For all intents and purposes, call me Vox Chaotica. There may be others who bear the same name, but I do not wish to drag them down with me into this madness; which is why I’ve been hesitant to properly introduce myself after a period of lurking. The mask I wear should help separate me from the other Vox Chaoticas in this world.
I actually have a rather extensive collection of masks, it’s something of a hobby – and although I don’t live around L.A., I would pretty much give anything to attend Ascension, or listen to/read detailed first-hand accounts of what goes down in the 24-room warehouse. I’m something of a digital artist with multiple avenues as my canvass, and “The Tension Experience” is just the inspiration I need to further my latest and not-so-greatest. It’s a shame I couldn’t be included in the previous personal phone callings and such, but I’m sure there is plenty more in store from this point on.
In terms of choosing sides between O.O.A. and B.O.S., I know little about either organization and welcome any and all respective higher powers to indoctrinate me as they see fit.
This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by
Vox Chaotica.