
  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    I’m home from work! Stuff can happen now, thankyouplease…

    • Cody replied 8 years ago

      lol. Oh blondie. They have been waiting for you to get off work.
      Now we can go on with the show. hahaha. jk.

      • Well, I did say earlier that I hoped nothing would happen til after 5 and the meeting got pushed back so… 😛

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    Does anyone have any Tension related photos they want to share? From events or of Tension-promoting stuff you’ve done?
    Once again, it’s for the blog (which is pretty pants atm but I am working on it)
    E-mail *anything* about your Tension journey to
    Do it or I’ll keep nagging until you’re sick to…[Read more]

    • I’ll send you some after work if I remember. If you want this to get a little more traction, I’d recommend you make a topic for it. Activity updates like this get swallowed by the activity feed, but topics can get bumped and last longer

      • Yeah, I realised after I posted it as an update that I shoulda put it in the thread about the blog, but thought duplicating it might seem like even more nagging, ha ha. And thank you, any help and contribution is hugely appreciated!

        • ReidV replied 8 years ago

          Feel free to use any pics ive made on here 😉

          • Aaah fanks @atticus360, that’s awesome – I can scratch you off the list of people I need to harass for permission to pinch their stuff 😉

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    Night night brothers and sisters. I’m off for my beauty sleep…

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    It’s only the beginning, I have a tonne of more work to do, but:
    Thank you for all the support you’ve shown already

    • I obviously love the Alice in Wonderland reference, just look at my picture

      • I was gonna mention your pic, I love it! I cosplayed as Alice at London Film & Comic Con last year :-)

        • That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to dress like a brunette Alice lol

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    Honestly, you guys are so awesome – I hope you don’t all die on me 😉

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    Apparently staying up til 3.30am is advantageous…

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    I am so tired :-( have I missed anything important while I’ve been stuck flipping burgers on a grill for 14 hours?

    • Ezi replied 8 years ago

      Nope, today has been quiet as a mouse. Wondering what’s brewing!

    • @lenize is right, it’s been quiet since the ticket announcement, but no one expects things to stay quiet for long..

      • Everyone’s focus, very understandably, seems to be on Ascension. But I miss four and hope she returns soon…

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    Probably makes little to no difference but I’m with four…

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    Bedtime for Blondie… Please don’t do anything rash in my absence…

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    What happened?! Someone start a forum thread and upload the video stat!

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    *obsessively refreshes every social media page* Coooome oooonnnn…

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    Oof, my blood pressure…

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    Periscope won’t work on any of my devices *sniff sniff*

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    Tick tick…

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    *SENTIMENTAL MOMENT KLAXON* Only been part of this rollercoaster ride for a week and I already feel blessed to be involved with such a fantastic bunch on a pretty epic journey <3

    • DAWWWWW…. welcome to the madness.
      A little while ago, I got a NO CALLER ID phone call, and my heart briefly stopped. It was a man asking if my business license had expired.
      As @TheGilded told me at the time, Tension has caused many of us to briefly get very excited at spam.

      • I keep expecting to see hooded figures at my windows, and today I put on *make-up* to go to buy chocolate in case they were watching. I LIVE IN THE UK!

      • My regret is not knowing about TTE sooner, but glad I eventually found it

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    Crap! You guys are so lovely and engaging, it’s 10pm here and I forgot to make dinner…

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    I think we all need a cup of green tea and to take a breath and reflect…

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    The path to enlightenment definitely does not lead to, from, or anywhere near, Llanelli…

    • My personal thoughts are that it requires a bit of patience. Keep doing stuff and sooner or later, something’ll happen. Also, it’ll probably go down when you least think it will.

    • What he said. This is 5 months into The Tension Experience, lots of pieces are moving on the board, and tickets go on sale soon..

    • Oh no! That’s not what I meant. I’m thoroughly enjoying my experience so far. I know I’m far away, but I still feel involved in the community and it is awesome. I have faith that my _path will become clear, as long as I help others as much as I can. But you guys are so sweet and supportive so thank you :-)

      I just visited a friend in a place…[Read more]

      • I’ll be in Newport in December. 😉

        • No waaaay! :-)

          • Way! lol I’m travelling from the States to see Placebo. I’m going to their shows in Newport, Brighton, and London. I’ll be in the UK for 10 days. Excited doesn’t begin to describe it.

  • Blondie posted an update 8 years ago

    It’s 1am here in Blighty so I’m off to bed. Looking forward to catching up on your newest theories in a few hours…

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