
  • DimStyle posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago

    I already posted this but not sure if it was in the right area soooo…I will just leave this here

    Like @chicar and after much contemplation I too have decided to take a side. It was not a decision taken lightly.
    A few things stand out to me and keep coming back to my thoughts…
    Regent 7 said “He called himself a destroyer, but lived the life of a fool. Answer will he to The Order. His punishment long and arduous.” III maybe? Regent 7 also stated
    “Know that there is still good within these walls. There is still hope. There is still Ascension. Band together. Unite. Bring down the one who destructs, and pave the way for II. II is now and future.”
    And finally, Regent 7 said “Her slumber maybe restless but she still does sleep and so, bask in the forthcoming knowledge as this is truly a step forward for ALL.” I feel this is in fact Addison. She is in a zombie like “sleep” moveing about restless. Once she truly awakes she will be the true future.
    Overseer also made a statement “one will lead you in the direction of light, the other dark. As with all of life, you must choose.”
    So, I stand with II

    • A wise choice.

    • So you’re choosing darkness?

      • No, II will be the light.@gatekeeper3 Gatekepers III -V are not the answer. Distractions. Shadows.
        If Addison is in fact II and still in an altered state “Her slumber maybe restless but she still does sleep and so, bask in the forthcoming knowledge as this is truly a step forward for ALL.” Then MAYBE that one word will wake her.

        “Band together. Unite. Bring down the one who destructs, and pave the way for II.”

        II is now and future. In choosing II I am choosing light. Bringing back hope. Bringing back the good. Bringing back the enlightenment that was promised.

        • But you realize when she woke up, she murdered someone? Not sure how that equates to light and hope…

          Also, not sure if regent7 is a trustworthy source of information as he/she is much lower down the totem pole in the OOA hierarchy.

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