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This topic contains 123 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by Rusty 8 years, 10 months ago.
April 30, 2016 at 11:24 pm #6253
This is the place to share your thoughts, questions and insights.
I’ll cut to the chase and share my favorite line heard during my experience. Whispered in my ear while still hooded, right before being escorted out of the “interview” room: “We aren’t who you think we are.” This left me me wickedly pleased.
This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
Sean (@TheGilded).
This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
April 30, 2016 at 11:41 pm #6254
May 1, 2016 at 12:43 am #6256
Was everyone’s experience today similar in structure?
May 1, 2016 at 12:46 am #6257
I’m glad I was a part of today’s experience. It was actually quite motivating.
May 1, 2016 at 10:16 am #6259
My appointment got cancelled last minute but apparently I was still a part of it. I did get a phone call just before 9PM saying that I was being tested, and I passed. Then the recorded voice proceeded with a “solve this” and gave me a string of random numbers. I attempted to write them down as best as I could but I was in a dark parking lot and could barely understand. When I asked The OOA about the phone call later in an email I got the response that they made no calls that night… now I am very confused. The numbers I THINK (please do not get mad if these are wrong, it was a lot going on at the time) 18, 16, 13 (or 3), 35, 4 (or 44)… I think that was it. Not sure if this will lead to anything. I am curious to hear all of your experiences. I got a few stories last night from the group who was at the restaurant downtown. But I am curious as to others.
May 1, 2016 at 10:47 am #6263
May 1, 2016 at 10:49 am #6264
@endlesspictures hmmm very interesting. I wonder what they are and the fact that they may not have come from The OOA is even more troubling. I’d like to be able to hear those numbers one more time. I promise if they call again I will have pen and paper ready at the helm no matter where I am.
May 1, 2016 at 10:24 am #6260
I loved my experience. I have nothing to hide, so the hardest thing for me was searching my memory banks under pressure. Soul-searching takes some time.
May 1, 2016 at 11:37 am #6266
AnonymousDefinitely a cool experience (I can only imagine what it looked like to people walking past us on the street in broad day light as I was walked around with a hood on haha). But wanted to bring a few things up:
1. As @electrichippo had mentioned, those words that were wispered to us at the end really had me feelin some type away, “we are not who we say we are, I am not who I say I am”. Idk but that had me thinking…
2. At the end, right as I was about to head out the door and go straight to my car, she asked me, “Oh before you leave, were you given any specific instructions?” I had no idea what she was talking about and honestly just told her I didn’t think so and was on my way… Curious to see if maybe anyone else HAD been given certain instructions, if someone else was told to tell her something at the end? Idk
3. Lastly, this is kind of a shot in the dark, but right before you head out side to go to your car, did anyone notice the two pieces of paper tapped above the door (inside the hallway, not outside)? They were about the size of my palm with letters written on them. I’m not entirely sure if they had anything to do with tension (but I mean, nothing is random), I tried to take a mental picture of them but I was also trying to listen to what she was talking to me about so I honestly have no idea what they said. I only bring this up because I was bagged all the way until I was in the large room, but she took off the bag before I was outside, idk but I have a feeling we were meant to see those.
But yea! Definitely want to know others stories from yesterday, I wonder if others maybe got more than just the bagging, and then the mirror?
May 1, 2016 at 12:35 pm #6269
I was given specific instructions by the woman as I was being lead down the hallway after the mirror before the elevator. I actually thought she said Don’t believe what they say. They are not who you think they are. But I may have heard her incorrectly or remember it wrong. Anyway then she told me to look my attendant in the eyes and count down backwards from 10 to 1 once they de-bagged me. So after I got upstairs and took the hood off I looked Talia directly in the eyes and counted down. She smiled and said that she knew I’d do well. And I left never looking up above the door.
May 1, 2016 at 12:45 pm #6270
Some of us were given special instructions to go meet the next person going through the event at the corner and stare at them for an extended length of time. This was a cool, nice touch as I recognized @kasch, but do not know him personally, so it was weird to meet him in a stare off before I went through!
May 1, 2016 at 1:35 pm #6278
Jake were you given those instructions through the whispering warning voice after the mirror or by the attendant? I’m curious how you were instructed to find and stare at him.
May 1, 2016 at 1:38 pm #6279
The whispering male voice that ultimately said, we are not who you think we are
May 1, 2016 at 12:45 pm #6271
AnonymousAnd you said it was the girl who gave you the warning of OOA? for me it was he guy… Maybe I was told to count down but couldn’t hear him as towards the ending of his warning whispers I couldn’t quite make out what he was saying :/
May 1, 2016 at 12:11 pm #6268
@rizzzoooooo I did not notice the letters. It was so bright, my eyes were just trying to adjust at that point.
May 1, 2016 at 12:51 pm #6272
One of the major themes I took away was: You give your privacy away freely to your technology.
They asked me to hand over my cellular device. The interviewer then gave me a little speech regarding how quickly cellular data can be deleted from a device. She also tried to point out how we as a society share more with our devices than we do with our best friend. Honestly, this all fell flat with me. I felt no stress at handing my cell to this stranger. I can safely say I’m not a slave to my cell phone and my devices aren’t the keeper of my deep dark secrets.
They did hand back my cell right before I was exiting the building. Upon viewing my phone I found they had snapped a photo of me in my red hood. I saw nothing else that appeared tampered with. This seems consistent across all participants.
May 1, 2016 at 12:55 pm #6273
So trying to remember all of the questions I was asked. For those of you that feel comfortable would you please share?
In the hallway I was left alone to ponder why I deserved to be enlightened. Then whispers asked me what made me special and said they didn’t think ideas so special.
Then led into the dark room.
I was asked why I was there. To which I responded “to be enlightened and I’m curious” to which they responded that they’ve heard that all day please be honest.
Then in front of the mirror I was asked:
What is your name?
Do You like what you see?
Are you a good person?
What did you do today to improve yourself?
What did you do today to improv (society or humanity)?
Are you a good person?
Who are you?
Who’s your best friend?
Why did you say you love your cat before you mentioned your husband?
Who knows you better your husband or your phone?
What is the worst thing you’ve done to another person?
What is your biggest regret in life?
Do you understand you made a choice to give her your phone?
Are you a good person?That’s all I can remember right now.
They also took my phone and photographed me and explained that they downloaded all of my info from my phone.I’d love to hear how this compares to others experience. Thanks!
May 1, 2016 at 1:10 pm #6275
They asked me each of those same questions (minus the bit about your cat!) Some of the questions they asked multiple times, such as “Who are you?” and “Do you like what you see in front of you?”
They didn’t tell me they had downloaded my phone data, they only threatened they could delete it all within 120 seconds.
May 1, 2016 at 1:29 pm #6276
AnonymousI got asked about the same questions, when asked why I was there I said I felt the light itself had brought me there and that it was no coincidence that I stumbled across the tension website along with my other brothers and sisters, but after I said that I was cut off with “CUT THE BULLSHIT, tell us why YOU ARE HERE” and then the girl he said something along he lines of, “here’s the ground rules straight up, I’ve had a long day, I’m sure you’ve had a long day and we both just want to go home and sleep. You need to yell your answers as there are others in the room that are making the descions…” that itself made me feel waaaaay more pressured about my answers haha
May 1, 2016 at 4:16 pm #6294
@rizzzoooooo Yeah, that would definitely apply pressure! It sounds like you had a fairly intense round of questioning.
May 1, 2016 at 4:53 pm #6306
Anonymous@reaton haha you could say that! Very aggressive questioning yesterday,felt like they wouldn’t quit on a certain subject until I gave them the answer they were looking for. That along with all the smashing noises as I was walked around (which I believe was a golf club that I saw behind the mirror). I’m sure everyone had an intense reflection though!
May 1, 2016 at 1:05 pm #6274
I very much enjoyed my time with Talia, Attendant II. She portrayed her part extremely convincingly. Her welcoming warmth and affection felt real. She was all about extended hugs, hand holding, compliments and gentleness in leading me hooded down the hall and to the elevator. Upon leaving the building she was similarly kind. After further examination I wondered if I’d actually been duped by the kindness. So effective.
Talia was the anti-thesis to the other people I met inside the building. The female interviewer and whispering/lurking male had no kind intention.
The only other character I noticed yesterday was the doorman/bodyguard figure. He didn’t interact or even seem to notice the proceedings. He just opened and shut the door.
In the end, Talia was the one that had the lasting impact on me.
I actually have photos of Talia leading a Disciple to the doorway, and of the bodyguard holding the door. And no OOA, I did not break the waiver agreement. I took the photos well before I signed the waiver and that I even had the opportunity is due to YOUR tardiness.
May 1, 2016 at 1:30 pm #6277
AnonymousDamn shots fired OOA
May 1, 2016 at 1:48 pm #6281
@electrichippo This is just a theory, as I did not see any faces in the basement, but I think the woman doing the questioning was the popcorn lady from the original consultation. During that part of the consultation, she was, like Talia, very nice and welcoming.
Maybe Talia has taken her place and she has graduated to a new position in the OOA. I think maybe she is gatekeeper 4 now? We are expecting a female.
This is just speculation on my part though.
May 1, 2016 at 2:22 pm #6283
Interesting theory that interview lady is actually Gatekeeper 4. If so, I wonder who pissed in her popcorn resulting in such a change of attitude. She really was unpleasant.
May 1, 2016 at 4:20 pm #6295
I agree, Talia was a very warm, welcoming figure who sensed my nervousness and did her best to put me at ease. I appreciate her being there.
May 1, 2016 at 4:29 pm #6299
I agree with everyone that talia was warm and friendly, but to me this clearly seemed a guise, like an oveattentive salesperson. This is similar to how the popcorn lady treated us in the first consultation. Flattering us, telling us we seem like good prospects, telling us we smell like popcorn in a good way.
While it is nice, it is most definitely part of the act. I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t be fooled by the nice demeanor on the surface. There are most definitely monsters lurking underneath the surface here.
May 1, 2016 at 1:43 pm #6280
So I’m curious if this is similar to the meetings that happened before or if this is a “next step”. Was this an interview to see if we are worthy of moving forward on the path to enlightenment or was it a one time event specifically meant to enlighten us about how we give up our privacy to technology?
Oddly my biggest take away didn’t really have to do with technology (I am well aware that my life is public…hell I have a pet cube in my living room that people can tune into and see into my home) it was realizing I’m a good person and shouldn’t be so hard on myself instead to get my ass in gear and keep moving toward my goals. (I’ve been in a slump lately.) But it was actually really enlightening to realize that I don’t have any big regrets or anything holding me back but me.
May 1, 2016 at 1:52 pm #6282
@puppetgirl I’m not sure what place this event had in the overall story. But it was much different than the initial consultation. The questions here were much more personal.
While the original consultation had a few more layers and scenes, I feel like this event resonated on more of an emotional level.
May 1, 2016 at 2:49 pm #6284
So this was my first meeting with anybody from OOA*. I’ll be absolutely honest, I left the meeting feeling like shit. The only things that really lifted me up were three things:
1.) Talia: led me into some hallway and eventually to an elevator while I was hooded. She had a confident stride and was quite positive so I trusted her immediately. And she didn’t have me bang into a wall, bonus.
2.) The whispering man: I agree with @electrichippo that what he said at the end intrigued me so it’s probably my motivation to stay with all of this. Had he not been there I probably would have bowed out. More on this in a bit.
3.) My mini-side quest (at the end) of finding the next Apostle (which happened to be @mike) at the initial meet point and stare at him for 10 seconds. @mike would NOT stop talking and I do not have a very good poker face/ability to dead pan especially when my friend is like “yes, what, what’s up, yes?” Thanks man, I think I actually needed a good laugh.
So, the event did serve as a good food for thought but I actually feel the questions were so vague that it was a set up for automatic fail no matter how you answered. Plus the ironic dark room/very cold demeanor of the woman asking the questions made me feel on edge. This forces me to kinda think why am I going out of my way to Spread the Light in clever ways when in turn I just got treated sorta like crap. And look, while I know as you read this you’re probably thinking that I need to call the Wahbulance but I guess I didn’t expect the woman who was asking all the questions to be so condescending considering I’ve never met her. I’ll admit that I take things rather personally so if the point of this meet was for me to re-evaluate myself a bit then fine, OOA got it in the short term. As a matter of fact there was one remark that she made that made me feel so terrible about myself that I actually went home asking my husband if I am in fact a selfish person (while crying on his damn shoulder).
I know I risk of getting some flack from you guys or even the OOA but I’m just being honest here, no apologies will be given here. Will I continue with this? Yes. Was I rattled by the meet? Yes. Do I expect OOA reps to be just as hostile next time (assuming there is another event) and will I be more guarded? Most likely.
*I’m pretty sure this was not a Sentinel gig.
May 1, 2016 at 3:17 pm #6285
@mkarrett I see no reason for you to receive flack from your fellow forum mates. Everyone is entitled to their own unique feelings post-event. There is a distinct chance OOA will have opinions regarding our comments and that’s fine too. Make no mistake though, we are not obligated to take opinions, even those of the OOA, to heart π
Earn my trust, earn my respect, and you will get the same from me in return. This is what I believe.
May 1, 2016 at 3:32 pm #6286
@mkarrett Given that the OOA has encouraged feelings of anxiety and, well, tension, I can’t imagine anyone finding your reaction unacceptable. I’ll be interested to see if you encounter an OOA “good cop” now…or if you will be targeted by Sentinel recruiters after sharing this. You might end up on the most interesting path of us all.
May 1, 2016 at 3:33 pm #6287
Sentinel called me out as weak.
Fuck those guys.
May 1, 2016 at 3:44 pm #6290
May 1, 2016 at 4:28 pm #6297
@mkarrett I do not think your reactions are unreasonable in any way. I had a similar reaction to my initial consultation. (If you have invited me to participate in a journey toward enlightenment, why are you insulting me and telling me I am not worthy of the journey you have offered to me? It does have a very odd feeling of disrespect to it. If they are trying to “shock” us out of our bland daily existence, it is a tactic that may not work on all participants.)
At yesterday’s meeting, an aspect of the encounter made me uncomfortable and I was given the chance to state that fact. Without divulging specifics, I will say that I have since been informed that my honesty was… appreciated.
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
May 1, 2016 at 4:39 pm #6303
@mkarrett I think your reaction is totally understandable as well. I think it is easy to forget that while we’re encouraged to work towards ascending in the OOA and enlightenment, the OOA is part of whatever the tension experience is. And the tension experience is clearly not about being pleasant. So I think, the “we are not who you think we are” vibe is really what we should hold onto.
I also think it’s understandable to decide this experience is not right for you. As my wife continually tells me, “don’t you already have enough stress in your life? Why do you keep doing these horror things?” For me, I love the feeling of being rattled, fearful, and being placed in difficult, compromising situations. But it’s most certainly not a place everyone wants there entertainment to be.
May 1, 2016 at 4:59 pm #6307
AnonymousI definitely agree with @endlesspictures on this one! The bottom line, I believe, is that the OOA will always try to make you feel uneasy, tense, and sometimes just worthless to get you to really feel something bad. If we’re looking at it from the ooa’s as point of view, maybe they plan on making us feel small and like nothing so that they can then come in and say, “you feel this whatever way about yourself, we’re here to make you feel good, you need us” (if that makes sense). But I’m def on the same boat with jake, not many things get me scared or tense, so when somethin pops up that pretty much promises me that they can do that, I’m all in.
May 1, 2016 at 7:13 pm #6317
@mkarrett Oh noes! I definitely started thinking about certain aspects in my life after my experience– also started thinking about all the things being hidden from me as well. Sitting there. In my car. Definitely had a drink afterwards. Emotional paranoia is tough. I wish it lasted longer.
May 1, 2016 at 3:38 pm #6288
Just got back into town, I certainly believe that travelling up to LA was worth it for this experience. Mine was very similar to most of yours, but I did have one thing happen that was unique to me.
Both before and after, fellow Disciples met at the Escondite to hang out and talk. During the event, we all made a promise not to talk about the event until 9pm. Somewhere around 7pm or so, the bartender comes outside with the bar’s phone. She hands it to me, telling me that someone called needing to get ahold of me because my phone was dead. Before I answered I confirmed that my phone most certainly was not dead.
The voice on the other end was from the OOA, and wanted to remind me of the promise that we made not to speak of the event, and the consequences if we broke that promise. It also gave a warning that one of the people there was one of the OOA. Therefore, we are all suspect. There was a theory that the lone guy, in the corner watching the game of baseball that was on, who left almost immediately after that phone call, was the plant but it is also highly possible that he was not
May 1, 2016 at 4:42 pm #6304
@thegilded that’s awesome that they called the bar! and it would be even more amazing if the guy watching sports was really with the OOA. You never know…
May 2, 2016 at 12:43 pm #6380
If that guy was an agent of the OOA, I would like to publicly apologize for repeatedly yelling “Czech incest porn!” At the back of his head.
May 2, 2016 at 1:05 pm #6382
Wait. What?!?!
Now I’m even more sad I didn’t make it out after.
May 2, 2016 at 11:31 pm #6414
May 3, 2016 at 8:37 am #6416
Haha you guys had to be there π
May 1, 2016 at 3:44 pm #6291
My experience seemed a bit on the generic side. I felt that my interviewers were following a script that did not necessarily apply to me.
For example, I was asked, “Why are you here?” After a moment’s hesitation, I answered 100% truthfully: “I seek out experiences that make me reframe the way I see my life.” The interviewer angrily doubted my answer and asked me again, but…that was the truth! No disrespect intended, but it made me doubt the interviewer’s ability to detect the truth when he seemingly could not accept my genuine answer.
I also experienced several confusing incidents.
1) I was told, with my hood on, “Speak up. You are in a crowded auditorium.” Yet a minute later, I was instructed to remove my hood…and I was very clearly NOT in a crowded auditorium. Subsequent pictures on my phone confirmed this. What was the point of this fleeting lie?
2) I looked only at the mirror, nowhere else. But in the mirror’s reflection, a man in red shorts kept wandering into the background. Was I supposed to see him? What was he doing there? It was highly distracting.
If the OOA tells me that there was a secret meaning behind these experiences, very well. But I found them confusing and they distracted me from the questions I was answering.
My mindset as I left was…pensive. As much as I enjoyed the questions themselves and thinking about the answers (what can I say, I love personality tests, questionnaires, the whole shebang), I strangely left feeling somewhat UNSEEN.
May 1, 2016 at 4:01 pm #6292
A few more fragmented thoughts:
As has been mentioned elsewhere, after I was whisper warned that they are not who I think they are, it was expressed to me that a future choice or action I take will be very important so I should consider and choose wisely.
Similar to @daela much of the interview questioning did not resonate with me. Others have reported feelings of introspection and realization. Unfortunately I did not experience any of this.
I didn’t see @daela ‘s guy in red shorts, but I was distracted by the interviewers occasional pauses, reminding me of mild stutters while she considered her next words.
It didn’t feel like I got much in the way of off-script comments during my experience. The one really random, and likely irrelevant thing that was said to me was by the interviewing woman. She said, One moment while I get my lighter. It left me with a big wtf feeling?! I did note then that the room had a vague scent of incense or something, rather than the odor of a dank basement such that the surroundings I could see would have suggested.
I surprisingly really enjoyed being moved through the building spaces while blinded by the red hood. I never felt in danger or stressed. It was actually kind of freeing handing over control to both of my handlers irregardless of their differing approaches… Talia moved me gently from place to place, the other person provided a more frantic and abrupt experience.
@mike The only additional photo they took on my phone looks like they had their thumb accidentally over the lense. Nothing else is visible in the shot.
May 1, 2016 at 4:07 pm #6293
AnonymousI absolutely agree with the comforting notion of the hood, I felt no danger and it was a bit calming not having to work or look around but just being moved
May 1, 2016 at 4:21 pm #6296
My experience was pretty similar to most people’s here. The questions, the hood, etc. I did have a woman asking me the questions and a man who whispered to me as we were leaving. Most people I spoke to had the reverse happen (man questioning them, woman leading them out/whispering).
I did have an extra part of my event. I was given a gift. Within the gift was a hand written letter that said they would “like to anoint me as the first official Scribe in the Archive of Knowledge.” It also said “all our many eyes are upon you watching and waiting”. NO PRESSURE AT ALL
One other thing I did observe yesterday, that has nothing to do with my personal experience, is that the OOA has paths set for each of us…whether we were involved in yesterday’s event or not.
May 1, 2016 at 4:30 pm #6300
@mike The gift is well deserved. Congratulations. Can you elaborate on your idea that OOA has paths set for each of us? Possibly examples demonstrating why you believe this to be true?
May 1, 2016 at 4:36 pm #6302
Thank you @electrichippo ! I’m bummed we didn’t get to meet yesterday. Next time
The different paths is just an opinion based off something I was personally thinking about and about someone else’s experience yesterday. I don’t know them personally, so I don’t want to speak on their behalf or say what happened.
May 1, 2016 at 4:48 pm #6305
Congratulations @mike I firmly believe they have chosen well. You have provided insight and encouragement to me as I travel my path toward… wherever this is all leading. (By the way, I did have the man questioning me and the woman whispering at the end.)
And, yes, I agree with your final statement. I keep thinking about some comment early on… which I do not even recall where it appeared… that each participant will travel their own individual path.
May 1, 2016 at 5:14 pm #6308
May 1, 2016 at 6:33 pm #6314
Congrats on your gift! Glory be!
May 1, 2016 at 5:19 pm #6309
I am always scared to talk now, after the events of being called out by almost everyone. Ha. But I would like to offer my two cents.
I wasn’t called for yesterdays event, but I have now attended two in person events, and I will say, both times, I left upset, and disturbed and as Jake said rattled.
But, that is EXACTLY what i signed up for. It’s called the TENSION experience, not the “warm fuzzy” experience.
One thing I will point out, I listed to the podcast on MY HAUNT LIFE, the voice that they played on it, was the exact same voice as the tape I received some time back.
I came to them to feel something. This is why I love haunts. I want to be scared, and disturbed, or anything. I can say for me at least, my encounters with them have giving me the feelings I came looking for.
Ok, back in my hiding hole I go.
May 2, 2016 at 12:17 am #6344
@nojirihorror welcome back! sorry if we scared you off. We’re an inquisitive bunch.
May 1, 2016 at 5:31 pm #6310
@nojirihorror – first, thank you for checking out and listening to the podcast
Second – which voice? There were 2 mp3s, one of them was @mkarrett ‘s gift and the next was the Gatekeeper5’s farewell puzzle.
I received another phone call last night and it was the “Wizard voice”. It was the one in the Gatekeeper5 mp3 that says “You were ready to crucify your own…”
Also, I don’t remember if you answered, but did you ever write down the numbers that were mentioned on the tape? Other people seem to be getting calls with numbers mentioned, so I’m wondering if they’re the same or if we need to combine them to form something…like a number Voltron!
May 1, 2016 at 6:14 pm #6313
Some of you are asking if this “Experience” in which you have been asked to give — hmmm let me see here, hold on, almost got it…. Oh yes, there it is, NOTHING, zero, zilch, the big goose EGG, nothing but the price of your own entry and time…. is for you? Oh boy, oh boooooy…. TRUST us when we say we are asking “if YOU are for US…” :/
TAKE and complain. Rinse, repeat, recycle. 2 stars. Dislike. Not what I THINK I WANTED. Un-instant, non-gratification. More shiny, glossy empty calories please! Supersize it, I’m not full!!!!!!
Was Miss Daela truly owed anything? Hmmmm….
I know! Let’s use our medium, our temple, the digital parchment, if you will and I just did, so we are… that we lay out to call others to the Light for petty and trivial aspects that have nothing to do with any of the lessons we are trying to impart.
How do the kiddies do it? Does this help:
Do we always eat and then chomp. Chomp. CHOMP. feebly try to bite the hand that feeds?
We asked WHO you were and now we see don’t we? Yes we do! ^ . ^
“The price for admission will not be met with apathy or business as usual.”
Ring a ring ring… Wake up Y’all!!! Draw in them other moths or get burned by that dang ol’ flame, never to ever ever hear from us again.
Post Script, I have many many names, some I even share with others but let’s make it a-okay official now that we’ve done the whole:
“You get a rebuke, you get a rebuke and you get aaaaaaaaa brand new rebuuuuuuke!”
I guess what I am reallllly, truly and honestly trying to convey at this moment on this space right here and right now, wait right now… No, right now. NOW. It keeps slipping doesn’t it? How can NOW be now if you keep reading forward forever inching in time to the end of this sentence? Stop. Think of it. NOW. Stop. There. That one. Where were we? Oh yes…
I’m here, I’m up, I’m out and I’m doing it!
I am, YOU are, we are and they are NOT The New Dawn. Let’s all act like it before I start to get my feeeeeewings hurt and then out comes me BANHAMMMMMER!
This is the next pieCe the next part, the next big TO DO!
See YOU soon!
From this second forward you can refer to me as GateKeeper 4.
May 1, 2016 at 6:46 pm #6315
I have to say that I find it odd that people are complaining about their treatment.
Since the beginning, the OOA has stressed that tension is the main component in their philosophy. This process is about self-discovery, so complaining that you were made to feel terrible is kind of like a monk who is fasting and complaining that they were hungry – That’s the entire point.
At my first consultation, my interviewer yelled at me and called me a “worthless piece of shit.” I left feeling like a failure but I’ve kept going. Personally, the fear and paranoia I’ve felt through this whole thing has been electrifying. Cause that’s how we know we’re alive.
P.S. Welcome, GateKeeper 4.
May 1, 2016 at 7:57 pm #6318
It was an interestingly introspective experience. I agree with others here that it was hard to come up with interesting answers on the spot to some of the questions asked! In a way, I guess that pressure is part of it. I had a man asking me questions and a woman responding to them–and I liked how snarky she was at times, at least with me. She seemed fun. :p
May 1, 2016 at 8:12 pm #6319
Also, did anyone experience anything that seemed to have come from their questionnaire or other information that was accessed by the O.O.A.? I think I was asked something at one point that reflected my questionnaire answers–but it didn’t even click that that’s where it came from until today!
May 1, 2016 at 9:45 pm #6329
None of my event experience seemed to be the result of my questionnaire replies.
May 2, 2016 at 9:19 am #6355
@halfgreekgoddess while I don’t think any of the questions I was asked specifically related to my personal questionnaire, some of the questions were the same questions from the questionnaire.
Upon reflection, I think maybe this ties into a lot of what they are exploring in terms of privacy in the modern age and our relationship to technology. Maybe they are exploring how we answer the questions differently in a live scenario under pressure vs behind the wall of a computer screen.
I know I definitely answered a couple of questions differently, for better or worse. -
May 2, 2016 at 12:10 pm #6377
@endlesspictures That’s a really interesting point! There was a lot of commentary on the internet/apps/etc. and our privacy.
May 1, 2016 at 8:24 pm #6320
My experience yesterday definitely fell within the spectrum of everyone else’s experience. I did have the distinct privilege of spending many frankly delightful hours with my Brothers and Sister bonding and speculating and later unpacking the events. As for my very first physical encounter with the OOA, I was definitely appreciative of the line of inquiry as I feel that introspection and reflection is a healthy exercise. It is sometimes painful or at least uncomfortable but I have always tried to be honest to the OOA as I always try to be with those who are important to me. In the end, I was deeply thankful for the opportunity to meet with them. Also, with the pervasive message of the exposure technology poses to each of us, I find that perhaps the happy medium is to use that technology (via Internet, social media, etc.) as a tool for building community and getting together rather than as a substitute for human interaction. I truly hope for each and every one of us the kind of joy and fellowship I experienced last night as a result of the fellowship with my Brothers and Sisters and sharing with the OOA and just looking at the starry skyline of the city and laughing and caring with and for each other.
May 1, 2016 at 8:33 pm #6321
I’m actually surprised to hear anyone felt mistreated because I didn’t feel that way at all yesterday. I found everyone quite pleasant.
May 1, 2016 at 10:41 pm #6337
I’m sorry I haven’t posted about my experience yet, I honestly haven’t had the time to fully explain what a mind fuck I went through. I loved it and can’t wait to share it all with you. I just need longer than 5 minutes to put thoughts to words. OOA, thank you dearly for including me in your event. I am delighted in taking my first steps to find the Light. Glory Be.
May 2, 2016 at 7:48 am #6347
Was anyone who attended these events asked to keep any part of their experience or anything they were told to themselves by chance?
May 2, 2016 at 9:21 am #6357
No. I even asked questions to clarify the NDA before signing the waiver.
May 4, 2016 at 10:58 pm #6532
@sovereignskies I have not been told specifically to keep things to myself, but I admit I have not revealed all details of my various encounters or emails because there have been a couple of things that were definitely aimed at me on a very personal level. (Including some personal touches which I am still am unclear as to how they have learned may be effective with me.) I am holding back a little, but not much. It’s just a personal choice.
But, really good question!!!
May 2, 2016 at 7:53 am #6348
How were you directed to the location? Was everyone sent to same place?
How were you greeted upon arrival?
While events and interactions have been mentioned, in what order did they occur?
How many rooms did you go through?
What items were you given? Questions asked?
How was your departure from the event?
Have you received any follow-up since?-
May 2, 2016 at 9:17 am #6354
@erin I wrote a blog post about April 30th https://liveescaperoomreviews.com/2016/05/02/the-tension-experience-california/
May 2, 2016 at 9:35 am #6360
Oh regarding follow-up… I received a call last night around 2am, a few minutes after posting my blog, from a mysterious male voice. He said something to the effect of they had seen my account and I had done good today in light. I was thrilled to get the call, but it caught me so off guard that I can’t remember the words exactly. It was a nice phone call.
May 2, 2016 at 8:26 am #6349
@sovereignskies – I wasn’t told to keep anything to myself. The one stipulation they did give, was to not discuss it with ANYONE until 9pm that night (which seemed to be right after the last person was supposed to go through)
@erin –
How were you directed to the location? By phone call or email.
Was everyone sent to same place? It seems so
How were you greeted upon arrival? Instantly upon arrival, no. We were instructed to wait for a phone call, once the phone call came, we were then greeted once we were found by Talia.
While events and interactions have been mentioned, in what order did they occur? Phone call/email with the location, phone call at the location, some people had interaction with the previous Apostle that went through, we were then greeted by Talia and signed an NDA saying we wouldn’t discuss what happened until 9pm and also a waiver, then we put the hood on and led somewhere. Once we were at a certain spot, we got questioned then asked to take our hood off, questioned some more and I think we were asked to hand our phone over (can’t remember if it was before or after we took our hood off), asked to put the hood back on and then led out and right before we left, we got our phone back.
How many rooms did you go through? It’s hard to tell based on the hood.
What items were you given? Questions asked? I was given a gift and a letter and was asked to read the letter out loud. The gift was a journal and the letter (hand written on really nice paper!) said that I have been Anointed as the first official Scribe of the Archive of Knowledge!
How was your departure from the event? Mine was fairly simple and direct. I was told to leave and go directly to my car. I did pass the next Apostle coming in with Talia on the street and couldn’t help but smile to myself.
Have you received any follow-up since? I received a phone call on Saturday night asking if I received my gift.-
May 2, 2016 at 8:48 am #6352
May 2, 2016 at 8:52 am #6353
May 2, 2016 at 9:20 am #6356
May 2, 2016 at 9:37 am #6361
I’m sorry you feel that way @erin. Sending a hug cyber bear hug. I’m sure you are being noticed through your activity here. Stick with it.
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
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May 2, 2016 at 10:19 am #6371
@puppetgirl, I’m okay with having not been at the party, there will be other times. I But this thread just made me go “hold up, more details please!”
It’s like when you’re hanging out with friends that all start talking about something forgetting you weren’t there too.
May 2, 2016 at 8:44 am #6350
These experiences have made me rethink my thoughts on the mention of applications in the privacy policy.
see more on this here.-
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
May 2, 2016 at 9:48 am #6364
How were you directed to the location? Was everyone sent to same place?
-We were all sent to the same place, as far as I know. Approx 4 hours before my appointment I received a call telling me which street corner I would need to be at. I was told that the street corner had a yellow jewelry store that I was to wait outside of. Shortly before my appointment I was called twice, once by a man and once by a woman. They each told me that my appointment was to be slightly later. I ultimately had to show up 10 minutes past my set time.How were you greeted upon arrival?
-I was not. The jewelry store was on a busy street corner. I waited alone for approx. 7 minutes without anyone acknowledging meWhile events and interactions have been mentioned, in what order did they occur?
-I first received a phone call from a woman asking me if I was on the corner. I told her I was. She told me to raise my right hand. I did, and was approached by @endlesspictures. He verified who I was and stared at me. I stared back. We didn’t say anything. After a short amount of time, he left, telling me to wait there rather than follow him. I was immediately approached by a friendly woman who hugged me, clearly excited for me. She had me sign the waver and NDA. She then took my arm and started walking me down the street. She stopped, asking if I trusted them, and asked that I put a hood on to prove it. I did so. We continued walking down the street before turning into what felt like an alley or hallway. Then into an elevator. The elevator led into a large room. The hood was removed, and I was in front of a mirror. I was instructed not to look away from it, so I only have a general idea of what the room looked like. I was interviewed, my phone was inspected, and the hood was replaced. I was then walked back to the jewelry store, and instructed to stare into the eyes of the next disciple. I did so to @mkarrettHow many rooms did you go through?
-Segments were as follows:
1. Jewelry corner
2. Walking down Hill St (approx 21 paces)
3. Left turn into alley/hallway (approx 9 paces)
4. Right turn into elevator (approx 7 seconds between door close/open – Unsure of timing)
5. Directly walked out to large, empty concrete room. (unsure of room size or paces, lost track. Estimate 20 paces between elevator and mirror.)
After interview, reverse order of these roomsWhat items were you given? Questions asked?
-No items given, only the hood for a while. Questions were introspective in nature, several repeated. All along the lines of “Do you like what you see in the mirror” “Are you a good person” “What is your biggest regret” “Did you tell any lies today” etc.How was your departure from the event?
-After I was un-hooded the second time and released, I stared at Melissa as ordered, and left to return to the Escondite where we had gathered for drinks until our appointmentsHave you received any follow-up since?
-A few hours after the appointment, the bartender at the Escondite informed me that someone had called and needed to get ahold of me, as my phone was off. My phone was not. The OOA was on the line, and reminded me of our promise not to talk about the event until 9pm, as was instructed. The voice said that they would know, as there was someone there that was one of them, watching us. By the time I assured the voice on the line that we had not spoken of the details of the event I suspect that they had hung up.-
May 2, 2016 at 11:30 am #6373
I experienced two significant differences from what @thegilded described.
1) I was not asked to stare at a fellow apostle on the street corner. I was instructed to go directly to my car, not looking at or speaking to anyone, and to continue to my final destination.
2) Once leaving the elevator on my way to the interview space I was left to stand still and reflect on enlightenment for what seemed to be about 7 minutes. While I stood still and silent, I could hear various vague and sporadic things happening. For example, a man sniffed into one of my ears (*sniff sniff*), then the other, then moved away silently. I also heard a couple sudden loud jump scare type noises (the first did make me flinch). At one point I heard a noise and then felt something vaguely brush the side of my ankle. The noise were all of a banging, clanging type. The best I can say is it all reminded me of industrial type sounds. Someone else described it as possibly the work of a golf club, which I could also see as a possibility.
Once my escort came back to take me to the interview, I was pushed quickly and franticly for at least 2 minutes before arriving at the spot I was to stand in front of the mirror. In retrospect, I find it humorous (and fun) that it is very possible I was merely being pushed around in the one large interview room space for nothing more than the effect.
@erin I hate that you feel like the one not invited to the party. Your time will come. Until then you know how to reach me… ask for any clarification you need, it’s no bother at all π
May 2, 2016 at 10:27 am #6372
@puppetgirl your blog write up is very good! Thank for the details!
May 2, 2016 at 12:04 pm #6375
Thank you all for being so detailed and sharing your experiences. It means a lot to those of us who are far away haha!
May 2, 2016 at 2:21 pm #6393
Ok, sorry that I took a couple of days before I shared my experience from Saturday. Let me start by saying that I had a blast and felt very vulnerable after it was all done. The day started off with meeting up with my fellow brothers and sisters for this experience. We all sat around and one by one left to go meet up with the OOA. I, along with others, had received a phone call and were told that an unruly applicant has caused problems and that our times are getting pushed back. I was so giddy to hear from them on the phone haha. Ok skip forward to when I’m outside the location, I was a little early and was hiding on the opposite side of the street. “Not a minute early, not a minute late” So yea, I’m just trying to do as directed and trying to not be seen that I was a little early. Next thing I know, my phone is ringing, it’s them!
I am told to go under the yellow building and wait there with my right hand up, I was so caught up in what was going on that I never realized I was holding my left hand up the whole time haha. Thank you @reaton for pointing that out to me haha. So I got my hand up and then I see @reaton coming down the street towards me, I’m trying not to make eye contact because once again I’m just trying to do as directed and not screw up. Next thing I know, I got @reaton staring at me in my eyes, freaking me out, and I have no idea what to do. He walked away after 10 seconds and left me there puzzled. Next thing I know, my hand is getting pulled and I’m being led down the street by this younger woman. I ask her her name and she replies “Tahlia.” I actually got to meet someone from the OOA, Glory Be. I was so excited and yet scared about what I was going to be going thru. I signed the waiver and was asked if I trusted the OOA. I said yes and was asked to put a red velvet hood over my head. Leap of Faith here I come…
So I get led inside and we go down in an elevator, as I exit the elevator, I am left all by myself and alone for what seemed like a couple of minutes. The cool thing was that I heard this church procession in the distance. A man was preaching and I heard the congregation. I was standing there for quite awhile, that I contemplated on searching out this preaching man by sound and touch. I didn’t though and figured I should just stay where I am at. The church procession stopped and next thing I know, I’m being led away to somewhere else. I’m standing now in front of the mirror, I just don’t know it yet. Questions are asked, I get yelled at by the older gentleman to speak up. Now I really hate these introspective questions and confronting one self, but in this case I answered honestly and felt somewhat healed when it was all done with. Not to skip ahead though because the real mind fuck was that the old man called out one of our own. I was answering questions about trust and I truly wish I remembered what my answer was (I was shaking and excited and scared haha), but as I answered this question the older gentleman yelled at me, “Kind of like NEIL KING!!” WTF?!? I did not expect for his name to be dropped and that threw me for a loop. My mind split between all these things happening and what it means. I still don’t know why @nking was brought up in my experience, but I am highly curious and will patiently wait for the OOA to show their reasons behind their actions. So I finish answering the questions that the lady is asking me. I am asked to put my hood back on and I am ushered back out. As this is happening, I believe it was the older man, I hear this whisper in my ear, “We are not who you think we are.” Holy Fuck! Freaky!!! I am led back up in an elevator and directed by Thalia to remove my hood. She’s so nicehaha. Anyways, she asks me if I received instructions, I hadn’t. Thalia then gives me those instructions and I leave the building, looking for my other brother/sister in Light holding their hand up. I see them and share my feelings and experience with them thru my eyes for a good 10 seconds before I leave and trip out on how much of a mind fuck this all was. Don’t get me wrong, it was awesome!! The only questions that I walked away with and still am asking myself… What was the church procession? Can I be a part of that? And why the fuck NEIL KING??
OOA, I graciously thank you for all that you have done and allowing me to be a part of your Enlightenment. I look forward to continuing my _path with you. Glory Be
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
_Michael Gray.
May 2, 2016 at 3:48 pm #6395
AnonymousLmao dude, @nkin the OOA really doesn’t fuck with you like that. I feel like every other week you get called out for something and you never know why
May 2, 2016 at 3:48 pm #6396
AnonymousLmao dude, @nking the OOA really doesn’t fuck with you like that. I feel like every other week you get called out for something and you never know why
May 2, 2016 at 4:29 pm #6402
Honestly @rizzzoooooo I have no clue! Apparently I have not figured out the truth yet. I was there on Saturday but they cancelled on me. At first we thought it was just a misfortune of time but after hearing that from Michael, I believe it was almost on purpose. They really do not like me. Well let’s hope the truth is revealed sooner rather than later because I do seek the light.
May 2, 2016 at 7:00 pm #6408
AnonymousHmmmmm, maybe all this disliking from the OOA will put you in the spotlight of some sentinel shenanigans?
May 2, 2016 at 4:08 pm #6399
I find the overhearing of preaching very interesting. Did it sound like OOA related? Or not?
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May 2, 2016 at 4:41 pm #6403
@erin I can only assume it was OOA related because as I stopped hearing it, that was when I was escorted out from where I was put. I know that I was underground but yet I sounded like it was down the hall, muffled. I place all my money on the fact that it was on purpose. Was I the only one to hear this? I know that it was there because the desire to walk towards it was almost to much, who knows what would’ve happened if I started looking for this with my hood on though.
@rizzzoooooo It happened and I’m still questioning why? I guess only time will tell.-
May 2, 2016 at 5:20 pm #6405
@kingkill33 I wonder what would have happened if you’d sought out the church procession. In retrospect I had similar thoughts that could have been construed as mutinous if I’d have carried them out. What if I had turned my head and looked at the interviewer or the whispering man, or removed my hood while standing in the hallways waiting. Would my experience would have ended abruptly? Would I have been rewarded for acting of my own mind? Maybe next time, if I’m fortunate enough to get a next time.
May 2, 2016 at 5:20 pm #6406
It funny because now that you mention it I also heard a faint noise that at the time I thought sounded like a ritual, but then I blew it off thinking it must have been a kitchen or dining area or something elsewhere that I was hearing from outside or another part of the building and was just over thinking it because I was hooded and listening so hard.
May 2, 2016 at 6:59 pm #6407
AnonymousAfter the woman had whispered the “you’re not special” lines, I heard noises as well but to me it sounded for like 2/3 people just kind of hanging out and shooting the shit (i.e. Chill talking, a couple of laughs, nothing crazy)
May 2, 2016 at 10:48 pm #6412
@electrichippo and @kingkill33 Near the very end as I started to hear whispering, I could not hear what was being said… I reached up and tried to adjust my hood upward to hopefully hear more clearly. The female voice immediately said “Don’t do that! They are watching us! They watch everything!!” I was NOT trying to be disruptive, but she clearly knew she had to keep me moving forward. I doubt any exploration would have been allowed. I simply whispered “Barely” and she spoke up a bit, gave me the cryptic warning and moved me onward.
@rizzzoooooo I do not recall hearing the “you’re not special” dialogue.
I do not recall any noise that might have been a church service… but I was very distracted. After I was led out of the elevator I was left alone for a few minutes. (Was I so completely nervous that I did not hear anything at all? I am not sure.) During that time, several loud noises startled me. Then someone stood very, very close to me. He firmly pinioned my arms to my sides, letting me know that he was in control. He suddenly pushed me toward the mirror area. With out revealing everything, I will say that the physical nature of that encounter did hold personal significance to me. It was a very positive emotional moment for me. I am curious if anyone else had a similar moment outside the elevator.
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
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May 3, 2016 at 3:20 pm #6434
“He firmly pinioned my arms to my sides, letting me know that he was in control.”
He did the same to me, but not until I was placed in front of the mirror, right before I was instructed to remove my hood. It’s interesting how you perceived the action of him holding your arms in place. When he did it to me I actually felt it as a way of saying okay we’ve arrived at your destination. Ground yourself. We’re about to begin. It was actually a comforting sensation.
May 4, 2016 at 11:09 pm #6533
@electrichippo Glad you had that sensation right before the hood came off, that’s awesome!!
I had a couple of minutes with that person right after the elevator. It began with someone very intimately putting there head against mine and pushing into me… almost knocking me off balance, I think, then the grabs and holds became aggressive and intimidating.
To be honest, it was actually thrilling for me to put my trust in them and have that happen, it was a very healthy leap of faith for me, if that makes any sense!-
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
May 4, 2016 at 12:20 am #6464
I was wondering, for those of you that attended Saturday’s event, did anyone ask what the OOA stands for to anyone with the OOA? What was their response if you did? I didn’t ask and I was telling myself to do it before I went, of course in my excitement, I forgot to ask haha.
May 4, 2016 at 9:03 am #6471
The mass emailing that is going out this morning has a header that states:
“we are not who you think we are… this is not what you think it is.”
This is the same sentiment most or all of the event attendees heard.
It’s also interesting to me that they’ve officially stated: you must be 18 or over to participate. Sorry, @dsapir
May 4, 2016 at 9:15 am #6472
“They now writhe in Glory.”
oh ha ha OOA.
Also congrats Mike, one step closer.
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
May 4, 2016 at 9:18 am #6473
Thank you @aerosquirrel ! I didn’t know how to take that either haha
Also, on the left hand side, it’s me reading the letter I was given, but from within the event!! The picture of me on the street….also, no idea about that one. They’re watching me!
The forums image/link is an image of @thegilded and one of his posts!
May 4, 2016 at 10:29 am #6492
Where is the image of @mike reading the letter?
May 4, 2016 at 10:32 am #6494
@puppetgirl – if you look on the left hand side of the image, it’s there. You can make out the white of the letter and then my head in front of it. The picture was taken from behind. The man told me to stare forward and not turn around and was told to read it out loud. Crap, I wonder if they have video as well
May 4, 2016 at 11:58 am #6503
I’m quite fond of this line as well! It made me smile when I read it.
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
May 4, 2016 at 9:19 am #6474
May 4, 2016 at 9:26 am #6477
@electrichippo – haha yeah, she just told me that story
May 4, 2016 at 9:30 am #6478
It seems to be the first evidence that they acquired something from one of our phones.
My last photos (prior to OOA taking my phone) were of Daela being led down the street by Talia. If anything like that turns up, we’ll know where they came from!
May 4, 2016 at 9:43 am #6480
For anyone wondering – I took the picture of Mike on the street corner. It was while I was waiting in front of the jewelry store and I was scouting for clues. We now have evidence that the OOA looked through our photos during the event. I am honored that they chose to use my photo.
May 4, 2016 at 11:56 am #6502
May 4, 2016 at 2:06 pm #6505
@amieexists – In the email image, there is a hand holding my phone. I would guess they went through my gallery, zoomed in on the photo (the original picture is zoomed out more), and then took a photo of my phone with theirs.
May 4, 2016 at 6:13 pm #6511
May 4, 2016 at 9:24 am #6476
I’m honored that the OOA would include my image on their forum link. The image they used was this post that I made.
May 4, 2016 at 9:56 am #6481
Something else worth noting, something that I had missed before:
When I was walking over to my appointment, I was called twice to tell me to show up a little later due to appointments running late. One of the two calls was unique in that it was from an unblocked number, the first unblocked call that I’ve received from the OOA. It was a man that I previously called Atticus, a man who spoke in gruff, terse sentences, normally in the imperative. He didn’t say much, just to show up a little later, but the part that I didn’t catch until now was that he was calling me from the Omega Council’s phone number.
Did anyone else receive any unblocked calls? Was this a mistake on their part or was this event being run by, at least in part, by Omega? If that is the case, does this imply that the “interrogation” was to weed out detractors or unfit disciples?
May 4, 2016 at 10:27 am #6489
I received two calls one from a blocked number who was the terse male and one from the omega council number. However, it was a female voice. I found out it was omega council cause I called back after I talked to her. I could not hear the tail end of the call due to street noise, so I wanted to confirm that it was time for me to move to the corner. When I called back, it went to the omega council voice mail.
May 4, 2016 at 10:32 am #6493
My times were pushed via email
May 4, 2016 at 10:35 am #6495
All of my calls were from “No Caller ID”
May 4, 2016 at 7:12 pm #6516
AnonymousYea both calls were from blocked calls, two from the male voice and three from talia (two right before the meeting and one earlier in the day in regards to the time change)
May 4, 2016 at 11:16 pm #6535
All my calls were from blocked numbers. Some people had their times shifted twice… mine only shifted once the day of the event. After I got the call to show up a bit later and was walking toward the address, I noticed I had gotten an email from OOA with no subject line. It simply apologized for the schedule change.
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