Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Hey there, @gatekeeper3! How are you? 😀
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
“Everything will burn. Get out while you can. It’s all over for you and them. Don’t go back to the site. It will all burn.”
Yea…..why does it feel like things are starting to crash?
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Dang it…had another random thought.
What the hell is the BoS doing throughout all this? imo, battle lines are starting to be drawn up a bit around here as it looks like Four’s stepping back into the swing of things around here and idk what III will do in return. Despite all of this, how are the groups outside the OOA looking at all of this…[Read more]
Tactically speaking, if I were BoS, I’d be very quiet during this. With III and Four gearing up for a confrontation, they don’t need to do anything to damage the OOA. They’re already doing that for them
Wise words.
We, the Brothers and Sisters of Seraph, love it when OOA destroys itself from within, although we do not enjoy seeing innocent people harmed along the way.
Interesting thoughts. Kinda guessed that now would have been a good time to strike, given the fracturing taking place it would have been easier to take down a group confused and lost of guidance than a unified front. Welp, only time will tell how the hell this plays out.
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Given all the information we’ve gotten, what with Four’s letter and the thing about how III is sidestepping the schedule of the OOA in order to do his own thing…..I’m getting the feeling something big is going to happen. Four looks like she’s coming back. But will III step down easy or not?
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
I’m not @gatekeeper3. I’m just me.
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
@gatekeeper3 I hope your read this before you head off to bed.
Your response was wonderful to read. Thank you.-
Good job reaching out. I’m really impressed with the response from III. Made me smile. Good luck on your path. “We may not be in the same boat but we are on the same ocean.”
We are all unique. This uniqueness is beauty in its true form. Unlimited possibility.
We are all geniuses in our own way .
“Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid.”~source unknown. -
What III said is true…if you EVER need to talk or reach out to anyone us, we’re all here for ya
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Uh……did a thread just disappear? Or is that just me?
yep, same here
Dang. Kinda wish I had screencapped the statement…..I wonder about something. Gimmie a sec.
All righty. checked the members list. TruthofAnoch(I think that was his username) is gone now. Whoever he was, I’m guessing he got banned.
he’s not deleted.. leads me to believe there was more to it.
i missed it! nooooo! damn work!
I missed it too! Damn other life responsibilities!!!!
I’m on here so frequently and had to put phone on charge darnit. Now really curious as to what thread was about.
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Oh boy. Wonder what III has in store.
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Thank you kindly Gatekeeper III for your answers.
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Wow. So the thing Megan got..could it have been the answers to the questions we had presented to III?
Appears to be the case, per timing and what 3 just posted.
Nice! Can’t wait to see full pics of what was inside..including the Organization chart! I kinda was surprised that we even got the chart.
Please post! The tension is killing me. I want to see so bad!
Tension is gripping everyone right now! All we can do is wait.
Chances are most likely
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Good luck Megan!
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
I’ve noticed something interesting….both Rizzo and Kimberly had been shunned by the OOA for certain actions and then were given a second chance to join the ranks of the OOA….something about it kinda rubs me the wrong way. I can’t fully explain it.
I don’t believe Kim was exactly given a second chance at the OOA, but more so a second chance to be apart of the tension forums. If that makes sense?
It certainly does. But nonetheless, there’s second chances thrown around when I originally imagined the OOA wouldn’t have taken well to detractors or those who step out of their bounds. I’m surprised at the generosity they’ve given in those cases. I don’t expect more of it should it ever happen again but it’s something that rather itched something…[Read more]
Should my feelings be hurt? Should I be overtaken with glee in the face of your angst? The Tension universe works in mysterious ways, young Padawan. Fun isn’t it? 😀
No, don’t feel hurt at all. Feel however you want. I just noticed something and wanted to point it out and my thoughts towards it. Not really angsty or anything, just…..curious. Very curious.
Tension makes their choices very carefully, in the long haul I’m sure all the second chances will make much more sense to you.
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
So are we gonna wait until Saturday for Gatekeeper III’s answers?’
Do we have much of a choice?
True. Not really complaining, just needed clarification.
I’m guessing his release will be done via periscope? So we can “watch”
III’s been a… unique one, it’s hard to say how he’ll move forward. Periscope seems like a really likely possibility, though. Keep your notifications on, kids
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
I’ll miss you for now, Gatekeeper 4. Even though I never met you, I will never forget what you taught me.
Mustafa Said posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Hope everyone attending the event has a good time!