YouTube Video with encrypted messages

Tension brand Forums NEW ASPIRANTS, Begin Here YouTube Video with encrypted messages

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #20832
    Profile photo of KJ

    Has anyone else seen the O.O.A. Institute Youtube video? The one that is just a ladies voice saying numbers for an entire six minutes(don’t know if I am late on this or not)

    but there are a couple of times where a coded message flashes onto the screen….and gives a link to where the message can be decrypted…the link works, but a password is needed to get the message

    has anyone seen this before? I haven’t seen anyone speaking of it on the forums, so I thought I would mention it

    here is a link to the youtube video

    if anyone has any information on this please let me know, would love to know what it says

  • #20833
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Hi I don’t want to burst bubbles but I’ll just do it so you’re not going down the wrong track:

    That is not Tension affiliated, that is a very neat art project but has no ARG affiliation whatsoever. Now, if anyone has new information please feel free to interject.

    • #20834
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      I could be wrong but I think this was made by another forum participant (fan), am I correct?

    • #20837
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Correct and basically months ago I inquired with @thecreator I think right before or after I became Sentry and asked point blank what’s up. I’m trying to be diplomatic because I haven’t heard any updates since May about this video having revelancy to Tension so if I do, I’ll let you know. XD

  • #20835
    Profile photo of KJ

    @melissa thank you for the heads up clueless lol

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