– I have been re-contacted, twice, since posting that message.
I never intended for it to look like I was leaving. My leaving now would be .. ill-advised. Glory be.
I am abandoning my dedication to worship of time. The OOA do not care for it as much as I thought they might.
de | bzi | es I’m | not | OOA I’m | a | participant
Fibonacci | at | work Divisions | of | Joy in | Misfitting | top
My | low | Decendents Horde | at | war Old | Fashioned | research
1.61803398875 | Everything is beautiful | Glory be
With many thanks to all who guide us to enlightenment.
Male, older, gruff. Literally only said that ‘there is a plan for everyone, and everyone should stay on the path, Glory be’, and hung up.
I just received a phone call. Was not personalized. There is a plan for everyone, they said, and everyone should stay on the path.
Dear | Miss | Debzies All | guesses | incorrect but | hello | nonetheless
Research | went | cold especially | while | Overseas in | Maddening | Heat
111 | at | beginning. Responses | can | vary but | always | punctual
– – – – – – – – –
Where | is | OOA They’re | always | watching yet | phone | unattended
Time is the fire, in which we burn. Time is a liar, to which we turn.
It’s a pleasure to be on this journey with you, Sean.
Foresight is knowledge.
You are correct, Jake. Yours was reply #6664, at 3:11pm. Coincidences no longer surprise me, nor should they any of you.
Weird, it went from being the first result, to the fifth, and now I can’t find it in a fresh search. o_0
I’m sure this is just a weird anomaly, and it wasn’t removed by shadowy and powerful entities as soon as we discovered it. Almost certainly not.
I searched for La Primera Pregunta on Google, and this is a top result; https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Q5sVlVVKaMQXB1RGhjYkdjajQ/view
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