active 8 years, 3 months ago-
Addison Born posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
Logging off to go get married tomorrow. Please nobody burn the place down til I’m back? And if you do, take pics. ❤️
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
❤️❤️❤️❤️ Happy Birthday @rizzzoooooo!!! ILY mucho. You are the coolest and chillest little bro an only child like me could have ever dreamed up. Thank you @thecreator(s) of Tension for bringing this extra tall sweetheart into my life. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Addison Born posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
@masterlock. I need to talk to you about something that happened in the red room, about someone I saw. I know you’ve given me many answers but I need one more. You have my info. Let’s chat soon. please.
Who did you see? Someone familiar to us?
Someone familiar to me and I know is familiar to you. I don’t mean to be vague but I don’t want to speak in specifics until I have a word with the institute.
Ooooooh shit….
I understand the need for secrecy. Everyone’s red room experience seems very unique. No one is discussing details, and rightfully so, but what they have suggested seems interesting. Some experiences seem scary…others touching…
Mine raised a lot of questions and I came out with some very powerful information.
AH-lay posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
The OOA and it’s special ways taking in and recruiting more members. To the remaining Brothers of Seraph who will soon return to the institute, please do not forget our mission, our purpose. @addisonborn and @rizzzoooooo, I hope you don’t come out saying “Glory be” tonight. And @blondiecamps, you know how much I had wished to join you and our…[Read more]
Addison Born posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
Tonight is the night.
Dan posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
Tonight, I finally break through the doors of perception. Catch you on the flip side.
Andrew Kasch posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
Tonight I return to the OOA’s loving embrace. I’m every bit as excited as I was the first time.
PuppetGirl posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
I think we need another Magic Castle meetup soon. It’ll have to be on like a Tuesday night. Who’s in?
111_error posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Ken Timble posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Oh dear you didn’t get an invite? :0/ Sorry man.
Also, hello Ken, many people have missed you around here.
Ken OMG Ken. My heart can’t take this. I thought this moment would never happen. How are you buddy? Where have you been? You’ve been so missed. **sobs**
Dude what’s up????
Dude you’ve been gone for five months, where you been?!?!
That is most uncalled for, you should’ve been the first one to get an invite. Hopefully Tension sees their mistake and will send one your way! Good to see that you’re alive @kent!!
_Michael Gray posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Who’s looking forward to this weekend?!
ReidV posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
Got a phone call, promised another call within 48 hours with more instructions. Yesterday proved that with friends “things do work out,” so I will be patient.
Cody posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
%71 downloaded!
Melissa posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
Jake O posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
right during the blackout experiments screening…it’s a conspiracy!
Blondie posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
7:10 PST… That’s 3:10 am here… I’m gonna need coffee…
Perhaps some lively conversation will keep you up? Particularly about how, per your new profile picture, your username makes you a liar?
LOL #ShotsFired
Hah! I should be called “Chameleon Camps”, but Blondie is the nickname that stuck… Plus I totally adore Debbie Harry…
@Bluish_Greeny isn’t taken, you can grab it right now.
If I could have blue hair I would, lucky girl!
It’s alright, I understand. This may come as a surprise to you but despite what my username says, I am actually not plated in gold
Well, not everywhere 😉
You’re all just jealous cos I get to be a mermaid…
GATEKEEPER3 posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
Is this a butterfly in my stomach? I haven’t had a sensation like this in forever.
I’m pleased for you. 😃
Got a butterfly for four?
@gatekeeper3: Harness those butterfly nerves. Use them to your advantage. I’m hopeful, come tomorrow, our world will be witness to a productive turn of events.
I hope it goes well for you III. My advice, avoid drinks at all costs. Unless of course you bring it yourself in a sealed bottle. If you happen to need to take a shit… I wouldn’t leave your drink unattended.
I hope that’s not the only thing you get in the stomach.
As long as you don’t ingest anything, you will be fine! Good luck sir!
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
Ahhhh. So nice to be back.
So nice to see you again. Nice vacation? XD
That hat though <3
@aleocotillo: It’s like a good luck charm 😉
@111error: You, my sassy Englishman… behave or I might be tempted to bend you over my knee when we meet!
My gif machine is always ready. <3
@astro4545: Thank you, Ethan.
Cody posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
T-1 hr to flight time. Whoooop!
111_error posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Tension have succeeded in having all of us clutching our phones and staring at them, again. Well played.
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❤️👑❤️🎩❤️ Yessss! Sending so much love to you and Geena this weekend! Best of luck for an amazing day. In your honor, I promise to only burn a few small things that can be replaced via Amazon Prime. ❤️👑❤️🎩❤️
Good luck boo and have an amazing weekend, nothing but great vibes sent to you and geena!😍😭❤️🙏❤️😭😍
Congrats!!! I wish you and your wife-to-be the best!
So excited for you Addison! We’ll be waiting for you! ❤️
Congrats, Man!
Wishing you tremendous congrats and a wonderful today tomorrow, Addison!