We also don’t know the contents of the package. Maybe it’s not even items needed to take III out. Maybe the contents are something else entirely. Once it’s in Kimberly’s hands, it then becomes her choice if she opens it and reveals what’s inside to the community.

    I also agree with whom I see as the voice of reason, @mike, the choice is yours and yours alone. This is your path. I know… not a whole lot of help or insight from me.

    Yes, @blondiecamps, apparently III has been active. I’m sure he’s well aware of what has gone down over the last 24 hours. If he hasn’t seen the boards himself, there is someone here who’s informed him. I don’t believe III is a man with absolutely no alliances or followers.

  • #14477
    Profile photo of

    If III is aware (and I think he probably is), this might also be a test of Kim. Remember what he said to her in the evite – that it was time to find out where her allegiances lie.

  • #14478
    Profile photo of Melissa

    @kasch, like you and many have said before, this is Tension. No matter where this story goes, it won’t be sunshine and rainbows for us.

    @blondiecamps As for III, I’m not entirely convinced in-game (IG) III actually knows what’s going on. III did say that he would not come on here until Kim’s meeting so I’m actually taking in IG-faith that plot line is actually remaining consistent. Otherwise it really basically discourages us openly strategize/discuss here on forum.

    • #14479
      Profile photo of

      I had thought of that too, and that maybe we shouldn’t even be looking at the /members page for any real information. I still think it’s possible III knew this was going to happen ahead of time though.

  • #14480
    Profile photo of

    If it works I’m all for it, If it dosen’t I never knew anything happend.

  • #14481
    Profile photo of

    What could also be interesting is if III turned out to be someone we knew – as was speculated from those phone calls some received. If Lauren decides to hand the package over to Kim, that could completely upend whatever Kim decides to do with it when she finally sees him.

  • #14487
    Profile photo of Amie

    I’ll throw my 2 cents in here as well. I agree that this package is for @electrichippo. (Ultimately up to @daela if she goes this route.) I know Kim and Daela have a level of trust for each other so I think there is another option to consider. If Kim receives this package before her meeting Wednesday and after opening it or meeting with III decides not to use it she could just give it back to Daela who can then decide what to do with it. I know this might seem crazy, that we could work together but I’m just throwing it out there. Whatever happens I support the decision and look forward to seeing what happens!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Amie Amie.
  • #14489
    Profile photo of ReidV

    @daela perhaps we can have you go in @electrichippo ‘s place? Or convince III to see you as well?

    That way you can use the package as you see fit, without middle(wo)men.

    • #14542

      Convince maybe. But the invite was for Kim and Kim alone. Sending someone else would likely spook him and he’d call the meeting off.

  • #14496
    Profile photo of Nate

    But what if the meeting between @daela, @electrichippo, and III was actually a meeting between two? What if @daela is III and saw the periscope with the package, knew it would be delivered to the group, and the meeting Wednesday is actually III/@daela’s way of getting the package to Kim? O_o

    (Sounds like one of those “hits blunt” memes lol)

  • #14541
    Profile photo of Lukas L
    Lukas L

    I would think III would have to know about the envelope by now. I dont know what it could be but I have a feeling that the envelope is not ment to kill III but instead a major plot twist for @electrichippo . I think the assassination attempt on III is going to be as a result of what the envelope is used for instead of what is actually inside. Maybe what is inside is a distraction of sorts. Not sure, I am always looking for a twist of sorts. You would hate playing DD with me. I search every room! LOL

  • #14562
    Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
    Michael Rizzo

    Really quick:
    I had mentioned this at the BBQ yesterday but for everyone not on the forums, listen up. I love Kim but do you really think she will go along with gatekeeper 4? @electrichippo is currently aligned with Sentinel… Sentinel, who has made it very clear that their number one goal was always to get Addison out. Throughout the last few months, it’s been clear that Kim has no true beef with 3. She is interested in him, and will do what needs to be done but over all really has no problem. But we know for a fact she HATES 4. 4 stole her number one goal in the OOA, Addison. So why would a sentinel member help the one person who has made her main mission a living hell? Whatever happens, I have faith Kim will choose the right decision, whatever it is.

  • #14643

    @rizzzoooooo: You’re correct, @gatekeeper4 is not my friend and never has been, although hate is too strong a word. It would be more accurate to say she sometimes bores me, sometimes amuses me (pumpkin spice lattes and uggs, anyone?!), and irregardless of anything else she has never earned my loyalty. You’re also correct, I currently have no personal beef with @gatekeeper3. I’m not pro-murderer, if that’s what he is, but I’m also not pro-OOA methods in general. This is why I left OOA and never looked back or regretted.

  • #14645
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Hey guys I just thought of something. The debate we were having was to open the package or not. Four specifically said to @daela “YOU do not open this” (meaning @daela) The package is marked FOUR MY VERY BEST – which could mean a few things or be for a few people. I think one thing that keeps getting confused is we don’t know whats in there. We know there is a pill bottle and a paper of some sorts. You all keep automatically jumping on the it will kill three wagon, but it may not. It may just be instructions and we may find out who the package is for if we just open it and see whats inside. We can’t make a decision as a community as to what to do with the contents if we do not know what the contents of the package are… am I right?

    Why not let’s find out whats inside and then go from there?

    • #14648
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      I feel like at this point, we have moved past the community decision. The community was to decide who went to the car, everyone decided @daela
      I think it’s past us and now for daela to decide where the package goes. Then, the decision on what to do with the package goes with Kim. We can help support whatever the decisions are, but I believe we no longer have the option of the community choosing. It has now gone to a personal level.

    • #14649
      Profile photo of Mike

      I think the other thing that keeps getting confused is thinking that we all have a say in this right now. Right now, there’s only 3 (III?) people who could open it. Daela, Kim, or III. Either way, that decision falls on Daela’s shoulders. I know we as a community are going crazy not knowing what’s in there, but this is about Daela’s path (Tension even said so). I don’t think opening it or what’s in it is a community decision at all.

      I do agree about the “killing III band wagon”. The letter did not say we want you to kill anyone, just that III needs to be ended. It said she must change Kim’s mind. To me, that means for Kim to pick a side. Wednesday needs to hurry up!

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Mike Mike.
    • #14653
      Profile photo of 111_error

      I think the concept that this is Daela’s choice to make, and her game to play, is still elusive for some reason.

      The community were not in the car and did not make promises to Addison. This is Daela’s moment, so how about we stop trying to take it away from her?

    • #14654
      Profile photo of creepsociety

      Most everyone who wants to open it was at the same place as @daela… Why didn’t you opt for the chance to get in the car? It didn’t seem like many people jumped for the opportunity on @mike‘s periscope ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • #14683
      Profile photo of Michelle


      I’ll reply to that from my point of view as one being there. Things went down fast. I’m under the impression that the actual person intended to get into the car was Derek. But, I don’t feel it’s my place to share why Derek didn’t go. So, it was told to Derek he had to choose someone to go. He had two minutes to make the choice. That’s fast when you have almost 20 people to make a decision. No one wants to be an ass and fight over it. We’re all adults. First it was suggested we to draw straws so it was random and “fair.” But, then as a few of us pointed out there was no time for that. And, even Derek said, “we have one minute now.” So, I think it was @atticus360 who spoke up said to choose @dalea. One minute or the offer was off the table. I don’t think any of us wanted that taken away because of being greedy and saying “it should be me instead of her.” There was no time.

      And, @dalea was a perfect choice, IMO. Yes, many want to know what’s in the package and this whole thing has once again made me feel like I should step away from this yet again. I’ve gotten to know some amazing people and have made some great connections. I’m a newbie to all this ARG stuff and having to work with others and be vocal. I’m a complete introvert to be honest and often my shyness comes across as being a bitch. So, all of this is outside my box. We’re talking fucking miles outside of my box.

    • #14688
      Profile photo of creepsociety

      @michelle I saw the video and I get what you’re saying I just think that all the constant talk is trying to subtlety guilt @daela into changing her mind. This is HER path because SHE got in the car. If someone else got in the car, then it would be up to them. Now we all have to wait like a kid at Christmas for Wednesday to come.

    • #14690
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      I see what you are saying, but the topic was brought to the forum for discussion. I don’t think those opposing are trying to subtly guilt but offer our opinion and other options as our minds think. It is part of a discussion, a forum, you might say.

    • #14695
      Profile photo of creepsociety


      Hahaha JK I get it I just think we are all going in circles and apparently the “tension” is too much. No hard feelings!

      Mean girls

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of creepsociety creepsociety.
    • #14693
      Profile photo of Michelle

      @ephorrorsociety I know this is HER path and SHE got into the car. I’ve even said that. I told that to her in person last night. I had more to say to your reply but as I read my reply it sounded bitchy and I’m not here to go back and forth about things. I’m out for now. Going silent until Wednesday. You asked a question and I answered it in a way that I thought wasn’t bitchy but informative. It was an attempt to give you an understanding from someone who was there what she was experiencing.

    • #14655
      Profile photo of creepsociety



    • #14656
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Hahaha! Well said

    • #14658
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      Look I agree with it being her decision and I completely understand that – but there is no harm in me voicing my opinion. And actually I was mentioned in getting in the decision but I felt it important that someone who has had no interaction or no personal experience go – so my selfless self did not automatically volunteer as I have been picked out by Tension in the past. I was all for @daela to go because she deserves it. She’s been in since the beginning and has been an awesome sport through the whole thing. Minus a few minor experiences at the events she never had anything major so as soon as someone said her name I was completely on board.

      Guys I am not the bad guy here. I just have an opinion and an interpretation and there is no reason that I am NOT allowed to state it.

      I really just wanted to point out the fact that everyone is assuming we are killing III with whatever is in there when we don’t even know exactly what it is or what instructions it entails. But if you want me to be done than sure I’ll be done. As all of you I will wait – even though it is a blast having discussions (hence the back and forth for three hours yesterday during the BBQ)

    • #14661
      Profile photo of Mike

      Not thinking that you’re “the” or “a” bad guy at all, but I do feel like there’s a fine line between expressing an opinion and just bugging someone over and over. You expressed this same opinion, earlier today, in this thread

      I’m cool with handing the package off to Kim but I’d love it if we saw what was inside as well. I don’t want this to be kept a secret. I feel like something really important lies inside that package and it’s more than just what we assume.

      So you said it once, the package still isn’t open, and now you’re saying it again. You’re not the only one, so I’m not singling you out (just replying to you), but it comes to a point where it’s like…Guys, she’s not going to open it. We can either keep saying how much we wish it were open and subtlety try to guilt trip her into it (which isn’t cool, but it seems to be going in that direction) or we can accept the fact that she’s not opening and we’ll find out everything on Wednesday. Know what I mean? Let’s all move on. We all want to know what’s in it. She knows we want to know. It’s not changing anything except people’s annoyance levels <3

    • #14662
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      To reiterate my point one more time – the second post comes from a standpoint of we need to stop thinking that whatever is in there will kill anyone. We do not know until we read the letter inside. That is really all I am trying to say. It’s another point to back up my stance yes but I cannot read another comment saying that whatever is inside will kill III because we literally do not know. If this is a dead topic then Sentries why not close this particular topic?

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Neil King Neil King.
    • #14664
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      I for one would not like this topic to close, the fate of the packaged has not been defined yet, all I am is patiently waiting for an update which will more than likely appear here

    • #14685
      Profile photo of Melissa

      @nking, I can’t speak on behalf of @thegilded but I absolutely disagree with stopping a conversation even if it’s a dead horse. People including you have a right to speak their mind until they’re blue in the face.

      @thegilded should you feel that this needs to be closed, PM me.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
    • #14687
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      I didn’t mean it literally. No do not close it. I just felt that every time someone tried to offer their opinion or view point they get shut down. So it just was a bad circle that kept going and going. So no do not shut it down – that was a dramatic statement to show my frustration. I’m cool now – it don’t bother me.

    • #14689
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Ha, I have very few capabilities as a moderator BUT closing a topic is one of them so thank you for clarifying!

  • #14665
    Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
    Michael Rizzo

    @nking what do you think is in the pill bottle? Maybe if it didn’t mean killing 3, it could mean taking the GK out of him (if GK’s use normal human body’s that is, still not sure about that)

    • #14667
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      if we are going down the supernatural path – yeah sure that could totally be it. It also could be a sugar pill meant to act as a test for the person who receives it. The letter inside probably gives instructions or directions or even just a love note to whoever is suppose to get it and it could give us better insight into the intentions of the strange stuff in the pill bottle. I really do not know and that is part of the fun of the mystery.

    • #14675
      Profile photo of Amie

      Maybe it’s a sleeping pill in there.

    • #14677
      Profile photo of Nate

      III is one of the major players in this game, and four having him bound and chained could do wonders for her street cred. I know street cred is kind of a silly term, but you know what I mean. We’d know she’s capable of this.

  • #14668
    Profile photo of Nate

    If I may, have there been an sort of “supernatural” occurrences since Tension’s inception?

    • #14671
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      A few things…
      The cult, I mean institute worship a being known as Anoch

      When 3 killed Sam, he said something along the lines of “did you even know your species could die?” (Or something like that)

      When sam died, 3 told us he was trapped behind bars and made Sam and all his homies kill each other.

      Gatekeepers seem to be made (no clue how)

      I feel like there’s way more stuff that’s happening but those are the top things that have happened.

  • #14674
    Profile photo of Nate

    I guess I meant IG evidence of the supernatural. Anoch worship, yeah, great, but that doesn’t show anything to me. I’d forgotten about that whole fratricide incident. I think III phrases things to make him more powerful. And what do we have on the “creation” of GKs? Anything?

    • #14678
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      On the creation, very little. We know they are either made or summoned, they aren’t just around waiting until they come to power. When 4 came in, we were told she has awakened. When 3 came, we were told he “came out the oven a little early” and no one was ready for him yet. The tidbit about Sam not knowing his species could die was pretty big and raised a lot of questions on what exactly the clockmakers are. I can only assume we are leading up to the reawakening of Anoch (no proof but that’s usually the endgame for cults right? Haha). We’re pretty sure hat GK’s are not human, or least not fully human. There are also oracles who seemed to be asleep a lot until 3 came out when they became responsive. There’s a lot of little things all around that have happened that lead me to believe there’s some kind of cool supernatural thing going on haha

    • #14679
      Profile photo of Nate

      I find it funny that you chose to end with “haha”. “There’s a cult in LA awakening A FRIGGIN’GOD haha”. “OMNISCIENT CULT WITH ACTIVE DEVOUT FOLLOWING ARISES IN CALI haha”.

    • #14680
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      LOL sometimes ya gotta find the funny in cults, otherwise why join? Lmfao

    • #14681
      Profile photo of Nate

      “Jim your Kool-Aid is rank m8o lolol”

    • #14684
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      I <3 you, you silly mofo.

  • #14697
    Profile photo of Daela

    Hi everyone,

    Tomorrow, Kim and I meet and discuss the fate of the package. We have invited two impartial witnesses to join us. Wish us luck.

    • #14698
      Profile photo of creepsociety

      Best of luck y’all! ❤️

    • #14735
      Profile photo of Amie

      Good luck you two! I can’t wait to see where this takes you and all of us!

    • #14740
      Profile photo of Ezi

      Wishing you guys luck! Should be an interesting and hopefully fun meeting.

    • #14742
      Profile photo of

      Sending positive thoughts & best of luck your way. Can’t wait to hear what comes of it (or for Wednesday, if we’re not privy to that information).

    • #14743
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      good luck, I know whatever decision you two come to will be the best!

  • #14746

    @ephorrorsociety, @amieexists, @lenize & @coryphella: Thank you so much for the well wishes. I’m very much looking forward to my face-to-face with @daela and company. We’ll be meeting around 7, 7:30pm PST this evening. I’m hopeful we’ll be able to share some of what we have decided or learned late tonight or early tomorrow. No promises, but my mind set is currently one of sharing rather than concealing.

    • #14866
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Good luck tonight, Girls!

    • #14895
      Profile photo of Amie

      I hope everything went well and am looking forward to hear what transpired! And very much looking forward to tomorrow! Good thing I get out of work at 3:00!

  • #14916
    Profile photo of Daela

    I have met with Kim and delivered the package. I believe I can safely say her position is no longer neutral. I wish her best of luck tomorrow.

    • #14917
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      Thank you @daela. I feel like the package ended up with the two most level-headed participants. Tomorrow is going to be a Tension-filled one for us all.

    • #14918
      Profile photo of Amie

      Thank you @daela for your effort put into this! I’m glad you were tasked with this. Now for tomorrow! Best of luck @eletrichippo!!

    • #14938
      Profile photo of Rusty

      Thank you for the update @daela. I am sure that was an interesting conversation! It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings. Also, to see what comes out of @electrichippo‘s meeting.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Rusty Rusty.
    • #14944
      Profile photo of Cody

      Thank you for sharing. Sounds exciting for sure! Tomorrow should be interesting!

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Cody Cody.
    • #14947
      Profile photo of 111_error

      I have met with Kim and delivered the package. I believe I can safely say her position is no longer neutral. I wish her best of luck tomorrow.

      This is so awesome.

      So, all we need to do is relax, and wait to see what happens tomorrow. None of us are nervous for you, Kim.

    • #14948
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Very awesome to hear, now we just let fate decide what the outcome of whatever goes down tomorrow. I’m sure @electrichippo has our best intentions in mind, in the past she has noted that one of the few reason she still corresponds with us is due to the fact the cares for us. I wish her best of luck and nothing but safety. Be careful Kim

    • #14951
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      @daela thank you for investing your time in this, it sure wasn’t an easy thing to deal with. Whatever happens to the package in the hands of @electrichippo I’m sure it will be for the best. Can’t wait for the outcome. Good luck today, Kim!

    • #14963
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      can’t wait to hear what happens! @electrichippo I know you will make the correct decision whatever that may be. go kick some tension butt!

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