What we think We know

This topic contains 22 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Hazel Cloud Hazel Cloud 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #21870
    Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
    Hazel Cloud

    Because can we really know anything? muahahAHAHA! :)

    This is the companion thread to WHAT WE KNOW WE DON’T KNOW.

    This thread was created with the intention of establishing a running timeline of things we think we know. This should be self explanatory, so I’ll skip the description.

    THIS WILL NOT be a place to discuss theories. Entries should be in list form.

    I’ll start:
    1. We know that I am obsessed with this experience.

  • #21884
    Profile photo of Izryn

    We know that at least some of the people within the OOA compound are actors.

    We know that Darren Lynn Bousman is himself a “character” in this story, and is helping direct Ascension (some participants have encountered him in the control room during Ascension, and also the script from the 11/3 “Crumbling Walls” periscope)

    We know that the OSDM isn’t happy when Sabrina is Sabrina, and they want her to be “Addison” instead.

  • #21891
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    We know that WE are obsessed! LOL.

    I would actually not even be certain about anything. For all we know, there is a whole other level of story we haven’t even seen yet.

    • #21902
      Profile photo of Taylor

      I will agree with Larry. I think it is really hard to set anything as fact in this because things can be rewritten or changed in this universe. All facts should be taken with a grain of salt for this very reason.

    • #21903
      Profile photo of Izryn

      Fair enough. I guess I spoke too soon…

    • #21981
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Hence, what we THINK we know. :)
      I totally agree that there are layers to the story.

  • #21904
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    But you raise an interesting perceptual question. At the center of this experience is the question: what is truth?

    There is objective truth: 2+2=4

    It is the subjective truth, our individual truth, that we are constantly in search of. That truth broadens and deepens over time.

  • #21908
    Profile photo of Shadow462

    I know someone named “Kira” is an important piece of the puzzle.

  • #21910
    Profile photo of Shadow462

    There are some obvious clues in the videos as to Kira’s involvement at a very high level. This person seems to be part (or was part) of the encryption of important information that could bring further clarity on the real motives behind the OOA’s actions. Is this different from your reasoning?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Shadow462 Shadow462.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Shadow462 Shadow462.
    • #21913

      More different than I originally expected, actually. Do you have citations you can point to that reference this Kira?

    • #21914
      Profile photo of Shadow462

      Is it alright to discuss details on clues found without a *Spoiler* designation?

    • #21915

      Yes. At this time, the only thing that we are keeping in spoiler tags is information that could spoil something for someone who is going to attend Ascension.

    • #21916
      Profile photo of Shadow462

      I was able to decode one of the series of 2-digit alpha-numeric strings in the video to a website address: “endofinter.net” The domain name has a registered owner named: “Ed Boon” whose address is in Holland. While looking for more clues in the videos for logins, passwords, and encryption pass keys; I found a decrypt password: K1RA1ZG0D

    • #21918
      Profile photo of Crystal

      Interesting find. It looks like that site has been around since at least 2008.

    • #21919


      Yeah, don’t worry about that. I am a member of EndOfTheInter.net since the early LUE days and I PROMISE you that it’s not involved.

      The Kira Is God person was a game-jacker who was unrelated to Tension but attempted to divert the story with puzzles that lead away from Tension

    • #21920
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      LUE. Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a loooong time.

    • #21921
      Profile photo of Shadow462

      @Sean – Thank you for the clarification. Is it fair to assume that the video these clues were found in are not a part of the authentic TTE game, but the work of someone trying to hijack the game? Can you tell me exactly which videos (non periscope) are offcially produced as part of the TTE experience?

    • #21922

      That’s correct. Anything associated with Ainon Eschx, or Kira Is God can be assumed as being unrelated. As far as I know, the related videos are all going to be linked directly with the TTE social media, mostly through Facebook and Periscope. The only exception that comes to mind is the Rosemary Luthor ascension video which is not posted directly to any of them, but was sent as an email among other ways of distribution

    • #21926
      Profile photo of Shadow462

      @Sean – Very glad to hear that. There was some very blatant, very dark spiritualism associated with those false prophet videos which was a big distraction for me and prevented a more active effort in my first _path as an aspirant of illumination. Would you mind elaborating on what you believe to be the link to your “Kira”?

    • #21925
      Profile photo of Mike

      There’s also their official Youtube channel. There’s lots to digest in them, but so much fun!

    • #21927

      Thanks Scribe @mike, good looking out.

      @klohse462 – I erroneously thought that you were referring to another Disciple’s username and was under the impression that you thought this Disciple were one of the ones running this.

    • #21982
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Interesting read!

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