the library

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Ross Fuller Ross Fuller 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #3875
    Profile photo of Zaphod

    I was put into a small room with this old guy who seemed really nice but he kept saying these little weird comments and I filled out a long, strange list of questions. I can’t remember them exactly as I only remember the old guy seemed super interested in what I was writing and would react to practical every answer. Then it was over and I wasn’t really sure what had happened but I still felt a bit off from the whole thing.

  • #3876
    Profile photo of EscapedRoom

    I did the library last Monday. Did you end up being taken to the basement? I almost got sick. That was insane!

  • #3908
    Profile photo of

    What?? I did the library last Monday and it was pretty basic. Got the directions to the old man on a bench and sat down as he said random things. Went on a rant about eliminating the weak and I did the survey… Apart from him offering me cheese and salami, that was it. @escapedroom , Do you think you can elaborate on the basement? I really dig the whole thing but was kind of hoping for more!

  • #3917
    Profile photo of EscapedRoom

    After my consultation the Old Guy grabbed my arm and took me down a flight a stair into a room near the bottom floor. It was dark and had about 4 older women in it.

    It was both hilarious and disturbing. That scene lasted maybe four minutes.

    What I find most impressive / shocking / different is how everyone seems to have something different about their experiences with them.

  • #3918
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    that sounds intriguing! i too am impressed with how different they are making the experience for everyone. also, the amount of time and effort it takes off to pull off these scenes for just a handful of people…

  • #3923
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    It is a shame that we all did not get to experience it. This sounds incredibly interesting. I do enjoy we are all on different paths but I truly want to experience more!

  • #3947
    Profile photo of Ross Fuller
    Ross Fuller

    The EXACT same thing happened with me in the library. Met older guy on bench. Answered about 5 out of 10 pages of questions with grunts, moans, and uh huhs. Had a piece of salami and cheese. And that was it. So awesome, but so weird. And hoping for more!

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