Chronicle 7/19-7/25

Tension brand Forums NEW ASPIRANTS, Begin Here Chronicle 7/19-7/25

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded) 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #16311
    Profile photo of ReidV


    Feeling lost? Behind? Confused? Too bad.

    ~four is gone and so is the hand-holding.

    Now that’s out of the way, let’s spend some quality time together. Just you and me and we and us and THEM.

    Do you ever feel like chasing your own tail?

    I do.

    Alas, you can’t feed all your little chickadees at once,
    and even special snowflakes melt in 100 degree weather.

    So’s what a girl/boy/elder god to do?
    Survey says…
    *Ding ding! Absolutely Nothing.
    Here’s some advice:

    There. Is. Always. Someone. Better. Than. You.

    Putt-putt down the freeway of life as best you can honey but best BELIEVE people are gonna cut you off to beat the traffic.

    But I digress-
    (When do I not?)

    To put it simply:
    The countdown is nearly at its end.
    HE will be back and HE’s gonna take us all in his (i’m hoping) muswoley arms and sing us a lullaby written in fire.
    And the Oracles will writhe, the Ewoks will dance and Hayden Christensen will be edited in, and although you and I are just spackle on the drywall of this world we’ll make WONDERFUL tinder.

    Doesn’t everyone love a BBQ?

    Xoxo, I’ll see you at Ascension.

    In Darkness,

    Those who miss four.

  • #16316
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    To compliment this, from @mike and @reaton My Haunt life podcast, which I will be listening today after work:

    Episode 15 – Part 1 – The Tension Experience: Prepare for War

  • #16318
    Profile photo of

    That GIF, ew.

  • #16659

    Further Reading –

    The Story So Far
    Last Week’s events

    Sorry this sticky came so late. Entirely my bad.

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