The Teachers have addressed the 5cope and initiated the movement. It appears those gathered have a favorable judgement. The time now ticks away and we shall no longer be left in the darkness. -%light2dark
What may appear in light was formed in dark. I am the shadow. I wind the clock. I watch the _ path. =%light2dark
@thegilded — there is much known and kept + counted more observed for the craft
Its seen you look. Time has been logged in scope & mirror. Now in time is for the solve. %light2dark
For my _path to reach it’s pinnacle, so I may step into the light… I must not name the {1} ^%light2dark
From my communication with the {1} there are ripples already in motion. Remains to be seen & measured but the 5cope has certainly changed.
Its seen your _ path. And what will Puzzle Tailor have in craft? %light2dark
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