That was awesomesauce! I want a unicorn onesie…
You asked, I have delivered…
The first four lessons from the Book of Anoch:
Tension StoryTime with Blondie
If they’re meeting in a library, it’s not gonna be much of a conversation cos you know librarians… “Shhhh!”
How could anyone be mean to that adorable old man?!
Or maybe she doesn’t want us to discover who she *really* is… Addison could be the villain…
Now I got it, thanks @aleocotillo <3
I thought I had it but I ended up somewhere totally random…
*all the hugs for @mumumusings*
So glad you enjoyed it @aleocotillo 😉 <3
Shhh, I’d kinda like my throat to remain unslit… 😉
@kingkill33 *blush* that is such a lovely thing to say! If I can make you guys smile, even for just a few minutes, then it’s mission accomplished for me
You are most welcome Kim 😉
I’m in! I dunno if I said already but yes, I’m totally 100% up for being a part of this!
@coryphella will do! Been working on the script today
Sounds like a deal. I’ll send you a script over the next day or two so you can fact check it before I record
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